The author carries out a detailed analysis of the legal content of the offense to establish an organized criminal group, referred to in art. 367 of the new Criminal Code. After characterizing the concepts of criminalization and the aspects of novelty in the text of art. 367, under the rules in force, are examined in detail: object of criminal protection, subjects, objective and subjective side, forms, terms and punishments stipulated by law. Complementary explanations address the links of this criminal offense with other crimes, and certain procedural aspects. Then, this incrimination rule legislative precedents and the solutions to be followed in case of transitional circumstances are highlighted. Also, the author does not hesitate to express his point of view regarding the constituent content of this criminal offense, its systematization, its nature, and to frame some solutions and ideas of his own in this regard. The end of this analysis presents several conclusions and proposals concerning the law that is to come into force regarding the setting out of the appropriate protection of social values this incrimination concerns, a uniform application of the purport and thus better administration of criminal justice in Romania.
The appeal for annulment –Articles 503-508 of the new Romanian Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010 republished on August 3, 2012 and which will enter into force on February 1, 2013) is one of three extraordinary remedies at law (appeal, appeal for annulment and motion for revision). Appeal for annulment was also regulated by the previous Code of Civil Procedure (of 1865, republished in 1948, countless times subsequently amended and supplemented). This study is a comparative analysis of the regulation on the appeal for annulment in the previous of Civil Procedure Code and the new Code of Civil Procedure, compassing both similarities and differences between the two regulations.
Comprised in the study presented hereafter, starting from the abbreviated provision of article no. 46 from Law no. 8/1996 concerning the ordering agreement, the author analyzes from a critical point of view these provisions in relation to other provisions comprised within the special law, and also to those by the Civil code (Law no. 287/2009). The legal provisions referred to herein are digested by means of exemplifying case studies from internal, and European jurisprudence. Therewith, the author emphasizes the controversial points of view from the professional community belonging to well-known writers, and subsequently states personal opinions regarding the approached subjects.
Law no. 287/2009 on the Civil Code provides the inheritance matter, in general, with an appropriate regulation which is characterized, in principle, by the solutions’ correctness and the flexibility and consistency of its rules. However, here and there, incomplete legal texts can be identified. Equally, one can notice the absence of regulation for certain issues raised abundantly over time by the literature. In this context, the authors of this paper identify the purports of the Civil Code with incidence in the matter of legal heritage which has some shortcomings and propose the legislator to reconsider them to improve thereof. Also, aspects that are not legally regulated are identified with a specific practical frequency.
Under the rule of the Romanian Family Code (effective between 1 February 1954 – 30 September 2011) the admissibility issue concerning the action for contesting filiation was controversial. The new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on 15 July 2011 and entered into force on 1 October 2011) settles the discussion whilst expressly regulating (in art. 421) “the action for contesting filiation”. In this study the author makes a thorough analysis of this purport.
În peisajul jurisprudențial conturat după intrarea în vigoare a actualului Cod civil1, ne reține atenția o hotărâre2 pronunțată relativ recent de Secția a II-a civilă a Înaltei Curți de Casație și de Justiție a României în materia răspunderii civile delictuale a comitentului pentru fapta prepusului său, în funcțiile încredințate, care prin argumentele prezentate oferă o nouă perspectivă privind problematica atât de controversată din ultimele decenii privind natura juridică și fundamentul acestei ipoteze de răspundere. Deși datele speței se referă la o faptă ilicită săvârșită în anul 2005, fiind în discuție modul de interpretare a dispozițiilor art. 1000 alin. 3 din Codul civil din 1864, prin hotărârea pronunțată, Înalta Curte de Casație și de Justiție își însușește noua orientare propusă în doctrina noastră privind necesitatea recunoașterii caracterului direct, autonom și independent al răspunderii comitentului, în raport cu răspunderea prepusului său, precum și fundamentarea obiectivă a acestei răspunderi pe ideea de garanție, ideea de risc și ideea de echitate.
This study deals with the extremely complex problems of the legal relation of criminal enforcement law, often confused with the legal relation of substantive criminal law or even with the relation of criminal processual law. That is precisely why the author insists on the specific elements of the analyzed relation, thus creating clear delimitations between the three institutions that have separate existence, and also areas of very strong interference.
Due to the prevailing technical nature and to the insufficient discussion on this subject in the doctrine and the specialised literature, the search of computers gives rise to controversies. The author presents, step by step, every phase of this probative procedure, emphasizing the criminal processual particularities in the light of the regulation in force (Article 168 of the new Criminal Procedure Code) and of the previous one [Article 56 (4) of the Law No 161/2003 corroborated with Article 100 and following of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1968], as well as the technical – computer particularities.
The study deals with the problem of the legal nature of the concurrence established between the offence of assault or other violences and the offence of ill-treatment of minor. The identity in material element between the two offences may be complete, in which case they are in formal concurrence. There is a complete identity in material element when both offences involve a duration of consumption in time. The identity in material element can not be complete, in which case the two offences are found in real concurrence. There is an incomplete identity in material element when the offence of ill-treatment of minor involves a duration of consumption in time, while the offence of assault or other violences lacks this feature.
The author of this study points out the urgent need of reformation of the legal higher education, in the context of economic globalisation and of the phenomenon of mondialisation of law. This involves, in the opinion of the author, its adjustment both to the new exigences of the professional market and to the internal changes of the system of legal science and theory, in the effort to acknowledge and express the evolution of a globalised world. Within this study there are analyzed, among others, the current trends of the legal higher education from the perspective of the common law model and of the continental legal model of Romano-Germanic origin. Likewise, there are presented the important models of training of jurists in the West, as well as the situation of the legal higher education in Romania.
The new normative framework in the matter of insolvency regulated by the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency brings some significant mutations in this matter, regulating the mentioned legal institution, of a great importance to the economic environment, by more clear, concise and predictable rules. In the ambience of the new regulation in the matter of insolvency, as well as of some special regulations in this matter, this study intends to make an analysis of a few general aspects regulated by the new normative framework in the matter of insolvency and by the special regulations in the field, pointing out, through a comparative analysis to the provisions of the former law, the elements of novelty brought in the matter of insolvency.
In this study the authors intend to point out the significant novelties brought in the matter by the Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency, as compared to the previous regulation (the Law No 85/2006). This being the case, the authors examine the mentioned novelties: (I) as concerns the judgment within the insolvency procedure; (II) with reference to the effects of the insolvency procedure; (III) in the field of reorganization and bankruptcy. Finally, the authors come to the conclusion that the Law No 85/2014 succeeds to cover a series of legislative gaps, to settle some controversial issues in the legal practice and, finally, to provide some equitable solutions where the provisions of the old law (No 85/2006) were rightfully criticized.