  • Starting from two recent decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania, according to which the constitutional contentious court ruled that both the grounds and the purview of its decisions are generally mandatory, the authors of the study perform an examination of the case law of this Court, meant to support the stated rule. Based on numerous examples from the Constitutional Court case law, the importance of the grounds of decisions made by the court is emphasized, in particular when in such grounds the Court mentions the consequences of ascertaining the non-constitutionality of the texts under review. The conclusion of the study is that, in essence, the observance of the general mandatory character of the decisions of the Constitutional Court is not only a way to make its purview more efficient, but also to make the grounds more efficient, or the Court’s interpretation of the fundamental law. At the same time, an opinion is expressed that, in order to guarantee the Constitution, the intervention of the Constitutional Court is not only legitimate, but also necessary, in what regards the provision, in the contents of the grounds of decisions, considering the specific effect of constitutional law attached to any of the decisions of the Constitutional Court, of what the effects are of finding the texts under review constitutional or even non-constitutional.
  • Art. 2 paragr. 1 din Convenþia (europeanã) pentru apãrarea drepturilor omului ºi a libertãþilor fundamentale (în continuare denumitã Convenþia) consacrã dreptul la viaþã al fiecãrei persoane ºi protecþia de care aceasta trebuie sã se bucure conform legii, în politica penalã a statelor membre ale Consiliului Europei. Aºadar, în privinþa dreptului la viaþã statul are nu numai o obligaþie substanþialã negativã, ci ºi o obligaþie substanþialã pozitivã; aºa cum rezultã din jurisprudenþa Curþii Europene a Drepturilor Omului (în continuare denumitã C.E.D.O.), statele nu trebuie doar sã se abþinã de a provoca moartea în mod ilegal ºi intenþionat, dar trebuie sã ia ºi mãsurile necesare pentru protecþia vieþii persoanelor aflate sub jurisdicþia lor1.
  • The obligations in solidum represent a controversial category of obligations, the controversy existing both in the Romanian and in the French doctrine. The legislator that created the current Civil Code did not outline the legal regime of the obligations in solidum, these not being mentioned among the other complex obligations. It must be noted that the obligations in solidum constitute a separate category of obligational relations with a plurality of subjects, exception from the rule of division by the operation of law of the obligations between creditors and debtors, and therefore we have considered that it is however required that, in the future, the matter of these obligational relations should be clarified by the legislator, as a legal reality in the landscape of complex obligations, which is why we will further make a theoretical analysis thereof. In this study, the defining features and legal characters of the obligations in solidum, the scope of application and the legal effects have been considered, among others.
  • The paper aims to emphasize the consequences of the Judgment Costanzo pronounced by the Court of Justice in 1989 on the competences and powers of the public administration authorities, when these authorities are acting within the scope of application of the European Union law. From the perspective of the persons of private law directly concerned, the paper makes available to them the manner in which they can invoke the Union law – as a right opposable against the national administrative authorities – without requiring the intervention of the courts to obtain the removal from the application of the measures of national law contrary thereto.
  • The article presents some reflections on the positive procedural obligation of criminal prosecution bodies to identify the successors of the victim of the offence or the injured persons who have suffered damage by ricochet (indirect victims), in order for them to exercise civil action, in the light of the new Criminal Procedure Code.
  • The development of the regulations in the matter of the consumer protection has contributed significantly to the reconstruction of traditional tort institution, providing a new focus on the fundamentals of such liability, by revaluing its functions and establishing a new coherence. The flaw in the product has been reported to the lack of security that a person can legitimately expect, given the circumstances of the presentation and use at the time of the product release. The breach of the security obligation entails the civil liability for damages to all persons who contributed to a defective product to be acquired by the consumer, from the manufacturer up to the distributor. Within these coordinates, in its study the authors examine the specificity of this civil obligation under the assumption of liability for defective products, in terms of European law regulations, and of the domestic law.
  • In this study the author examines the provisions of the new (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code referring to the verification of the application for summons and its regularisation by the law court, in the light of the procedures of the same code which regulate the nullity of procedural acts.
  • In this study the author analyzes the victim’s obligation to minimize the damage in the context of a hypothesis of tort civil liability. In this sense, after a short introductory part intended to set the framework of the analysis, the author proposes to identify what would be the normative provisions from which the victim’s obligation to minimize the damage would derive, emphasizing the fact that, despite the lack of a clear and unequivocal rule in this sense, the existence of the obligation still derives from a whole series of legal provisions. The particularities of the obligation to minimize the damage are further addressed, its general legal regime being decrypted, with emphasis on those aspects that distinguish and individualize it in relation to other legal institutions, but also its mode of operation. Likewise, the author aims to identify the legal nature of the obligation to minimize the damage, underlining the limits of the theses advanced so far and showing why the obligation is a sui generis one. Further on, there are emphasized the consequences produced by the obligation to minimize the damage, whether respected by the victim or not, and in the end there are presented brief considerations referring to his procedural regime.
  • At the beginning of this study, the author makes an exposition of the economic and contractual environment whose needs have determined the necessity of recognition by the legal doctrine and by the case law and then the legislative consecration of the existence of a general obligation of pre-contractual information as duty of the participants in the civil circuit. The legal basis for this obligation has been found and discovered, by way of interpretation, in the texts of the Civil Code that establish the principle of good faith in the negotiation, conclusion and execution of contracts. The author also points out that there are numerous provisions mostly in the legislation connected to the Civil Code, which pertains to the consumption law, where there are regulated specifically and in detail various obligations of pre-contractual information, in the matter of contracts concluded between professionals and consumers. In this context, it is also established the existence in the special legislation of what the legal doctrine calls „informative formalism”, which means that upon the conclusion of some contracts, where the law expressly provides so, the information which the professionals are required to provide to the contractual partners must take a certain form, which most often is the written form; the failure to comply with the requirements of informative formalism can lead to various sanctions, some of them administrative or contraventional and others of private law. The study concludes with an overview on the private law sanctions which can intervene in case of failure to perform or of the improper performance of the general obligation of pre-contractual information.
  • The author analyses crimes such as “Not helping a person who is in need” and “Preventing help” from the new Penal code, revealing, if the case may be, the similarities and differences as compared to the effective penal law. The last part of the article contains elements of comparative law, with reference to the approached theme.
  • Under the old civil law, the registration of a property right in a land registry was a follow-up phase to the fulfilment of the obligation to give, that is, to transfer the property. In that sense, the registration thus carried out was only intended to ensure to third parties the publicity of the legal transaction transferring the right of property, making the new owner known, similarly to other law systems in Europe. Currently, under the Civil Code in force, things have remained relatively under the same conditions. The Civil Code regulated the constitutive system of registration rights in the land registry, but the implementing law postponed those provisions until the completion of the cadastral measurements. However, we consider an apriorical analysis of the constitutive system of rights to be helpful in anticipating and clarifying the legal issues that may arise in the future, but also in determining the legal nature of the interim period between the conclusion of the contract and the time of registration in the land registry, that is to say, until the time of complete fulfilment of the obligation to give. Last but not least, we will analyze aspects of the eventual liability that could be committed because of the faulty fulfilment of the obligation to apply for registration in the land registry, therewith identifying the persons who can apply for the registration and the persons who have to apply for it.
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