  • The authors discuss a guideline given to the prosecutor’s offices through a Minutes of non-unitary practice concluded on 30.07.2020. The guideline refers to the way in which the legal classification must be made, in case of committing the deeds provided by Articles 2 and 3 of the Law No 143/2000 on preventing and combating illicit drug trafficking and consumption, in reference to the Decision No 3/2017 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, in the case of international drug trafficking, when the act of bringing into or taking out from the country without right is committed in different circumstances of place and time. The authors, analyzing the given guideline, conclude that it is unrealistic.
  • The article analyzes the facultative jurisdiction of the court seized with an application promoted by a judge, a prosecutor, a registrar, a legal assistant, who act as plaintiffs in an application for which the court where they carry on their activity has jurisdiction. The analysis focuses on the meaning and the interpretation of the phrase „court where they carry on their activity”.
  • After a presentation of the practical difficulties that arise searching the Electronic Archive of Security Interests in Personal Property, we have reached in this article the conclusion that it would benefit all the participants of the judicial circuit the augmentation of the regulatory framework for the archive activity so that it will detail the procedure and the obligations of the authorized agents in searching for information in the database, following a request. Present lack of regulation leads to an erroneous perception regarding the content of the search certification minute drafted by the authorized agent, perception based on analogy with other institutions (especially the land book), and could ammount to negative consequences.
  • The author analyses (partly critically) provisions of Article 16, Article 17 and Article 19 of the Romanian Labour Code concerning the written form of the individual labour contract, the obligation to inform the employee on the essential clauses of the contract and the sanction for the failure to fulfil the information obligation with a view to better correlate them with Directive 91/533/EEC of 14 October 1991 on an employer’s obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship and with the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on this matter.
  • Potrivit art. 181 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 78/2000, folosirea sau prezentarea cu rea-credință de documente ori declarații false, inexacte sau incomplete, dacă fapta are ca rezultat obținerea pe nedrept de fonduri din bugetul general al Uniunii Europene sau din bugetele administrate de aceasta ori în numele ei, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 2 la 7 ani și interzicerea unor drepturi.
  • In this study, the author analyzes the protection measure by means of adjudication of incapacity of certain natural persons, mentally ill, by drawing a comparison between, on the one hand, the dispositions of the New Civil Code and the New Code of Civil Procedure, and, on the other hand, the old regulation contained in the Family Code of 1953 and the Ordinance no. 32/1954 regarding enactment of the Family Code and the Ordinance regarding natural persons and legal entities. In its essence, the New Civil Code preserves almost entirely the provisions of the previous regulation on this protection measure, bringing just a few elements of novelty, such as the possibility of appointing the custodian by a competent person, in case of future adjudication of incapacity or acknowledgement by law of the validity of donations made by the custodian, without being exempted of report, to the descendants of the one adjudicated of incapacity. The same thing can be observed in case of procedural dispositions, the most significant amendment brought by the New Code of Civil Procedure to the procedure of adjudication of incapacity being the modernization of the advertising system with the purpose of permitting the measure ks opposability towards third parties, thus arising two new forms of publicity, namely land registration and trade register publicity.
  • Separately from the assumption that the public authority has issued with a delay the answer to the application of the person concerned, in the administrative practice there is a situation which, due to its frequency, is likely to become a real phenomenon of the silence of the administration. It concerns the inaction of the administration that, separately from the classic situation represented by the passivity to answer to the applications of individuals, lies in its omission to act in the exercise of its legal competence or of the competence imposed by the administration itself, in this latter situation discussed a genuine „ex officio” inaction/silence, which in other countries not only is recognized, but it even benefits from a separate regulatory framework. Or, this assumption of the administration’s omission to act in order to carry out its legal competences or those established „ex officio” does not benefit in the Romanian law by a normative framework that would allow it to be challenged in the administrative disputes court, which determined us to also make a de lege ferenda proposal appeared from the undertaken analysis.
  • The study raises the issue of the legal relations between the notary public and the client. A contract of provision of services is concluded between the notary and the client, specifying that the services of the notary public are provided by the law and regulated by imperative rules. By the provisions of the Law No 36/1995, Article 28 paragraph 2 c) and by the Norm approved by the Order of the Minister of Justice No 943/C/2005 the legislator established only the lower limit of the notarial fee, the actual level of the fee being determined by negotiation between the notary and the client. The provisions of Article 32 of the Law No 36/1995 have established only the generic right of the notary to charge the fee, its quantum for each notarial service being established under the terms of the contractual relation between the notary and his client.
  • Although it maintains the legal fusion system for sanctioning multiple offences, the new Criminal Code sets forth the obligation to apply a fixed increase to the hardest punishment, representing the third part of the total punishments inflicted for simultaneous offences. The author states that the provision of the amount of the increase of punishment in the content of the law does not allow the court to judge, as the case may be, depending on the number and on the grossness of the simultaneous offences and on the particulars of the defendant, the need and especially, the amount of the punishment increase. In order to avoid certain legal exaggerations which could result from the establishment and the application of the punishment increase, according to the new regulations for the observance of the principle of lawfulness of criminal sanctions and in order not to give the court the opportunity to apply the sentence of life imprisonment when it is not set forth for any simultaneous offence, the legal amendment of the provisions of art. 39 of the new Criminal Code, is required.
  • La data de 1 martie 2020, Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria X a solicitat a se dispune înlocuirea măsurii preventive a controlului judiciar cu măsura arestării preventive față de inculpat, ca urmare a incidenței în cauză a dispozițiilor art. 215 alin. (7) C.pr.pen
  • The study analyses the legal provisions regarding the capital market in terms of the relationship which has to exist between the relevant laws of the European Union, the Romanian law and the normative acts of the National Securities Commission, as an autonomous administrative authority. Certain legislative issues which occurred in the transposition of certain provisions of the European Directives into Romanian laws are identified. These issues generate effects breaching the constitutional principles and, consequently, affect the integrity of the Romanian law system regarding the capital market. The necessary solutions are proposed as well, in order to reestablish the balance between the above mentioned normative acts, as compared to their legal force.
  • One of the situations in which the employer has the initiative to suspend the individual labour contract of the employee is the one regulated by Article 52 (1) a) of the Labour Code, i.e. during the preliminary disciplinary investigation. The employer may not exercise the right abusively conferred by the law, a fact which has been accepted both in doctrine and in case-law. In the absence of some clarifications within the content of the mentioned legal provision, some issues are raised in relation to the existence of a maximum duration of the disciplinary investigation and to the relevance in this regard of the period during which the decision to apply a disciplinary sanction may be issued, as well as in relation to the reasons likely to justify the decision to suspend the individual labour contract.
  • In this article, the author makes some observations about the documents necessary to carry out the real estate publicity formalities as a result of the division of a company. The non-unitary practice of courts and offices of cadastre and land registration in respect of the documents which require to be authenticated for validity and tabulation purposes lead to a non-unitary notarial practice, as well. Dissenting opinions appearing on the transfer of ownership basis and on the time of this transfer, lead to different views on the legal nature of notarial documents processed, which is reflected finally in the taxation field. This study supports the contractual nature of a division, and the manifestations of the final will are expressed, in principle, by the decisions of the general meetings of the companies involved in the division, by which they approve the terms of the transaction. That is, in the author’s opinion, in case of the transfer of real property right, these decisions require to be authenticated.
  • This paper has as objectives the analysis of the possibility to raise requests and exceptions in the procedure of confirmation of the solution to abandon the criminal prosecution, in relation to the exigences given by the right to a fair trial to which the suspect or defendant should be entitled. The study relates to the functional competence of the preliminary chamber judge and has as purpose to express the considerations for which the same procedure should be applied also in the processual course of the confirmation of the solution to abandon criminal prosecution. From this perspective, we will also analyze the competence to verify the legality of the administration of evidence by the criminal prosecution bodies in the light of its significances. At the same time, we will find out if the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 802/2017, by which the constitutional contentious court has enshrined the principle of the freedom of evidence in the preliminary chamber phase, should be applied also in the procedure of confirmation of the solution to abandon the criminal prosecution, before the preliminary chamber judge, in order to allow that it should be administered any means of evidence referring to the legality and loyalty of conducting criminal prosecution acts and the administration of evidence.
  • In this study the author resumes an older discussion within the Romanian doctrine of civil law, insofar if and in the light of art. 885 of the current Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on July 15th 2011 and entered into force as at October 1st 2011), the registration in the land book has or has not constitutive or translative effect of rights, in case of real rights in immovables.
  • In the Romanian doctrine, even if it is evoked the legal existence of the „right to a name”, most authors define it as if it were identical to the „name”. Likewise, some of its legal characters are just asserted, and others are logically and legally grounded in a questionable manner. In relation to this „situation”, this study is devoted to the argumentation and phrasing of a variant of „definition” for the „right to a name”, as well as to the „nuancing” of its legal characters.
  • In the absence of a meaning established by the legislator and in the presence of some modest doctrinary concerns, this study tends to be a contribution to the definition of „invention”, in general, and of „patentable invention”, in particular. Likewise, there are analyzed the „substantive conditions” for the patentability of the invention, the „elements” and the „scientific creations” which are not regarded as inventions, as well as the „unpatentable inventions”. In this context, there are also presented some situations where the provisions of the Regulation implementing the Law No 64/1991 on invention patents exceed the provisions of this Law and the legislative technique rules for elaborating the normative acts.
  • In this article the author’s opinion is in favour of the existence of the principle of the legality of misconducts, in the sense that in order for a certain illegal act to constitute such a misconduct it must be qualified as such by law, as the case may be, by statutory, contractual dispositions or unequivocally resulting from the legal orders of the hierarchical leaders. It can not be arbitrarily or subjectively determined by the employer, according to his discretionary will. From this point of view there is a complete resemblance to the criminal law which enshrines the principle of legality of incrimination, that is of the establishment and enumeration of the offences – the sole basis of the criminal liability.
  • Considered by the authors of the Civil Code of 2009 a „traditional reality in Romania”, currently the engagement has become a „legal reality”, being regulated by Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code. Without „applauding” or „disavowing” the appearance of this unusual legal institution, we find that the reactions of the specialised literature have remained at their „first steps”. However, they are mostly marked by theses from the French doctrine as well, provided that, paradoxically, the French Civil Code, even if it defines the engagement (Article 515–8), does not devote to it other legal rules as well. Wishing to be a contribution to the „continuing effort of interpretation”, this study is based, primarily, on the logical and legal, systematic and systemic analysis of the provisions of Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code.
  • This study, while indicating the absence of systematic doctrinal concern in relation to the meaning of the term „child” used in the Constitution, in the Civil Code and in several other internal or international normative acts, suggests to approach this term, lato sensu, as relative of first degree in the direct line of descent and, stricto sensu, as minor person without full capacity of exercise. Likewise, the author analyzes the definition given to this term in Article 1 of UNO Convention on the Rights of the Child and he presents some of its consequences on the internal regulations in the field.
  • This study is dedicated to the analysis of the rules of the Civil Code established for „the presumption of the legal time of conception” and to „the presumption of paternity”, insisting mostly on the novelties brought by the current regulations and by the reactions of the specialized literature in this regard. Where appropriate, de lege ferenda proposals have been grounded in order to eliminate the reported legislative inconsistencies. Also, personal points of view have been expressed on various controversial aspects of the doctrine in relation to the interpretation of the legal rules established for these two important legal institutions.
  • Starting from the semantics of the term „parental authority” and from its normative background, this study raises for discussion the issue of the intention of the authors of the current Romanian Civil Code to reaffirm the „parental power”, as a legal solution for „calming down” the trend of „early emancipation” of the child. The viability of this terminological option is analyzed both in relation to the provisions of some international and internal normative acts in the field of protection of the child’s rights and in light of the Civil Code rules regulating various aspects of authority (power) within the relationships between parents and child.
  • This study makes an examination of the legal provisions regarding the retirement of the university teaching staff. There are analyzed in a critical manner the provisions stated in Article 289 (3) and (6) of the Law on national education No 1/2011, which refers to the continuation of activity by the retired teaching staff and to the maintenance of the quality of titular in education and/or research. The author believes that the syntagms used by the mentioned texts do not receive an exemplary drafting, which may lead to different interpretations. The author also points out that, in the administrative practice, some university senates have adopted methodologies capable of annihilating the application of the legal provisions regarding the maintenance of the quality of titular of the teaching staff, solution appreciated as deeply illegal. At the end of his study, the author considers that it is necessary a better drafting of the texts relating to the maintainance in office of the university teaching staff whose teaching and scientific performance is undeniable. Likewise, de lege ferenda, it is estimated that such a possibility should be recognized only for university professors, not for all teaching staff.
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