  • Reiterating his view [in that the commercial law is not an autonomous branch of law, but is part of the Romanian civil law, with effect from 1 October 2011, since the new Romanian Civil Code entered into force (Law no. 287/2009, as republished) Code essentially “of monistic nature”], the author criticizes the view (to the contrary) of certain theorists and practitioners, focusing on art. 2557 para. (2) of the Code, as well as the existence – undisputed – of the legal discipline called the international trade law.
  • In the following study, the author carries out an analysis of the Law No. 571/2004, the author emphasizing the fact that this law is actually very little known and applied, although its adoption in 2004 was made considering Romania’s accession to the European Union (this took place on January 1, 2007). For that purpose, while analyzing certain wordings of the law (which consists of a total of 11 articles), the author proposes a number of amendments and supplements thereto, in order to improve and use thereof in the social life practice.
  • The author criticizes a decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal which, having to settle a case concerning dismissal determined by the dissolution of the workplace of an employee for reasons not related to him/her, stated that the dismissal is lawful even if it was not the position of the dismissed employee that was dissolved but another position of the same kind, but, on the other hand, it has decided that the measure in question is unlawful on grounds of not being „serious” since the employer (a ministry) has not proven the objective criteria that should support the seriousness of the applicant’s removal from the position held (the reason why the employee was not good enough or sufficiently trained in the profession in order to be maintained in activity or why the other employees maintained in activity were better suited, professionally or otherwise, as compared to the ones selected for dismissal).
  • In this study, the author makes a presentation of the Romanian legislation and case-law, of the European case-law (the European Court of Human Rights), of some regulations of the European legislation, as well as of some provisions of the Constitution of France and of Belgium, all concerning the protection of human dignity and reputation of the individual.
  • Certain considerations are mentioned in this study regarding the privilege of the confidentiality of the journalists’ information sources. To this end, there is carried out an interesting description of the European conception on the confidentiality of information sources (case law of the European Court of Human Rights; Swedish, German, British, Belgian, French laws), of the conception in the matter of the laws and case law of the United States of America, as well as of the Romanian conception, finally. The study concludes by emphasizing the need for the adoption of a modern Romanian mass-media law, pointing out that the freedom of the media can never be absolute and consequently, may be limited by legal exception rules of interpretation strictly.
  • Unitatea Teritorială de Analiză a Informațiilor (UTAI) Oradea nu a desfășurat activități de punere în executare a vreunui mandat de supraveghere, în speță, ci doar a transmis cererea organelor de cercetare penală și ulterior a transmis către acestea răspunsul primit de la operatorii de telefonie mobilă. Prin urmare, nu se poate aprecia că aceștia au administrat probe în dosar, ci doar au intermediat, fără a face cercetări suplimentare, transmiterea corespondenței între organul de cercetare penală și operatorii de telefonie mobilă, acesta fiind și motivul pentru care nu aveau nevoie de aviz de poliție judiciară, întrucât nu desfășurau acte de urmărire penală. (Judecătoria Oradea, Secția penală, Încheierea nr. 198 din 10 ianuarie 2020).
  • In the study it is emphasized that the main effect of the fidejussion is represented by the obligation of the fidejussor to execute the obligation of the debtor, in case the latter does not fulfil it voluntarily. I have shown that by invoking the exception of the discussion, the conventional or legal fidejussor uses the faculty to ask the creditor, who has started the prosecution against him, to pursue first the assets of the principal debtor, within the limits of the value of the principal debtor’s assets, which the fidejussor will indicate to the creditor. This means of defence by which the fidejussor seeks its exemption from the execution in whole or in part of the obligation of guarantee, derives, on the one hand, from the ancillary nature of the obligation of guarantee and, on the other hand, from the very legal relation of fidejussion.
  • In this study, the author expresses a series of personal considerations on the civil liability of the transport operator (the carrier) in the regulation of the new Romanian Civil Code, specifying that, against the recipient, dispatcher and passenger, the mentioned liability is contractual liability, while against third parties it is tort liability.
  • Insolvency is a contemporary reality which has spread its branches in more and more areas of the law, but also of the society. With reference to the moment of onset of the economic crisis, in 2008, it can be noticed, from a statistical viewpoint, an increase of the number of companies against which the insolvency procedure has been opened, which are undergoing this procedure with its various stages, a fact which can change our outlook on the effective modalities by which they can continue to participate in the civil relations. In relation to these novelty elements, in this study it is discussed whether companies can continue to participate in commercial life, who will run the business, how will the commercial relations materialize into the sensitive matter of public procurement.
  • The pre-contractual obligation to inform is one of the ethical instruments meant to ensure the durable and effective maintenance of the contract (contractual durability principle), a requirement which has acquired a considerable development owing to its functions: preventing a possible failure as concerns the maintaining of the durability and the effectiveness of the contract and building a contractual relation based on the active presence of the contracting parties. The provision of sufficiently accurate information will lead to making a decision to conclude or not the contract in full awareness of the facts. It is designed to extend also to the phase of contract performance, allowing the parties to think more deeply about the commitments they will make. But, in the pre-contractual phase, of negotiations, the future contracting parties only begin building a durable trust, which is achieved through dialogue and collaboration and which has normally extended also to the phase of performance of the contract. The pre-contractual obligation to inform tends to engage other legal means as well in order to come to decision-making in full awareness of the facts and in order to build, at the same time, a „bond of trust” intended to extend in time. Therefore, it is obvious the need to generalize this obligation, thus strengthening the coherence of rules (principle of coherence), this being achieved both by way of extending the application of the requirement of „good faith” and by special express rules specific to each category of contracts.
  • This study is a brief essay on the right to one’s own image, as it is regulated in Article 73 et seq. of the Romanian Civil Code (the Law No 287/2009, republished on 15 July 2011 and entered into force on 1 October 2011).
  • In this study, the authors have examined the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code (the Law No 287/2009) concerning the maintenance obligation (Articles 513– 534). Therefore, there are analyzed: the general principles; the subjects of the maintenance obligation; the order in which maintenance is due; the conditions of the maintenance obligation; determination and performance of the maintenance obligation.
  • In this study, after briefly describing the concept of sovereignty, the author successively examines the sovereignty of member states in their relation with the European Union, express restrictions of sovereignty (changes which occurred in the constitutions of member states); certain issues regarding the permanent integration of member states.
  • Aspecte introductive. Motivarea unei hotărâri judecătorești este procesul cognitiv prin care judecătorul, în raport de petitul acțiunii, argumentele părților, probatoriul administrat și dispozițiile legale, elaborează soluția. Motivarea trebuie să înglobeze toate rațiunile ce au dus la edictarea soluției1, expresie a judecății efective a cauzei. Este deci esențial ca soluția pronunțată să aibă la bază o motivare completă, denumită în doctrină ca suficientă (deci nu se urmărește o motivare totală care să răspundă fiecărei susțineri a părților, dar nu se poate accepta o motivare parțială), care să se raporteze cel puțin la fiecare categorie de argumente invocate de părți, prin arătarea rațiunii pentru care a fost reținută respectiva categorie de argumente ori înlăturată.
  • The Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and of insolvency (which entered into force at the end of June 2014) repeals and replaces the Law No 85/2006 on the insolvency procedure. Obviously, the current law brings a series of new elements, as compared to the previous law. This study briefly presents the main elements of novelty brought, in this matter, by the Law No 85/2014, as compared to the Law No 85/2006, reaching to the conclusion that the regulation of the new law, on the one hand, avoids the financial blocking and, on the other hand, in view of covering the claims, gives greater chances both to the debtors who are in difficulty or in default of payment, and also to the creditors, especially if they are acting in good faith.
  • The authors appreciate that the Constitutional Court Decision No 874/2018 is welcomed in the Romanian legal landscape. To the same measure, the authors reiterate criticism to the decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice No 52/2018 for a prior ruling on the interpretation and application Article 27 of the Civil Procedure Code, by reference to Article 147 (4) of the Constitution of Romania and Article 31 (1) and (3) of the Law No 47/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court, republished, texts which establish the effects of a decision of the Constitutional Court.
  • Presumption of innocence is one of the basic rules of criminal proceedings being expressly regulated in art. 52 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. First recognized as a fundamental human right [the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms], the presumption of innocence is enshrined in the national legislation, first in the republished Romanian Constitution, having specific influence on the development of the entire Romanian criminal proceedings since 2003. In this study, the author sought to identify some of the situations that affect this fundamental principle of criminal proceedings, its analysis covering several procedural institutions. Equally, he outlined several proposals to ensure the compliance with the presumption of innocence both during the trial and in the stages prior to the prosecution, referring both to the current criminal procedural rules and to those provided for in the new Code of Criminal Procedure (Law No. 135/2010).
  • The central part of this study is dedicated to the comparative review of the provisions in Title I (“The Criminal Law and the limits of its scope”) of the Criminal Code in 2009 as compared with the provisions of Title I (“The Criminal Law and its scope limitations”) of the Criminal Code in 1969, the author highlighting both the merits and the shortfalls of the new Criminal Code, explanations accompanied by numerous examples, own ideas and suggestions to improve the texts under review. These explanations are accompanied by a thorough analysis of the provisions relating to the implementation in time of the criminal law, referred to in Title I of Law No. 187/2012 for implementing Law No. 289/2009 on the Criminal Code. In a final section, the author puts forth his own findings learned in connection with the matter investigated to which are added, in a synthetic form, the main proposals de lege ferenda aiming to improve the new criminal legislation.
  • In this study, the author presents first the main reasons that led to the development of the 2009 Criminal Code and the objectives pursued by its wording. Subsequently, the author presents the main novelties brought by the regulations contained in the General Part and the Special Part of the new Criminal Code. Presentation of the characteristic features and innovations introduced by the 2009 Criminal Code compared to the Criminal Code of 1969 is achieved whilst revealing both the merits and some shortcomings of the new criminal law. These explanations are accompanied by numerous examples, own ideas and suggestions to improve the texts analyzed. In a final section, the author presents, in a reasoned manner, his own conclusions drawn in relation to the study of the new Criminal Code.
  • The concepts with which the theory of law operates are far from being the result of some philosophical speculations, without any connection with the concrete relations of the social life. Although eminently deductive, the science of law, as a whole, does not operate only deductively, without reference to facts, data of reality. In last analysis, the theoretical constructions formulated by the science of law (or legal sociology) are the result of a succession of inductive and deductive steps. A good knowledge, explanation and interpretation of law (of the legal phenomenon, more broadly) requires an appropriate methodology, based on which to achieve a scientific understanding of the mechanism of the social action of law, its functions, essence, content and form. In the conditions of the current scientific and technological evolution, there are happening profound transformations – of structure, of method, of vision – which determine that also the scientific research go through a fruitful mutation. From this methodological perspective, the author aims to address some essential aspects of the structure of law.
  • At the same time with the change of the jurisdiction of the courts vested with the solving of the applications for relocation in the new Civil Procedure Code1, the incidence of a particular situation was ignored: the subsistence of the reasons for relocation also at level of the courts of appeal competent to solve the relocation applications, when the relocation is requested from a court of first instance or a tribunal located in the same locality as the court of appeal, and the legitimate suspicion has sources well-anchored at local level. The High Court of Cassation and Justice was not late in „completing” this omission, by admitting an application for relocation of a relocation process, from the court of appeal in the locality where there were suspicions of lack of impartiality to another court of appeal, contributing, a fortiori, indirectly to the relocation of the substantive litigation to another court, away from the local sphere which did not provide sufficient guarantees of independence of justice.
  • Unlike the old Civil Code, in the system of the new Civil Code (NCC) the assignment of claim enjoys a superior regulation, including as regards the problems of the publicity formalities stricto sensu. In this regard, the publicity formalities towards third parties, separate from those necessary for informing the assigned debtor, provide the possibility of taking knowledge about the assignment by any person concerned (successive assignees, mortgage creditors, pursuing creditors etc.). In principle, the assignment becomes opposable against third parties only from the moment of registration in the Electronic Archive for Security Interests in Movable Property [Article 1583 (2) of NCC]. This is the general rule of common law, from which the law also provides exceptions when considering the nature or the source of the assigned claim. The main exceptions refer to the assignments of real estate incomes and to the seizure of a real estate mortgage claim, which are noted in the land register [Article 902 (2) points 6 and 15 of NCC]. From the date of registration of the assignment in the public register, the assignee’s rights, that is the claim right and all its ancillary rights, including movable property and real estate mortgages, become opposable to third parties. The sanction of non-registration is the non-opposability of the assignment against the third parties concerned.
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