  • The entry into force of the new Criminal Code has determined, as it was natural, new approaches to doctrine and jurisprudence, and one of the perspectives of analysis is the correlation with the constitutional provisions. This study aims to establish an examination of constitutionality, as regards the offence of deceit, from the practice of the Constitutional Court on the previous Criminal Code provisions, identifying situations where the new rules can generate discussions on the compatibility with the Constitution.
  • Collective redundancy is regulated at Community level by Directive 98/59/EC, giving rise to a vast case-law, this study focusing, in this context, on a particular aspect of determining the conditions for the existence of this type of redundancy: the notion of „establishment”. The interest of such an approach is justified in the light of the recent case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which raises the question of the compatibility of the national law with Directive 98/59/EC just as regards the mentioned notion. At the same time, as regards the relation of the national law with the Community law, it appears necessary to determine the notion of employer established by the Romanian law and to correlate it with the notion of establishment, regulated by the European Directive.
  • In this study the authors present a series of considerations on the decisions of the Constitutional Court and their effects, in the light of the provisions of Article 147 of the Romanian Constitution of 1991 (revised in 2003 and then republished on 31 October 2003), of the provisions of the Law No 47/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court (republished on 3 December 2010), as well as of the relevant case-law of the Constitutional Court in the matter. In this regard, the authors examine, sometimes in a critical manner, the following problems: the acts by which the Constitutional Court exercises its powers; why the decisions of the Constitutional Court have a general binding nature; whether there is a typology of the decisions of the Constitutional Court or not; the interpretative decisions of the Constitutional Court; the relations of the Constitutional Court with other public authorities arising as a result of the decisions of the Constitutional Court; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court establishing the unconstitutionality of some legal provisions of parliamentary laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court establishing the unconstitutionality of some provisions included in laws, before their promulgation; the effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality/unconstitutionality of the treaties or of the international agreements; the decisions of the Constitutional Court are generally binding and are effective only for the future.
  • This paper is a critical analysis of the new regulations concerning the punishment, from the perspective of their compliance with the principle of individualization. It discusses, by turns, the issue of the significance of the principle of individualization, of the reasons that justify the existence of some general criteria of individualization and of the questionable significance of the current general criteria of individualization, included in Article 74 of the new Criminal Code.
  • In this study, the authors have examined the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code (the Law No 287/2009) concerning the maintenance obligation (Articles 513– 534). Therefore, there are analyzed: the general principles; the subjects of the maintenance obligation; the order in which maintenance is due; the conditions of the maintenance obligation; determination and performance of the maintenance obligation.
  • By means of this study, the author tends to point out that, despite the principle of „equality before the law of the children born out of wedlock to the children born in wedlock”, provided by Article 48 (3) of the Constitution and reaffirmed by Article 260 of the Romanian Civil Code, in the Romanian law, no less, there are situations of „different legal treatment” of the two categories of children. Specifically, it is raised for discussion the different legal regulation of some aspects, as in the cases relating to: „determination of the paternity”, „acquiring the name”, „confirmation of the filiation” and „prohibition of the adoption of children whose parents did not reach the age of 14”. Likewise, for the situations noted, the author substantiates de lege ferenda proposals meant to ensure respect for the principle of equality before the law of children born out of wedlock to those born in wedlock.
  • Preliminarii. Termenul de securitate are o adresabilitate variată și complexă, putând influența și afecta atât individul, cât și orice nivel de organizare socială, colectivitate, stat sau organizație internațională. În mod sintetic, noțiunea de securitate1 implică lipsa oricăror amenințări, dar și posibilitatea prezervării unui nucleu de valori și a bunăstării2. Pentru orice individ și pentru o comunitate în ansamblul său sentimentul de securitate este acut și se construiește pe trei coordonate esențiale: liniștea, ocrotirea și absența fricii. Aceste trei coordonate definesc sensul primar al noțiunii de securitate a cărei etimologie provine din latinescul securus, desemnând pe cel care nu se teme (sine cura)3.
  • Introducere. Sistemul Ministerului Public are un statut special, misiunea organizațională fiind stabilită atât prin Legea fundamentală, cât și prin legea privind organizarea judiciară. Obiectivul său general este înfăptuirea ordinii de drept prin respectarea drepturilor și libertăților cetățenilor, prin efectuarea unor activități legitime și oportune care trebuie să îndeplinească anumite standarde minimale de legitimitate și de tip procesual.
  • Mărturisesc că, atunci când am ales titlul acestui studiu, am interferat cu modelul de prezentare în două părți, introdus de un cunoscut colaborator și prieten, specialist în legile internetului, Bogdan Manolea, care, cu ceva ani în urmă, într-o prestigioasă conferință cu prezență internațională, identifica o primă parte anarhică și o a doua tehnică a discursului său. De ce o perspectivă românească? Pentru a sublinia critic modelul, mereu altfel, de abordare a reformelor din sistemul judiciar românesc, pe tiparul „teoriei mixte”, pe care, ani de-a rândul, generație după generație, la aproape toate disciplinele de studiu, dascălii noștri au încercat să ne-o inoculeze ca pe un vaccin, în dorința de a ne obișnui, în realitate, cu compromisul, vecin cu improvizația, de la care a împrumutat caracterul definitiv. Noi nu copiem, noi inovăm, mințindu-ne adesea că adaptăm diverse instituții, proceduri, reguli din tot atât de diverse surse, deși, funcțional, asemenea corpului biologic, aceste grefe haotice și repetate ajung să fie refuzate sau să schimonosească organismul nostru judiciar, altfel suficient de robust prin robustețea componenților săi.
  • În contextul actual, în care justiția română își face temele sub monitorizarea „Mecanismului de Control și Verificare” (MCV), în care atacurile la adresa independenței justiției au crescut semnificativ, în care reținerea și arestarea echivalează, în mentalul colectiv, cu dovezi indubitabile de vinovăție, rolul judecătorului în realizarea actului de justiție pare să fie unul secundar, de vreme ce nimeni nu mai pare interesat de hotărârea judecătorească definitivă pronunțată în dosarele penale.
  • Introducere. Actuala ordine mondială cunoaște o profundă transformare, ca urmare a multiplelor raporturi economice, sociale, politice, care influențează umanitatea, prin procesul globalizării. Revoluția ideilor, care depășește spațiul exprimării și dezbaterilor, își găsește o formă de manifestare printr-o diversitate de acțiuni, așa încât putem vorbi de o cultură mondială a informației care capătă consistență în orice domeniu, de la cel care vizează natura planetei noastre, până la cele care se referă la viața cotidiană. Așadar, în contextul exploziei informaționale, în care tehnologia dobândește dimensiune inteligentă, invadând în acest fel însăși existența noastră, aceasta rămâne totuși, la momentul actual, dependentă relativ de umanitate.
  • Principiul separației puterilor a fost „importat” din Marea Britanie, englezii fiind cei care, în secolul al XVII-lea, au început să îl aplice în încercarea de a fragmenta puterea politică ce aparținea, în mod tradițional, doar regelui. Apoi, un pas important pe acest drum anevoios a fost făcut de gânditorii politici francezi, ideea modernă a separării puterilor în stat datorându-se filosofului și gânditorului iluminist francez, baronul de Montesquieu, care a făcut distincție între trei puteri în stat: legislativă, executivă și judiciară – acesta fiind fundamentul separației puterilor regăsit (și repetat) în dreptul constituțional modern. În concepția lui Montesquieu, cele trei puteri trebuie să aparțină unor organe diferite ale statului: Libertatea nu admite unirea a două și cu atât mai mult a trei puteri în sânul uneia și aceleiași puteri a statului. Dacă puterea legislativă e unită cu cea executivă, atunci cel ce edictează legile aplicându-le nu va urma indicațiile cuprinse în ele, tolerând încălcarea lor, și în țară va domni arbitrarul. Dar arbitrarul va interveni și în cazul în care în aceleași mâini se unesc puterea judecătorească și cea executivă, judecătorul va fi asupritor, întrucât va fi în același timp și judecător, și executantul legii. De asemenea, nu pot fi unite, în același organ, puterea judecătorească și cea legiuitoare, întrucât, procedându-se astfel, judecătorul, rezolvând procesele, nu va urma strict legea, ci are posibilitatea să introducă schimbări în conținutul legii
  • O autoritate publică cu atribuții de supraveghere, prevenire și control într-o anumită arie de activitate, având în vedere poziția dominantă pe care o ocupă în virtutea prerogativelor de putere publică pe care legea i le pune la dispoziție pentru realizarea interesului public în slujba căruia se află, are obligația, rezultată din exigențele bunei administrări, să emită, pentru organizarea activității sale, norme administrative clare, care să nu genereze riscul distorsionării liberei concurențe și apariției conflictelor de interese.
  • Instanța Curții de Apel Oradea a dispus condamnarea inculpatului pentru săvârșirea infracțiunii de uciderea animalelor, cu intenție, fără drept, prevăzută în art. 25 alin. (1) lit. a) din Legea nr. 205/2004, republicată1, dispunând, totodată, înlăturarea condamnării inculpatului pentru săvârșirea infracțiunii prevăzute în art. 217 alin. 1 din Codul penal anterior (cu notă aprobativă).
  • Unlike the previous Criminal Procedure Code (1968), which briefly provided that the prosecutor must prepare a reasoned proposal of taking the measure of preventive detention of the defendant, the new Criminal Procedure Code regulates in a more detailed manner the proposal for preventive detention of the defendant in the course of criminal prosecution, by introducing the obligation of the prosecutor to indicate the legal grounds. In exchange, the new criminal processual law does no longer provide the prosecutor’s obligation to hear the defendant in the presence of the lawyer of his choice or appointed ex officio, before drawing up the proposal for preventive detention, as provided in the previous Criminal Procedure Code. Under such circumstances, the authors analyze the institution of proposal of preventive detention, by presenting some critical aspects and by proposing some improvements to the new regulation. Key
  • This study undertakes the analysis both of the amendments brought to the offences provided in Article 140 of the Law No 8/1996 by the Law No 187/2012 and of the common and specific aspects which characterize, in the author’s opinion, these offences. The author examines the amendments to the offences evoked by their connection to the legal provisions in this matter, contained in the general part of the Criminal Code. At the same time, the paper emphasizes the common aspects regarding the scope, the subjects and the constitutive content of the offences presented, as well as the specific aspects relative to the special legal object and to the material element of these offences. The study presents the doctrinal points of view, as well as the author’s remarks and de lege ferenda proposals in the analyzed area.
  • The succession of the criminal codes has created numerous transitory situations requiring a functional system of principles to be solved. In this context, the courts have provided different solutions to some aspects related to the application of the criminal law in time, thus generating a non-unitary practice. The main cause of these contradictions was represented by the modality of determination of the most favourable criminal law. Just when it seemed that the High Court of Cassation and Justice had clarified the misunderstandings, the Constitutional Court has pronounced the Decision No 265/2014 which completely changes the situation, offering an interpretation that does not find many followers among jurists.
  • In the Romanian judicial practice more numerous cases arise with regard to the annulment of the acts of finding the irregularities committed in the field of obtaining/using the European funds and of establishing the budgetary claims or of applying the financial corrections. This casuistry raises a series of questions relating to the hypotheses in which, in this matter, the European legislation is directly applied and, respectively, when the Romanian legislation is applied and which one specifically (as the case may be, the Government Ordinance No 79/2003 or the Government Emergency Ordinance No 66/2011). In this study the author answers the above-mentioned questions.
  • The author, after making a brief history on the taxation of the registration of motor vehicles in Romania, after our country joined the European Union (1 January 2007), expresses her opinion that even the last regulation in this matter (the Government Emergency Ordinance No 9/2013 on the environmental stamp for motor vehicles), being contrary to the provisions of Article 110 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, can not be legally applied in Romania, thus violating the principle of supremacy of the European law over the national law (in this case, the Romanian law).
  • Within this study the authors intended to analyze the situations in which it can be promoted the action for damages by separate means under Article 19 (1) of the Law No 554/2004 on the administrative disputes and the moment of running of the one-year time limit within which this action can be promoted, having in view that the law does not establish precisely this moment, and the case-law offers various solutions adjusted to each case solved. Starting from these premises, the authors have proceeded, on the basis of the legal provisions in the matter and of the apparently non-unitary case-law solutions, to the systematization of the working hypotheses and to the elaboration of some objective criteria, legally substantiated, in order to determine the moment of running of this procedural time limit.
  • The author, having in view a recent controversy in the Romanian doctrine of labour law, resumes the analysis and reaches the following conclusion: • According to the Romanian Labour Code, the legal institution (of labour law) of the temporary labour contract (Article 88 of the Labour Code) is separate from the legal institution of posting (Article 45 et seq. of the same Code); • Conversely, the employee who, according to Article 88 of the Labour Code, has concluded with his employer a temporary labour contract, in order to be hired out to a user undertaking from another Member State of the European Union, has the status of posted employee, within the meaning of Directive 96/71.
  • In this study, the authors present a commentary of Article 145 of the Constitution, referring to the independence and the irremovability of the judges of the Constitutional Court. It is presented, in detail, the normative will of the Constituent Assembly on the status of the constitutional judges, the content of their independence and the irremovability which was conferred to them by the constitutional text. The judges of the Constitutional Court have at their disposal a legal framework, of constitutional rank, which guarantees their independence and irremovability and which, at the same time, imposes restrictions of professional nature. Within the same study, the authors also present the problems of the disciplinary and criminal liability of the constitutional judges, as well as the legal regime of immunity which they enjoy, according to the Law No 47/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court.
  • The article analyzes the cassation recourse, which is an extraordinary judicial remedy in the criminal trial, a reformative and devolutive judicial remedy, in principle a non-suspensive of enforcement and extensive judicial remedy. The purpose of the cassation recourse is to ensure a uniform practice at the level of the entire country. In order to achieve this purpose, the legislator has expressly provided the reasons for which a cassation recourse may be promoted, the jurisdiction for settlement, the subjects for which the possibility to exercise the judicial remedy is recognized and the solutions which the court can pronounce. The usefulness of the cassation recourse is fully emphasized, given the fact that the recourse would no longer exist within the Romanian criminal procedure system subsequently to the entry into force of the new Criminal Procedure Code.
  • It is of interest both from theoretical perspective and mostly from practical perspective to raise for discussion and, furthermore, to propose some solutions for some controversial issues related to succession law, as well as to settle a conflict of laws in time. Therefore, in this paper there are emphasized some of the facets which the temporal conflict of laws can take, in the matter of inheritances, and there are expressed some points of view, which could be of interest to the practitioners, determining them to reflect on this topic.
  • In this study, the author examines the problems of regulating the violations of private life by Article 74 of the current Romanian Civil Code (the Law No 287/2009, republished), in light of the relevant case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and of the Romanian courts, coming to the conclusion that the mentioned legal text judiciously summarizes the indicated case-law.
  • Competența teritorială de soluționare a acțiunii având ca obiect constatarea valabilității unei convenții încheiate cu privire la un imobil și pronunțarea unei hotărâri care să țină loc de act autentic [fiind vorba deci despre o acțiune personală imobiliară, prin care reclamantul tinde la valorificarea unui drept personal, respectiv dreptul de creanță corelativ obligației de a face, urmare antecontractului încheiat cu privire la acel imobil] nu se stabilește potrivit art. 117 C.pr.civ., aplicabil exclusiv acțiunilor reale imobiliare, ci potrivit dispozițiilor de drept comun ale art. 107 C.pr.civ., conform cărora cererea se face la instanța domiciliului pârâtului. Însă, întrucât aceste norme sunt de competență relativă, nesocotirea lor poate fi invocată pe calea excepției de necompetență numai de către pârât și numai până la prima zi de înfățișare, în caz contrar instanța sesizată rămânând competentă să judece litigiul, ca urmare a decăderii pârâtului din dreptul de a invoca o excepție relativă, excepție pe care instanța nu are dreptul să o invoce din oficiu. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția I civilă, Decizia nr. 842 de la 13 martie 2014)
  • Regulile de concurență prevăzute de Tratatul privind funcționarea Uniunii Europene2 au menirea de a proteja relațiile comerciale și piața internă. Întrebarea la care răspunde studiul de față este: cine este destinatarul normelor concurențiale la nivelul Uniunii Europene? Răspunsul, deși aparent este unul foarte scurt și se referă la întreprindere (și asociațiile de întreprinderi), totuși ascunde o doctrină bogată și o jurisprudență generoasă a Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene. În cele ce urmează, vom analiza noțiunea de întreprindere, care are o anumită sferă de aplicare în dreptul concurențial al Uniunii Europene, cu scopul de a determina care sunt jucătorii principali vizați de normele care protejează concurența pe piața internă.
  • In this article there have been examined comparatively the provisions of the law in force and those of the previous law, by emphasizing the elements of similarity and of distinction between the two regulations. Likewise, the author has critically examined the provisions of Article 336 (1) of the Criminal Code, also making in this regard de lege ferenda proposals designed to determine the amendment of the current provisions. The de lege ferenda proposal aims to the legislator's abandonment of the provision according to which the moment of consummation of the offence is identified with moment of taking the biological samples, motivated by the fundamental difference existing between the two moments, especially with regard to the criminal liability. The paper can be useful to the legislator, in the light of the suggested amendments, to the practitioners, as well as to all those who show concerns in this field.
  • In this study it is subjected for analysis the offence of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or of other substances provided by the Criminal Code in Article 336. The reason for the author's choice of this topic is determined by the fact that a more increasing number of persons commit this type of offence, as well as because the offence has suffered most of the amendments since the entry into force of the new Criminal Code up to the present day, the most important amendment being the one operated by declaring the Article 336 of the Criminal Code unconstitutional.
  • This study deals with the problems related to the offence provided in Article 9 of the Law No 143/2000 on preventing and combating illicit drug trafficking and consumption. The interpretation of the legal text is made by comparison with the previous regulation, but also by the literal interpretation of the indicated rule. Moreover, the author studies the modality of application of the text of law to concrete situations which may arise in the judicial practice.
  • In this article the author expresses his opinion according to which the provisions of Article 10 of Law No 187/2012 and of Article 39 (1) b) and c) of the Criminal Code are contrary to the Constitution of Romania, republished, as well as to the European standard in the matter, namely the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • The Collective labour contract unique at national level for 2007–2010 was undoubtedly a point of reference in the matter of collective negotiation from Romania, because its contractual clauses established the qualitative accumulations gathered during the conclusion of the collective labour contracts unique at national level, starting with the first contracts concluded after the entry into force of Law No 13/1991 in 1991. Having in view that, under the influence of the Law No 62/2011 (of the social dialogue), the conclusion of the Collective labour contract unique at national level is not permitted, the useful clauses of the mentioned collective labour contract can no longer be applied. In this study it is proposed the emphasis of the essential clauses of the Collective labour contract unique at national level for 2007–2010 and the formulation of a de lege ferenda proposal for their inclusion in the labour legislation.
  • The author raises for discussion a series of legal issues related to the proper interpretation and application of two cases of cessation of the individual labour contract, regulated by the Labour Code, namely: – the cessation de jure of the individual labour contract pursuant to Article 56 (1) c) of the Code (cessation de jure on the date of the cumulative fulfilment of the standard age conditions and of the minimum contribution period for the compulsory pension); – the dismissal determined by the dissolution of the position held by the employee (Article 65 of the Labour Code).
  • The issue of blank bill of exchange titles has always been a subject that has opened the path for debates and controversies, being always of present interest. The interest of clarifying this legal figure is not only a theoretical one, but also a practical one, the blank promissory note being a means of security frequently encountered within the credit contracts concluded by banks. The advantages conferred by the blank promissory note, consisting in the easy way of establishing the title, the flexibility of its content from the perspective of its possibility of filling in, the rapidity of its conversion into a title that can be subjected to enforcement, the restriction of the debtor’s possibilities to contest it and the celerity of the procedure for settlement of such disputes, reflect undeniable arguments for the use of such a legal instrument in the professionals’ practice. This study aims to emphasize certain aspects related to the issue of the blank promissory note, its guarantee and the defences of issuer and of the guarantor of the blank promissory note within the enforcement of the bill of exchange, also with reference to the case of entry into insolvency of the issuer.
  • In this study it is examined the legality of the control by the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement provided that the legislator has conferred the jurisdiction of verifying the procedure for the award of these contracts to other specialized public authorities, and has conferred to the Court of Audit powers of general control on the manner of formation, management and use of the public financial resources. Taking advantage of these control powers with a wide range of coverage, the Court of Audit has extended, unlawfully, through its own regulations, this control over a specialized field, respectively that of the procedure for the award of public procurement contracts, overlapping the control exercised by other administrative authorities and affecting the stability of the legal relations arising from these contracts. That is why it is proposed the legislator’s intervention for the express regulation of the control powers of the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement, the conditions and limits of this control, in order to avoid the parallelism and the conflict of jurisdiction between this public authority and the other specialized administrative authorities in the field.
  • Recently (re)invented (2005) by the Italian and North American law schools, quickly developed and initially submitted as a „science a little bizarre” (J.-B. Auby, 2007), the global administrative law is one of the legal results of the phenomenon of globalization. Introducing an increasing porosity of the borders, and also a considerable development of the functions of the non-state actors, increasingly diverse and numerous, globalization creates new phenomena of adjustment, involved in the development of transparency and that contribute to the accountability of each intervener on the supranational stage. This is the background of the emergence of a global administrative law, based on a new and systematic analysis of the supra- and trans- national phenomena, mostly heteroclite in appearance. In only a decade, around these precepts, an authentic school of thought has been crystallized, developed especially in common law doctrine, less exploited in French doctrine, and its presence finding its beginning in the Romanian doctrine by this study.
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