  • In this study, the author makes an analysis – partly critical – of the provisions of Law no. 50/2011 on the performance of certain seasonal activities by day-workers, focusing on the correlation of this law with the European regulation in the field (Directive 1999/70/EC), noting that a series of provisions of Law no. 52/2011 should not be interpreted literally, but according to a „consistent interpretation” in order to avoid a series of contradictions and inconsistencies between the said directive and Law. 52/2011.
  • As of November 1999 to May 2011 the issue of strike was legally regulated by Law no. 168/1999 on the settlement of labor disputes, and in May 2011 by Law no. 62/2011 on social dialogue (which expressly abolished the provisions of the Law no. 168/1999 on strike). In this study, the author examines the new regulation on strike, highlighting both the provisions preserved from the previous law (no. 168/1999) and the new elements brought by Law no. 62/2011, highlighting, as the case may be, the positive or the negative aspects of Law. 62/2011.
  • Promoting the conception according to which material evidence should be exclusively reserved for civil procedure as evidence is fulfilling its main role in trial, the author stresses that the new Civil Code achieves the unification of evidence regulation in civil matters, by including this regulation in art. 243-382 of the new Civil Code, a salutary solution, in accordance with the majority opinion of the doctrine. The Legislator, based on the new Civil Code, preserves part of the evidence regulations of the previous Code, but also embracing solutions adopted in the Civil codes of other states, such as, for example, the French, the Canadian province of Quebec or the Swiss Civil Code. Of course, the new Civil Code includes innovative solutions that the author deems useful and necessary, such as those relating to admitting as evidence documents stored on computer media or those regarding material means of evidence.
  • Relating to the provisions of the new Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009 republished in „The Official Gazette of Romania”, Part I, no. 505 of July 15, 2011, which was enforced on October 1st, 2011), the author examines in this paper the testament forms, in all respects on which they act. On this occasion, the author shows, on the one hand, that the regulation in question preserves many of the texts of the Civil Code of 1864, whose accuracy and actuality have been denied over time and, on the other hand, that it also establishes some new elements, required urgently by the new social realities. Doing so, Law no. 287/2009 becomes, regarding testament forms, a modern regulation, while the forms no longer used have been removed (such as mystic testament), and new short testament forms have been regulated, with a practical use that cannot be doubted (such as the testament made in case of epidemics, disasters, wars or other such exceptional circumstances, the testament made on board an aircraft, the testament made by the person admitted to a health institution) and expanding the scope of some forms (e.g. testament of amounts and values stored).
  • The object of a contract enjoys a long tradition in civil law. However, a good part of the legal doctrine contests its identity, noting that, as regulated, it is mistaken for the object of the obligation. On the other hand, European contract law codification projects avoid nominating it, replacing it with the contract contents. The new Civil Code does not assume these normative orientations, assuming the regulation of the Civil Code in Québec. This study is designed to examine these orientations, to evaluate the solutions of the new Civil Code and to make proposals for the improvement of the new normative provisions.
  • Ce înseamnã pentru noi unificarea dreptului privat operatã de noul Cod civil? O simplã juxtapunere a normelor civile şi comerciale într-un singur instrument legislativ? O comasare mecanicã sub o etichetã unicã? Noi ne-am ferit sã procedãm astfel şi am încercat o fuziune a dreptului civil şi a celui comercial. În primul rând, am aşezat aceleaşi principii la baza tuturor materiilor. Libertatea de a dispune, buna-credinþã, sancţionarea abuzului de drept se regãsesc în materia familiei, bunurilor, obligaţiilor. Regulile generale de la obligaţii se dezvoltã şi la contractele speciale, ipoteci etc.
  • The execution of the warrant represents an essential element in the activity of the police bodies, which must make all efforts so as to arrest the convict. Throughout the article, the author describes the main controversies in the legal practice in relation to this area of activity, also making a critical examination of the legal provisions included in the current Penal Procedure Code, as well as in the new Penal Procedure Code.
  • In this article, the authors deal with the issue of the use of the tax stamps, revenue stamps or special regime standard forms. The authors describe the legal framework, the implications of the non-compliant use of the tax stamps, revenue stamps or special regime standard forms, and identify, at the same time, certain legislation inconsistencies and doubts, and also in some incrimination texts. At the end of the article, one identifies possible remedy solutions of the findings, by also making references to certain de lege ferenda proposals.
  • The author analyses certain aspects related to prostitution, underlining the fact that, although the new Penal Code no longer incriminates this deed, it is still provided under Law no. 61/1991, representing a contravention punished through fine. In the author’s opinion, the lack of incrimination and the contravention application are not enough to eliminate all the negative consequences (sexually transmitted disease, abortion, human traffic with a view to compel them to supply sexual services, etc.) of the hidden exercising of this old profession. Therefore, in the author’s opinion, this activity should become lawful.
  • Maybe some of the most controversial crimes, the rape and the sexual deviations, gave birth to numerous debates in the specialty literature, as well as in the doctrine, but also different, sometimes contradictory solutions in the legal practice. The author shows that not even the High Court of Cassation and justice succeeded to convince or end these controversies, even though that, through decision no. III/2005, tried to clarify the meaning of the material element of the rape crime. The lawmaker, through the incrimination norm of the rape and sexual aggression crimes of the new Penal Code tries to clarify and avoid, for the future, such issues. The present study highlights these possible problems and solutions.
  • The correlation between parliament and democracy is a classical one. It has been proven not only by the beginnings of parliamentarism, related to limitation of the omnipotence of the monarch, but also by subsequent developments, especially in the generalization of universal suffrage, but also by the historical experience of the previous century, when the collapse of totalitarian or authoritarian regimes has always been followed by the return to parliamentarism or to a political system in which Parliament’s role is essential. After joining the European Union, its role was enhanced by its involvement in the European decision-making process by means of monitoring the compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality of the proposed EU legislation or of the implementation of directives into national law.
  • While discussing if the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy students (those enrolled in the undergraduate programme, day classes) may, during their university studies, conclude individual labour contracts with other employers, the author reaches the following differentiated conclusion, namely: The students of the Police Faculty of this Academy cannot hold any public or private position, except for the teaching positions within the teaching institutions, of the scientific research and literary-artistic activities, taking into account Art. 10 (4) and Art. 45 (i) of Law no. 360/2002 (The policemen’ statute). The students of the Firemen Faculty and those of the Archive Faculty can, during the studies, conclude individual labour contracts with any employer, on condition that this does not affect the honour or dignity or deontology of the stature of public clerk of military employee.
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