  • In this study, the author analyzes the protection measure by means of adjudication of incapacity of certain natural persons, mentally ill, by drawing a comparison between, on the one hand, the dispositions of the New Civil Code and the New Code of Civil Procedure, and, on the other hand, the old regulation contained in the Family Code of 1953 and the Ordinance no. 32/1954 regarding enactment of the Family Code and the Ordinance regarding natural persons and legal entities. In its essence, the New Civil Code preserves almost entirely the provisions of the previous regulation on this protection measure, bringing just a few elements of novelty, such as the possibility of appointing the custodian by a competent person, in case of future adjudication of incapacity or acknowledgement by law of the validity of donations made by the custodian, without being exempted of report, to the descendants of the one adjudicated of incapacity. The same thing can be observed in case of procedural dispositions, the most significant amendment brought by the New Code of Civil Procedure to the procedure of adjudication of incapacity being the modernization of the advertising system with the purpose of permitting the measure ks opposability towards third parties, thus arising two new forms of publicity, namely land registration and trade register publicity.
  • Potrivit art. 181 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 78/2000, folosirea sau prezentarea cu rea-credință de documente ori declarații false, inexacte sau incomplete, dacă fapta are ca rezultat obținerea pe nedrept de fonduri din bugetul general al Uniunii Europene sau din bugetele administrate de aceasta ori în numele ei, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 2 la 7 ani și interzicerea unor drepturi.
  • The author analyses (partly critically) provisions of Article 16, Article 17 and Article 19 of the Romanian Labour Code concerning the written form of the individual labour contract, the obligation to inform the employee on the essential clauses of the contract and the sanction for the failure to fulfil the information obligation with a view to better correlate them with Directive 91/533/EEC of 14 October 1991 on an employer’s obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship and with the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on this matter.
  • After a presentation of the practical difficulties that arise searching the Electronic Archive of Security Interests in Personal Property, we have reached in this article the conclusion that it would benefit all the participants of the judicial circuit the augmentation of the regulatory framework for the archive activity so that it will detail the procedure and the obligations of the authorized agents in searching for information in the database, following a request. Present lack of regulation leads to an erroneous perception regarding the content of the search certification minute drafted by the authorized agent, perception based on analogy with other institutions (especially the land book), and could ammount to negative consequences.
  • The article analyzes the facultative jurisdiction of the court seized with an application promoted by a judge, a prosecutor, a registrar, a legal assistant, who act as plaintiffs in an application for which the court where they carry on their activity has jurisdiction. The analysis focuses on the meaning and the interpretation of the phrase „court where they carry on their activity”.
  • The authors discuss a guideline given to the prosecutor’s offices through a Minutes of non-unitary practice concluded on 30.07.2020. The guideline refers to the way in which the legal classification must be made, in case of committing the deeds provided by Articles 2 and 3 of the Law No 143/2000 on preventing and combating illicit drug trafficking and consumption, in reference to the Decision No 3/2017 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, in the case of international drug trafficking, when the act of bringing into or taking out from the country without right is committed in different circumstances of place and time. The authors, analyzing the given guideline, conclude that it is unrealistic.
  • Making the due observations regarding the legal content of Article 6 of the Law No 143/2000, republished in 2014, the authors came to the final conclusion that Article 6 of the mentioned law contains three distinct incriminations regarding the high-risk drug trafficking. Thus, Article 6 (1) of the Law No 143/2000, republished, includes the crime of high-risk drug trafficking, representing the medically unnecessary prescription of such substances by a doctor. In paragraph (2) of Article 6 of the same law it is incriminated the high-risk drug trafficking, by releasing such substances from pharmacies on the basis of a recipe that includes a prescription that is not medically necessary or is falsified. In paragraph (3) of Article 6 of the same law, the high-risk drug trafficking is incriminated, by obtaining such substances from a pharmacy based on a fictitious medical recipe. In conclusion, the authors state, if a drug addict doctor prescribes to himself high-risk drugs on a recipe without being medically necessary and obtains them from a pharmacy, he will commit two crimes in real concurrence, namely the one provided in Article 6 (1) and the one provided in Article 6 (3) of the Law No 143/2000, republished.
  • This study is meant to analyse the provisions of Article 333 of the Civil Code regarding the preciput clause. Specifically, there are discussed issues such as: the relevant provisions; the definition of the analyzed institution; the subjects, the object and the legal nature of the preciput clause; the legal characters of the preciput; the effects of the preciput clause; inefficiency and enforcement of the preciput.
  • This study, having as theme general and special observations regarding the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code (Law no. 134/2010), after some brief preliminary observations, proceeds to a more thorough analysis of the fundamental themes of this Code, namely: the accentuation of procedural liberalism; the quality of the civil procedure law; the right of access to justice; the uniform interpretation and application of the law by the courts; celerity in the civil trial; accentuation of the effectiveness of remedies at law; higher-quality valorization of enforcement orders.
  • Review of judgments in civil proceedings is, together with the appeal for annulment, the chance for a final procedural possibility for a “remedy” legal solution so that, ultimately, an irrevocable court decision is consistent with normative propositions incidents to that legal dispute. Often, this extraordinary means of attack is not, as commonly, a “reverential” one anymore, but is “aggressive”, based upon the urgent requirement of retrial as a consequence of “passing final and irrevocable judgments in violation of the principle of Community law priority, governed by Art. 148 para. (2), in conjunction with Art. 20 para. (2) of the Romanian Constitution, republished” as stated in Art. 21 para. (2) of the Administrative Litigation Law no. 554/2004. Review mechanism, as put into operation, focuses on controversial or debatable issues, some unpublished. In this study, the authors note to identify and comment on some of the aforementioned.
  • The field „Public Health”, regulated by Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, is part of the category of fields of competence shared between the Member States and the Union. The decision to subsidize the price of medicines is the result of several factors: technical, financial and political. For this reason, the Union leaves the decision in this field to the discretion of the Member States but, pursuant to the principle of subsidiarity and proportionality, it tries to standardize certain procedural aspects, meant to ensure the free movement of goods and services. In this respect, it has been adopted Directive 89/105/EEC of the Council of 21 December 1988. In order to ensure a better transposition of this directive, in 2014, Romania has fundamentally changed the normative framework regulating the criteria and the procedures by which new medicines are assessed in order to be introduced on the List including the international common names for medicines for insured persons, with or without personal contribution, based on medical prescription, within the health social insurance system (list of subsidized medicines). For the first time it has been introduced the system of inclusion in the list of subsidized medicines conditioned by the conclusion of cost-volume/cost-volume-outcome type contracts. However, as we will further show, the current Romanian legislation in the field of subsidized medicines does not ensure an effective and integral transposition of the European directive, particularly with regard to the compliance with the imperative time limit for adopting the inclusion/non-inclusion decisions provided in Article 6 (1) of the Directive 89/105/EEC of the Council of 21 December 1988. This study deals with the limits of the current normative framework from a theoretical perspective confirmed by the relevant majority case law in the field.
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