  • This article discusses the material and territorial jurisdiction for the settlement in the matter of land fund disputes. The material jurisdiction is examined in terms of art. 94 item 1. letter j), art. 94 items 3 and 4, Art. 95 item 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure and the special regulations contained in Law no. 18/1991, as republished, and the territorial jurisdiction of the perspective of art. 107 para. (1), art. 117 of the Code of Civil Procedure and the special law. The jurisdiction issue concerns the various actions on the land fund, arising from the enforcement of the Law no. 18/1991, as republished. The regulation of the jurisdiction of the actions settlement in the matter of the land fund, in favor of the same court, is proposed de lege ferenda.
  • This study examines the issue of dialogue between the Court of Justice of the European Union and the constitutional courts of the Member States of the European Union, with special reference to the Constitutional Court of Romania, and from this perspective, the effects of integration into the European Union and the transnational judicial dialogue they produce within the national legal systems.
  • The question of the public legal aid in civil matters was settled by the Government of Romania by issuing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 51/2008 on legal aid in civil matters. However, the regulation issued in relation to public legal aid in civil matters fails to cover all situations that may arise in legal practice, one of the unregulated issues referring to the applications made by several people together, in which case the court fees stamp are due jointly.
  • This study aims to analyze certain particular problems in the execution of the legal employment relationships, namely the work performed without the conclusion of an individual employment agreement and the noncompliance between the contractual clauses and the manner (in fact) of the execution of the contractual rights and obligations. These cases were grouped under the denomination of work wholly or partially dissimulated. After identifying the situations leading to the dissimulated work, the analysis of the causes that determine it and of the effects that it generates, any proposals are formulated for the purpose of increasing the penalties against those who hide the real way of the execution of the work.
  • Following the repeal of the legal provisions set forth in the Law. 83/1995 and then in the Law. 130/1999, which generally regulated the situations in which, instead of concluding an individual employment agreement, a civil agreement for services could be concluded, the question arises in which cases and under which conditions such civil agreements can be concluded at present, under legal circumstances. In the article below the author studies this problem and draws up finally, as well, some proposals de lege ferenda to avoid any discussions and controversies in the field.
  • Elementul material al infracțiunii de înșelãciune existã distinct de elementul material al infracțiunii de fals în înscrisuri sub semnãturã privatã, activitatea de falsificare a înscrisurilor și folosirea lor în vederea producerii de consecințe juridice consumându-se la momentul sesizãrii instanței, activitatea ulterioarã desfãșuratã de inculpat de inducere în eroare a pãrților vãtãmate în scopul obținerii unui folos material injust realizând latura obiectivã a infracțiunii de înșelãciune, rãmasã în forma tentativei (cu notã criticã)
  • The present study aims mainly to identify those wordings in Law no. 287/ 2009 on the Civil Code which apply to testamentary inheritance issues that have certain shortcomings, and to find, as much as possible, the best solutions for remediation thereof.
  • In this study, the author provides a critical analysis of the content of art. 2322 of the Civil Code that has entered into force on 1 October 2011, regulating for the first time, in terms of legislation, autonomous guarantee instrument of the letter of comfort. Given the lack of doctrinal explanations and of the Romanian jurisprudence in this regard, the author makes a comparative law analysis regarding the use of this instrument, employing as reference points the Common Law systems and Continental Law systems based on the existence of a Civil Code. This instrument is known since the early 1960s by the international transactions practice, but the corresponding case law is quite limited and in some legislation, although frequently used, letters of comfort are not subject to an expressis verbis legislative regulation. The author emphasizes the Romanian Civil Code modern nature together with the call for a consistent use, in practice, of this legal institution.
  • The authors comment on the provisions of art. 1013 to 1024 of the new Romanian Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010 of the Code of Civil Procedure, republished in the “Official Gazette of Romania”, Part I, no. 545 of 3 August 2012 and entered into force on 15 February 2013) on the instruction payment special procedure, whereby the legislator establishes uniform rules for combating the late payment of certain amounts of money, bringing together the provisions previously established by the two laws, currently repealed (Government Ordinance no. 5/2001 and Government Emergency Ordinance no. 119/2007). When stating the conclusions of the study, the authors welcome the legislative solution and point out that the payment instruction procedure can be used concurrently with the small claims procedure (art. 1025 to 1032 Civil Procedure Code), as these two special procedures do not exclude each other.
  • Fraudulent bankruptcy is one of the criminal law’s “Cinderellas” because the legislator was highly oscillating with regard to the sanctioning regime, the rules indicting this deed suffered frequent changes of the contents and the seat of the matter was found in the recent years in several legal acts (the Commercial Code, Law no. 31/1990, Law no. 64/1995, Law no. 85/2006 and the 2009 Criminal Code). This study focuses both on the analysis of the fraudulent bankruptcy offense under the new Criminal Code and on the specific concepts.
  • In this study, the author examines the relevant aspects for proper understanding of the regulations set out in a chapter of the new Romanian Criminal Code (Law no. 286/2009, as subsequently amended and supplemented) entitled “State border crimes”. It was noted that such a chapter has no counterpart in the Criminal Code regulations, which entered into force in 1969; this does not mean it is an absolute novelty in the Romanian legal landscape. The study makes an interesting comparison between the wordings included in the subdivision of the new Criminal Code and the ones in Government Emergency Ordinance no. 105/2001 and Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002 which have served as inspiration for the legislator.
  • The paper presents the amendments to the Government Ordinance no. 2/ 2001 brought by Law. 76/2012 for implementing Law no. 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure, the Contraventional procedure undergoing major changes with the entry into force of these regulations. Therefore, the steps of the judicial Contraventional procedure are briefly presented through the innovations introduced by the Code of Civil Procedure and, at the same time, the Contraventional law-related issues not yet regulated are analyzed, reiterating the proposal to develop a Contravention Code to regulate matters still confusing of the law material Contraventional and, especially, the ones contravention of the procedure Contraventional.
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