  • The development of the regulations in the matter of the consumer protection has contributed significantly to the reconstruction of traditional tort institution, providing a new focus on the fundamentals of such liability, by revaluing its functions and establishing a new coherence. The flaw in the product has been reported to the lack of security that a person can legitimately expect, given the circumstances of the presentation and use at the time of the product release. The breach of the security obligation entails the civil liability for damages to all persons who contributed to a defective product to be acquired by the consumer, from the manufacturer up to the distributor. Within these coordinates, in its study the authors examine the specificity of this civil obligation under the assumption of liability for defective products, in terms of European law regulations, and of the domestic law.
  • The article presents some reflections on the positive procedural obligation of criminal prosecution bodies to identify the successors of the victim of the offence or the injured persons who have suffered damage by ricochet (indirect victims), in order for them to exercise civil action, in the light of the new Criminal Procedure Code.
  • The paper aims to emphasize the consequences of the Judgment Costanzo pronounced by the Court of Justice in 1989 on the competences and powers of the public administration authorities, when these authorities are acting within the scope of application of the European Union law. From the perspective of the persons of private law directly concerned, the paper makes available to them the manner in which they can invoke the Union law – as a right opposable against the national administrative authorities – without requiring the intervention of the courts to obtain the removal from the application of the measures of national law contrary thereto.
  • The obligations in solidum represent a controversial category of obligations, the controversy existing both in the Romanian and in the French doctrine. The legislator that created the current Civil Code did not outline the legal regime of the obligations in solidum, these not being mentioned among the other complex obligations. It must be noted that the obligations in solidum constitute a separate category of obligational relations with a plurality of subjects, exception from the rule of division by the operation of law of the obligations between creditors and debtors, and therefore we have considered that it is however required that, in the future, the matter of these obligational relations should be clarified by the legislator, as a legal reality in the landscape of complex obligations, which is why we will further make a theoretical analysis thereof. In this study, the defining features and legal characters of the obligations in solidum, the scope of application and the legal effects have been considered, among others.
  • Art. 2 paragr. 1 din Convenþia (europeanã) pentru apãrarea drepturilor omului ºi a libertãþilor fundamentale (în continuare denumitã Convenþia) consacrã dreptul la viaþã al fiecãrei persoane ºi protecþia de care aceasta trebuie sã se bucure conform legii, în politica penalã a statelor membre ale Consiliului Europei. Aºadar, în privinþa dreptului la viaþã statul are nu numai o obligaþie substanþialã negativã, ci ºi o obligaþie substanþialã pozitivã; aºa cum rezultã din jurisprudenþa Curþii Europene a Drepturilor Omului (în continuare denumitã C.E.D.O.), statele nu trebuie doar sã se abþinã de a provoca moartea în mod ilegal ºi intenþionat, dar trebuie sã ia ºi mãsurile necesare pentru protecþia vieþii persoanelor aflate sub jurisdicþia lor1.
  • Starting from two recent decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania, according to which the constitutional contentious court ruled that both the grounds and the purview of its decisions are generally mandatory, the authors of the study perform an examination of the case law of this Court, meant to support the stated rule. Based on numerous examples from the Constitutional Court case law, the importance of the grounds of decisions made by the court is emphasized, in particular when in such grounds the Court mentions the consequences of ascertaining the non-constitutionality of the texts under review. The conclusion of the study is that, in essence, the observance of the general mandatory character of the decisions of the Constitutional Court is not only a way to make its purview more efficient, but also to make the grounds more efficient, or the Court’s interpretation of the fundamental law. At the same time, an opinion is expressed that, in order to guarantee the Constitution, the intervention of the Constitutional Court is not only legitimate, but also necessary, in what regards the provision, in the contents of the grounds of decisions, considering the specific effect of constitutional law attached to any of the decisions of the Constitutional Court, of what the effects are of finding the texts under review constitutional or even non-constitutional.
  • In this case study, the authors analyze a less common situation in the judicial practice, namely the one of the confirmation of the judicial administrator, in so far as the judicial control court admits the appeal of the creditor that had requested by means of an application for summons the appointment of another insolvency practitioner. The institution of judicial control finds its legal basis in Article 129 of the Basic Law, according to which against the judgments, the parties concerned and the Public Ministry may exercise the legal remedies, under the terms of the law. The provisions of Article 501 of the new Civil Procedure Code give efficiency to the above-indicated constitutional text, given that, without the binding nature of the judgments pronounced by the judicial control court, the purpose of control and, finally, the well-grounded and legal settlement of the cases would not be achieved.
  • By Law no. 221/2009 on political convictions and the administrative measures related to them, pronounced during 6 March 1945 – 22 December 1989. This law provides for two categories of political convictions (during the mentioned period), namely two categories of administrative measures of a political nature, namely: the first category (by right), when the political nature of the criminal conviction (administrative measures) results from certain legal texts, explicitly indicated by Law no. 221/2009; the second category, when the political nature of the criminal conviction (administrative measures) can be established – at the request of the interested party –, at present, by the civil court. At the same time, either in the case of the first category, or in the case of the second category, the person in question, the husband/wife or the descendants (up to the 2nd degree) may request ordering the Romanian State to pay moral damages. According to the texts of Law no. 221/2009, the prosecutor’s participation is mandatory only in case the establishment by the civil court of the political nature of the criminal conviction or of the administrative measure is previously discussed.
  • Recunoașterea calității de cetățean român, acordată Românilor de origine supuși unui Stat străin, confirmând o calitate preexistentă, are efect retroactiv în deosebire de naturalizare, care nu conferă străinilor această calitate decât din momentul împământenirei lor.
  • In the study hereby, the author reviews provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code (enacted by Parliament, published in the „Official Gazette of Romania”, Part I, in July 2009, but still unenforced) on the artificial property accession, by reference to the current Civil Code (since 1865), still in force, and to the relevant Romanian jurisprudence and doctrine. Conclusion of the analysis is that, on the one hand, the new Romanian Civil Code in the matter of artificial property accession keeps the rules and principles enshrined in the current Civil Code, doctrine and jurisprudence, though it reveals the innovating desire of the new Code, where the current Code keeps silent.
  • In this study it is examined how the patrimonial allocation estates are formed and their legal status only for those persons practicing authorised liberal professions individually, that is only for a certain category of professionals. The author has analyzed the consequences which the inclusion of a joint asset of the spouses, subject to the matrimonial regime of the legal community, into the patrimonial estate of professional allocation of one of these may have. Such a change of destination of the joint asset, even temporary, requires the consent of both spouses, and, in case of buildings, the declaration of patrimonial allocation must comply with the authentic form and must be registered in the land register in order to be opposed to the personal or professional creditors of the spouses. The specialized and exclusive guarantee of the professional creditors on the patrimonial estate of professional allocation can make possible the pursuit by these of the joint asset, so that the consent of one of the spouses to the inclusion of the joint asset in the professional allocation estate of the other spouse may be interpreted as an implicit guarantee of the performance of the professional obligations by the professional spouse who practices an authorized liberal profession.
  • The entry into force of the EU Regulation No 1215/2012 brings an important element within the process of evolution designed to ensure the free movement of judgments on the territory of the European Union: suppression of the exequatur. Given that, under the influence of the Regulation No 44/2001, the first judgment delivered in the Member State of enforcement was precisely the declaration of enforceability (or the exequatur), changing the enforcement procedure within the Regulation No 1215/2012 has also brought, necessarily, a reform of the system of legal remedies. Without studying thoroughly the fundamental conditions which can lead to the refusal of enforcement, this paper aims at analyzing the main amendments which the new regulation brings in the matter of legal remedies which are available to the debtor in the Member State of enforcement, trying to make an adjustment of the case law of the European Court of Justice in the matter, to the new wording within the Regulation No 1215/2012, as well as an analysis of the compatibility of the measures adopted by Romania in view of applying the Regulation No 44/2001 on the declaration of enforceability in relation to the new system proposed by the European legislation now in force.
  • The new Civil Code has regulated, for the first time in our legislation, the periodic property. This new legal form of the right of property has been established as a forced joint ownership, although its owners do not exercise the prerogatives of the property right concurrently and together, but successively and repetitively. This study criticizes some provisions which govern the periodic property and sets out the arguments supporting the idea that this forced property cannot be considered joint ownership of property, as the Civil Code names it.
  • The study aims to demonstrate ability to expand criminal proceedings regardless of the current procedural stage, on grounds of its general trait of being indivisible, as well as its ways of expression during the prosecution phase within the procedural framework set forth in article 238 in the Criminal Procedure Code. There are also reviewed the legal nature of the ordinance extending the criminal investigation and its trial functions, as well as the legal effects of the expansion of criminal proceedings during the first stage of the Romanian criminal trial over other procedural institutions. From the perspective of the new criminal procedure code, the avatars of this extremely important procedural institution for the criminal prosecution phase are tracked and analyzed comparatively.
  • Essentially, throughout this study, the authors criticize the completion brought by Law no. 206/2012 both to the previous Code of Civil Procedure and to the new Code of Civil Procedure (republished), which entered into force on 1 February 2012, to the effect that, if an arbitration award involved a dispute relating to the transfer of ownership and / or the establishment of another right in rem on a real estate, the arbitration award will be “submitted” to the Court or the Notary Public to “get a court order or, where appropriate, a notarized document” and only after “verifying” the respective arbitration award (by the Court or the Notary Public), one will proceed to the registration of the arbitral award in the real estate registry and thus the transfer of ownership and / or establishment of rights in rem on thee concerned real estate will be achieved.
  • In this study, the authors express a critical opinion referring to the content of the Law No 212/2018 amending and supplementing the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004 and other normative acts. The amendment of the Law No 554/2004 was determined by the overcrowding of the administrative disputes courts with such litigations and, hence, the need to rethink the provisions of the framework-law in the matter, especially as regards the competence and some procedural aspects. However, the analysis carried out showed that between the objectives assumed by the author of the Law No 212/2018 and the final result, namely the actual content of this new regulation, there is no compatibility and harmony. Many of the provisions of the new law are matters of drafting or of legislative technique, which does not affect the content of the normative act and does not meet the alleged need to rationalize the settlement of these litigations. Secondly, the study emphasizes the lack of foundation of some of the solutions promoted by the Law No 212/2018 and has regard, in particular, to the manner in which the litigations concerning the administrative contracts will be settled in the future. Thus, according to the Law No 212/2018, the litigations regarding the performance of these contracts will be settled by the ordinary courts, and the other litigations, which concern the conclusion, amendment and cessation of the administrative contracts, will be settled by the administrative disputes courts. The authors draw attention to the fact that this new regulation will create disturbances in practice, because litigious situations may arise that will equally concern both an amendment of the contract and the performance thereof. How will such cases be solved?
  • Simplification and debureaucratization, in many cases, indeed, lead to a positive result. However, the complexity and apparent bureaucratization of some institutions and procedures, in many cases, have a well-defined, useful, even necessary role. The elimination of functional and strict requirements may drive the expected rationalization but an undesirable adverse effect: dysfunctions and legal uncertainty. These ideas can be best illustrated by the recent amendment of the Law No 31/1990 on companies, through Law No 23/2020 for the simplification and debureaucratization of the transfer of shares („social parts”) and the payment of the share capital. Unfortunately, in recent years, the limited liability company has become a subject of experimentation for different improvement attempts, without noticing that companies’ legal regime is an organic whole. Most of the time, reforms are well-intentioned but distorted by enduring normative realities. They also distort the existing law: as is currently the case with share capital and shares transfer.
  • The minor traffic offence is one of the most serious offences, being included in the field of judicial cooperation in all European legislative instruments. The study describes a general and critical examination of the legal provisions into force which, according to the author, do not guarantee an adequate judicial protection to minor persons being the victims of the offence. By publishing it, the research of this very important field and at the same time in the pipeline at the level of the member states of the European Union, is continued. The research may be useful both to practitioners, and to ideologists in the field of criminal and criminal proceedings law. The essential contribution of the study is limited to the critical remarks exposed and to the concrete proposals on amending and supplementing the special law, especially from the point of view of the indictment of other offences or of establishing the obligation to provide defense to the minor person who is victim, under the sanction of absolute nullity.
  • The field „Public Health”, regulated by Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, is part of the category of fields of competence shared between the Member States and the Union. The decision to subsidize the price of medicines is the result of several factors: technical, financial and political. For this reason, the Union leaves the decision in this field to the discretion of the Member States but, pursuant to the principle of subsidiarity and proportionality, it tries to standardize certain procedural aspects, meant to ensure the free movement of goods and services. In this respect, it has been adopted Directive 89/105/EEC of the Council of 21 December 1988. In order to ensure a better transposition of this directive, in 2014, Romania has fundamentally changed the normative framework regulating the criteria and the procedures by which new medicines are assessed in order to be introduced on the List including the international common names for medicines for insured persons, with or without personal contribution, based on medical prescription, within the health social insurance system (list of subsidized medicines). For the first time it has been introduced the system of inclusion in the list of subsidized medicines conditioned by the conclusion of cost-volume/cost-volume-outcome type contracts. However, as we will further show, the current Romanian legislation in the field of subsidized medicines does not ensure an effective and integral transposition of the European directive, particularly with regard to the compliance with the imperative time limit for adopting the inclusion/non-inclusion decisions provided in Article 6 (1) of the Directive 89/105/EEC of the Council of 21 December 1988. This study deals with the limits of the current normative framework from a theoretical perspective confirmed by the relevant majority case law in the field.
  • Review of judgments in civil proceedings is, together with the appeal for annulment, the chance for a final procedural possibility for a “remedy” legal solution so that, ultimately, an irrevocable court decision is consistent with normative propositions incidents to that legal dispute. Often, this extraordinary means of attack is not, as commonly, a “reverential” one anymore, but is “aggressive”, based upon the urgent requirement of retrial as a consequence of “passing final and irrevocable judgments in violation of the principle of Community law priority, governed by Art. 148 para. (2), in conjunction with Art. 20 para. (2) of the Romanian Constitution, republished” as stated in Art. 21 para. (2) of the Administrative Litigation Law no. 554/2004. Review mechanism, as put into operation, focuses on controversial or debatable issues, some unpublished. In this study, the authors note to identify and comment on some of the aforementioned.
  • This study, having as theme general and special observations regarding the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code (Law no. 134/2010), after some brief preliminary observations, proceeds to a more thorough analysis of the fundamental themes of this Code, namely: the accentuation of procedural liberalism; the quality of the civil procedure law; the right of access to justice; the uniform interpretation and application of the law by the courts; celerity in the civil trial; accentuation of the effectiveness of remedies at law; higher-quality valorization of enforcement orders.
  • This study is meant to analyse the provisions of Article 333 of the Civil Code regarding the preciput clause. Specifically, there are discussed issues such as: the relevant provisions; the definition of the analyzed institution; the subjects, the object and the legal nature of the preciput clause; the legal characters of the preciput; the effects of the preciput clause; inefficiency and enforcement of the preciput.
  • Making the due observations regarding the legal content of Article 6 of the Law No 143/2000, republished in 2014, the authors came to the final conclusion that Article 6 of the mentioned law contains three distinct incriminations regarding the high-risk drug trafficking. Thus, Article 6 (1) of the Law No 143/2000, republished, includes the crime of high-risk drug trafficking, representing the medically unnecessary prescription of such substances by a doctor. In paragraph (2) of Article 6 of the same law it is incriminated the high-risk drug trafficking, by releasing such substances from pharmacies on the basis of a recipe that includes a prescription that is not medically necessary or is falsified. In paragraph (3) of Article 6 of the same law, the high-risk drug trafficking is incriminated, by obtaining such substances from a pharmacy based on a fictitious medical recipe. In conclusion, the authors state, if a drug addict doctor prescribes to himself high-risk drugs on a recipe without being medically necessary and obtains them from a pharmacy, he will commit two crimes in real concurrence, namely the one provided in Article 6 (1) and the one provided in Article 6 (3) of the Law No 143/2000, republished.
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