  • 1.- La signification de la planification hydrologique dans la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau. 2.- Les retards significatifs des États dans l’application de la Directive. 3.- Les districts hydrographiques comme référence des plans hydrologiques. 4.Les autorités administratives responsables des districts hydrographiques. 5.- Les procédures d’élaboration des plans hydrologiques. 6.- Le contenu des plans hydrologiques. 7.- Valeur et effets des plans hydrologiques. 8.- Le contrôle judiciaire des plans hydrologiques. Bibliographie.
  • In this study, the author presents a constitutional reform on the Hungarian Constitutional Court, in the sense of extending its substantive jurisdiction, which entered into force at the beginning of the year 2012. Indeed, the mentioned reform preserves the classic system of the constitutional courts, but it receives an additional jurisdiction, i.e.: after a judgment has become final, either party may address to the Constitutional Court if the decision made is contrary to a fundamental right established by the Constitution. This way, concludes the author, the Constitutional Court is elevated at the level of a centre of the state power, an independent branch thereof which, in a certain sense, conducts a control on all branches of the state power.
  • This paper presents an analysis of the legality of the decisions made by the administrations of the places of detainment to forbid to the persons deprived of their freedom to receive and acquire different categories of foods, decisions based on safety reasons regarding the detainment, as per Article 148 (6) in the Regulation of Enforcement of Law No 254/2013, as well as the extent to which these decisions violate or not the right to receive and buy goods according to Article 70 from the Law No 254/2013. The paper summarizes the currents of opinion formed both in the practice of the judges of surveillance of deprivation of liberty, as well in the courts by displaying certain judicial situations regarding the nature of some foods which are not particularly regulated in Annex 1, Title IV of the Regulation, situations which not even at present have received unitary unification in relation to the character of the actions taken by the prison as a restraint or a reduction of the right to receive and buy goods. The conclusions of this endeavour offer a possible solution to this problem of great actuality in practice starting from the assumption that reducing the exercise of the right to receive and buy goods is legal in the extent to which the principles of legality, equity, the realization of goals and proportionality are abided.
  • The object of the general part of criminal law and its relation to the special part are still uncertain, and this is because the criminal doctrine has always neglected the general criminal norms, by focusing its attention on the norms of incrimination, which are specific to the special part. In relation to these matters, the doctrine often makes contradictory statements and, as a result, some authors have deducted that the connection between the general part and the special part of criminal law is that of a general law (common law) and a special law (exceptional law), so that a possible conflict between a general criminal norm and a special criminal norm is solved according to the rule specialia generalibus derogant. And, unfortunately, such an opinion tends to become dominant, as evidenced by the fact that the criminal legislator disregards more and more frequently the norms with value of principles of branch, which are included in the general part of the Criminal Code. Therefore, in order to combat this completely unacceptable legislative practice, the author of this paper has intended to point out that the general part is a framework-law, with a higher legal value, while the special part is a (derived) subordinate law, which can only specify (clarify) the norms of the general part, but can never derogate from them. However, starting from this premise, the author has noticed that the persisting doubt about the relation between the two parties also has a deeper cause, which resides in the fact that no modern legislator has been preoccupied with determining and explicitly providing the general conditions and rules of punishment. Although the criminal doctrine has, for a long time, noticed that the norms of incrimination lay down special rules of punishment, the scope of which is limited to a specific, well-determined offence, however, in the absence of general rules of punishment, it has concluded wrongly, that the incrimination norms are autonomous independent norms, while general criminal norms are derived (secondary) norms.
  • Arbitrability is the entry point of arbitration: it identifies those cases which can be settled by way of arbitration and in which the parties can exclude court procedures and state courts. This article examines, in light of the applicable international treaties, the choice-of-law rule that determines the law applicable to arbitrability and, in order to establish this choice-of-law rule, analyzes the purpose of arbitrability. It argues that arbitrability should be conceived as a question of competence and not as a question emerging from public policy. It follows from this thesis that the application of the law of the forum (lex fori), the dominant approach in international treaty law, is not justified and the exclusion of arbitrability is warranted only in cases which belong to the exclusive competence of the courts of or raise real problems of public policy for the forum.
  • In this study, the author analyzes the scope of Regulation (EC) no. 593/ 2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to contractual obligations (also called “Rome I”) in individual contracts of employment having an extraneity element, taking into account that the provisions of this regulation are mandatory applicable in Romania, with a view to Art. 148 paragraph 2 of the Constitution and Art. 2640 of the Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009 republished).
  • The globalization phenomenon is inevitably leading to a development, without precedent, of the international trade, in general, and of the freight, a situation that emphasizes the current complex issue of defining the law applicable to the international contract of maritime freight, and also the enhancement of afforts for the elaboration of an uniform frame applicable to international trade contracts in general, by the specialized institutions – UNCITRAL, UNIDROIT, the Hague Conference on international private law; the existence of an uniform law proves to be the best solution in order to avoid difficult issues caused by the conflict of laws, process which is constantly developing without achieving the elaboration of an universal interstate convention, that could unify the conflict solutions applicable to all international trading contracts, and consequently, at least for the time being, the conflict of laws is not completely eliminated. From this perspective, the law applicable to the international charter party has been analyzed according to the European Committee Regulation no. 593/ 2008 of the Europea Parliament and Council regarding the law applicable on contractual obligations – Rome I, and according to the inter-American Convention on the law applicable on international contracts (CIDIP Convention).
  • Fiducia is a legal institution brought into the Romanian national legislation by the entry into force of the New Civil Code. Introducing the institution of fiducia in the national law is the result of adapting national legislation to the new today’s legal and economic realities. The new Civil Code includes regulations applicable to fiducia with / without extraneity element. Regulation of this new institution has theoretical and practical significance as the procedure is a way of protection from creditors. Applying these regulations to particular factual situations requires knowledge and analysis of specific elements of fiducia.
  • Analyzing the jurisprudence of the past three decades whereas tort law is concerned, one can easily find some gray areas, where the doctrinal principles developed so far seem to have fallen behind the realities of our modern society. Such a gray area is being analyzed by the author of this study, and it is attributed by modern doctrine to the jurisprudence applying the precautionary principle. Developed in the area of international public law, adapted to private law, and embraced by modern doctrine, the precautionary principle is a prominent figure in European legislation, as well as in our national laws, and lately also in court decisions.
  • The dilemma on the bicameralism or unicameralism of the EC/EU legislator has existed for a long time. Not a few times, given the name of Parliament, operating with relative similarities regarding the states as subjects of international law, it was considered that it was and remained the legislature of the EC/EU. Over time, primary law and practice were likely to clarify things. Thus, at the beginnings of the Community construction, the Council acted as genuine supreme legislator, which had been gradually joined, as an institution of political control, consultation, cooperation and co-decision, by the European Parliament, so that currently the two institutions are equally involved in the legislative process of a two-chamber system.
  • Given the importance that cybercrime is acquiring, the author has appreciated as being necessary to make an analysis on the applicability of self-defence and state of necessity in the context of cybercrime. Having as premise the necessity of justifying the retaliation in the virtual environment, the author has attempted to identify arguments in order to support the thesis according to which the self-defence and the state of necessity may find their applicability including in this area. Beyond analyzing the problematic issues related to this topic, we have tried, therefore, to emphasize the hypothetical situations in which a cyber (digital) attack is likely to give an outline to the state of self-defence or to the state of necessity.
  • After the author has analyzed in a previous study the need to take into account the legitimate defence in the field of cybercrime and has emphasized the aspects of the conditions of the attack, in this material there are analyzed the legitimate retaliation and the state of necessity. In this context, the author has tried to emphasize the problems that may arise in relation to the conditions relating to defence (legitimate retaliation), also seeking to provide a theoretical framework capable of providing applicability to the institution of self-defence. An important aspect analyzed in this paper has been the putative self-defence, which could be a key aspect in the discussion on the legitimate retaliation. Equally, it has been examined inclusively the institution of the state of necessity, also drawing conclusions on the relationship between this institution and the institution of self-defence.
  • La protection et mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel et naturel constituent deux des vecteurs de l’actuelle politique d’aménagement du territoire au Portugal. Il ne s’agit pas d’un aspect étonnant, prise en considération la richesse et diversité des biens (culturels et naturels) que le Pays dispose. Ainsi, et en ce qui concerne le patrimoine naturel, l’ensemble d’aires classées à l’abri du Réseau 2000 et du Réseau National des Aires Protégées représentait, déjà en 2005, 21,3% du territoire national, s’élevant même, dans certaines zones, à 50% de la surface total (comme il arrive dans la NUT de Serra da Estrela) 1. À son tour, les actions de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel ont augmenté exponentiellement, se traduisant dans une croissance considérable du nombre de biens classés, qui a augmenté près de 85% entre 1980 et 2003. En effet, il y a des aires avec une grande concentration de patrimoine classé, comme il arrive au Norte Litoral, Área Metropolitana do Porto (avec extension vers Douro), Beira Interior, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (avec extension vers Vale do Tejo), Alto Alentejo et Alentejo Central, avec un grand poids dans le patrimoine archéologique2.
  • During the execution of custodial sentences, detainees participate in various activities and educational program, psychological assistance and social assistance that facilitate the adjustment to prison life, support social reintegration and create the framework for learning the rules of social coexistence in the outside society. The central element of this research is the religious freedom of persons deprived of their liberty and the specific way of exercising it in places of detention, considering that a balance must be preserved between the fundamental right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and interest of penitentiary administrations to maintain security in places of detention, respect for the rights of other detainees. Bearing in mind the content, but also the limits of religious freedom, the exercise of this fundamental right in places of detention has some particular characteristics because it influences the life in prisons, the diet of detainees, but also their other rights, and in this regard the special rules of exercise religious freedom can be determined on the basis of principles deriving from both national and European Court of Human Rights’ case law.
  • Contractul de asistență juridică învestit cu formulă executorie, în condițiile legii, constituie titlu executoriu cu privire la restanțele din onorariu și alte cheltuieli efectuate de avocat în interesul clientului. Este nelegală executarea silită pornită pentru o sumă pe care creditoarea o apreciază ca fiind datorată cu titlu de prejudiciu pentru încălcarea obligațiilor contractuale. Creanța nu reprezintă o plată pentru o activitate profesională desfășurată de societatea de avocatură, ci o despăgubire pentru încălcarea clauzelor contractuale de către contestator, având astfel caracterul unei clauze penale. Din această perspectivă nu prezintă relevanță în ce măsură creditoarea putea desfășura activități de intermediere sportivă ori dacă putea pretinde debitorului executarea obligației garantate potrivit contractului de ipotecă mobiliară pentru o nerespectare a obligațiilor asumate în cazul unui transfer. Nu este permis ca prin convenția lor părțile să poată ca, sub denumirea de „onorariu”, să-și creeze un titlu executoriu pentru o creanță care în realitate este o despăgubire.
  • In the judicial doctrine and practice, the differences of opinion and the plurality of the proposed solutions are not only an inherent effect of a current, complex and moldable legal reality, but also a desideratum of identifying the correct way of interpreting the legal norms in force and of resolving the legal disputes brought to justice. One of the legal institutions specific to administrative law among the most disputed over the last three decades is the one aimed at legally empowering the courts of law to verify the way in which the public administration authorities exercise their discretionary power to assess the opportunity to issue/adopt administrative documents, as well as the identification of the limits and, possibly, of the exceptions that can be retained from the rule of judicial control over the activity of the public institutions. The analysis of the legal topic in question will consider the approach of some didactic, linguistic, grammatical and of legal analysis methods, integrated and synergistic, having as sole finality the clarification of the meaning and of the limits, objective and subjective, of the right of appreciation and of the discretionary power which the public institutions benefit from. Therefore, it is required, in the beginning, to reveal the polyvalent meaning, attributed in the ordinary language to the notion „opportunity”, semantics that will be the basis for identifying the legal guarantees inherent to the process of exercising by the public administration authorities of the right to assess the time and appropriate means of issuance/adoption of the administrative acts. In the present study, without pretending to exhaust the issues presented above and to put an end to the long differences of opinion that it has caused, we intend to identify the various opinions expressed in the specialized literature, to provide a systematic interpretation of the various solutions adopted by the courts of law and, finally, to propose a viable and pertinent solution to the legal issue under discussion, offering logical-legal arguments and of teleological interpretation of the various competing legal norms, incidental in this legal matter. We intend to offer, through the conclusions of this study, a valuable and applied tool to practitioners in the field of administrative law, in identifying possible answers to complex and elaborate questions, involved by the activity of resolving the legal disputes brought to court with such an object.
  • This paper analyses judicial limits of property in national legal context, where this kind of property limits are relatively young comparing to the legal limits, which are clearly delimited. The study begins with brief comparative law on similar English, French, and Canadian regulations, continuing by presenting the doctrinal divergence on the foundation of civil liability for abnormal inconveniences of good neighbourhood. The study shows different points of view from doctrine on the fundament of civil liability for causing inconveniences by exceeding the reasonable boundaries of neighbourhood. The paper focuses on differentiating between abuse of right, tortious civil liability and extra-contractual liability, proposing the last one as the fundament of civil liability for causing abnormal inconveniences that bothers the relations of good neighbourhood. Also, it is brought into discussion the meaning of „owner” to which Article 630 of the Civil Code refers, and the implications regarded by giving a restricted meaning to this notion used by the legislator. Still, the French doctrine and the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence is orientated to a broad interpretation of this notion.
  • The challenge on enforcement does not refer to the merits of the judgment of conviction, but it is directed against its enforcement and, for this reason, its completion consists in eliminating the illegal matters occurring in the enforcement or during the enforcement of the judgment. The probation service attached to the tribunal has no competence to file a challenge on enforcement with the court of law for reasons of illegality occurred during the surveillance of the person convicted and, in particular, for matters related to the personal interests of the convict. If, during the surveillance, problems or interests of the convict occur that prevent the convict from appearing on the dates scheduled, the probation service has the competence to examine the reasons invoked and revise the initially scheduled surveillance plan.
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