  • Art. 1100 dispune că creditorul nu poate fi silit a primi alt lucru de cât acela ce i se datorește, chiar când valoarea lucrului oferit ar fi egală sau mai mare. Acest text, care nu este de cât o consecință a art. 9691 și a interpretărei voinței părților, reproduce No. 530 din obligațiile lui Pothier: «Obicinuit, zice acest autor, nu se poate plăti de cât lucrul datorit; și debitorul nu poate să oblige pe creditorul său a primi drept plată alt ceva de cât ceea ce i se datorește.» «Aliud pro alio, invito creditori, solvi non potest.»2 «Nici creditorul, zice art. 1862 din Codul Calimach (1213 C. austriac), nu poate fi silit să primească împotriva voinței sale alt ceva, fără de cât aceea ce are dorit să ceară, nici datornicul nu este îndatorit să dea sau să facă alt ceva, fără de cât aceea ce este dator să dea sau să facă. Aceasta are tărie și pentru vremea, când, și pentru locul, unde, și pentru chipul cum are să se împlinească îndatorirea.»3
  • In respect of the contract of transport, the provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code in the matter (Articles 1955–2008) have the nature of general law, which, as the case may be, is supplemented by the special legislation, specific to each type of transport (rail, naval, road, air). Considering the above, this study makes an analysis of the provisions of the new Civil Code referring to a limited aspect, namely a summary on the rules of this Code, with reference to the civil-contractual liability of the transporter in the contract of transport of goods.
  • This study deals with the problem of the judicial remedy and of the time limit for exercising it in case of the rejection on the merits of the application for establishing guardianship. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of the civil procedural provisions which regulate the procedure for settling the non-contentious applications.
  • The area of significance of certain terms used in the Constitution is quite diverse and therefore we cannot be precise about their content, especially when the semantic perception of those terms is not purely legal. Terms, as „homeland”, „nation”, „nationality”, „people”, „national minorities”, „national identity” or „ethnic identity” don’t have at first sight an explicit constitutional significance. The content of these terms evolves with the dynamics of the population. Moreover, some of these terms have a specific meaning in some cultural systems and another meaning in other civilizations. Therefore, they should be explained according to the corresponding social realities, political culture and traditions of the population or community of citizens to whom they will apply.
  • This study analyzes the rules within the Romanian labour legislation referring to the attributions of the trade unions in correlation with those of the elected representatives of the employees. It is concluded that there are, in this matter, legal solutions obviously uncorrelated, major errors, unjustified exclusions from the exercise of some attributions of the representatives of the employees in favour of the trade unions. All these despite the fact that, in terms of essential competences – either of the trade unions or of the representatives of the employees –, the legal solutions are identical. In relation to these findings there are made a series of proposals to improve the labour legislation which have as objectives to clarify the role and to state the attributions of the trade unions and of the representatives of the employees in the conduct of the labour relations.
  • Within this paper, the author makes a brief review of the background, respectively of the grounds of the Decision No 363/2015 of the Constitutional Court, and afterwards he stops to analyze the effects of this decision on the criminal trials ongoing at the date when the mentioned decision is pronounced. In relation to the exigences imposed by the principle of legality of incrimination and to the fact that the text declared unconstitutional has incriminated for the first time a certain conduct as an offence, the failure to reconcile, within the legal time limit, the incrimination text with the provisions of the Constitution of Romania, republished, has the value of a decriminalization.
  • Finding the truth in the criminal trial sometimes requires the hearing as witnesses of some persons who know of factual elements referring to the object of the case. In order that the statements given by these persons should not be influenced by factors of pressure exercised on them, the criminal processual legislation has also instituted some special measures to protect the persons that are going to be heard in this capacity in the criminal trial, being also created special categories, such as the category of threatened witness, of vulnerable witness and of witness included in the witness protection program. This study deals with the transitory situation arisen after the entry into force of the new Criminal Procedure Code where the witness, to whom the status of witnesses with protected identity in the criminal prosecution phase has been granted in accordance with the provisions of the previous Criminal Procedure Code, is heard in the trial phase after the entry into force of the new Code.
  • In a more and more obvious „global legal space”, the legal culture – understood as a set of knowledge, creations and forms of expression of law – undergoes fundamental changes and major developments. By rejecting hegemony in favour of hybridization, the realistic perspective involves a „cross-over” of the legal systems, concepts and cultures and calls for important mutations on several levels. Starting from such appreciations, the author analyzes the trends and the prospects, in this context, of the education and of the research of law, doctrine, legal science and deontology of the legal professions in Romania.
  • As subject of public international law, the European Union is committed not only to observe, but also to develop the public international law and, within this framework, it is established the principle of equality between the Member States, within the limits of the treaties of the Union. The institutional structure of this intergovernmental international organization and the procedure of adoption of the legal acts reflect a nuanced equality between the Member States, which however emphasizes the specificity of the Union. „United in diversity”, a motto to which, according to the Declaration No 52 to the Treaty of Lisbon, not all Member States have subscribed, the European Union promotes an enhanced integration and a political cooperation in which the States act in accordance with the Treaties and, in certain cases, for the purpose of supporting the national interest. The transfer of competences from the States to the Union was achieved gradually, with the economic and political evolution at national and international level, pursuant to the state sovereignty. Equality between states within the European Union is a principle whose application in the current European and international context might reflect a new approach of the European integration and positioning of the Member States within the Union.
  • In this study, the author analyzes the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code (the Law No 287/2009) referring to the matrimonial convention (Articles 329–338 and Articles 366–369). Therefore, there are examined the provisions on: the notion; the principles of the matrimonial convention; the legal characters; the conclusion of the convention – the conditions on the substance and the form of the convention; the date of conclusion and the date from which it produces effects; the caducity, the simulation and the nullity of the matrimonial convention; the object of the convention; the publicity of the convention and its amendment.
  • The Romanian Labour Code (the Law No 53/2003, republished on 18 May 2011) provides, in Article 38, that „Employees may not waive the rights recognized to them by law. Any transaction which aims at waiving the rights recognised by law for the employees or at limiting such rights shall be null.” The author starts from the premise that this legal text, which could also be found in the previous Labour Code (Law No 10/1972), should be reconsidered, however, in the light of the social order of today, of the principles and of the requirements of the market economy and of the dynamics of the labour relations and of the labour market. Considering the above, the author formulates, in accordance with the Romanian labour law doctrine as well, a flexible interpretation of Article 38 of the Labour Code, also taking into account a series of texts of the new Romanian Civil Code, which entered into force on 1 October 2011, by rallying, at the same time, to a number of de lege ferenda proposals elaborated in the labour law doctrine over the last years.
  • The author of this study, starting from the premise that both the employees of public authorities/institutions (who carry on their activity based on an individual labour contract), as well as the civil servants of these budgetary structures (who carry on their activity based on a job relation) have a legal labour relation each, comes to the conclusion that the present jurisdictional system regarding the labour conflicts (the disputes) of the two categories of personnel mentioned (the labour conflicts of the employees of the public authorities/institutions are settled by the labour jurisdiction courts, while the same type of cases, in case of civil servants, fall within the jurisdiction of administrative disputes courts) is obviously unnatural and discriminatory. This being the case, it is proposed the unification of the jurisdiction in this respect, in the sense that both for the employees of the public authorities/institutions and for the civil servants in their service, the competence to settle the labour conflicts is going to pertain to the labour jurisdiction courts.
  • In this study, the author makes a presentation of the Romanian legislation and case-law, of the European case-law (the European Court of Human Rights), of some regulations of the European legislation, as well as of some provisions of the Constitution of France and of Belgium, all concerning the protection of human dignity and reputation of the individual.
  • Within this article, the author makes an analysis of the main provisions of the Hague Convention of 1985 on the law applicable to trusts and on their recognition. In the context of introducing in the Romanian civil law the legal operation of fiducia, achieved by the provisions of Articles 773–791 of the Civil Code of 2009, Romania’s accession to the Hague Convention would be a natural step that the Romanian legislator should take in the near future. Although some of the provisions of the Hague Convention have been taken, tale quale, within the provisions of private international law relating to the fiducia, the accession to the Hague Convention and its introduction into the Romanian internal law, would lead to expanding the scope of practical application of the legal instrument of the fiducia itself.
  • In this study, the authors have chosen to present and to analyze the criminal law institution of the conditional release because, as practitioners, more than once, they came to discover a different application thereof, a different approach of the criteria laid down by this institution and even a difference of opinions within the assessment of the opportuneness of ordering this measure by the judges of the same court, this generating an uneven practice with regard to the application of the same rule of criminal law.
  • The offences regulated by the Law No 31/1990 on companies form a domain relatively less explored by the criminal law specialists and quasi-unexplored by the civil law specialists. In this study, the authors deal with those offences grouped within Article 272 of the above-mentioned law. These offences have a few specific elements. First, assuming there is a legal rule, the active subject is qualified, that is a person holding a certain quality of company member. Secondly, for two of the offences, the assumption of criminal rule is another rule, of the company law, to which the criminal law rule refers. By the fact that there is a situation such as the latter, but also because the assumptions of the other offences provided in Article 272 are part of the company law, first it is the duty of the civil law specialist to decode the meaning of the material rule, because a rigid application of the purely criminal vision in a field of the private law can lead to wrong conclusions, with serious consequences on the subjects of the offences. But, in order to cover the entire interpretative area, the same consideration must be given, according to the authors, to the criminal matters as well, where the role of the criminal law specialist steps in, so that the reader – either a civil law specialist or a criminal law specialist – forms a proper idea about a far too little investigated field.
  • În cazul în care prin acțiunea introductivă promitentul-cumpărător a solicitat numai restituirea avansului achitat în temeiul antecontractului de vânzare-cumpărare și dobânda legală aferentă, nesolicitând și constatarea intervenirii pactului comisoriu expres stipulat de părțile contractante cu consecința repunerii părților în situația anterioară sau rezoluțiunea judiciară a convenției, în temeiul art. 1020–1021 C.civ., este lipsit de fundament juridic demersul său, astfel cum a fost formulat, deoarece numai în caz de desființare a convenției se poate dispune obligarea părții în privința căreia angajamentul nu s-a executat la daune-interese. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția a II-a civilă, Decizia nr. 3261 din 24 octombrie 2014)
  • This approach is meant to carry out a brief examination of the control which the judge is required to perform on the acts of disposition of the parties in the civil trial. It refers to the main sides of availability and, especially, to the presentness and imperativeness of such a control. In this context, the author notes that the new Civil Procedure Code has not abdicated from the active role of the judge, this being far from the peak of its „glory”. Likewise, the author analyzes the procedural ways of invalidation of the acts of disposition, first noting the incidental legislative regulation both with regard to the transaction and to the judgment that confirms the agreement of the party. It is noted that, from a normative point of view, the party does not have an option right between the exercise of the action for annulment and the means of recourse against the judicial transaction. At the end of the study, the author analyzes some aspects of the recourse which can be exercised against the acts of divestment and acquiescence to the claims of the applicant.
  • In principle, the confession is admissible as means of evidence in all the matters for which the civil processual law represents the common law of the procedure and for which there is no separate procedure. Exceptionally, the confession is not admissible: when it is expressly prohibited by law; whether, by admitting it, the imperative provisions of the law would be eluded; if the law requires that certain facts be proved only by certain means of evidence; if, by admitting it, one could reach to total or partial loss of a right which may not be waived or may not be subject to a transaction. The judicial confession shall be given by means of cross-examination, as reflected by Articles 351–358 of the Civil Procedure Code. Obviously, it is a question of provoked judicial confession, whereas the spontaneous judicial confession does not require any prior preparation and, as such, it does not require an express regulation. Instead, the written extrajudicial confession is subject to the regime of proof of evidence through written documents, and the extrajudicial verbal confession may be attested by witnesses, if the law allows the testimonial evidence. The legislator of the new Civil Procedure Code expressly establishes the principle of indivisibility of the judicial confession and, at the same time, he provides an exception from this principle, namely the situation in which the judicial confession contains separate facts not connected between them. In this study there are elaborated the ideas presented above
  • The study is devoted to the analysis of the provisions of Article 304 of the Civil Code referring to the „putative marriage”, a legal institution meant to protect the good faith upon the conclusion of the null or annulled marriage. Unlike other authors, but in agreement with the provisions of Article 304 (1) of the Civil Code, we have also analyzed, together with the condition that at least one of the future spouses act in good faith, the requirement of existence, on the date of conclusion of marriage, of a factual situation which causes the nullity or the annulment thereof. Similarly, because the analysis of the effects of the putative marriage does not present difficulties of interpretation in case both future spouses have acted in good faith upon the conclusion of the marriage, we have focused on the situation in which, on the contrary, one of them acted in good faith and the other acted in bad faith. Finally, we have tried to elucidate the reason which determined the legislator to subject the patrimonial relations between former spouses, including in case that only one of them acted in good faith, to the provisions concerning the divorce and we have grounded a proposal de lege ferenda likely to eliminate the „legal compromise” generated by the current normative solution.
  • The Government Emergency Ordinance No 111/2010 has established in Romania the grant of the leave for raising children (also called parental leave), with the payment of the related allowance. This normative act represents the transposition, in the Romanian legislation, of Directive 2010/18/EU of the Council of 8 March 2010, without, however, also properly supplementing the (Romanian) Labour Code (the Law No 53/2003). Given this situation and also taking into account the relevant creative case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the author makes an analysis of the regulations and of the practice in the field and, retaining some discrepancies, it comes to the conclusion that the provisions of the Emergency Government Ordinance No 111/2010 and of the Labour Code must be interpreted and applied in the light and in accordance with EU legislation and of the case-law of the Court in Luxembourg, the supplementation of the Labour Code being also required, so that the right of the employee to fully benefit by the rest leave, after taking the leave for raising children, be expressly provided in the Romanian legislation, a series of discussions and controversies being thus avoided.
  • The regulation (Article 225) of the new Criminal Procedure Code is not too different from the one (Article 1491 paragraphs 3–8 and Article 150) of the previous Criminal Procedure Code (1968). Instead, the new criminal processual law does no longer provide for the possibility to settle the proposal of preventive detention, in the absence of the defendant, when the defendant is abroad, as it was stipulated in the previous Criminal Procedure Code. The authors analyze the institution of settlement of the proposal of preventive detention, by presenting some critical issues and by proposing some improvements to the new regulation.
  • In this study, the author presents a constitutional reform on the Hungarian Constitutional Court, in the sense of extending its substantive jurisdiction, which entered into force at the beginning of the year 2012. Indeed, the mentioned reform preserves the classic system of the constitutional courts, but it receives an additional jurisdiction, i.e.: after a judgment has become final, either party may address to the Constitutional Court if the decision made is contrary to a fundamental right established by the Constitution. This way, concludes the author, the Constitutional Court is elevated at the level of a centre of the state power, an independent branch thereof which, in a certain sense, conducts a control on all branches of the state power.
  • Clauza de dezicere inserată într-un antecontract de vânzare-cumpărare, prin care s-a prevăzut posibilitatea de răzgândire a promitentei-vânzătoare din motive subiective, rămâne fără efecte în situația decesului acesteia, neputând fi invocată de moștenitori. Și aceasta întrucât dreptul astfel prevăzut în favoarea promitenteivânzătoare are un caracter strict personal, iar datorită acestei caracteristici acest drept este incesibil, adică netransmisibil moștenitorilor, putând fi exercitat numai de către titular.
  • This article presents the provisions of the new Civil Procedure Code whose entry into force has been postponed again, by a recent normative act. These provisions refer to: the investigation of the trial, the preliminary procedure before the appeal and recourse court, the judgments which can not be challenged by recourse and the composition of the panel of judges for pronouncing a preliminary judgment by the Supreme Court. In a criticizable manner, in the author’s opinion, the legislator has prorogued the entry into force of these provisions, initially for 1 January 2016, and then for 1 January 2017. The conclusion of the study is that the legislator should have allocated material and human resources necessary in order to create all the conditions for a full entry into force of the new Civil Procedure Code from the beginning (15 February 2013), not a partial one, being required successively (for the texts not entered into force ab initio) two postponements (1 January 2016 and then 1 January 2017).
  • This study is devoted to some critical appreciations in connection with the use, in a relatively recent specialty paper, of some „practicist expressions” in order to designate the territorial jurisdiction of the court of first instance to settle the divorce applications („court of first instance having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the defendant”, „court of first instance having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant” etc.). Likewise, our analysis also concerns the conclusions drawn within the same paper in connection with the concurrence between the territorial jurisdiction theses regulated by Article 3 (1) a) and those provided by letter b) of the Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000.
  • The new Fiscal Procedure Code, approved by the Law No 207/2015, in force starting from 1 January 2016, through the transposition of some European acts into our domestic law, has brought significant mutations in matters of administrative and fiscal disputes as well. In the ambience of the new normative framework regulated by the Law No 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code, this study aims at analyzing a few aspects less regulated by the new normative framework and which could create controversies both in the application of the new normative framework by the public tax authorities and by the administrative disputes courts entrusted with the settlement of some litigations in matters of administrative and fiscal disputes. Starting from this desideratum, the study analyzes the categories of judgments pronounced by the administrative courts in matters of fiscal and administrative disputes, as well as the procedure for their enforcement, in relation to each category of judgments pronounced in this matter. There are also analyzed within this study the problems of suspension of the enforcement and of the contestation against enforcement in matters of administrative and fiscal disputes.
  • In this article the author aims to analyze, from a constitutional point of view, the content of Article 21 of the Basic Law. The constitutionalization of free access to justice and the provisions of Article 21 located in the First Chapter of the Second Title of the Basic Law, along with other rules and principles that protect the man-citizen as the primer pin of the governance system and the holder of sovereign political power, as well as exclusive beneficiary, proves thereof the concern of the Constituent Assembly of 1991 in creating the necessary guarantees in regard with the defence of the human rights and liberties in accordance with the general principles of the constitutional democracy and the rule of law as established in the documents of universal human rights, ratified by Romania.
  • Insolvency is a contemporary reality which has spread its branches in more and more areas of the law, but also of the society. With reference to the moment of onset of the economic crisis, in 2008, it can be noticed, from a statistical viewpoint, an increase of the number of companies against which the insolvency procedure has been opened, which are undergoing this procedure with its various stages, a fact which can change our outlook on the effective modalities by which they can continue to participate in the civil relations. In relation to these novelty elements, in this study it is discussed whether companies can continue to participate in commercial life, who will run the business, how will the commercial relations materialize into the sensitive matter of public procurement.
  • The field „Public Health”, regulated by Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, is part of the category of fields of competence shared between the Member States and the Union. The decision to subsidize the price of medicines is the result of several factors: technical, financial and political. For this reason, the Union leaves the decision in this field to the discretion of the Member States but, pursuant to the principle of subsidiarity and proportionality, it tries to standardize certain procedural aspects, meant to ensure the free movement of goods and services. In this respect, it has been adopted Directive 89/105/EEC of the Council of 21 December 1988. In order to ensure a better transposition of this directive, in 2014, Romania has fundamentally changed the normative framework regulating the criteria and the procedures by which new medicines are assessed in order to be introduced on the List including the international common names for medicines for insured persons, with or without personal contribution, based on medical prescription, within the health social insurance system (list of subsidized medicines). For the first time it has been introduced the system of inclusion in the list of subsidized medicines conditioned by the conclusion of cost-volume/cost-volume-outcome type contracts. However, as we will further show, the current Romanian legislation in the field of subsidized medicines does not ensure an effective and integral transposition of the European directive, particularly with regard to the compliance with the imperative time limit for adopting the inclusion/non-inclusion decisions provided in Article 6 (1) of the Directive 89/105/EEC of the Council of 21 December 1988. This study deals with the limits of the current normative framework from a theoretical perspective confirmed by the relevant majority case law in the field.
  • The offences regulated by the Law No 31/1990 on companies form a domain relatively little explored by the criminal law specialists and quasi-unexplored by the civil law specialists. This study deals with those offences grouped within Article 273. These offences have a few specific elements. First, the active subject of the legal rule hypothesis is qualified, namely a person that holds a certain quality of company member. Secondly, the hypothesis of criminal rule contains elements of company law, which can be found in other articles of the Law No 31/1990. By the fact that the hypotheses of the offences provided in Article 273 are part of the company law, first it is the duty of the civil law specialist to decode the meaning of the material rule, because a rigid application of the purely criminal vision in a field of the private law can lead to wrong conclusions, with serious consequences on the subjects of the offences. But, in order to cover the entire interpretative area, the same consideration must be given to the criminal aspects as well, where the role of the criminal law specialist steps in, so that the reader – either a civil law specialist or a criminal law specialist – forms a proper idea about a far too little investigated field.
  • The regulation (Article 226) of the new Criminal Procedure Code has a corresponding regulation in the provisions of Article 1371 paragraph 1 and Article 1491 paragraphs 9–11 of the previous Criminal Procedure Code (1968), with an exception: the duration of the remand on custody will no longer be deducted from the duration of the preventive detention. The authors analyze the institution of admission of the proposal of preventive detention of the defendant during the criminal prosecution, by presenting some critical aspects and by proposing some improvements to the new regulation.
  • The conditions of appointment of the General Prosecutor and of his deputies have been one of the most disputed topics in the matter of regulation of the status of the Public Ministry. Wishing to give the parties concerned the opportunity to clarify the problem the authors have elaborated a summarizing study on the regulation of this matter in the Member States of the European Union.
  • Faptul că, în cadrul acțiunii în revendicare promovate anterior intrării în vigoare a Legii nr. 10/2001, pârâții au invocat în apărare prevederile art. 45 alin. (2) din acest act normativ, precum și buna-credință de care ar fi dat dovadă la încheierea contractelor de vânzare-cumpărare, nu reprezenta un argument suficient pentru ca instanța să treacă la analiza fondului acestei apărări, după ce aceeași instanță stabilise că legea, în conținutul căreia se regăsește textul de care se prevalau pârâții, nu are incidență în cauză, având în vedere data promovării acțiunii și opțiunea reclamantei, de a continua judecata în condițiile dreptului comun, aspecte ce relevă caracterul contradictoriu al considerentelor hotărârii atacate, fiind astfel incidente dispozițiile art. 304 pct. 7 C.pr.civ.
  • The direct action is a means to settle debts, created in order to protect privileged creditors. Thus, such action must be expressly provided by law. With regard to the lease contracts, the new Civil Code brings a new element, regulating the right of the lessor to hold the sub-lessee liable for the payment of the rent or for the failure to enforce the contract. As the right conferred to the lessor represents a new element within the Romanian doctrine, there is a necessity to perform an extended study of the direct action derived of the lease contract. This study tackles a general analysis of the direct action of the lessor against the sub-lessee from the perspective of the new Civil Code. Furthermore, there are references within the text regarding the old stipulation in relation to the new one. Last but not least, there will be constant references to the French doctrine as well as to the de lege ferenda propositions for the amendment of the texts within the new Civil Code.
  • In this study, the author has chosen to present and to analyze the offence of abandonment of family, provided in Article 378 (1) c) of the Criminal Code, because, with the stabilization of the judicial practice after the entry into force of the Criminal Code, it has been established a new outlook in respect of the approach of the constitutive elements of the offence and a clarification of the controversial aspects with regard to establishing the ill-intention of the offender.
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