  • Potrivit art. 244 C.pen., inducerea în eroare a unei persoane prin prezentarea ca adevărată a unei fapte mincinoase sau ca mincinoasă a unei fapte adevărate, în scopul de a obține pentru sine sau pentru altul un folos patrimonial injust și dacă s-a pricinuit o pagubă, se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la 6 luni la 3 ani, iar înșelăciunea săvârșită prin folosirea de nume sau calități mincinoase ori de alte mijloace frauduloase se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la unu la 5 ani. Dacă mijlocul fraudulos constituie prin el însuși o infracțiune, se aplică regulile privind concursul de infracțiuni (cu notă aprobativă).
  • The additional acts do not enjoy a legal definition in the labour legislation, although some legal texts make reference thereto or the necessity of their conclusion results from the interpretation of the legal provisions. At the same time, the conclusion of the additional act to the individual labour contract is frequently used in practice. Among the measures to make the labour relations more flexible is the temporary change of the workplace at the domicile of the employee, in which situation there must be concluded an additional act to the individual labour contract. It is necessary de lege ferenda to enshrine a legal definition of the additional act in the Labour Code.
  • Intimately linked to the concept of sustainable development, the theory that future generations are the subject of law has aroused lively discussions at doctrinal level, at home and abroad. There are also international conferences: e.g. the Stockholm Conference of 1972, which for the first time warned of the future of humanity itself, as a result of environmental deterioration, following human activities; The Brundtland report of the World Commission for Environment and Development appeared in 1987, entitled „our common future”. The EU’s interest, in which Romania is a member state, in sustainable development has grown in parallel with the United Nations initiative for this concept and has resulted in a number of environmental action programs and strategies that have led to the development of numerous acts to translate them into practice, because everything has become or must became „sustainable” – economy, transport, industry, energy, consumption, agriculture.
  • În cauza dedusă judecății apelantul a susținut că nu se justifică măsura evacuării sale din locuință, întrucât această măsură îl împiedică să participe la anumite evenimente din viața fiicei sale și să păstreze relațiile personale cu aceasta. Însă atât timp cât aceste relații nu au fost interzise de către o instanță judecătorească, iar autoritatea părintească este exercitată în continuare, în comun, de către ambii părinți, în mod egal, conform art. 503 alin. (1) C.civ., tatăl apelant nu este afectat în exercitarea drepturilor și obligațiilor părintești, decât în mică parte, prin măsura evacuării din locuința familiei, întrucât există multe alte modalități pe care le are la dispoziție pentru menținerea relațiilor cu minora, chiar și în această perioadă în care este instituită starea de urgență. (Tribunalul Galați, Decizia civilă nr. 229 din 27 aprilie 2020, definitivă).
  • The idea of recognizing nature’s legal capacity, with the consequence of attributing this entity of rights, began to be conveyed some time ago in the specialized literature. With all criticism, the theory has taken a certain shape and has even been included in the legislations, as is the case of Ecuador, which in 2008, by Constitution, Articles 71–74, recognized the law of nature, of the environment in general. Bolivia has adopted legal provisions, but not with constitutional power and, at the same time, has proposed a draft Universal Declaration of Nature Rights, which quickly gained adherence both at the level of states and in specialized literature with moderate optimism because it is stated that „we must be aware that the statement such as the one proposed cannot be expected to have immediate results”. The granting of rights to nature, as a new approach to the law of the environment that conceptualizes the natural, non-human world, as something worthy of protection for its own good, and not just as something that can be used for the benefit of the people, appeared in response to the failure of the model anthropocentric environment protection, also has its place in interesting processes.
  • In this article, we intend to present, first of all, the particularities of the on-the-spot investigation, and then to deal with the way of drawing up a report, regarding those found on the spot and the importance of such evidence for solving cases. Also, depending on the discussions held, in our presentation, we will examine the themes raised by applying Articles 345–347 of the Civil Procedure Code; the situations in which the court, which travels on the spot, cannot conclude the investigation on the appointed day; the issue of the rogatory commission and the manner of drawing up the minutes. Current probation law provides the on-the-spot investigation with the conduct of operations and findings to be recorded in a report, which also shows the presence or absence of the parties. We appreciate that, for a fair trial, the deadlines for which the judge goes to that place on the second or even the third day must be mentioned. Although it is not a legal provision for the on-the-spot investigation by the letter rogatory, there are requests, according to the rules of common law, by which the courts support each other, to establish the truth accurately. Because the on-the-spot investigation is direct evidence of the facts, the minutes must be drawn up meticulously during on-the-spot investigations. In our analysis we also turn to generically related information, which cannot be a means of probation allowed by our system.
  • Transferul dreptului de proprietate sau legătura contractuală dintre cedent și cesionar nu reprezintă condiții sine qua non pentru existența transferului de întreprindere în accepțiunea Directivei 2001/23/CE astfel cum a fost interpretată prin hotărârile Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene și, deși prevăzute de dreptul intern, nu își pot produce efectele în contra scopului directivei, prin restrângerea domeniului de aplicare.
  • The transition to the „digital age” marks all areas, being impossible for the administrative action and the administrative law to be placed outside this phenomenon. In the context of the transformations regarding the progressive replacement of the unilateral character of the administrative action with models based on dialogue and consensus, as well as the transition from the representative democracy to the participative one, the generalization of the digital dialogue between the administration and the citizens is a way to promote new, collaborative forms of administrative action. These bring a more important involvement of the public in the elaboration of the administrative decision, including by redefining the practices of public consultations, carried out on more flexible, less rigid channels. The challenge of digitalization concerns to the same extent also the administrative law, a science that, under the pressure of this „tsunami”, is forced to undergo mutations in its foundations: the administrative act and the drafting process
  • The criminal trial is a complex judicial activity through which it is performed the criminal justice, formed of a complex of judicial activities carried out in an orderly and successive manner. In its entire development, the criminal trial is a complex judicial activity. In the dynamism of its development, the criminal trial is a complex of judicial activities. The regulation of the criminal trial includes the provisions of the general part of the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as the provisions of its special part. The general provisions regulate the criminal trial in all cases and they discipline the entire judicial activity. The special provisions regulate the criminal trial in each case in particular and they discipline each judicial activity in particular. The special provisions are interpreted literally and restrictively, systematically, logically and teleologically, in order to be correctly applied.
  • The concepts with which the theory of law operates are far from being the result of some philosophical speculations, without any connection with the concrete relations of the social life. Although eminently deductive, the science of law, as a whole, does not operate only deductively, without reference to facts, data of reality. In last analysis, the theoretical constructions formulated by the science of law (or legal sociology) are the result of a succession of inductive and deductive steps. A good knowledge, explanation and interpretation of law (of the legal phenomenon, more broadly) requires an appropriate methodology, based on which to achieve a scientific understanding of the mechanism of the social action of law, its functions, essence, content and form. In the conditions of the current scientific and technological evolution, there are happening profound transformations – of structure, of method, of vision – which determine that also the scientific research go through a fruitful mutation. From this methodological perspective, the author aims to address some essential aspects of the structure of law.
  • The present scientific approach has as object the notarial activity and its development between the medieval moment of the imperial or papal authorisations and the era of artificial intelligence. Thus, the author approaches the role of the medieval notary in Transylvania, emphasizing the procedural or substantial aspects of notarial documents, presents the graphic elements of their notarial seals, but also succeeds in analyzing from the same perspectives the activities of the contemporary notary, the impact of new technologies and of the digitalization on this activity.
  • Resulting from the frontal collision of two criminal law systems at the level of the legislation, theory and practice of criminal law, the crisis of the (science of) criminal law in Romania is a crisis of the „technical-legal method”. This crisis resulted from the lack of thoroughly analysing the foundations of this method configured in terms of general juridical theory in the context of the Historical School of Law from Germany, received in the particular matter of the theory of criminal law thanks to the contribution of the Italian criminal specialists (Arturo Rocco) and which became a traditional method of the Romanian science of criminal law due to its reception in Italy by Vintilă Dongoroz. In the broader plan of the general theory of law, the same crisis proves to be a crisis of the idea of science of law, explicable by the vicissitudes of the reception of the Historical School of Law in Romania over the last 150 years.
  • The official proclamation of the climate emergency (at an international, European, and national level) has stimulated the concerns and efforts to regulate and adopt public policies aiming for mitigation of, and adaptation to climate change. Initiated in the name of the principle of precaution – scientific uncertainty regarding the anthropic causes do not justify the inconsideration of the phenomenon, but they impose taking progressive and proportional measures – 30 years ago, the process of development of climate law has already known three successive and progressive stages, configured around three major international acts. The Framework Convention on climate change (1992) has generated a general normativity, as a guideline and non-binding; the additional Kyoto Protocol (1997), with a superior legal force, provided precise targets and determinate periods of time to reach them; finally, the Paris Agreement (2015) has marked the phase of voluntary commitments and of adequate instruments, varied in their means of enforcing. Characterized by a dependency and a major interconnection with scientific data, climate law is inspired by a series of fundamental concepts (general interest of humanity, environmental transition, the rights of future generations, global approach), and it is dominated by a series of general principles (precaution, common but differentiated responsibility, the right to a stable climate), affirming itself as a law of the present day, but especially of the future. Assuming the Green Deal as a new strategy for growth of the EU (2019), of the law for climate (2020) and the return of the USA to the Paris Agreement (2021) re-launch the multi-lateral framework for negotiation and international regulation in this field, opening ample perspective for affirmation of the new legal regime and the innovative scientific field.
  • An attack on a moral right must attain a certain level of seriousness in order to attract the application of a sanction. When the exercise of a moral right, freedom of expression especially, interfere with the exercise of some other moral rights, in order to determine if the right was exercised with intention to harm or excessive and unreasonable, a fair balance exercise between two values which may come into conflict must be carried out under the proportionality test: if there is a public or private interest to justify the attain to the moral right of another person. In these cases, harmful events can occur even without author guilt. The application of national provisions which protects specific moral rights should not be used solely to determine whether or not there is a violation of the rights of personality, to determine whether or not the conditions of general tort law are fulfilled. The new national provisions can be useful to determine the proportionality of the sanction, and even for establishing non-material remedies when the specific conditions of general tort law are not fulfilled. There is a relationship of complementarity, maybe even subsidiarity between general tort law and the specific remedies of civil moral rights stipulated in the Civil Code. Conceptualizing moral rights regime by enactment of statutory moral rights as „civil subjective rights” with specific remedies aims to achieve a better moral rights protection. Essentially general tort law does not deny specific protection concided by personality moral rights.
  • Potrivit prevederilor art. 1345 C.civ., „cel care, în mod neimputabil, s-a îmbogățit fără justă cauză în detrimentul altuia este obligat la restituire, în măsura pierderii patrimoniale suferite de cealaltă persoană, dar fără a fi ținut dincolo de limita propriei sale îmbogățiri”
  • Legal separation („separația de corp”) is a quasi-divorce, which does not lead to the dissolution of the marriage, but produces certain legal consequences on personal and patrimonial relations between spouses. Based on religious motivations, legal separation is the compromising solution adopted in states of Catholic religion, in which marriage is seen as an indissoluble and perpetual bond. Although known in several Member States of the European Union (EU), legal separation has meanings, conditions, procedure and effects that differ from one state to another. In Romanian law, the institution of legal separation is not regulated. The Orthodox religion, predominant in Romania, rejects the dogma of the indissolubility of marriage and allows divorce. However, in the Civil Code, among the provisions of private international law there is a rule indicating the law applicable to legal separation. The use of the notion, which is otherwise singular, is not accompanied by a definition or explanation of the term. In the European regulations (the Regulation Brussels II bis on jurisdiction1 and the Regulation Rome III on the applicable law2 ), directly applicable in Romania, two similar notions are used, those of „separare de drept” (legal separation) and of „separare de corp” (separation of body).
  • Reflections on the moral and legal status of the animal, its cognitive abilities, its differences, essential or not, with humans, have nourished human thinking since ancient times; source of debate also today are a lot of questions: can we kill animals, we can eat them, we can use them in our activity, both in the field and in laboratories, do animals have rights, are they subjects of law? Ever since Roman law, the animal was considered from legal point of view, considering only the faculty of man’s appropriation as a subject of law; the main status of animal remains that of reification, their interests being most often ignored for the benefit of humans’ interests. This status embraced by doctrine, praised legally throughout the different civilizations and which has lasted until today, could be maintained by virtue of the „natural” power of human domination exercised over the rest of living beings also through the Cartesian animal–machine theory, which was translated into law by the animal–thing theory.
  • The article, a continuation of the study with the same title published in the previous issue of „Dreptul” magazine, presents in detail the minority point of view expressed within the civil procedure collective of the Faculty of Law of the West University from Timișoara, according to which the object of the incidental or provoked appeal/review may be the grounds or the solutions contained in the judgment of the court and in the preliminary conclusions, whether they have been challenged or not by means of the main appeal/review
  • La data de 1 martie 2020, Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria X a solicitat a se dispune înlocuirea măsurii preventive a controlului judiciar cu măsura arestării preventive față de inculpat, ca urmare a incidenței în cauză a dispozițiilor art. 215 alin. (7) C.pr.pen
  • Infracțiunea prevăzută de art. 337 C.pen. are ca situație premisă solicitarea expresă din partea organelor de poliție rutieră adresată conducătorului auto de a se supune prelevării de mostre biologice, în ambele modalități normative, atât în cazul refuzului, cât și în cazul sustragerii conducătorului unui vehicul de a se supune prelevării de mostre biologice necesare în vederea stabilirii alcoolemiei.
  • The study analyzes the two procedural moments of judging the requests for revision, traditional in our law – the admissibility in principle and the retrial –, by referring, mainly, to the new amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code and to the jurisprudential solutions. There are taken into account the measures that can be taken at the same time with or after the admission in principle and the solutions that will be given in the retrial of the case. Whereas a substantial change in the matter of revision, following the entry into force of the new Criminal Procedure Code, concerns the exclusive revision of the civil side of the criminal trial, respectively the division of the material competence between the criminal court and the civil court, a section is devoted to this issue. Whereas the new provisions are quite elliptical in this matter, the paper tries to identify aspects that may raise problems of application and to suggest solutions.
  • The labour law – a branch and science of the Romanian law system – has come a long way to the present days, when it fully manifests its specificity and autonomy that characterizes it. The doctrine evokes a „labour contract” concluded according to rules of the Roman law. In the Middle Ages, the Romanian principalities did not know regulations regarding legal labour relations. It was only in the Civil Code of 1864 that there were established specific regulations of some civil contracts which included some elements of some labour relations. The appearance and development of the industry determined, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the adoption of some legal norms aimed at the protection of workers. The labour legislation was invigorated due to the rules of the International Labour Organization, established in 1919. Our country, as a founding member, has ratified the essential conventions of this organization in the interwar period, but also later, to the present days. About a labour law, distinct, autonomous in Romania, one can speak only after the entry into force of the Labour Code of 1950. The development of the Romanian society, its economic and social level have also determined the evolution of the labour legislation and of the labour law, as it will be shown in the elaborated study.
  • The recordings made by technical means have not constituted, at least in civil matters, ever since the appearance of the devices that made them possible, an admissible evidence, not being regulated as such by the legislator in the past. In the new regulations, starting with the Law No 217/2003, including in the new Civil Procedure Code, in the conditions of the extended use of electronic means, both in the institutional framework and in the private life, the daily realities have imposed the use of the recordings with technical means as evidence. However, by operating a generalization, the possibility that the data of any kind to be fixed on a computer-based media has led to the penetration of this kind of probation both in the evidence with written documents, in the form of computer-based written documents, and in that of material means of evidence. The inclusion of the recordings, generically speaking, also in the category of material means of evidence generates problems both in terms of identifying their legal nature, with implications on their administration and storage regime, and in terms of establishing their admissibility conditions. The latter also raise the question of establishing the extent of the probationary area related thereto, respectively whether it should be restricted only to proving those legal relations which the facts of legal relevance involve, as well as which categories among these fall within the scope of circumstances likely to be proved in this way.
  • Electromagnetic pollution is increasingly becoming a public health and environmental problem at the same time with the introduction of 5G technology, which involves for solving the intervention of law and the exercise of public and civic democratic control. The exposure of the people and of the environment to electromagnetic waves, which has become massive, no longer pertains exclusively to labour safety, but becomes a challenge for public health. The combined application of the principles of prevention and precaution requires an adequate regulation of the activities generating electromagnetic fields, regarding the allocation of frequencies and the authorization of the related installations, as well as the establishment of the protection measures against proven and possible negative effects on people (consumers, employees, vulnerable people). The obligation to assess in advance the impact on health and environment, the democratic control, the transparency of the decision-making process and the compliance with the requirements of the rule of law are fundamental landmarks of the relevant legal regime. The intervention of the law implies, first of all, to ensure the prevalence of the public interest, the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, coming after the right to life, to health and the freedom of choice and the rejection of arbitrariness and immunity claimed by the operators.
  • The formation of public law in the Romanian Principalities bears, on the one hand, the imprint of the political will of the states with strong influence in this part of Europe in the first half of the 19th century, and, on the other hand, it reflects the spirit of Western constitutional thought and practice, much modernized after the French Revolution of 1789. Concerned with the constitutional and administrative modernization of the two Principalities were mainly Russia, France, England and Austria, each of these great European powers pursuing, in fact, their own objectives, of political and economic nature. Instead, Turkey did not support at all the modernization of Wallachia and Moldova, being interested in maintaining the Phanariot regime. At the confluence of the contradictory interests of these powers, the Principalities did not have an active, decisive role in their own constitutional and administrative modernization. Nevertheless, the changes and transformations produced in the Principalities at the initiative and with the determination of the mentioned states, were generated by the clauses of some international documents (the Treaty of Adrianople of 1829, the Peace Treaty between Russia and Turkey of 1856 and the Paris Convention of 1858). To these it is added the Developing Statute of the Paris Convention, imposed by the will of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza
  • The article addresses the problems concerning the crime of child pornography, in general, but it also includes some special emphasis on the legal implications which the conduct of the minor who makes pornographic materials with his own person, without being coerced by another person, might have. The analysis is one based on arguments from the specialized literature, but also on solutions from the judicial practice. In particular, the author proposes the recognition of existence, in the case of the crime of child pornography, in all its forms, of a special main legal object aiming at the need to respect the public order and peace, and, in particular, of a secondary object formed of the social relations referring to the protection of minors and of t he social relations whose proper development is conditioned by defending the public morality. With regard to the special issue caused by the minor’s act of producing, storing, possessing or distributing strictly in private pornographic materials of himself, the author rightfully considers that this act should not be subject to criminal liability, but rather to the psychological counselling of the minor with regard to the implications of the beginning and the development of the sexual life and, respectively, of the consequences that such deeds may have on the normal sexual development of the child.
  • Orice persoană poate solicita constatarea nulității absolute a unui act, dacă justifică un interes, or în cauza de față scopul urmărit de reclamant, prin constatarea nulității absolute a hotărârii comisiei județene de fond funciar, este acela de a include în sfera sa de administrare suprafața de teren menționată în actul a cărui anulare se solicită.
  • Potrivit art. 46 alin. (1) C.pr.pen., pentru motive temeinice privind mai buna desfășurare a judecății, instanța poate dispune disjungerea acesteia cu privire la unii dintre inculpați sau la unele dintre infracțiuni. Conform art. 421 pct. 2 lit. b) C.pr.pen., instanța, judecând apelul, pronunță una dintre următoarele soluții: admite apelul și desființează sentința primei instanțe și dispune rejudecarea de către instanța a cărei hotărâre a fost desființată pentru motivul că judecarea cauzei la acea instanță a avut loc în lipsa unei părți nelegal citate sau care, legal citată, a fost în imposibilitate de a se prezenta și de a înștiința instanța despre această imposibilitate, invocată de acea parte. Rejudecarea de către instanța a cărei hotărâre a fost desființată se dispune și atunci când instanța nu s-a pronunțat asupra unei fapte reținute în sarcina inculpatului prin actul de sesizare sau asupra acțiunii civile ori când există vreunul dintre cazurile de nulitate absolută, cu excepția cazului de necompetență, când se dispune rejudecarea de către instanța competentă. Articolul 6 paragr. 1 din Convenția (europeană) pentru apărarea drepturilor omului și a libertăților fundamentale (în continuare „Convenția”) stabilește că orice persoană are dreptul la judecarea cauzei sale în mod echitabil, în mod public și într-un termen rezonabil, de către o instanță independentă și imparțială, instituită de lege, care va hotărî fie asupra încălcării drepturilor și obligațiilor sale cu caracter civil, fie asupra temeiniciei oricărei acuzații în materie penală îndreptate împotriva sa. Potrivit art. 2 paragr. 1 din Protocolul nr. 7 la Convenție, orice persoană declarată vinovată de o infracțiune de către un tribunal are dreptul să ceară examinarea declarației de vinovăție sau a condamnării de către o jurisdicție superioară. Exercitarea acestui drept, inclusiv motivele pentru care acesta poate fi exercitat, sunt reglementate de lege. (cu notă aprobativă).
  • Două opțiuni a avut Adunarea Constituantă în 1991 cu privire la echilibrarea raporturilor între puteri, îndeosebi între Parlament, ca depozitar suveran al puterii legislative și cele două autorități de vârf ale puterii executive: Președintele României și Guvernul 1 . Fiecare opțiune cu avantajele, neajunsurile și riscurile ei. Adunarea Constituantă ar fi putut să instituie republica parlamentară, ca specie eminamente și formal democratică a regimului parlamentar, consacrat și prin constituțiile din 1866 și din 1923, dar nealterat esențial de regimurile autoritare ulterioare, sau să modifice tradiția parlamentară a regimului politic și să instituie un alt tip de regim. Regimul prezidențial nici nu a intrat în calculele Adunării Constituante, deoarece acesta, ca tip de separație și echilibrare a puterilor, nu a putut fi extins la niciun popor în forma sa clasică, izbutită exclusiv în Statele Unite ale Americii...
  • The authors of this article, starting from a case, approach the new regulation of the novation contract by changing the debtor, analyzing some legal limits of this type of contract, in the hypotheses in which, the new debtor – legal entity – takes over a debt free of charge. In this sense, highlighting the limits provided by the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Law on companies No 31/1990 1 , Criminal Code, Law on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency No 85/2014 2 , conclude that the novation contract by changing the debtor and taking over free of charge the debt of the old debtor by a legal entity third party is prohibited by several mandatory provisions of the Civil Code, the Law on companies No 31/1990, the Criminal Code and the Law on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency 85/2014. To admit otherwise means to accept the enrichment of the old debtor without just cause, to favour the administrators of the old debtor to evade the responsibility for being brought into insolvency or state of default, as well as the prejudice of the new debtor’s associates, his creditors, etc.
  • On 2 November 2020, it was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No 1019, the Law No 228/2020 for the amendment and completion of some normative acts in the criminal field in order to transpose some directives of the European Union (hereinafter, the Law No 228/2020), an act that modifies and completes both Law No 286/2009 regarding the Criminal Code and Law No 135/2010 on the Code of Criminal Procedure. Among the changes made by the legislator in the Criminal Code is the introduction of the extended confiscation in the case of third parties (which I will generically call „third party acquirers”) so that, taking into account this newly introduced hypothesis, this study aims, in a first stage, to address the issue, starting from the evolution of the institution of extended confiscation from the perspective of the european and national legislative framework, then continuing with a brief analysis of the changes made by Law No 228/2020. Finally, the article examines the possibility of ordering the extended confiscation security measure in the case of third parties in relation to the relevant doctrine and jurisprudence in this matter. In a second stage, the present study aims to examine from a procedural perspective the guarantees imposed by Directive (EU) 2014/42 and which the Romanian legislator, in order to respect the right to a fair trial, provides to the third party acquirer during the criminal proceedings, with a closer look at the existence of an effective remedy for the decisions of the courts of appeal which order for the first time the measure of extended confiscation. Also, this part analyzes the possible quality that the acquiring third party has during the criminal process. Finally, before drawing conclusions on those analyzed, it will also be shown how the other Member States have provided/transposed into their national legislation the particular hypothesis of extended confiscation in the case of third parties.
  • The statement that he is the sole heir, given by the successor to the notary public, within the notarial successoral procedure, even if it is untrue and made in order to establish the inaccuracy of the persons entitled to acquire the succession patrimony, does not constitute a statement within the meaning required by the provisions of Article 326 of the Criminal Code, because it does not meet the essential condition that, according to the law or the circumstances, it should serve to produce the legal consequence pursued by the declarant. According to Article 108 (1) first sentence of the Law on public notaries and notarial activity No 36/1995, the quality of successor and/or, as the case may be, the title of legatee, as well as their number shall be established by civil status documents, by will and with witnesses. If the evoked legal provision does not mention the statement of the successor among the means of evidence by which the quality or number of successors can be proved, the inaccurate statement given by the successor is incapable of producing the intended legal effect, in the sense that the number and quality of successors cannot be established based on it. Moreover, as a legal nature, the statement of the successor is not a means of evidence, but a simple procedural act, performed within the notarial successoral procedure.
  • Contractul de ipotecă poate fi desființat, sub forma anulării, numai în condițiile art. 1648 alin. (1) C.civ. în ceea ce privește soluționarea cererii de anulare a contractului de ipotecă, exclusiv ca o consecință a rezoluțiunii contractului de vânzare prin care pârâta a dobândit dreptul de proprietate asupra terenului, cu privire la care a constituit ulterior un drept real, reprezentat de dreptul de ipotecă în favoarea pârâtei. Aceste dispoziții fac trimitere însă la regulile de carte funciară, urmând, așadar, ca, în continuare, să fie observate dispozițiile art. 908 C.civ., ce reglementează ipotezele în care se poate dispune rectificarea cărții funciare.
  • The abuse of petitions committed by the natural persons is the most common form of abuse of law as the elements necessary to qualify a right as being abusively exercised, namely the subjective element (bad faith) and the objective element (diversion of the right from the purpose, economic and social finality or overcoming the internal limits of the law) presuppose a conduct of the holder of the right related to his mental ability to understand the meaning of the deed, to discern between what is good or bad, legal and illegal. This study analyzes the forms of abuse of right committed by persons deprived of liberty both at the level of courts of law and at the level of the offices of supervisory judges, as well as the psychic attitude of the subject towards the possibility of realizing the right in contradiction with its destination and purpose, and towards the consequences that may represent damages to the person, society or state. Even if the persons deprived of liberty constitute a vulnerable category of persons, the recognition of the right of access to justice, to petition, as well as of the possibility to use them at any time, as an application of the constitutional principle of equality of all persons before the law, does not confer them also the right to exercise them excessively, in a word, to abuse of them.
  • The behaviour of a free and conscious man is the result of his will, which is guided by a reasonable intentionality that gives it meaning. In the absence of a purpose, any action becomes chaotic, accidental and raises questions about the mental health of the person who takes action 1 . We find that the fourth essential condition, a substantive one, necessary for the valid existence of the sales contract is the cause. According to the rules of common law, in matters of legal acts, the cause is the determining reason for the consent expr essed when concluding the legal act. The obligation without cause or with an illicit or false cause cannot have any effect.
  • The problems of the land fund became of maximum importance after 1990. Romania, in relation to the new realities regarding the property, had to urgently adopt the Law No 18/1991. After more than 30 years of application, the Law on the land fund still gives rise to discussions on the topic of sharing the competence of the courts in matters of administrative acts issued in its application. The general framework in the matter of restitutions was completed by the appearance of the Law No 10/2001. Subsequently, the entry into force of the Law No 554/2004 has definitively established the legal regime of administrative acts in general. Therefore, we are at the confluence of several framework-laws in the field regarding the regime of administrative disputes, in general, and of the matter of the land fund, in particular. This study seeks to provide precisely an approach as analytical as possible of the manner the courts of law settle this issue.
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