  • The entry into force of the Civil Code leads to significant changes in the existence and manifestation of the right of first refusal, by explicitly enshrining the right of legal first refusal, and the right of conventional first refusal, on one hand and secondly by extending the scope. The emergence of new regulations requires consultation of French regulations, doctrine and practice in these matters so as to achieve an overall understanding of the concept, its functionality and role, and also an analysis of the effects of these provisions on the doctrine and domestic practice.
  • The institution of suspension of the individual labour contract is regulated by Articles 49–54 of the Labour Code (Law No 53/2003, republished on 18 May 2011). More or less recently, the Law No 255/2013 for the implementation of Law No 135/2010 on the Criminal Procedure Code (entered into force on 1 February 2014) and for amending and supplementing some normative acts which include criminal procedural provisions, supplemented the Labour Code (republished) by adding Article 52 (1) c1), pursuant to which the suspension of the individual labour contract occurs (on the employer’s initiative) also „in case the measure of judicial control or of judicial control on bail has been taken against the employee, under the terms of the Criminal Procedure Code, if there have been established, as his duty, obligations which prevent the performance of the labour contract, as well as in case the employee is under house arrest, and the content of the measure prevents the performance of the labour contract”. In this study, the author analyses this new and recently regulated case of suspension of the individual labour contract on the employer’s initiative.
  • The engagement – although traditionally used in social life k did not have any legal regulation in the modern Romanian legislation, prior to the enforcement of the new Civil Code (October 1st 2011), namely: the Civil Code of 1864 and next, the Family Code. Instead, the new Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on July 15th 2011) regulates engagement in art. 266-270. The authors of this study analyze the aforementioned enactment of engagement, concluding that the express regulation of this private law institution in the new Civil Code is beneficial.
  • The authors of the new Criminal Code intended to redesign the punitive model of relapse, but the solutions proposed reveal the inconsistencies of the model. The new Criminal Code no longer defines the post-condemnation relapse distinctly from the post-execution relapse, and the small relapse no longer exists in the new regulation, the lawmaker preferring a general definition of relapse. Although the intention of the code’s authors, transmitted to the lawmaker, was to aggravate the punishment regimen of relapse, by increasing the duration of imprisonment, which may represent a first term for relapse in one year, in practice a more favorable regimen is created for those who have been punished to imprisonment for less than one year, a thing, however, not justified given the statistic evolution of the number of persons with a judicial record who reiterate their criminal behavior. The idea of the project’s authors was to simplify the regimen of punishment of relapses, based on an arithmetic sum in the case of post-condemnation relapse, and on the legal increase of special punishment limits by half in the case of post-execution relapse, but the proposed model of punishments leads to a more severe punishment regiment for post-condemnation relapse than for the post-execution relapse, although the latter is believed to represent the worse modality of relapse, as the social danger of the relapsing criminal appears, in this case, to be more precisely shaped, by proving the inefficiency of the punishment the criminal has executed.
  • The normative act which regulates the Romanian citizenship is the Law No 21/1991, republished on 13 August 2010. Recently (on 15 September 2015), the Law on the Romanian citizenship No 21/1991, republished, has undergone important amendments and supplements brought by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 37/2015, an ordinance whose content is the subject of this study.
  • The current Civil Procedure Code clarifies some doctrinal controversies and controversies of the arbitral case law and transposes on legislative level some solutions of the arbitral practice, meant to make the arbitral jurisdiction more efficient. Among these aspects of making it more efficient, the study mentions those related to the extension of the competence of arbitration and the autonomy of will of the parties in organizing and conducting the arbitral procedure, likely to increase the access to this private jurisdiction, as an alternative to the state jurisdiction. Another dimension of the current regulation is related to the ways of materializing the arbitral convention and of the presumption of arbitrariness of the disputes regarding all misunderstandings arising from the contract or from the legal relations to which the agreement refers. The current regulation is concerned with the quality of the jurisdictional act which it connects to the qualification of the members of the arbitration tribunal, to their impartiality, by extending the causes of incompatibility as compared to those of judges and by guaranteeing the right to defence, by representing or assisting the parties by a lawyer. The autonomy of will, which impregnates the arbitral procedure, is associated with the principles of the civil trial, extended by the current regulation to the arbitral procedure, in order to increase the procedural guarantees offered by this private jurisdiction. An innovative solution is related to the participation of third parties in the arbitral procedure, under the terms of maintaining the composition of the arbitral tribunal, in order to ensure the complete and global settlement of the dispute. Another novelty of the current regulation is related to the material competence of the courts of appeal in resolving the action for annulment and the solutions that can be pronounced in case of admitting the action for annulment. Last but not least, the regulation makes the distinction between the procedure of the institutionalized and ad-hoc arbitration, in the context of the autonomy of will of the parties.
  • The author carries out a thorough analysis of all the regulations under art. 1381-1395 of the new Civil Code regarding the recovery of damages caused by extra-contractual causes. Thus, in the first part of the study, the author approaches joint liability, in case two or more persons are liable for one and the same damage. Also, a large part of the work deals with the principles governing the right and correlative obligation to recover the damages: the principle of full recovery and the principle of recovery in kind of the damages; both principles are explicitly provided in the texts of art. 1385 and 1386 of the new Civil Code. The central part of the work deals with a review of the recovery of damages by means of a money equivalent, referring in particular to the establishment of compensation for the full repair of personal injuries, both in their material and in their moral form; in the same context, large discussions are presented in relation to the pecuniary recovery of indirect damages. Another special place in the work is held by the presentation of the regulation regarding the correlation between the social security rights of the immediate or the indirect victim and the compensation that may be granted to such victim for recovery of the damages caused. The study ends with a review of the extinctive prescription of the right to claim and obtain in court the recovery of damages under tort liability.
  • The author carries out a thorough analysis of all the regulations under art. 1381-1395 of the new Civil Code regarding the recovery of damages caused by extra-contractual causes. Thus, in the first part of the study, the author approaches joint liability, in case two or more persons are liable for one and the same damage. Also, a large part of the work deals with the principles governing the right and correlative obligation to recover the damages: the principle of full recovery and the principle of recovery in kind of the damages; both principles are explicitly provided in the texts of art. 1385 and 1386 of the new Civil Code. The central part of the work deals with a review of the recovery of damages by means of a money equivalent, referring in particular to the establishment of compensation for the full repair of personal injuries, both in their material and in their moral form; in the same context, large discussions are presented in relation to the pecuniary recovery of indirect damages. Another special place in the work is held by the presentation of the regulation regarding the correlation between the social security rights of the immediate or the indirect victim and the compensation that may be granted to such victim for recovery of the damages caused. The study ends with a review of the extinctive prescription of the right to claim and obtain in court the recovery of damages under tort liability.
  • From the Decision No 42/2008 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, United Sections, it emerges the rule cancellation excludes revocation in respect of which, given the finality of decisions in the interest of law to ensure a unitary practice, it must be admitted that the applicability is wider than the hypothesis that has generated it.
  • Starting with 25.05.2018 the Regulation (EU) No 679/2016, also referred to as Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data has entered into force. This regulation, although replacing the previous applicable directive in the matter, respectively Directive 95/46/EC, taking over from its functioning principles, brings significant novelties from the point of view of the general framework in the matter of protection of personal data, circumstantiating and detailing many of the mandatory rules in the matter. By proposing to create a common framework at unional level, the Regulation No 679/2016 provides the necessary clarifications on the background of the galloping technological evolution and the accelerated growth of cross-border personal data flows. To that end, the aim pursued by the mentioned Regulation is to create a coherent and sound framework in the matter of data protection in the Union, in the context of a climate of confidence which will allow digital economy to expand on the internal market. It is, thus, intended to ensure that individuals benefit by a greater control over personal data, as well as to consolidate legal and practical security for the natural persons, the economic operators and the public authorities. Likewise, the Regulation strictly stipulates the premises in which any processing of personal data may be considered as being lawful and, thus, allowed, at the same time with the circumstantiation of the conditions in which the person concerned may be considered to have given his consent to the forecast processing. Also, a central element of the new European legislative initiative is to provide the necessary measures to ensure the transparency of the processing of personal data. In this respect, there are configured the obligations devolving on the operators of such data to inform the persons whose data are processed, as well as the cases and conditions in which the natural persons are entitled to rectify, erase or restrict the use of data concerning them.
  • The new Romanian Civil Procedure Code has the indisputable merit of rebalancing the relationship between parties and courts, as well as dynamising the settlement of civil disputes. From both these perspectives, provisions of Article 200 of the Civil Procedure Code, pertaining to the check and regularisation of application for summons, mark a specific stage of solving some of the „prior” issues. Some of these not only notable but even surprising provisions will be further discussed.
  • Conflictul negativ de competență este reglementat de art. 133 pct. 2 din Codul de procedură civilă, ce stabilește că există conflict de competență când două sau mai multe instanțe și-au declinat reciproc competența de a judeca același proces sau, în cazul declinărilor succesive, dacă ultima instanță învestită își declină la rândul său competența în favoarea uneia dintre instanțele care anterior s-au declarat necompetente.
  • The elaboration of the notarial acts takes place in compliance with some requirements strictly provided in the normative acts. These requirements for the preparation of notarial acts are called rules for drawing up and affect to all notarial acts and actions. The topic covered in this paper is of interest to theorists and law practitioners from the Republic of Moldova and from Romania. In the Republic of Moldova there is a long process of formation and consolidation of notarial legislation. In the absence of a well-elaborated normative framework, the notaries public from the Republic of Moldova apply, here and there, the rules for drawing up the notarial acts inherited ever since the period of the Soviet Union. Another situation exists in Romania, whereas the legislator, by the Law No 36/1995, has established a stable normative framework for regulating notarial law relations. The main objective pursued by the author in the elaboration of the paper consists in the comparative analysis of the common rules for the drawing up the notarial acts through the Romanian and Moldavian legislation. The results of the research are manifested by formulating some conclusions and recommendations for amending the legislation. The theoretical implications of the study are relevant due to the diversity of the doctrinal sources used by the author. An increased attention was paid to Moldavian and Romanian researchers. In addition, the doctrine of the notarial law in the Russian Federation has been considered, which, over many decades, has become traditional in the Republic of Moldova.
  • We are witnessing tremendous progress in the fields of biology and medicine, which consist the possibility to take human cells, tissues and organs for the purpose of their transplantation into another subject’s body, genetic engineering operations, medically assisted human procreation and many other such revolutionary techniques. All of these have proven to be two-edged weapons: on the one hand, they can be used to save lives or to help some couples who, under normal conditions, cannot procreate to give birth to the much-desired children and, on the other hand, they can turn into threats to the human genome or to the social cohesion. It has become necessary for man himself to be the object of legal protection, and, at the same time, a new category of things has emerged, namely the biological products of the human body and the elements detached therefrom, which are intended to be used for therapeutic or research purposes. Thus arose the problem of the legal qualification of these things, which also raised the issue of the existence of a relationship between the subject of law and his body. The doctrinaires are divided into two camps: one that considers that between the subject of law and his body, qualified as a thing, there is a legal relationship of property and another that claims that the human body is the person himself. The qualification of the human body as a thing, the transformation into things of some of its products and of some elements detached therefrom, as well as the possibility of capitalizing on some personality rights, such as the right to voice and the right to image, are part of a process which was called the reification of the person. It is a constantly evolving process which has already included the controversial gestation for another as well. The present study is devoted to the identification of the dangers generated by the qualification of the human body as a thing, with special regard to the gestation for another.
  • The article addresses the issue related to the manner to reach an effective cooperation between two judicial institutions which play a very important role in the context of ensuring respect for the rights and freedoms of the citizen, respectively between the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union. The study starts from the premise according to which the creation of the Single European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, through the conclusion of international treaties, and subsequently the accession thereto by the states on the European continent and the third countries was not only of a nature to bring benefits to the citizens, by exercising the right to free movement and its derivatives at socio-economic level, but also to generate shortcomings, determined by the cross-border nature of the criminality, acquired in the light of free movement precisely. The relationship between the two jurisdictional institutions is viewed in the context of international cooperation in criminal matters, with broad references to the principles enshrined in the European Union law and which have the role of simplifying and intensifying this cooperation. Among the principles analyzed we indicate: the Principle of pre-eminence of international treaties and conventions over the national law, the Principle of mutual recognition of criminal judicial decisions and of mutual trust between states, the Principle ne bis in idem. The article also contains references to another important aspect resulting from the realities of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, namely to the fact that, although each Member State of the European Union is a party to the European Convention, the Union, as an international organization, is not a party to the Convention, which means that European citizens cannot file a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights against an institution of the Union, when they consider that any of their rights enshrined in the Convention has been violated.
  • An attack on a moral right must attain a certain level of seriousness in order to attract the application of a sanction. When the exercise of a moral right, freedom of expression especially, interfere with the exercise of some other moral rights, in order to determine if the right was exercised with intention to harm or excessive and unreasonable, a fair balance exercise between two values which may come into conflict must be carried out under the proportionality test: if there is a public or private interest to justify the attain to the moral right of another person. In these cases, harmful events can occur even without author guilt. The application of national provisions which protects specific moral rights should not be used solely to determine whether or not there is a violation of the rights of personality, to determine whether or not the conditions of general tort law are fulfilled. The new national provisions can be useful to determine the proportionality of the sanction, and even for establishing non-material remedies when the specific conditions of general tort law are not fulfilled. There is a relationship of complementarity, maybe even subsidiarity between general tort law and the specific remedies of civil moral rights stipulated in the Civil Code. Conceptualizing moral rights regime by enactment of statutory moral rights as „civil subjective rights” with specific remedies aims to achieve a better moral rights protection. Essentially general tort law does not deny specific protection concided by personality moral rights.
  • Following the conclusion of the Arbitration Convention there are born a number of contractual relationships between all participants in such Convention, namely: the Arbitration Agreement (between litigants and arbitrators appointed by the same); the Arbitration Cooperation Agreement (in the case of Institutional Arbitration, between arbitrators and the permanent arbitration institution); the Agreement on the Organization of Arbitration (between the Parties and the Arbitration Institution). In the above study there are reviewed the legal issues of the three Agreements, subsequent to the conclusion of the Arbitration Convention mentioned above, namely: The Arbitrators’ Agreement, Drafting Arbitration Agreement and the Agreement on the Organization of Arbitration.
  • This study is a thorough analysis of the procedure of judgment in the absence of the defendant. In particular, there are assessed the remedies that the Romanian regulation provides to the one who has been the subject to a procedure of judgment in contumacy. The author brings arguments of comparative law and of systemic interpretation of the internal legal rules, his conclusion being that there are many aspects in which the internal regulation is deficient.
  • The question of law to which the present paper intends to provide an answer concerns the processual remedy whereby it is intended to put an end to the effects of a precautionary measure taken by the prosecutor in the course of the criminal prosecution, in the particular assumption that, in the course of enforcement of the criminal judgment, the prejudice caused by committing the offence is recovered otherwise than by the realisation of assets subject to that measure. From the legal regulation of the matter of precautionary measures in the criminal trial it follows that there are three processual remedies whereby it is intended to put an end to the effects of a precautionary measure, in general: the contestation against the act of taking the precautionary measure, the contestation against the manner of carrying out the precautionary measure, the application for lifting the precautionary measure. Among these, the application for lifting the precautionary measure is the processual remedy specific for the assumption which we are analysing. The former defendant must file an application having as object to lift the precautionary measure, legally grounded on Article 957 (1) of the Civil Procedure Code. It will be addressed to the civil court and will be solved according to the procedure provided by the legislative text to which we referred. The civil court is the one that will verify the fulfilment of the condition that the debtor (the former defendant) gives an satisfactory guarantee.
  • Under Law no. 286/2009 on the Criminal Code there were established two new legal institutions in the Romanian criminal law: the waiver of penalty and penalty delayed. The author carefully examines the contents and terms of implementation of these criminal legal institutions, terms of cancellation and revocation thereof, with reference to comparative law and brief criminological approaches.
  • Prin renunțarea la dreptul de a invoca accesiunea, proprietarul fondului abandonează prerogativa folosinței terenului în favoarea proprietarului construcției, pe toată durata de existență a acesteia, generând un mod atipic de naștere a dreptului de superficie, acceptat în sistemul Codului civil din 1864 și prevăzut expres în sistemul actualului Cod civil la art. 693 alin. (4) teza I. Așadar, în forma sa deplină, superficia ca dezmembrământ al dreptului de proprietate imobiliară are în conținutul său proprietatea asupra construcției și prerogativa folosinței terenului (ca atribut al proprietății, iar nu doar o simplă stare de fapt protejată juridic, atribut transmis pe durata de existență a construcției de către proprietarul fondului către constructor). Or, așa cum am arătat mai sus, prin contractele de închiriere pârâta a transmis folosința terenului ca și obiect al unei obligații personale pentru o anumită durată, și nu ca atribut al proprietății, pe toată durata existenței construcției. (Curtea de Apel Timișoara, Secția I civilă, Decizia nr. 114 din 30 iunie 2021, www.rolii.ro)
  • This paper aims to examine the issue of renunciation of inheritance, valence of the right of succession option in every aspect that it involves, to reveal the novelties brought by Law.287/2009 on this matter, and to assess on the usefulness and timeliness thereof.
  • Potrivit art. 404 alin. (4) C.pr.pen., dispozitivul trebuie să mai cuprindă, după caz, cele hotărâte de instanță cu privire la: ... g) restabilirea situației anterioare; i) rezolvarea oricărei alte probleme privind justa soluționare a cauzei. Conform art. 25 alin. (3) C.pr.pen., instanța, chiar dacă nu există constituire de parte civilă, se pronunță cu privire la desființarea totală sau parțială a unui înscris sau la restabilirea situației anterioare săvârșirii infracțiunii (cu notă parțial aprobativă).
  • This study analyzes the new regulations of the Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on October 1, 2011) regarding compensation for harm caused to the human body. In this sense, the special rules regarding compensation for personal injury in the said Civil Code are discussed, then a definition of such injuries is proposed, the natures of the injuries in question are emphasized, and, finally, the special uses of the full compensation injury principle in the area of personal injuries are pointed out.
  • In the context of the express consecration of the protection of non-patrimonial rights also for the legal persons, according to Article 257 of the Civil Code, it becomes useful to analyze the evolution of the practice in the matter of repairing the non-patrimonial damage caused to the legal persons. Also, the historical perspective of the notion of moral damages, the procedural means and the relevant jurisprudence of the ECHR allow us to place this issue today, concluding that the principles of the tort civil liability apply to each case, depending on the proven factual evidence, but also on the diversity of the legal persons, on the variety of their objectives.
  • Engaging the civil tort liability has as finality the full reparation of the damage. Reparation is a legal means by which the victim may claim to be reinstated in the situation prior to the commission of the illegal act. The right to reparation depends on an objective fact, that of causing the damage. The condition of the certainty of the damage is its most important character. If the damage is not certain, it can not be ascertained whether the right to reparation arose, and if the uncertainty concerns the extent thereof, the object of the claim for damages can not be established. Sometimes, in practice, it is difficult to determine whether the damage invoked is certain or possible. In relation to this condition of certainty of the damage, the damage by loss of the opportunity to gain an advantage is one of the innovative elements of the new regulation, being outlined as a distinct category of reparable damage.
  • “Vague” legal concepts are inevitable, these proving their usefulness not only for covering some varied and virtually unlimited legal situations, impossible to imagine by the legislator, but also for ensuring the transition from the “the written law” to the experienced law” – given the evolution of the regulatory legal system background, while stimulating the updating of the written one. Conventional rules, primary and secondary, excel through the use of such concepts, called “autonomous”, but these are not foreign to any constitutional standards either, although one could say that, by definition, these must single out by the rigor and perfect predictability. Therefore, recognizing their indispensability and usefulness, we shall bring into focus some of the peculiarities of the review in terms of the way of interpretation and implementation of such concepts.
  • Principiul separației puterilor a fost „importat” din Marea Britanie, englezii fiind cei care, în secolul al XVII-lea, au început să îl aplice în încercarea de a fragmenta puterea politică ce aparținea, în mod tradițional, doar regelui. Apoi, un pas important pe acest drum anevoios a fost făcut de gânditorii politici francezi, ideea modernă a separării puterilor în stat datorându-se filosofului și gânditorului iluminist francez, baronul de Montesquieu, care a făcut distincție între trei puteri în stat: legislativă, executivă și judiciară – acesta fiind fundamentul separației puterilor regăsit (și repetat) în dreptul constituțional modern. În concepția lui Montesquieu, cele trei puteri trebuie să aparțină unor organe diferite ale statului: Libertatea nu admite unirea a două și cu atât mai mult a trei puteri în sânul uneia și aceleiași puteri a statului. Dacă puterea legislativă e unită cu cea executivă, atunci cel ce edictează legile aplicându-le nu va urma indicațiile cuprinse în ele, tolerând încălcarea lor, și în țară va domni arbitrarul. Dar arbitrarul va interveni și în cazul în care în aceleași mâini se unesc puterea judecătorească și cea executivă, judecătorul va fi asupritor, întrucât va fi în același timp și judecător, și executantul legii. De asemenea, nu pot fi unite, în același organ, puterea judecătorească și cea legiuitoare, întrucât, procedându-se astfel, judecătorul, rezolvând procesele, nu va urma strict legea, ci are posibilitatea să introducă schimbări în conținutul legii
  • In this scientific article, the author addresses one of the problems faced by the current judicial practice in criminal matters. Specifically, it is about detecting the relationship between the offence of money laundering and the offence of concealment, starting from the theoretical approach of comparison and reaching to the exposition of some solutions from the judicial practice. The author proposes criteria on the basis of which this delimitation can be made in a clear and constant manner.
  • This study aims to identify the constituent moment, a moment when the manifestation of the original constituent power intervenes. While in case of the derived constituent power formal and material limits are pre-established, and the revision of the Constitution is an activity with a consistent procedural component, in case of the original constituent power an analysis of comparative law can identify ex ante which are the main moments when we can speak about the manifestation of the constituent power. These moments are closely related to different internal and international social events which took place in the historical evolution of a state, and these can be grouped into: constituent moments mainly determined by a revolution, by the change in the political regime or by the formation of a state. Thus, the main questions to which we seek to answer are: Which is the onset signal that will lead to the beginning of the constituent procedure? Is the new Constitution legitimate? Is the new Constitution the work of an original constituent power or of a derived constituent power?
  • The study tries to outline the concept of misuse of law as it is regulated in the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code, starting from the regulations of novelty introduced by the new Civil Code. Recognized in the case-law and in the doctrine as a phenomenon inherent to the exercise of the subjective rights, the misuse of law appears better outlined on procedural level, unlike the substantive law, both with regard to its constitutive elements and the conditions in which it can be found and in respect of the sanctions that may appear. Even if the regulation of the new Civil Procedure Code is wider, a series of discussions raise, further on, the issue of misuse of law in the matter of the right of action under the terms of express sanctioning for bringing, in bad faith, an application for summons or for exercising an obviously unfounded judicial remedy.
  • This study presents the specific elements of the security obligation, having as benchmarks the scope, the legal nature and the fundamentals of the civil repair liability and preventive, anticipatory liability based on the precautionary principle. The stated conclusions try to define this obligation, thus providing a useful approach to the legal action of the creditor regarding the debtor’s liability for infringement of that obligation.
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