  • In this article, the author proposes to analyze the place and role of the constitutional law in the legal system, starting from the object of regulation of its norms: establishing the modalities of organization and functioning of the state and, within these, the forms of exercising and transmission of the powers through democratic electoral procedures, as well as of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. The constitutional law has received in doctrine a wide range of definitions in the doctrine, all authors emphasizing the quality of constitutional law to underlie the structuring of the national legal order, in the sense that all branches of law reside, at the level of general principles, in the constitutional law. The author states that the constitutional law norms are meant to protect and capitalize the most general interests of the society and of the state, as well as the fundamental values of a politically organized human community geographically located on a determined territory. Due to its structural role in the organization and functioning of the system of law, constitutional law sets guidelines for the other branches of law, takes over from these norms to which it is conferred the legal force of a constitutional norm and thus contributes to the shaping of a pyramidal hierarchy of norms of law depending on their legal force. At the bottom of the pyramid it is placed the Constitution, to which all the other norms of law are subordinated. The author also deals with the constitutionalization of the law, a process that results from the extension of the constitutional regulation of some social relations reserved by tradition to other branches of law.
  • In the context of the amendments operated on the Administrative Disputes Law No 554/2004 by the Law No 212/2018, the author proposes to analyse the time limits in which the prior complaint can be filed and to analyze each of them separately, by grouping them according to the subject of the prior complaint and to the object of the prior complaint. The author makes the transition from the time limits imposed on the addressees of the administrative act to the time limits imposed on third parties, in the situation of the typical and assimilated individual administrative act, by investigating the length of the time limit, the moment from which it starts, the legal nature or the applicable legal regime and the sanction applied in case of non-compliance with these time limits. The main time limits within which the prior complaint can be filed are analyzed, special attention being given to cases where the prior complaint is not mandatory. Finally, the author emphasizes the importance of applying these time limits in just measure so that the prior complaint procedure does not become an obstacle, not related to the concrete situation, in the way of access to justice of the alleged injured party, nor it becomes an instrument of abuse.
  • The article presents the continued offence from the perspective of the Decision No 368/2017 of C.C.R., presenting the history of the concept of continued offence and the elements characterizing this concept from the perspective of E.C.H.R. After an analysis of the opinions expressed, referring to the change in the legal classification of the continued offence, it is concluded that the change of the legal classification is required when one or more material acts were wrongfully included in the legal unit, although these constitute distinct offences, which are in concurrence, in intermediate plurality or in a state of recidivism with material acts that constitute continued offence. In case that, for one or more material acts, there is a case that prevents the exercise of criminal action, we consider that it is not necessary to change the legal classification, being sufficient that, by a minute, to order the acquittal or the termination of the criminal trial, and for the other material acts that continue to be a continued offence to have a solution of conviction, the postponement of application of punishment or renunciation to apply the punishment.
  • With Marice Hauriou, in France, public law goes into the modern age. By his style, by the number and complexity of the themes he approached as well as by their exhaustiveness, this founding father of French administrative law – as we know it today – leaves behind a legal literature that, up to him, has only been able to provide sterile and purely descriptive commentaries of normative acts, modest works belonging to those that the modern history of public law labelled as of glossary or repertory writers. Hauriou is the one who, for the first time in the history of French administrative law, confers it the terminological and ideological substance for which it is highly appreciated by public law specialists today. Among the major themes that Professor Hauriou has approached in his work, the following are still outstanding, due to the accuracy and relevance of the analyses surrounding them, such as: – the administrative regime and the administrative function; – the institution and the institutional phenomenon; – the legal persons of public law, the public establishments and the establishments of public utility; – the public administration; – the public interest and the administrative management; – the public service; – the civil service and the civil servant; – the public property and the public domain; – the self-executing decisions or the unilateral administrative act; the administrative contract; – the administrative litigations; – the acts of government; – the discretionary power of the public administration; – the patrimonial liability for the public administration’s illicit acts; – the administrative police. Most of these themes have been systematically addressed by Hauriou, either by reference to the ideological foundation represented by the „public power”, or in relation to the notion of corporate institution, or in connection with the fact that administrative law groups rules with a derogatory nature from the rules of civil law, and legal persons under public law called upon to carry out the administrative function of the State are endowed with exorbitant prerogatives, the exercice of their duties being likely to result in a restriction of the freedom or the property of individuals. Surely, this risk – far from being totally eliminated – can be diminished, but only when individuals have effective tools to fight against abuses by executive authorities. According to Hauriou, an important place among these instruments is occupied by the so-called judicial review on abuse of power, a type of judicial action aiming at the annulment of unlawful administrative acts.
  • The objective of this study is to nuance practical problems that may arise in the application of the provisions of the Civil Code in matters of the right of preference to tenancy. In the absence of some exhaustive legal norms (Article 1828 of the Civil Code making reference to the provisions of the right of preemption that must be properly applied), we consider that it is inevitable that in the hypothesis of a litigation there are no divergent interpretations which have as source unclear rules that govern this matter. We have focused, primarily, on identifying the compatibility of the provisions of the preemption right with that of the right of preference, being essential the correct interpretation of the phrase „properly”. We later pointed out the holders of this right and the conditions that must be met in order for this to may be exercised. More specifically, we have leaned on the analysis of a condition whose limits are not clearly laid down by the law: what does it mean the obligativity for the tenant to perform the obligations on the basis of the previous rental and whether the notion of non-performance also includes the delay in performing the obligations. In addition, we have analyzed the nature and moment from which the exercise of the right begins to run, considering that particular issues are raised by the notification which the lessor is obliged to send to the lessee in view of exercising the right of preference, since the moment of communication thereof is also the one from which the term of exercise of the right begins to run. We have identified two judgments expressing two fundamentally different views referring to what the content of the notification must be, analyzing the arguments of both courts and exposing our own point of view. Last but not least, in terms of the differences between the contract of sale and the one of tenancy, our approach has continued by pointing out how to exercise the right of preference, respectively of the amount of rent that must be recorded and the moment when the recording must be made – which, from our point of view, differs from those in the matter of preemption. We have concluded with the moment when the new rental agreement was signed, along with the effects it produces. We hope that this study will prove useful to be to practitioners in particular, as we have tried to answer questions and provide explanations where the legislation and doctrine have not done it so far, although the questions have already arisen in practice, imperiously requiring an answer.
  • The present study aims at analyzing the new legal provisions regarding the country’s minimum gross salary guaranteed in payment. Recently, through a series of normative acts, the legislator renounced the old approach to the regulation of the minimum gross national salary guaranteed in payment, setting minimum differentiated salaries for certain categories of employees. Thus, employees with higher education and those with a minimum length of work will have a higher level of salary compared to the minimum gross salary guaranteed in payment. Moreover, the legislator set a higher threshold for the minimum wage in the construction sector, which benefits the employees of this sector of activity. This change of optics requires an analysis of its legality and timeliness. In order to outline the conclusions, there will be analyzed the internal sources, the provisions of ILO Convention No 131/1970 concerning Minimum wage fixing, with special reference to developing countries, and similar provisions in the field of minimum wage in different states.
  • The legislation on the matter of stamp duties, although it should be free of problems of interpretation, is no exception to the fact that the interpretation is the one that generates problems in the application of legal norms. The related controversies reveal that the current regulation inclusive is far from the desideratum to maintain a fair balance between the public interest to collect these budgetary resources in the quantum envisaged by the legislator and the interest of the litigant not to have the relevant legislation interpreted to his detriment. There are difficulties concerning the determination in practice of the actions which the legislator regulates generically by formulating „cash assessable actions and claims”, a phrase used in Article 3 (1) of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 80/2013. The same situation we encounter in the case of applications determined by the phrase „applications not assessable in cash”, phrase used in Article 27 of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 80/2013, with which the legislator intends to cover all the categories of applications not regulated in the previous texts. Other difficulties, revealed inclusively by the decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, concern the interpretation of the phrase „different finality”, used in Article 34 (1) of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 80/2013, for the situation of the actions with multiple claims. Since these three phrases evoke genuine principles underlying the manner of regulation used by the legislator in the matter, by the controversies reviewed, the study argues either the necessity of the minimum approach of defining the terms contained therein by the author of the normative act, or that of rewriting it pursuant to an inventory of the objects of the claims encountered in the judicial practice. This inventory is easy to obtain by the legislator from the courts, with the necessity to update it, after taking over in the normative act of domain, either by the regulations that generate new categories of applications addressed to the justice, or by amending accordingly the normative act having as object exclusively the stamp duty fees. However, this regulatory manner is used by the legislator in the legislation by which it establishes tax obligations, duties and taxes respectively. It is easy to imagine the implications of some norms susceptible to interpretation in this latter matter, which, in essence, has the same nature as the one in question.
  • The law provides that all declared claims will be subject to the verification procedure, with the exception of claims established by enforceable court judgments and enforceable arbitral awards, as well as budgetary claims resulting from an uncontested enforcement title within the time limits provided by special laws. In case the court judgments or arbitral awards are annulled, quashed or modified in the means of appeal, the judicial administrator/judicial liquidator will restore the table of claims accordingly. In case the court, by annulling or quashing the judgment, does not settle also the merits of the case, the judicial administrator or the judicial liquidator will proceed to the verification of that claim, by notifying the creditors in the event of total or partial non-inclusion of the claim, the creditors having, against the measure of the practitioner, in the Bulletin of Insolvency Procedures the extract of the report of the judicial administrator or of the judicial liquidator in which that measure is described. The judicial administrator will proceed immediately to the verification of each application and of accompanying documents and will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the legitimacy, the exact value and priority of each claim. For this purpose, the insolvent practitioner has the right to request explanations from the debtor, will be able to discuss with each debtor, requesting additional information and documents, if he considers it necessary. The regulation included in paragraph (2) of Article 106 of the Insolvency Code has an absolute novelty character, because until the appearance of the Law No 85/2014 the judicial administrator/judicial liquidator did not have the right to establish that the extinctive prescription of the claim has arisen. This is provided that, in the conception of the new Civil Code, the prescription can only be invoked by the one in whose favour it runs. Therefore, if the insolvent practitioner will appreciate that for the amount of money declared by a creditor within the procedure the extinctive prescription has arisen, he will notify the creditor in that regard, without further checks on the pretended claim, the legislator considering that in this case it acts, although it is a body applying the procedure, as a representative of the insolvent debtor, obviously with the possibility of the creditor interested in challenging the measure to the syndic-judge. As a result of the verifications made, the judicial administrator/liquidator will draw up and register with the court a preliminary table containing all claims against the debtor’s estate, overdue or not, under condition or under dispute, arisen before the date of the opening procedure. In the table there will be mentioned both the amount requested by the creditor and the amount accepted and the priority rank, and in the case of the creditor undergoing the insolvency procedure the appointed judicial administrator/judicial liquidator will also be indicated. In the case of the simplified procedure, in this table the claims arisen after the opening of the procedure and until the moment of going into bankruptcy will be recorded. In the case of claims which benefit from a preference cause, there will be presented the title from which the right of preference arises, its rank and, if applicable, the reasons for which the claims have been partially recorded in the table or have been removed. The claims that are benefiting from a preference case shall be entered in the preliminary table with the full value, indicating at the same time the title from which the preference right arises, their rank and, if applicable, the reasons for which the claims were only partially recorded in the table or have been removed, and in the final table, up to the market value of the guarantee determined by assessment, ordered by the judicial administrator or by the judicial liquidator, by an authorized assessor. However, Article 122 (1) of the Framework-Law makes the drawing up of the final table of claims conditional upon the handover by the assessor of the guarantee assessment report. In case the capitalization of the assets over which the preferential cause takes effect will be made at a price higher than the amount entered in the final consolidated table, the positive difference will be assigned to the guaranteed creditor, even if a part of his claim had been recorded as a secured debt, until covering the main claim and the accessories that will be calculated according to the documents from which the claim arises, until the date of the capitalization of assets. This provision will also be applied in case of failure of the reorganization plan and the sale of the asset in the insolvency procedure.
  • În articolul de față ne propunem să prezentăm câteva considerații critice asupra Deciziei nr. 685/2018 a Curții Constituționale pronunțate recent1. Trebuie să precizăm, în acest sens, că nu împărtășim soluția asupra admisibilității cererii de constatare a existenței unui conflict juridic de natură constituțională, dar suntem parțial de acord cu soluția pe fond și nu împărtășim unele considerații din motivarea instanței constituționale. În ceea ce privește admisibilitatea cererii primului-ministru, suntem de părere că nu ne aflăm în prezența unui conflict de natură constituțională, ci a unuia de natură legală. Așa cum Curtea însăși a definit conflictul juridic de natură constituțională în deciziile sale anterioare2 și cum o reamintește și în prezenta decizie, este necesar ca autoritatea „pârâtă” să-și aroge competențe care îi aparțin autorității „reclamante” sau alteia sau să refuze să-și exercite propriile atribuții, iar aceasta să ducă la blocaje instituționale3; în fine, în prezenta decizie apare pentru prima dată și cerința ca blocajul să nu poată fi înlăturat în alt mod4.
  • În luna martie 2010 doamna A.C.L. a achiziționat un autoturism marca Mercedes Benz 350 SL, din sumele primite donație de la părinții ei. Începând cu luna iulie a anului 20101, impozitul2 pentru mijloacele de transport3 s-a majorat semnificativ, dublându-și valoarea pentru autoturismele cu capacitate cilindrică mai mare de 3001 cm³. Autoturismul în cauză având o capacitate cilindrică de 3724 cm³, valoarea anuală a impozitului depășea 5 500 lei. Cum acesta depășea posibilitățile financiare ale doamnei A.C.L., aceasta a hotărât să înstrăineze autovehiculul, postând anunțuri pe site-urile de vânzări, precum și pe geamul lateral al autoturismului. În pofida acestor demersuri, nu a reușit să vândă autovehiculul în România din cauza cuantumului ridicat al impozitului anual, acumulând în continuare datorii la bugetul local. În cursul anului 2012 doamna A.C.L. s-a deplasat în Germania și la data de 27 noiembrie 2012 a reușit să înstrăineze autovehiculul către o societate din acest stat, al cărei obiect de activitate era comerțul cu autovehicule.
  • In the present study, the author gives us a general examination concerning the right to a fair trial and of the settlement of the case within an optimal and predictable time limit. The approach is carried out in accordance with the international and internal regulations, but also in consideration of the latest doctrinal and jurisprudential evolutions in the matter. The first part of the study is devoted to the fair trial, and the main ideas promoted in the context are related to the complex character of the subjective right proclaimed by Article 6 (1) of the European Convention on Human Rights. In the second part of the present approach there are presented the procedural meanings of the right to the settlement of the case in an optimal and predictable time limit. Likewise, some considerations have also been formulated on the legal contest concerning the delaying of the trial, a remedy deemed useful by the author, although the results involved by this institution can not be regarded as spectacular. The author also evokes the recent amendments to the new Civil Procedure Code, such as those concerning the suppression of the review filtering procedure and the possibility of extending the term for the motivation of the judgment no more than twice.
  • Legal liability is a relation established by law, by legal rule, between the author of the infringement of legal rule and the state, represented by the officials of the authority, which may be the courts, public servants or other officials of the public power. The contents of this relation is complex, being composed essentially of the right of the state, as a representative of society, to apply the sanctions provided by the legal rules to the persons which are in breach of the legal provisions and the obligation of those persons to be subject to legal penalties, in order to restore the legal order.
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