This article intends to analyze the provisions of the Civil Code regulating the legal status of nullities of marriage. After a brief introduction, in which general aspects of nullities of marriage are presented, follows a discussion on the legal regime of absolute nullity of marriage and the legal status of relative nullity of marriage from the point of view of those persons who can invoke the absolute or relative nullity, of the imprescriptibility of the right of action for establishing the absolute nullity of marriage and of the prescriptibility of the right of action for annulment of marriage, as well as from the point of view of the possibility to cover the absolute or relative nullity.
The new Criminal Code of Romania brings numerous novelties within the scope of incrimination in the Romanian criminal law and, as compared to the previous regulation, it provides, in the text of Article 276, the sanctioning of the deed of a person who, during ongoing judicial proceedings, makes false public statements concerning the commission, by the judge or by the criminal prosecution authorities, of an offence or a serious disciplinary misconduct related to the processing of that case, in order to influence or intimidate such authorities.
The preliminary chamber is a new, partly innovative institution for the national criminal proceedings. In fact, this is a qualitative transformation of the provisions of Article 300 of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1968. The preliminary chamber judge is vested with a control form with a specific object and the finality of this control consists in ordering the file for the trial stage on the merits. The jurisdictional control of the preliminary chamber falls within the scope of the entire criminal proceedings as a distinct stage, with its own individualized object.
The social reality governed by the labour law has known a series of mutations, caused by economic and circumstantial factors, which may have an impact on the object itself of this branch of law. This paper aims to present these amendments, as well as some theories formulated in the Romanian and foreign legal literature on the future of the labour law and of its object. It is pointed out the danger of dissolution of the labour law, following to be later configured a series of options concerning the extent of protection offered by the labour law and its relation to other branches of law.
This study examines a series of controversies concerning the operation of the penal clause in certain special situations such as: admissibility of penalties running after the cancellation/resolution of contract if, by assumption, the debt had not been yet fully or partly liquidated by the debtor; the issue of the possibility of reducing the amount of „clearly excessive” penalties by the court, if these penalties are „clearly excessive” [Article 1541 (1) b) of the new Civil Code]; the admissibility of the plurality of various clauses that provide penalties and others.
The interdiction of the pignorative contract is a traditional solution for the Romanian law and corresponds to a real need to protect the debtor. However, this study attempts to prove that the solution is presently in disagreement with the legislative policy established by the new private normative order that encourages the diversification of the guarantee mechanisms. Presently, the function of this prohibition would rather be a theoretical one, not to affect the classical physiognomy of mortgage in the continental law system; but, in a legislative system which expressly establishes legal figures such as the sale with repurchase option or the sale with reservation of title and which seems to allow lawful transfers as a security measure, the interdiction becomes formal and it excessively complicates the situation of the participants in the legal circuit.
The author intends to make a synthesis of the main amendments brought by the legislator to the civil liability institution, by adopting the present Civil Code, also analyzing the main sources of inspiration underlying the new regulation. The chosen approach is a comparative one, the civil liability institution being analyzed both from the perspective of the Civil Code of 2009 and of the Civil Code of 1864. The study aims to emphasize that the new regulation is a codification of the doctrine and of the case-law, in a necessary attempt to adapt the Romanian legislation to the soft-law standards of the European Union in this matter, as well as to the other international regulations.
The institution of appeal in the interest of law has the role of unitarily ensuring the interpretation and implementation of law by courts of law. The legal nature of this procedure is not determined only by the criminal and civil normative provisions governing it. This study argues that this institution is constitutional in nature because, under the Constitution, the High Court of Cassation and Justice has the power to ensure the unitary interpretation of law by the courts of law. There are analyzed the consequences of the constitutional nature of this institution, the limits of obligativity of the settlements of matters of law given by the High Court of Cassation and Justice by means of the decisions ruled in these proceedings, as well as the ratio between the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice respectively, ruled for a solution on the appeals in the interest of law. Recent case-law of the Constitutional Court reveals new aspects regarding the possibility of verifying the constitutionality of decisions ruled on this matter.
In the practice of the courts in our country the punishment imposed for the offence of unintentional killing is, in most cases, imprisonment with suspended execution, even in the situations where the guilt rests solely on the offender or when there are several victims, a fact which can call into question the manner in which the principles governing the individualization of punishments are implemented, whereas, by imposing excessively lenient punishments, in relation to the seriousness of the facts, the desideratum concerning the educational and preventive role thereof is not achieved.
The study has mainly in view the involuntary hospitalization of a person with mental disorders as a civil protection measure, as regulated by the Law on mental health and protection of persons with mental disorders No 487/2002, republished. In order to complete the characterization of this measure, the paper has also approached the aspects concerning the protection of the person suffering from mental disorders and that are governed by the Civil Code, but also by the new Criminal Code and the new Criminal Procedure Code.
În funcție de întinderea efectelor juridice pe care le produc, actele administrative se clasifică în acte normative și acte individuale. Încadrarea unui act infralegislativ într-una dintre cele două categorii mai sus arătate nu se realizează prin „decuparea” unor dispoziții din acel act, afectând în acest mod caracterul unitar al acestuia, ci prin examinarea integrală a conținutului său, prin prisma trăsăturilor fiecăreia dintre categoriile în discuție (acte normative și acte individuale). Cu alte cuvinte, un act administrativ este fie normativ, fie individual, în funcție de întinderea efectelor juridice pe care le produce ca întreg, indiferent de conținutul concret al unei părți (de exemplu al unei anexe) a acestuia. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția de contencios administrativ și fiscal, Decizia nr. 1718 din 26 februarie 2013)
The Labour Code (Law No 53/2003) was radically amended by the Law No 40/2011. One of the amendments and supplements brought to the Code was the rephrasing of Article 31, respectively, in addition to the trial period, it was regulated, only for the graduates of higher education institutions, a probation period (of 6 months) at the beginning of activity in their profession, with an additional specification that the modality of performing the probation period would be established by a special law. In this respect Law No 335/2013 on performing the probation period for higher education graduates has been recently adopted in order to regulate the probation contract. In this study the author makes an analysis – partly critical – of this last-mentioned law.