  • En la generalidad de las legislaciones societarias actuales, se establece algún tipo de régimen que limita la realización de distribuciones a los socios por parte de la sociedad durante el transcurso de la vida social (durante societate)1. Este régimen forma parte de las medidas que se adoptan legalmente en las sociedades que limitan la responsabilidad de los socios2, para proteger ex ante o preventivamente a los acreedores sociales.
  • En el nuevo siglo los discursos de legitimación del poder punitivo se extraen de las nuevas realidades, originadas desde la hipótesis que aboga por la empírica constatación de una síntesis, que surge de la tensión dialéctica entre el binomio libertad vs. seguridad, que en la actual “sociedad del riesgo” se resuelve “irremediablemente” a favor de la última opción. Se trata de una forma de organización e interacción comunicativa, surgida con la postindustrialización, caracterizada por una serie de factores que la población estima como esencialmente negativos, vinculados al miedo al avance tecnológico y las modificaciones en los sistemas de producción, que suponen el nacimiento de nuevas realidades, que amenazan la seguridad de la población y también el Estado Social en algunos de los países desarrollados1. Al servicio de este modelo hay ahora todo un sistema de imputación que busca el mantenimiento de los valores de la sociedad, mediante la estabilización de la expectativa asignada por la norma penal y la neutralización del riesgo futuro de lesión a la misma. Esta legitimación significa asignarle un sentido útil a la tendencia creciente hacia la disminución de los espacios de libertad; en ese sentido, se dice, que la decisión es netamente política y no jurídico-penal: en consecuencia, no hay que inmiscuirse en ello, ni mucho menos calificar las nuevas regulaciones legales como algo positivo o negativo, como postula Jakobs.
  • Parole was defined in Romanian doctrine as a way to individualize the execution of the custodial sentences, without deprivation of liberty, granted by the final decision of the court which are the conviction that the convicted person has been rehabilitated, as a result of meeting the required conditions during the execution of minimum statutory sentence, there is the semi-open or open regime of enforcement, the person has fulfilled his/her civil obligations, as well as subject to full fulfillment, under probation services, within supervision, of the measures and obligations. As a legal nature, the parole represents a post iudicium individualization of the execution of the custodial sentences and involves the release of the convict before the full execution of the sentence because the convict has proved that he has made obvious progress towards social reintegration. However, the parole is not a right of the convict not to serve the entire sentence, but a legal instrument by which the court finds that it is no longer necessary to continue the execution of the sentence in detention until the full period established by the final conviction has been fulfilled and the early release poses no danger to the community.
  • While examining the effects of the information procedure on the advantages of mediation in relation to the running of the prescription or limitation periods and corroborating the provisions of Law No 192/2006 referring to mediation with the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code in matters of prescription or limitation periods, this study reaches the conclusion that the procedure on the advantages of mediation prevents the running of the substantial prescription period and limitation period established by the legal provisions (which protect a private right) or by the convention of the parties when these have not began to run, and, respectively, it suspends the course of the prescription/limitation when these have began to run, for a period of 15 calendar days from the date when the prescription/limitation began.
  • As regards the possibility to maintain conditional release if, following a merger of penalties, a penalty equal to that from which the convict was released on parole is enforced, two solutions are possible. The first solution consists in deducting only the actually served penalty and incarcerating the convicted person again, and the second solution consists in considering the entire penalty served. The resolution of the controversy depends on the opinion adopted as regards the legal nature of conditional release.
  • The letter of guarantee is regulated by the new Civil Code within the autonomous guarantees, together with the letter of comfort. It is an autonomous, unconditional and irrevocable legal deed. In the letter of guarantee, the issuer assumes its own obligation which in its relationship with the beneficiary at least, shall be main and autonomous – the payment of an amount of money upon the first simple request of the beneficiary, for the situation in which the result taken into account upon its assumption is not carried out. The execution of the letter of guarantee depends only on its own requirements and this is the criterion according to which it distinguishes basically from the deed of trust.
  • The author states that the criminal trial should take place with celerity, within a reasonable period of time, according to art. 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In this context, the submission by the defendants of applications to notify the Constitutional Court of exceptions of unconstitutionality that were previously dismissed numerous times represents an abuse of right committed for the purpose of procrastinating the resolution of the cases.
  • Article hereby deals with the legal effects of Decision No. 573/2011 of the Constitutional Court on the plea of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 74¹ of the Criminal Code, focusing on its consequences in terms of reinforcing provisions of Article 10 of Law No. 241/2005 on preventing and combating tax evasion, as subsequently amended and supplemented.
  • According to the Romanian legislation in the field, which existed prior to the entry into force of the new (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure (15 February 2013) and labor addressing conflicts (disputes), the tribunal was usually the first instance court having jurisdiction to hear and the court of appeal had jurisdiction only on a single remedy at law (the appeal). After the entry into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/ 2010, republished on 3 August 2012), the situation has changed in that against the sentence of the first instance court (the tribunal) there is (except for the revision) a single remedy at law i.e. the appeal (within the Court of Appeal jurisdiction), appeal which is an ordinary, devolutive remedy at law. In this study, the authors analyze this situation stressing that, in principle, is the better for the parties to have nothing but the appeal (besides the revision) as remedy at law, instead of solely the recourse.
  • Following the effective date of the Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, as republished) as at the 1st of October 2011, which repealed the Family Code, and the adequate amendment and of the Law no. 119/1996 regarding the civil status acts, as republished, in this paper the author examines the legal provisions regarding the effects of the dissolution of marriage by divorce, making certain references to the late relevant case law of the courts of law. This paper examines mainly, the legal provisions regulated by articles 382-404 of the Civil Code.
  • Pursuant to Art. 147, paragraph (4) of the Romanian Constitution republished on October 31, 2003, “Rulings of the Constitutional Court shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania. As from their publication, rulings shall be generally binding and effective only for the future”, and pursuant to Art. 147 paragraph (1) of the said Constitution, the provisions of the laws, ordinances and regulations in force found to be unconstitutional shall cease their legal effects within 45 days of the publication of the decision of the Constitutional Court if, in the meantime, the Parliament or the Government, as the case may be, cannot bring into line the unconstitutional provisions with the provisions of the Constitution.. Under these constitutional requirements, the study’s authors comprehensively examine the casuistry these rules have generated, the Constitutional Court jurisprudence in the matters and so on, and the delicate situation arisen because neither the Constitution nor any other law expressly regulates the state of laws or Government ordinances (no longer existing) declared unconstitutional.
  • According to art. 147. (4) of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court rulings are generally binding. Therefore, the public authorities, including courts, regardless of their level, must observe the Constitutional Court rulings both in terms of the operative part and recitals thereof. Although they do not constitute a source of law, the High Court of Cassation and Justice judgments rendered after settlement of an appeal in the interest of law, require the courts a particular solution to a law issue, therefore an interpretation of legal rules. When performing the interpretation and application of law, a contingent conventionality control also occurs; such control is carrying out by this Court whilst assuming that the courts’ divergent practice is given by the different application of the (European) Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms provisions. Not infrequently, the High Court of Cassation and Justice’s jurisprudence on the matters submitted to trial did not coincide with that of the Constitutional Court, and this study aims to point out and analyze such cases. The proposed solution takes into account a possible constitutionality review of the previously reported judgments of the High Court of Cassation and Justice; such control has already been carried out indirectly in certain rulings of the Constitutional Court.
  • The aggravation of the global ecological problems, including by multiplying and amplifying the effects of the acts of massive and sustainable destruction of the environment, as well as intensifying the concerns for its protection require also the increase of the contribution of the law, especially by strengthening the criminal response, by stressing the particularisation and increasing the efficiency of the measures adopted for this purpose. In expressing this tendency we are witnessing the emergence of a process of recognition and inclusion, thus, among international crimes, of the crime of ecocide, together with and in the potentiation of the meanings of the already existing one of genocide. It is perceived from a legal point of view and it is established in terms of action a new absolute value, that of the security of the planet. In this way, the concept of „crime against ecoumanity” is forged, opening new horizons for legal reflection and for relevant legal-administrative and judicial practice. As part of the effective approach, the definition of „ecocide” has a preliminary nature and it has already known relevant expressions. Among the latest projects of an international definition of ecocide it is distinguished that of the L. Neyret team (2015) and of the Stop Ecocid Foundation (2021). Their analysis, accelerated in the context of the absolute affirmation of the climate change, generates new concrete and doctrinal challenges, the expression of which is assumed as such.
  • As the phrase „contractual balance” is too vague, for the purpose of clarifying its content, it has been used the notion of proportionality which is translated by a ratio between finality (purpose) and the means for achieving it. The proportionality, in its turn, does not consist in a mathematical relation, for this would mean ignoring the essence of the contract, namely the will of the contracting parties. So further specifications have been necessary in the sense that the proportionality is, at the same time, a measurement instrument and a sanction, namely a principle of fair-measure that puts into practice a finalised proportionality which relates to the legitimate objectives pursued or that should be pursued, which requires sometimes a strict proportionality, other times a relative proportionality, consisting in sanctioning only the obvious abuses. The proportionality contributes to the implementation of the principle of maintaining the durability and the efficiency of the contract, which favours the maintaining of the quality of the contract content, both at the time of its formation and for the duration of its performance, the sanction falling within the institution of lesion and, respectively, of unpredictability.
  • After a general presentation of the institution of house arrest, the author analyzes a specific aspect referring to this new preventive measure provided in the new Criminal Procedure Code, namely the maximum duration of house arrest pending judgment at first instance.
  • La France a instauré dès 19641 un système d’organisation et de gestion de l’eau par bassin. La planification résulte de la loi de 19922 avec la création du Schéma directeur d’aménagement et de gestion des eaux (SDAGE) à l’échelle du bassin et du Schéma d’aménagement et de gestion des eaux (SAGE) par sous-bassin3. En application des diverses directives communautaires ou de politiques spécifiques (risques, assainissement), ces planifications de base sont complétées par des instruments de gestion, des mesures et des programmes, à l’échelle du district hydrographique, du sous-district hydrographique. Cette planification a été enrichie d’autres outils de planification, le plus souvent à une échelle plus localisée (zone d’inondations par exemple).
  • In the study below, the author examines the regulation of the inheritance right of the surviving spouse in the new Romanian Civil Code, (published in July 2009, but not yet in force), in comparison with the current regulation in this field (the Decree-Law no. 319/1944). In this respect, we note that the new Romanian Civil Code keeps the essence of the previous regulation, to which it adds a series of new elements and aspects realized by the legal doctrine over time. Therefore, the author concludes that the new Romanian Civil Code, “provides a semi-complete, fair, flexible and current regulation in the field of inheritance rights of the surviving spouse”.
  • In the above study, the authors make a comparison between the provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code (published on 24 July 2009, but not yet in force) and the provisions of the current code (of 1865), regarding the rights of succession of the relatives of the deceased. After a thorough analysis, they reach the conclusion that the new Code provides a quasi-complete adequate regulation in this matter, taking over the judicious principles established by the current Civil Code, updating the specialized legal language, eliminating what is redundant, de lege lato, and bringing the necessary additions.
  • Personality’s rights are non-patrimonial rights, inherent to the natural person, in the sense that they are directly attached to and inseparable from the real man, and they serve to the free development of his personality. The new Civil Code regulates the following rights of the personality: right to life, right to health, right to physical and mental integrity, right to dignity, right to respect for private life, right to his own image, identification attributes of the natural person, and the right to dispose of oneself. They can be grouped in two categories: rights that protect the human body and its biological functions, and rights that protect moral values. The first category of rights is governed by three principles: the principle of inviolability of the human body (which may suffer certain exceptions); the principle of non-patrimoniality of the human body, and the principle of the priority of interest and of the good of the human being. The rights which protect moral values have a content determined by their relation to a series of generic notions, incompatible with a precise definition, such as freedom, honor, private life, respect, for which reason the Romanian lawmaker strove to contour such notions; as well as by the regulation of some of the deeds which may impair such rights. Some of the personality’s rights may suffer limitations, which are imposed either by the necessity to protect some major public values, or by the exercise of other persons’ similar rights.
  • In this study the author, after making certain considerations on the concepts of human rights and world order, in the context of globalization, as well as of the trends of globalization of law, points out to the necessity to undertake some urgent actions in order to proclaim, establish and, mostly, guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedoms worldwide. In the author’s opinion these legal rules which have the consent of all States would represent, along with solving the contradictions between the international economic system with a quasi-global organization and the prevailing political structure of the human society which is at state level, a starting point in achieving a real world order, in compliance with the current stage of the socio-historical movement and with the challenges of the 21st century.
  • In this study, the author examines whether after 1 October 2011 (when the new Romanian Civil Code entered into force), to what extent the creditor may enforce the shares (portions of the share capital of the limited – liability – company) belonging to its debtor, corroborating art. 66 of the Law no. 31/1990 on companies by Art. 1887 of the new Civil Code. One reaches the conclusion that the enforcement of the creditor on the shares in question is more illusory than real. That is, a number of de lege ferenda proposals are made, meaning that the right of enforcement on the debtor’s shares should change from a utopia into a reality.
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