  • The areas where the Civil Code brings regulations lacking in the previous legislation include the controversial area of civil legal acts nullity. As shown throughout this article, many of the current legislative solutions are inspired by the previously existing legal literature and jurisprudence, while others are unique. The author’s main concern is reflected in an attempt to outline some features of the civil legal act nullity as they can be drawn from the new regulation.
  • In this study, the author makes a thorough analysis of the current regime of private land movement in Romania in the light of the regulations contained in the new Romanian Civil Code (entered into force on 1 October 2011), as well as in other normative acts in force, but adopted earlier (the Forestry Code - Law no. 46/2008, Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of construction works republished on 13 October 2004, Law no. 350/2001 on spatial planning and urban planning; Law no. 315/2005 on the acquisition of private property rights by foreign and stateless citizens and foreign legal persons; Law no. 71/2011 for the implementation of the new Civil Code. Essentially, the author believes that, although, partially, the new Civil Code relating regulations do not always have a fundamentally (absolutely) new nature, they bring, however, significant changes.
  • The judicial declaration of presumptive death is covered by art. 49 to 57 of the Civil Code and art. 943 to 950 of the Code of Civil Procedure; these are texts that take over a large part of the old regulation provisions and also bring some novelties. The new legislation no longer requires prior assumption of disappearance and establishes a general case and two special cases of judicial declaration of death.
  • Essentially, throughout this study, the authors criticize the completion brought by Law no. 206/2012 both to the previous Code of Civil Procedure and to the new Code of Civil Procedure (republished), which entered into force on 1 February 2012, to the effect that, if an arbitration award involved a dispute relating to the transfer of ownership and / or the establishment of another right in rem on a real estate, the arbitration award will be “submitted” to the Court or the Notary Public to “get a court order or, where appropriate, a notarized document” and only after “verifying” the respective arbitration award (by the Court or the Notary Public), one will proceed to the registration of the arbitral award in the real estate registry and thus the transfer of ownership and / or establishment of rights in rem on thee concerned real estate will be achieved.
  • The author provides a detailed analysis of the legal content of bribe taking offense provided for in art. 289 of the new Criminal Code. He examines the subject of care proceedings, the subjects of the offense, the objective and subjective sides, the forms, procedures, sanctions and some procedural aspects relating to the deed provided for in art. 289 of the new Criminal Code and its aggravated versions. Also, the author does not hesitate to express his standpoint with regard to the systematization of this offense, the constituent content thereof, its nature, its relations with the provisions of Law no. 78/2000 on preventing, discovering and sanctioning corruption, as subsequently amended and supplemented, and to propose some of his own solutions and ideas in this regard. Not least, the author promotes some of his own opinions on the connection or relationship of this criminal deed with other offenses, as well as regards the law applicable for transitional cases.
  • According to art. 147. (4) of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court rulings are generally binding. Therefore, the public authorities, including courts, regardless of their level, must observe the Constitutional Court rulings both in terms of the operative part and recitals thereof. Although they do not constitute a source of law, the High Court of Cassation and Justice judgments rendered after settlement of an appeal in the interest of law, require the courts a particular solution to a law issue, therefore an interpretation of legal rules. When performing the interpretation and application of law, a contingent conventionality control also occurs; such control is carrying out by this Court whilst assuming that the courts’ divergent practice is given by the different application of the (European) Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms provisions. Not infrequently, the High Court of Cassation and Justice’s jurisprudence on the matters submitted to trial did not coincide with that of the Constitutional Court, and this study aims to point out and analyze such cases. The proposed solution takes into account a possible constitutionality review of the previously reported judgments of the High Court of Cassation and Justice; such control has already been carried out indirectly in certain rulings of the Constitutional Court.
  • The paper presents some of the most important aspects of the individual employment contract nullity as it is set up by the regulations which are derogatory from the common law provided for in the employment law. In addition, it aims to highlight the extent to which the new regulation nullity in the current Civil Code (entered into force on October 1, 2011) would also apply to the individual employment contract, based on the rule that the provisions of the Labor Code is completed with the civil Code. The analysis performed is intended to lead to conclusions concerning the civil law rules relating to nullity, which, as they are not inconsistent with the specific employment relationship, shall also apply to the individual employment contract.
  • In this study, the author makes a thorough analysis of the provisions of art. 61 letter d) of the Labor Code (Law no. 53/2003, republished) whereby, among the causes for dismissal by reason pertaining to the employee, the case of employee’s failure to professionally meet the job requirements is also expressly regulated.
  • Currently, disputes arising from the application of Law no. 85/2006 are a significant part of Romanian contentious matters, the role of the specialized sections within the courts throughout the country being most often overcrowded. For the years of crisis, insolvency is what claims and disputes arising from the property restitution laws enforcement meant for the years of increased growth. Although civil law specialists with tradition find the insolvency proceedings regulation quite simple, it arises nevertheless a number of interesting legal issues, worth a deeper look. One of these is the issue of compatibility between the intervention institution governed by the Code of Civil Procedure, and the applications specific to insolvency proceedings. Due to the fact that our jurisprudence has provided no consistent reply yet to this issue, the author states the reasons for which a particular solution (rule and exception) seems to be required.
  • The Romanian Criminal Code in force (in 1969) does not mention domestic discipline among the reasons removing the criminal nature of the deed (art. 44-51). Similarly, the new Romanian Criminal Code (Law no. 286/2009) does not stipulate domestic discipline among the supporting reasons (art. 18-22) or among the reasons of non-imputability (art. 23-31). The following question arises under these conditions: Will the parent who pulls his / her child by the ears when committing acts of disorder in the family or behaves violently with his colleagues be convicted? Some lawyers and teachers respond affirmatively, others negatively, thus creating discussions about the existence of a right of discipline. In this study, the authors analyze domestic discipline in respect of the parents, educators and military, arguing that they enjoy a moderate and limited right of discipline, which is provided in some cases by law and in others is not.
  • In this study, the author examines by comparison the legal regulations concerning the enforcement treatment applicable to minors in different states; the analysis is carried out starting with the different systems of legal enforcement – special regulations or rules included in a general regulation, like the Penal Code, continuing with the limitations of the penal responsibility of minors, and finally – the presentation of the sanctions applicable to minors in 17 different states. In the end, the author examines the opportunity for new legal provisions to be included in the future Penal Code, in order to reduce the applicability of the sanctions in favor of the educational measures, some of which being successfully applied in other european penal regulations.
  • Pentru a fi în prezența unei încãlcãri a dreptului moral la respectarea operei, în sens larg, în conformitate cu art. 10 lit. d) din Legea nr. 8/1996, prejudiciul moral, indiferent de modalitatea în care este produs, trebuie sã constea în afectarea a înseși onoarei sau a reputației autorului, valori expres prevãzute de legiuitor. Așadar, nu este suficientã simpla atingere fizicã, fiind necesar ca aceasta sã fie de o anumitã consistențã și gravitate, astfel încât sã afecteze onoarea și reputația autorului, consecințã ce echivaleazã cu denaturarea viziunii artistice a autorului asupra operei sale.
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