  • Pursuant to Article 65 (1) of the (Romanian) Labour Code, the dismissal may occur for reasons not related to the employee in case the workplace held by the employee has been dissolved, for one or more reasons not related to the employee, and paragraph (2) of the text stipulates that the dissolution of the workplace must be effective and must have a real and serious cause. In this study, the author exhaustively examines the diverging opinions (solutions) in the doctrine and the case-law from Romania concerning the meaning and the scope of Article 65 (2) of the Labour Code and, then, firmly considers that, in the event of litigations, the law courts are obliged to examine not only the formallegal aspects of the measure of dismissal in the given situation, but also the opportunity of such measure, therefore, in other terms, the reality and the seriousness of dismissal (by the employer) for the reason of dissolution of the workplace held by the employee.
  • Questioned by an alleged absence of their own method and investigation field, legal science and research are fully legitimised in reality. Legal doctrine research deals with formal sources of law, and results in deduction and explanation of legal rules. Legal scientific research deals with legal rules in force from a formal point of view and refers to the legitimation (delegitimation) of legal rules of substantial law; its method is the deduction of general principles of law as a specific normative subsystem within the social system and the relation of the legal rules to these principles.
  • This study analyzes the new structure of the judgment based on the guilty plea, describes the conditions of application of this simplified procedure in comparison with the previous regulation, the rules of conduct of the special judicial investigation, the solutions which can be issued by courts in order to solve the criminal action, all these by emphasizing the advantages or shortcomings of the new institution.
  • The radical reformation of the criminal proceedings meant also the establishment of new legal institutions. One of them is the preliminary chamber, inspired by the Anglo-Saxon law systems, and by the continental law system. Conceived as a distinct phase of criminal proceedings, the preliminary verification raises real problems of constitutionality, being unable to fit into the mechanism of the judicial bodies stated in the Fundamental Law. In so far as it takes over functions of the judges and it excludes from debates the main subjects of criminal proceedings, it is also contrary to the requirements of the ECHR on the principles of equality of arms and equity.
  • According to Article 247 of the Law No 187/2012 for the implementation of the Law No 286/2009, the Criminal Code entered into force on 1 February 2014. The new Criminal Code provides four articles for the regulation of the application of the criminal law in time: Article 3 refers to the principle of the activity of the criminal law, Article 4 regulates the retroactivity of the criminal law of decriminalization, Article 5 is devoted to the application of the most favourable criminal law before the final judgment of the case, Article 6 concerns the application of the most favourable criminal law after the final judgment of the case, and Article 7 is reserved to the application in time of the temporary criminal law. Throughout this study the author presents and explains the new criminal rules regulating the application in time of criminal law.
  • This article makes an analysis of the institution of putative marriage regulated by the provisions of Article 304 of the Civil Code which establishes an important derogation from the principle quod nullum est, nullum producit effectum. Therefore, there are raised for discussion the conditions of existence of the putative marriage and there are presented the effects of its nullity in the relationships between the former spouses, making distinction between the situation where both spouses acted in good faith upon the conclusion of the marriage and the situation in which only one of them acted in good faith, as well as in the relationships between parents and their children. The final part is devoted to the conclusions drawn from this study.
  • For the first time in the Romanian legislation, the new Civil Code (Article 1368) expressly regulates the subsidiary obligation to reimburse the victim, in the sense that „lack of discernment does not exempt the author of the damage from paying a reimbursement to the victim whenever the liability of the person who, according to the law, had the duty to supervise such person can not be engaged” (the author of the damage). In this study there are successively examined: aspects of comparative law in the matter; the position of the Romanian doctrine and of the case-law on the issue in question; the quality of the liable person [for the purpose of Article 1368 (1) of the Civil Code]; the tort civil liability of the person who lacks discernment; the legal basis of the subsidiary liability of the person who lacks discernment; final de lege ferenda proposals in order to improve Article 1368 (1) of the Civil Code.
  • This study aims to briefly analyze the promise of sale with the three forms in which the promise is objectified: unilateral promise, bilateral promise, option pact. In the opinion of the author, the versions of the promise are separate legal entities, all preceeding the final contract, which can be regarded as preparatory stages of the final contract, in the process of its progressive elaboration. In the view of the Romanian legislator, but also of the dominant doctrine, the unilateral promise is essentially different from the option pact, contrary to the French doctrine and to a part of the Romanian doctrine. In the enforcement of the promise the author appreciates that the pronouncing of a judgment, which replaces the contract, is a way of exception of the enforcement in kind, not being possible for the court to substitute for the lack of consent for the final conclusion of the contract expressed in the form provided by law for the final act, of any of the parties. Therefore, in essence, the principle of contractual freedom shall prevail over the principle of its binding force.
  • The author of the study critically refers to the contradictory opinions expressed in the doctrine with regard to the scope of companies covered by Article 1931 of the new Civil Code, a text which regulates the tacit extension of the duration of the company contract. Noting that, according to an opinion, the text is applicable not only to the simple company, but also to all companies with legal personality regulated by the Law No 31/1990 on companies, and, according to another opinion, it is applicable only to the simple company, the author advocates and argues his own opinion. According to the author’s opinion, the tacit extension of the duration of the company may occur in case of simple company (without legal personality), regulated by the new Civil Code, but also in cases of stock company and company limited by shares (companies with legal personality), regulated by the Law No 31/1990 (a special law in relation to the new Civil Code). On the contrary, the author considers that the text of Article 1931 of the new Civil Code is incompatible with the legal regime of the general partnership, of the company limited by shares and of the limited liability company (companies with legal personality regulated by the same special law), because, otherwise, the legal rule by which it is recognized to the personal creditors of the associates in these companies the right to opposition to the extension of the duration of the legal person would be eluded.
  • Unlike the previous Civil Procedure Code, the current (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code regulates (as an exception from the rule of uniqueness of the judicial remedies of a judgment) the admissibility, in some situations, of filing an appeal ex novo during the judgment of an appeal ex novo, respectively, of filing the appeal on law during the judgment of an appeal on law. This study examines analytically this new conception and regulation of the current Civil Procedure Code (Law No 134/2009, republished), the author positively appreciating the new regulation in question.
  • Pentru motivele pe care le vom detalia în continuare, ne vom pronunța de la început în legătură cu problemele anunțate în titlu și vom afirma că este necesară revizuirea Constituției, dar, deocamdată, nu este oportună. Este necesară deoarece exercitarea puterii politico-etatice pe baza Constituției, pe parcursul a mai bine de 22 de ani, a întâmpinat dificultăți determinate de modul laconic sau deficitar de reglementare care, la rândul său, a condus la interpretarea diferită, uneori contrară, a unor reguli constituționale de către principalii actori politici, de contradicția dintre unele texte constituționale, de lipsa existenței unor principii clar formulate privind organizarea și exercitarea puterii politice, de căderea în desuetudine a unor reguli sau principii juridice înscrise în legea fundamentală, de caracterul confuz al unor reglementări, de integrarea României în Uniunea Europeană și consecințele acestui fapt pe planul exercitării puterii etc.
  • Întrebarea pe care ne-o punem cu toții este cum să construim o societate a bunăstării, în care să domnească cel puțin o bună înțelegere și toleranța, o societate non-agresivă, dacă o societate consensuală nu este posibilă. Răspunsul ar putea fi preferința pentru dialog; deci este necesară crearea de instituții și proceduri care prin mijloace juridice să asigure consolidarea democrației. Revizuirea Constituției este o importantă pârghie pentru a se atinge acest scop. Buna guvernare și consolidarea statului de drept se pot obține prin amplificarea rolului dreptului în sistemul politic statal, astfel încât democrația și o participare publică reală la formularea și adoptarea actelor normative secundare și chiar terțiare să fie consacrate prin norme juridice constituționale.
  • Este în afara oricărei îndoieli că tradiționala clasificare a constituțiilor în constituții rigide și în constituții suple rămâne o teză unanim admisă de către constituționaliști. Cei care critică această clasificare o fac fie din ignoranță (și aici replicile sunt inutile), fie din motive pur electorale, mai mult sau mai puțin motivate. Pentru liniștea sufletească a acestora din urmă, trebuie să se observe că doctrina constituțională explică foarte clar faptul că rigiditatea unei constituții nu se opune revizuirii sale. Rigiditatea constituțională este de fapt un procedeu tehnic (constituțional) care se legitimează prin stabilitatea în timp a constituției, ca trăsătură definitorie a acesteia. Iar stabilitatea constituției se fondează, la rândul său, pe realitatea că o constituție este o reformă, este cea mai complexă reformă, a cărei exprimare cere timp și, de ce să nu o spunem, răbdare.
  • În spațiul public românesc din ultimii patru ani, discuțiile referitoare la revizuirea Constituției au devenit atât de uzuale, încât riscă să bagatelizeze nu doar ideea de revizuire a Constituției, ci chiar conceptul de lege fundamentală. În marea lor majoritate, dezbaterile publice referitoare la necesitatea modificării Constituției au stat sub semnul unor viziuni personale și personalizate cu privire la rolul instituțiilor fundamentale ale statului. Cel mai adesea, opțiunile formulate de maniera cea mai vocală au avut ca punct de pornire situațiile conflictuale în care au fost implicate diferite autorități publice. În sine, această abordare, eminamente din perspectivă conflictuală, deși utilă și poate chiar necesară, este incompletă și insuficientă.
  • The scientific approach of the authors starts from the fact that, when it comes to concepts such as, for example, resilience or victimology, which can not be understood or applied without a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or even transdisciplinary approach (see the conclusion which the authors have reached with regard to the possibility of appearance of a new discipline, namely legal resilience), the competences of the legal science specialists, in general, and of those in the field of criminal law, in particular, together with the competences of the specialists in psychology, psychiatry, and others, are extremely important. The authors place the above-mentioned concepts on the law – psychology – psychiatry interface and they analyze them from the perspective of the criminal justice and of the relationship between the persons involved, respectively the victims of crimes (minors and adults to the same extent), with society, but also with the aggressor, both before committing the criminal act and thereafter. Moreover, with respect to resilience and victimology, after it is pointed out that they do not have unique definitions, generally-accepted, there are also revealed the essential points on which those involved in the research of these matters have agreed upon, as well as the exchange of information and of procedures performed at the the boundary between resilience and victimology. At the same time, the criminal justice is not treated under a retributive aspect, but more from the point of view of a reparative, restorative justice, of the means by which it contributes to the mental health of the victims, of the populations that live in traumatized societies, to repairing the social trauma, to establishing the causes and the prevention of victimization, etc. At the same time, the authors also present the guarantees of the right to a fair trial granted to the victims of crimes, as well as some regulations intended to prevent victimization and to grant legal protection to the persons in precarious situations, such as: refugees, mentally ill, abandoned children and others.
  • Articolul 60 din Codul muncii reglementează ipotezele în care angajatorului îi este interzis, pe o perioadă limitată de timp, să procedeze la concedierea angajaților săi. Articolul sus-menționat are următorul conținut: „(1) Concedierea salariaților nu poate fi dispusă: a) pe durata incapacității temporare de muncă, stabilită prin certificat medical conform legii; b) pe durata suspendării activității ca urmare a instituirii carantinei; c) pe durata în care femeia salariată este gravidă, în măsura în care angajatorul a luat cunoștință de acest fapt anterior emiterii deciziei de concediere; d) pe durata concediului de maternitate; e) pe durata concediului pentru creșterea copilului în vârstă de până la 2 ani sau, în cazul copilului cu handicap, până la împlinirea vârstei de 3 ani; f) pe durata concediului pentru îngrijirea copilului bolnav în vârstă de până la 7 ani sau, în cazul copilului cu handicap, pentru afecțiuni intercurente, până la împlinirea vârstei de 18 ani;
  • The article aims to analyze the main aspects that characterize the procedure of concluding the plea agreements, concluded between the prosecutor and the defendant, within the proceedings before international criminal courts. The fact that these courts have taken features from both legal systems, inquisitorial and accusatorial, as well as the fact that this procedure has been implemented in a stage subsequent to the adoption of the statutes of these courts, for reasons of practical necessity, makes their experience of over 12 years in implementing this procedure particularly useful to the European continental legal systems which, in their large majority, have recently adopted the Plea Agreement procedure. These also include Romania, once the „Plea Agreement” institution has been regulated within the provisions of Articles 478–488 of the new Criminal Procedure Code, which makes the study of the case-law of the international criminal courts also useful in the Romanian judicial practice.
  • This paper intends to contribute to the reform of the Romanian legislation for preventing and combating terrorism. For this purpose, the author examines briefly three aspects. First, it refers to the meaning of the term „terrorism”. Secondly, it analyzes the reason that has imposed the use of the term of terrorism in international documents and, in particular, which is the purpose of the international conventions in this matter. Thirdly, there are investigated the main provisions of the Romanian legislation (Law No 535/2004 on preventing and combating terrorism), emphasizing some of its shortcomings. Finally, the paper includes some conclusions on the compliance or, where appropriate, the inconsistency between provisions stipulated in international documents and internal provisions.
  • From the Decision No 42/2008 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, United Sections, it emerges the rule cancellation excludes revocation in respect of which, given the finality of decisions in the interest of law to ensure a unitary practice, it must be admitted that the applicability is wider than the hypothesis that has generated it.
  • Criminal regulations are lacunary as regards the punishment of the actions of some persons to determine, by corruption or by other means, ordered assassinations or other serious offences, although their activity is extremely dangerous, taking into account the fact that, sometimes, the victims escape only owing to the benevolence of those instigated, which, in some cases, even denounce the instigators.
  • In this study the author brings once again to our attention an older idea which, unfortunately, still remains ambiguous, namely the existence of a legal science. In this paper law is approached as doctrine, science and case-law, the author attempting and succeeding in capturing its role in society, as well as its quality of authentic science.
  • Under European law, EU directives and the problems of their transposition into national law are an issue that reflects the complex nature of the relationship between EU’s power to issue regulations and Member States’ tasks in deciding the optimal form of application of these rules internally. This paper presents the experience of Romania, one of the new Member States which joined the EU in 2007, with regard to the transposition into national system of the European directives as a means to illustrate the dynamics of the relationship between the European Union and the Member States.
  • The article deals with the arbitrability of disputes arising in connection with intellectual property rights. The author analyzes and proposes possible solutions, given the arguments in favour and against the arbitrability of such disputes, based on the interpretation of the relevant provisions contained in the new Civil Procedure Code and in the special legislation edicted in matters of intellectual property rights. The last part of the study comprises a comparative analysis of the possible solutions adopted in the matter of arbitrability of these disputes in some European countries, in the United States of America and in Canada.
  • The penal clause originates in the principle of contractual freedom. According to this principle, the parties are free to conclude any contracts and to determine their contents, within the limits imposed by the law, the public order and the morality (Article 1169 of the new Civil Code). This study examines the penal clause from a historical perspective, starting from the Roman law, continuing with the French canon law, the Civil Code of 1864, and then reaching to the new Civil Code, as well as the definition of the penal clause, the object, the advantages and the disadvantages of including the penal clause into contracts. The study also makes an analysis of the penal clause in comparison to other institutions of civil law, by emphasizing the similarities and the differences.
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