  • In the study hereby the author approaches a controversial topic among experts, namely whether granting loans / lending between companies (other than credit institutions – banks, etc.) is legally permissible or not. Analyzing both affirmative and negative statements, the author finally argues that the granting of loans / credits between companies (other than credit institutions) is legally possible, provided such activity occurs transiently.
  • There are different solutions concerning the legality of inclusion in the annual paid leave allowance of the 4 additional sucessive classes of remuneration by which the basic salary is increased, as additional payment for exercising the activity of preventive financial control, according to Article 20 (4) of the Framework Law No 284/2010 on the unitary remuneration of the staff paid from public funds. According to some opinions, it is permitted to include in the annual leave allowance the 4 additional sucessive classes of remuneration, while, according to other opinions, this possibility is not admitted. This study presents the conditions in which, in the opinion of the author, the 4 additional sucessive classes of remuneration can be included in the annual paid leave allowance.
  • In this study it is examined the legality of the control by the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement provided that the legislator has conferred the jurisdiction of verifying the procedure for the award of these contracts to other specialized public authorities, and has conferred to the Court of Audit powers of general control on the manner of formation, management and use of the public financial resources. Taking advantage of these control powers with a wide range of coverage, the Court of Audit has extended, unlawfully, through its own regulations, this control over a specialized field, respectively that of the procedure for the award of public procurement contracts, overlapping the control exercised by other administrative authorities and affecting the stability of the legal relations arising from these contracts. That is why it is proposed the legislator’s intervention for the express regulation of the control powers of the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement, the conditions and limits of this control, in order to avoid the parallelism and the conflict of jurisdiction between this public authority and the other specialized administrative authorities in the field.
  • The idea of this study has as starting point the „ambiguity” which, under the influence of the current Community and internal regulations, floats over the legal distinction between „designs” and „models”, as well as over their legal nature. Thus, the common definition reserved by the internal and Community regulations for the design and for the model, as well as their alternative or cumulative use in the legal texts convincingly support the existence of this „normative ambiguity”. This „legal reality” is accompanied by the non-existence of some doctrinal concerns for arguing the specificity of designs and of models, mostly by reference of one to the other, but also by reference of these to other kinds of intellectual creation. In fact, as this issue has been approached in the Romanian doctrine, the authors confine themselves, as a rule, only to take over some theses from the foreign legal literature, especially from French one, being less concerned with their logical and legal grounding.
  • In this study the author debates – in the light of the current Code of Civil Procedure and of the new Code of Civil Procedure, published in 2010, but not yet enacted, if in the actions regulated by Law no. 18/1991 (as republished) there must be or not be introduced, even ex officio, all the persons entitled to lodge the applications for the re-enactment of the ownership right over a certain given land fund.
  • While discussing if the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy students (those enrolled in the undergraduate programme, day classes) may, during their university studies, conclude individual labour contracts with other employers, the author reaches the following differentiated conclusion, namely: The students of the Police Faculty of this Academy cannot hold any public or private position, except for the teaching positions within the teaching institutions, of the scientific research and literary-artistic activities, taking into account Art. 10 (4) and Art. 45 (i) of Law no. 360/2002 (The policemen’ statute). The students of the Firemen Faculty and those of the Archive Faculty can, during the studies, conclude individual labour contracts with any employer, on condition that this does not affect the honour or dignity or deontology of the stature of public clerk of military employee.
  • Taking into consideration the provisions of art. 1385, paragraph 4 of the new Romanian Civil Code (adopted and published in 2009, but not yet effective), according to which “if the illicit action caused the loss of the opportunity to gain an advantage, the remedy shall be proportional to the probability of gaining such advantage, by also taking into consideration the circumstances and the actual situation of the victim, and by considering the rich French case law in the field (in the matter of medical liability) the author believes that, in Romania, tort liability could exist even at present (in particular in case of malpractice, as regards medical liability) following the damage caused by losing the opportunity to gain an advantage. For this reason, the author presents in detail the compensation conditions for such damage.
  • Article 7 paragraph 1 of the Law no. 554/2004 regarding Administrative Litigation regulates the “preliminary procedure”; therefore, the establishment that, before addressing the administrative courts, the prejudiced person in his/ her own right or interest (usually by an individual administrative action) shall require the issuing authority (or the superior authority, if any) the (in whole or in part) rescission of the action, within 30 days from the notification date of the action concerned. As the “preliminary procedure” issue presents some peculiarities in the matter of the construction permit [covered by Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of construction works (republished on 13 October 2004)], the study’s author, examines on the one hand, in detail, the issue of the “preliminary procedure”, and on the other hand, presents the peculiarities mentioned above.
  • The author examines the provisions of articles 1013–1024 of the new Romanian Code of civil procedure (Law no. 134/2010, as republished on the 3rd of August 2012 and entered into force on the 1st of February 2012) in the matter of the order for payment comparing them to the previous provisions (abrogated at present) of the Government Ordinance no. 5/2001 on the payment summons and of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 119/2007 regarding the order for payment. Finally, she appreciates in a positive manner the new regulation in the matter and recorded in the new Romanian Code of civil procedure.
  • Prin Decizia nr. 269/2017 a Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție (completul de 5 judecători)1 a fost respins recursul împotriva hotărârii Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii referitoare la sancționarea disciplinară a unui judecător, constând în diminuarea indemnizației de încadrare lunară pentru abaterea prevăzută de art. 99 lit. l) din Legea nr. 303/2004 privind statutul judecătorilor și procurorilor2. Persoana sancționată a criticat hotărârea amintită, printre altele, pentru că instanța disciplinară a făcut o aplicare greșită a dispozițiilor art. 46 alin. (7) din Legea nr. 317/2004 privind Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii3, cu privire la termenul de prescripție a aplicării sancțiunilor disciplinare, precum și a dispozițiilor art. 99 lit. l) din Legea nr. 303/2004, care instituie abaterea disciplinară, constând în „imixtiunea în activitatea altui magistrat”.
  • This article intends to analyze the provisions of the Civil Code regulating the legal status of nullities of marriage. After a brief introduction, in which general aspects of nullities of marriage are presented, follows a discussion on the legal regime of absolute nullity of marriage and the legal status of relative nullity of marriage from the point of view of those persons who can invoke the absolute or relative nullity, of the imprescriptibility of the right of action for establishing the absolute nullity of marriage and of the prescriptibility of the right of action for annulment of marriage, as well as from the point of view of the possibility to cover the absolute or relative nullity.
  • One of the forms of the forced joint ownership on shares is represented by family memories, the legal regulation consisting in Articles 1141–1142 of the Civil Code. Among the problems that rise on the legal status of these goods, a particular interest consists in the inclusion in this category of goods with a special economic value, and also the possibility to claim these memories from the one who unjustly holds them.
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