  • In this study, the two authors examine certain particularities of the commercial mandate contract existent between the managers of joint-stock companies and the given companies, with the specification that the term “managers”, in the above context, applies exclusively to the managers referred to under art. 143 paragraph 1 of Law no. 31/1990 regarding companies, republished on 17 November 2004 (those whom the Board of Directors delegated the management of the company and who, as the case may be, can be appointed among the directors or from outside the Board of Directors), and not to members of the directorate (existent in joint-stock companies organized in dual system) or to “specialized” managers, who are not representatives of the social will, but run certain specialized compartment.
  • Accepting co-authorship in the commission of acts with basic intent has represented, sine die, a permanent struggle for scholars since the adoption of the 1968 Criminal Code. Both the literature and the judiciary have had divergent positions. In the present paper, the purpose is to assess all factors that can lead to a positive or negative answer to the question: Is co-authorship compatible with basic-intent? The analysis will be divided: the national status-quo versus the alternative solution, respectively the German one. In the national arena, the existing arguments and the foundations for the possible envisioned outcomes will be discussed. Within the German framework, the institution of Nebentäterschaft will be assessed in a comparative approach, underlying similarities and differences when compared to the Romanian framework. Finally, a personal note will be added to the mix.
  • This study provides a detailed and systemic analysis of the provisions of Article 358 of the Civil Code referring to the partition of common assets jointly owned by the spouses during the community matrimonial regimes. More specifically, it is analysed the possibility to extend the provisions of Article 358 of the Civil Code also over the partition of per-shares common assets of spouses, as well as the applicability of the provisions of Articles 669–686 of the Civil Code within this partition. Likewise, there are distinguished the elements of continuity and those of novelty of the present regulation, referring to the partition of jointly owned common assets during the community matrimonial regimes, in relation to the regulation previously established by Article 36 (2) of the Family Code. Finally, there are expressed some critical opinions in connection with the provisions of Article 36 of the Law No 71/2011 implementing the Law No 287/2009 on the Civil Code referring to the application in time of the provisions of Article 358 of the Civil Code.
  • The correlation between parliament and democracy is a classical one. It has been proven not only by the beginnings of parliamentarism, related to limitation of the omnipotence of the monarch, but also by subsequent developments, especially in the generalization of universal suffrage, but also by the historical experience of the previous century, when the collapse of totalitarian or authoritarian regimes has always been followed by the return to parliamentarism or to a political system in which Parliament’s role is essential. After joining the European Union, its role was enhanced by its involvement in the European decision-making process by means of monitoring the compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality of the proposed EU legislation or of the implementation of directives into national law.
  • În situația în care, pe perioada procesului de divorț între pãrinți, minora a fost încredințatã mamei prin hotãrâre judecãtoreascã, iar mama o influențeazã pe minorã sã refuze contactul cu tatãl ei și, în același timp, mama refuzã sã execute sentința judecãtoreascã prin care s-a stabilit programul de vizitare a minorei de cãtre tatã, instanța este în drept sã oblige pe ambii pãrinți sã se prezinte cu minora la centrul de consiliere (psihologicã) din cadrul direcției generale județene de asistențã socialã și protecția copilului (cu notã aprobativã).
  • Given the fact that „the annual EU budget incurs losses over 500 million euros due to fraud”1 establishing a European Public Prosecutor’s Office in order to combat offences that affect the financial interests of the European Union is deemed as a necessity. The difficulty of conducting cross-border investigations by national judicial bodies and the deficiencies of the international judicial cooperation in criminal matters require the creation of such an authority with exclusive jurisdiction in conducting acts of criminal investigation, prosecution and bringing to justice of those who are guilty of committing specific offences that affect the financial interests of the European Union.
  • Stipulation for another and direct actions are two topical legal mechanisms that, although in theory are clearly explained, the judicial practice is hesitant in their application. At the same time, due to the multitude of similarities regarding the effects of these legal mechanisms, a confusion has been created in numerous situations both in terms of their legal meaning and their applicability. As such, a comparative study of the two legal notions contributes and facilitates the substantiation in law of the stipulation for another and of the direct actions, but also the way of application in the judicial practice. In the present study we mainly focused on presenting the origins of the stipulation for another, but also on its application over time, so far, concluding with a comparison with the direct actions, regarding the main effects of the two legal mechanisms. We hope that the judicial practice will outline in time a more effective differentiation of the two notions with a wide spread in the fields of law.
  • Paulian action represents, alongside oblique action and direct action, one of the most important means of protecting creditors in general. However, unlike direct actions, this legal mechanism provides general protection to all creditors, not just a few that are mentioned by the law. Against this backdrop, in the light of economic development and the many contracts concluded lately, especially in recent years, the knowledge of rights and the means of creditor protection should be of interest to all creditors. Unfortunately, although the paulian action is expressly provided for by law, creditors rarely resort to this legal mechanism to ensure the protection of their own claims. This reluctance is likely to arise from the fear of a long and cumbersome move to promote a litigation in the form of a paulian action. From this point of view, we hope that the present study will provide practitioners, theorists, and creditors with detailed information about this legal mechanism, to encourage the promotion of a paulian action whenever borrowers act against patrimony in order to avoid enforcement.
  • In this study, the author analyzes, in the light of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the manner of observing the principle of impartiality of the Romanian judges within the national procedures regarding the establishment and functioning of the associations and foundations. Within the introductory section, general elements regarding the freedom of peaceful assembly and association are presented, according to Article 11 of the Convention. Subsequently, the relevant provisions of the Government Ordinance No 26/2000 on associations and foundations are emphasized. Their analysis, from the perspective of the civil side of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,considers the minimum standard imposed on Romania by this treaty. After presenting the conventional reference provisions applicable at the level of the Member States of the Council of Europe, the author demonstrates the lack of a hermetic delimitation between the subjective impartiality and the objective impartiality of the national judge, in the analyzed hypothesis. At the same time, it is outlined the need to respect the role of neutral arbitrator of the court. Based on the rich case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the author manages to capture the shortcomings of the national regulation. This study includes both a theoretical and practical debate on the obligations and responsibility of the Romanian state, according to the Convention, and a proposal de lege ferenda, in order to respect the principle of impartiality of judges. In relation to the large number of case files registered annually by courts of first instance, regarding the establishment and functioning of associations and foundations, the study is also an alarm signal, in order to avoid the responsibility of the Romanian state, according to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
  • The importance of distributing of the amounts in the insolvency procedure is unquestionable. Practically, only at this point in time, the purpose of the insolvency procedure from the point of view of creditors can be palpable and achievable by covering their claims. The legislator’s imperativeness in relation to the order of payment of the claims, respectively of the distribution of the amounts obtained from liquidation, found in the legal regulations, is based mainly on the economic, social, humanitarian and juridical aspects of each type of claim and on the impact that the insolvency procedure, respectively the recovery or non-recovery of claims, may have on each category of creditors. In the context of the entry into force of the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency, we propose to analyze the procedure for the distribution of amounts and the order of payment of claims, in a comparative overview as to the old regulation, by emphasizing the notable differences in this field. At the same time, we will perceive this study by structuring it depending on the order of distribution of the amounts within the two fundamental categories of claims, namely the guaranteed claims and secured claims
  • În cauza dedusă judecății apelantul a susținut că nu se justifică măsura evacuării sale din locuință, întrucât această măsură îl împiedică să participe la anumite evenimente din viața fiicei sale și să păstreze relațiile personale cu aceasta. Însă atât timp cât aceste relații nu au fost interzise de către o instanță judecătorească, iar autoritatea părintească este exercitată în continuare, în comun, de către ambii părinți, în mod egal, conform art. 503 alin. (1) C.civ., tatăl apelant nu este afectat în exercitarea drepturilor și obligațiilor părintești, decât în mică parte, prin măsura evacuării din locuința familiei, întrucât există multe alte modalități pe care le are la dispoziție pentru menținerea relațiilor cu minora, chiar și în această perioadă în care este instituită starea de urgență. (Tribunalul Galați, Decizia civilă nr. 229 din 27 aprilie 2020, definitivă).
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