  • The extension of the preventive arrest is one of the instruments available to the judicial bodies in order to remove some threats to public order, undermining at the same time a fundamental right of the defendant, the right to freedom. The procedure of extension of the preventive arrest must respect the right to a fair trial, as regulated in the international conventions and the internal provisions. This article analyzes the possibility of breaching the principles of equality of arms and of equality of treatment in the procedure of judging the contestation against the decision to extend the preventive arrest measure.
  • In the absence of an express legal obligation that obliges the data controller to prevent conflicts of interests in its organization, there were often raised in the judicial practice problems related to the existence of a legitimate purpose of data controllers in Romania to process the personal data of the candidates within a process of recruiting the future employees, respectively their family members, affiliates or even close persons, namely of the actual possibility to comply the data controller’s obligation to inform the data subject, being whether a candidate or a person close to them. The same problems arise also in case a potential or actual conflict of interests occurs during the execution of an individual employment contract, thus while the data subject is employed by the data controller. This study therefore seeks to expose the main issues related to the fulfilment of the legal requirements applicable to personal data processing operations performed for the purpose of managing conflicts of interests both in the public sector and in the private sector, aiming at ascertaining the existence of a legitimate purpose, of the legal basis applicable to such a process in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), but also the rights of the data subject, respectively the data controller’s obligations
  • In the practice it was questioned the possibility of the public prosecutor from a public prosecutor’s office higher in hierarchy to take over cases from a public prosecutor’s office lower in hierarchy where the criminal prosecution has ended, following that the public prosecutor from the public prosecutor’s office higher in hierarchy settles the case by indictment. In an opinion this procedure has been appreciated as being fair, in another opinion it has been appreciated that there have been violated the rights of the defendant to a fair trial.
  • The study intends to present the doctrinal opinions regarding the definition of the prejudice, which represents a condition and measure of the civil liability, the tripartite classification of the prejudices into patrimonial, extra-patrimonial and bodily harm and the indissoluble connection with the concepts of reparation, compensation and indemnification, the own identity of the bodily harm and the ambivalent character of the reparation, either patrimonial and non-patrimonial. It aims to analyze the particularities of the three categories of prejudices, the personal and rebound character of the bodily harm, the conditions for the reparation of the patrimonial prejudices, the certain character of the prejudice and the mitigation of this requirement in the case of the prejudices caused by the loss of a chance, the direct character of the prejudice in correlation with the direct and indirect causal link, the personal and reasonably predictable character of the prejudice, the principle of full reparation of the prejudice and mora creditoris, as a cause of limitation of the debtor’s liability, the guilt, condition of the liability for the reparation of the prejudice. The author also analyzes the presumption of guilt in the contracts generating the obligations of result and the proof of guilt in the contracts generating the obligations of means, as well as the causes exonerating the liability, the classification of damages into compensatory and moratorium damages, the problem of cumulating the damages with the contractual remedies, the cumulation of the damages with the execution of the contractual obligations, of the cumulation of the damages between them and the foundation of their non-cumulation, the judicial evaluation of the damages and their updating, the sanctioning character of the penalizing interest related to the cash claims.
  • The present study intends to analyze the principle of preeminence of law and a few perspectives over this principle, especially the common law perspective. The author starts from the premise that the principle of preeminence of law is a common European value on which any democratic state must be founded, being the essence of the state of law and also an element of the common heritage of the Member States of the Council of Europe. The author has, as a research hypothesis, the fact that the history of Romania and its political course in the last century raises problems of understanding a philosophy based on the concept of preeminence of law. Coming after a period of communism, in many respects our country has passed from one extreme to the other, from many restrictions to too much freedom and legislative or power void, from a typology of totalitarian regulation to a form sometimes too liberal, which causes a functional instability of the state as a whole. One can notice that the elaborated study has as objectives the analysis of the general concepts recognized in common law regarding the preeminence of the law for the development of the Romanian legal doctrine in order to deeply understand and fully implement this principle in our legal system, and – more broadly – in our society. Regarding the research methods, the comparative and the quantitative method have been predominantly used, with elements that refer to the sociological and historical method. Notions and concepts specific to common law-type systems have been presented in order to identify possible solutions for taking over and integrating these concepts in our legal system. From the point of view of the results of the research, it has been concluded that the preeminence of law is aspirational and, therefore, it is a matter of degree. From the perspective of our country, we have shown that we have not yet succeeded in overcoming the horrors of the past, with reference here to the ideologies, philosophies and mentalities that have become part of us in the last century. Things are constantly evolving, but we have failed to achieve the level of civilization and understanding that exists in true democracies, one of the causes being the inconsistency of the choices we have made in the last 32 years. Regarding the theoretical and practical implications of the study, they consist in understanding some specific concepts developed in the common law-type systems, the need to implement and fully assume, at society level, the principle of the preeminence of law, with all its components and mechanisms, as well as of the awareness of the current historical moment, in which we must progress at the level of society towards the ideal of a developed and happy society.
  • Este acceptabilă din punctul de vedere al cerințelor impuse de dreptul la un proces echitabil motivarea hotărârii judecătorești realizată prin preluarea în considerente a unei părți din argumentele invocate, în cadrul dezbaterilor, de către una dintre părți. Câtă vreme această preluare nu s-a realizat automat, ci este rodul propriului demers al judecătorului de interpretare și aplicare a legii la situația de fapt prin prisma susținerilor părților, nu există suport pentru a se aprecia că argumentele celeilalte părți ar fi fost ignorate. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția de contencios administrativ și fiscal, Decizia nr. 1312 din 13 martie 2014)
  • În cazul în care societatea a hotărât, prin hotărâre AGA, demararea acțiunii în răspundere împotriva membrilor organelor sale de conducere, fără a desemna un mandatar special împuternicit cu efectuarea demersului judiciar pentru punerea în aplicare a acestei hotărâri, nu se poate considera că mandatul general de administrator cuprinde, implicit, acest mandat. Prin urmare, acțiunea în justiție promovată de administrator în numele societății, fiind formulată de o persoană care nu prezintă mandatul special cerut de lege, nu respectă cerințele impuse prin art. 155 din Legea nr. 31/1990 cu privire la condițiile speciale ale reprezentării, devenind, astfel, deplin incidente dispozițiile de drept procesual civil referitoare la lipsa dovezii calității de reprezentant, reglementate prin art. 161 C.pr.civ., care impun, în condițiile respectării regimului procesual al excepției, anularea cererii de chemare în judecată. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția a II-a civilă, Decizia nr. 3726 din 5 noiembrie 2013)
  • Dispozițiile art. 9 lit. b) din Regulamentul CE nr. 44/2001 aratã cã un asigurator care are domiciliul pe teritoriul unui stat membru poate fi acționat în justiție în alt stat membru, în cazul acțiunilor intentate de cãtre deținãtorul poliței de asigurare, asigurat sau un beneficiar, în fața instanțelor de la locul unde este domiciliat reclamantul.
  • Cerinţa interesului de a fi actual trebuie îndeplinitã pe tot parcursul procesului, iar nu numai la momentul introducerii acþiunii. Astfel, în cazul în care pe parcursul procesului acþiunea promovatã de reclamant rãmâne fãrã interes, demersul procesual, iniþial justificat, rãmâne fãrã o finalitate practicã din punct de vedere juridic, soluţia consacratã jurisprudenţial în atare situaţii fiind aceea a respingerii acţiunii ca rãmasã fãrã interes (Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie, Secţia comercialã, decizia nr. 2623 din 13 septembrie 2011).
  • Constrângerea moralã, cauzã care înlãturã caracterul penal al faptei prevãzute în art. 46 alin. 2 C.pen., presupune îndeplinirea urmãtoarelor condiþii: sã existe o acþiune de constrângere exercitatã de o persoanã asupra psihicului unei alte persoane, prin ameninþare; ameninþarea sã creeze un pericol grav pentru fãptuitor sau pentru o altã persoanã, în cazul în care nu ar sãvârºi fapta prevãzutã de legea penalã; pericolul cu care se ameninþã sã nu poatã fi înlãturat decât prin sãvârºirea faptei prevãzute de legea penalã.
  • Raportul de expertizã întocmit într-o cauzã penalã ce viza sãvârșirea unor infracțiuni de cãtre reprezentanții unei societãți comerciale constituie, în litigiul având ca obiect contestarea de cãtre respectiva societate a legalitãții unor acte administrativ-fiscale, un mijloc de probã extrajudiciar, care prin excepție de la principiul nemijlocirii probelor, poate fi folosit numai în cazul în care nu pot fi administrate probe judiciare în cauza respectivã (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția de contencios administrativ și fiscal, decizia 5115 din 13 noiembrie 2009).
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