  • The article analyzes the refusal of the convicted person to be subject to the medical examination upon the arrival to the penitentiary, from the perspective of the Romanian legislation, in correlation with the international instruments regarding the rights of detainees, and legislative solutions adopted by other European states, arguing some proposals de lege ferenda meant to facilitate the fulfilment of the positive obligation of the state to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the penitentiary environment. The objectives of the article are to determine whether the detainee has the right to refuse the medical examination, whether the Romanian legislation complies with the requirements of the international instruments regarding the protection of the rights of the detainees, respectively whether they have similarities with the legislations of other European states; at the same time, the aim is to identify some rules applicable to the penitentiary system, derived from the case law developed by the ECtHR/Court and from international documents, in relation to the right to health and the relationship between the autonomy of the detainees as persons and the prison environment.
  • In this study we are making reference to the refusal to accept the bill of exchange and the extraordinary acceptance in the Republic of Moldova and Romania. By accepting the bill of exchange, the drawer becomes the principal debtor and, consequently, the bill of exchange must be presented to him. In case the drawee refuses the acceptance of the bill of exchange, the statement of refusal must be ascertained, within the time limits set for presentation on acceptance, by an act drawn up. Normally, the acceptance of the bill of exchange is made by the drawee. In the case of refusal of acceptance from the drawee, in order to protect the interests of the holder of the bill of exchange, the law regulates the possibility for a person other than the drawee to accept the bill of exchange. Such an extraordinary acceptance avoids the initiation of the action for regress.
  • The article presents the interpretation established by the Court of Justice of the European Union of Article 8 (1) (c) of the Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States, as amended by Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009, according to which the notion „arrest warrant”, as set out in this provision, is to be understood as designating a national arrest warrant distinct from the European arrest warrant. From another perspective, there are analyzed the consequences of the Decision in the Case C-241/15 and the effects on the procedure for enforcing the European arrest warrant of the requested person issued by a judicial authority from a Member State of the European Union.
  • Criminal Rule incriminates the refusal to collect “biological samples”, highlighting the driver’s bad faith. Law does not refer to the case where the driver has agreed to provide the first biological sample but refuses the collection of the second. Such situations hindering the criminal prosecution body were met in practice. After a thorough assessment of the incriminating wording in accordance with the criminal provision’s rules of interpretation, the author concludes that the refusal to provide the second biological sample is an offense.
  • In principle, except for the emergency situations, it is requested the consent from the parents in order to apply a medical treatment to the minor patient, being essential the minor’s interest and the protection of the minor, of his life and health. In the study there are analysed the legal consequences of having a medical malpractice case for the deed of a physician who, in some situations, applies to a minor patient who is part of the Religious Organization „Jehovah’s Witnesses”, a religious cult recognized by the law in Romania, a treatment based on the blood transfusion, provided that there is a refusal of the parents, who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, on religious grounds1. Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse the treatment based on transfusions of allogenic blood. It must be pointed out the difference between the major person, who is part of the Religious Organization „Jehovah’s Witnesses”, who refuses blood transfusion treatment, requesting treatments alternative to blood transfusion, based on the principle of self-determination and individual autonomy, and the situation involving a refusal of the treatment from the parent for the minor patient (who can not give an informed consent, either because he has no discernment, being under 14 years old, or because he is in the growing up process, 14–18 years old), who is sometimes in a medical condition with risks to his or her health or life, and the physician appeciates that medical treatment based on blood transfusion must be administered, even against the refusal of the minor’s parents, with risks of engaging his liability for medical malpractice.
  • Continuous development of types of non-custodial sanctions as ways of combating crime, reducing the damage caused by it, avoiding the negative effects of deprivation of liberty, increasing the possibilities of executing these alternatives to the imprisonment and, last but not least, by reducing of detention costs have guided European Union Member States to create and introduce the most appropriate Community sanctions and measures to respond to these desires. The successful introduction of alternatives requires credibility, support of the public who must abandon the prejudice that a more relaxed criminal policy with less severe punishments encourages criminality, or that public humiliation or intrusive tracking of the persons undergoing penalties is permissible, and even necessary, to highlight the status by the offender. Equally, the successful introduction of alternatives1 depends on the judiciary that can not hesitate to make them available on a large scale whether is possible, but also on the involvement of many agencies (probation service, the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, local authorities, etc.) to implement non-custodial sanctions.
  • In this study, the author makes a thorough analysis of the current regime of private land movement in Romania in the light of the regulations contained in the new Romanian Civil Code (entered into force on 1 October 2011), as well as in other normative acts in force, but adopted earlier (the Forestry Code - Law no. 46/2008, Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of construction works republished on 13 October 2004, Law no. 350/2001 on spatial planning and urban planning; Law no. 315/2005 on the acquisition of private property rights by foreign and stateless citizens and foreign legal persons; Law no. 71/2011 for the implementation of the new Civil Code. Essentially, the author believes that, although, partially, the new Civil Code relating regulations do not always have a fundamentally (absolutely) new nature, they bring, however, significant changes.
  • The cases examined in this study were generated by a recent decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal. In essence, the author considers legally admissible the conclusion of agreements between the employer and the trade union, outside the formal framework established by Law no. 130/1996 regarding the collective labor agreement, but only subject to complying with certain limits, which he presents.
  • On 24 May 2018, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted the Law of RM No 85/2018 „For amending and supplementing the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova No 154/2003”, aimed at adjusting the national legislation to Council Directive 98/59/EC of 20 July 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies. Thanks to these additions, operated in the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter – the CM of RM), the Moldavian legislator has expressly enshrined the institution of collective redundancy. The present study aims at the multi-faceted elucidation of the legal regime of collective redundancy in the light of national legislation, of the European standards, as well as of doctrinal opinions. The identification and configuration of the circumstances and of the data underlying this research helped the authors of the study to scientifically elucidate the concept of collective redundancy and to determine the general procedure for its accomplishment.
  • Along with punishments and educational measures, safety measures are part of the broad criminal sanctions category; however, the latter have a mostly preventive purpose, which is to prevent committing new crimes or other offenses provided by the criminal law. Special confiscation is a safety measure whose legal content is patrimonial, as it concerns certain assets related either to the committed deed or to the offender and which, if further left within the factual and legal circuit, could be used to commit new offenses provided by the criminal law. The mainly preventive aim of the special confiscation safety measure is achieved by the fact that, under the conditions and within the limits prescribed by law, property shall pass free of charge into State ownership so that any person may no longer possess or use them to commit other offenses provided by the criminal law.
  • Preserving its nature as a modality of extinguishing a legal obligation, a fiscal obligation herein, the provisions of the Fiscal Procedure Code customize the datio in solutum in relation to the common law, under the following aspects: premises for operation thereof; procedure for realisation thereof – a special and excessively rigorous one; legal effects, all these in compliance with the specificity of the fiscal field. These aspects are the object of analysis of this study, making their radiography, in the light of the connected legal provisions inclusively, so that, ultimately, be able to reach a conclusion on the legal regime of fiscal datio in solutum.
  • Starting from the hypothesis of art. 1073 of the Civil Code („the creditor is entitled to obtain the exact fulfillment of the obligation”, otherwise being „entitled to remedies, the latter being called “damages” in the Romanian legal language), the author makes, in this study, a review of the issue of evaluating default damages in the case of money obligations, namely of the (default) interest, then detailing, in the third part, the legal regimen of legal interests in commercial matters.
  • In this paper the author examines the legal regime of the plea of illegality regulated by Article 4 of the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004, as this text has been rather recently amended by Law No 76/2012 for the implementation of Law No 134/2010 on the [new] Civil Procedure Code. In this regard there are examined: the definition and the legal nature of the plea of illegality, its features, as well as the conditions of admissibility of the plea of illegality.
  • From the point of view of the legal content, the execution of the prison sentence under supervision represents the penultimate way as regards the difficulty of the execution regime, being more facile than the regime involving deprivation of liberty. This execution method disposed by the trial court produces immediate effects, so that the sentence imposed is not actually executed, however, during the supervision period, the person convicted must observe the supervision measures set forth by law, the obligations imposed by the court and to fully perform the civil obligations set forth in the judgment of conviction. If the person convicted does not commit any new offence and he/she complies the supervision measures and with the abovementioned obligations during the supervision period, this execution method produces final effects as the sentence imposed is deemed to be executed by operation of law. In exchange, in case the person convicted does not comply with the supervision measures set forth by law, with the obligations imposed by the court or with the civil obligations set forth in the judgment of conviction during the supervision period, the court is obliged to revoke the advantage of suspending the sentence execution under supervision and to dispose its execution by deprivation of liberty. If the person convicted commits a new offence during the supervision period, the trial court is obliged to establish the sentence for the respective offence, to revoke the suspension of the execution of the sentence under supervision and to apply the sentence according to the second offence rules or to the rules of the intermediary plurality.
  • This paper analyzes the legal status of the Romanian judgments in terms of the European Enforcement Order, in light of the provisions included in Regulation (EC) no. 805/2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims; Regulation (EC) no. 1896/2006 creating a European order for payment procedure; and Regulation (EC) no. 861/2007 establishing a European Small Claims Procedure, all this, in conjunction with the rules of the new (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010, republished on 3 august 2012 and entered into force on February 15, 2013).
  • The problems of compulsory licences in the matter of patents has received a unitary regulation with the signing of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights – TRIPS Agreement. Likewise, the Doha Declaration (Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health) is an important legal reference point because it clarifies a number of practical aspects relating to the compulsory licences in the matter of new medicines both in terms of the production for the domestic market and the import of such products. In the context of the sharp rise in the prices of new medicines, as well as of the constant pressure on the public health insurance budgets, the mechanism of compulsory licences may represent for the patients a new way of access to the new innovative medical therapies. This article discusses the international and European legal framework, with a special focus on the legal regime of compulsory licences in Romania. There are also examined the experiences of other countries in this field, the way of determining the remuneration due to the patent owner, as well as the usefulness of these practices for Romania.
  • In case of the minors aged between 14 and 18 years old, who are liable from the criminal point of view, the presumption according to which their judgment has not reached its maturation, but is in full process of development and stabilization is instituted. In view of these circumstances, minors under this category of age do not have the psycho-physical ability to fully become aware of the gravity of the perpetrated crimes and, especially, their injurious consequences on the social values protected by means of criminal regulations. Given this context, the author claims that the new Criminal Code excludes the possibility of enforcing punishments in case of under aged criminals and establishes a specific system of criminal penalties, entitled educational measures, classified into two categories: educational measures without deprivation of liberty and educational measures with deprivation of liberty.
  • In the study with the above title, the author makes a comparison between the regime of pleadings’ invalidity settled under the (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure in force (since 1865), yet successively amended and supplemented by a series of laws (including Law no. 202/2010 regarding some measures to accelerate the settlement process) and the new Romanian Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010, published on July 15th, 2010, but still unenforced), underlining – in a positive manner – modern and flexible legislation, superior to the latter, pointing out, though – critically – the sketchiness and occasional ambiguity of the new Code.
  • In the present study, the authors analyze extensively the situations of non-unitary practice that appeared both at the level of the Bureau of the judge of surveillance of deprivation of liberty and at the level of the courts, due to the different ways in which the magistrates understood to deal with the problem of the transfers of the persons deprived of liberty and the legal nature of the transfer decisions issued by the National Administration of Penitentiaries. The purpose of the present analysis is to clarify the regime applicable to requests made by the persons deprived of liberty to cancel the transfer decisions, because the lack of regulation in the Law No 254/2013 regarding the possibility of appeal, as well as of the competent court to resolve the appeals, led to the outline of divergent currents of opinion reflected in the non-unitary solutions given in complaints or appeals.
  • The evolution of technology has facilitated the development of the so-called collaborative economy. Through collaborative online platforms, which „remove” the borders between states, various services such as short-term housing rental (Airbnb type), urban transport (Uber type), pet-sitting (PetBacker type), and others are provided. In Romania, the activities specific to the collaborative economy are in full development, in the context of the absence of some regulations specific in the matter. The purpose of the paper is to determine the role of the service provider in electronic contracts concluded through collaborative platforms and to which rules they must be subjected, taking as reference system the service provider with the habitual residence in Romania. It is analysed only the situation of service providers – natural persons, which can be grouped into two categories: a category of persons providing various services on an occasional basis, in leisure time, in order to obtain additional incomes (the so-called prosumers), category which is the basis of the collaborative economy, and the second category, which includes the persons who provide services on a regular basis, on a continuous basis, on their own and aiming at obtaining profit. The distinction between non-professional and professional service providers is difficult to achieve; there are no criteria in the legislation in the field of services for this purpose. The quality of professional or non-professional must therefore be analysed on a case-by-case basis, using the rules of the common law. The legal regime depends on the classification of the service provider into one category or another. The contracts in the collaborative economy are concluded by means of online collaborative platforms. Those operating in Romania mostly have their headquarters abroad, which awards international character to the contracts concluded. Using the regulations in force, there are analyzed the modalities to determine the law applicable to contracts and the authority competent to solve the disputes, which may arise between the service provider and the platform or between the service provider and their user. The study captures only a small part of the collaborative economy phenomenon and seeks to clarify some day-to-day situations, which can give rise to some complex legal problems.
  • Within the study hereunder, the legal regime of joint ownership, in both its forms (common and temporary, respectively forced and perpetual) is analyzed, from a critical point of view, with special regard on the second type. The author analyzes the differences between the legal regime of these types of ownership established under the Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, as republished) by comparison with the regulation of the Civil Code of 1864. The inconsistencies instituted under the new regulation, the illegitimate and unconstitutional nature of some of them, as well as the recent legislative amendments intervening in this respect are analyzed, all these being accompanied by examples extracted from the Romanian and foreign jurisprudence.
  • In this paper we intend to determine if the legal regime applicable to the superficies consisting in the right to build on the land of another is different from that prescribed for the superficies established on an existing building. Although it defines it in Article 693 (1), as a form of the right of superficies, the Civil Code does not contain provisions with special reference to the exercise of the superficies consisting in the right to build. Only in the event of ending of this special superficies due to the expiry of its duration, Article 699 (1) and (2) of the Civil Code provides for a regime derogating from the general rules of artificial real estate accession. In these circumstances, the powers of the superficiary who acquired the right to build on the land of another were indirectly inferred from the restrictive provisions contained in Article 695 (2) of the Civil Code, applicable to the superficies established on an existing building. The conclusion we reached is that, when superficies takes the form of the right to build, the superficiary enjoys a preferential treatment compared to that applied to the one who has acquired a superficies on existing buildings. This regime remains favorable in case of ending of the right of superficies due to the expiry of its duration, based on the special rules derogating from the general ones regulating artificial real estate accession established as a result of the ending of the superficies. The common rules applicable to both forms of the right of superficies were not tackled in this paper.
  • The apparition of the first Administrative Code of Romania – an essential legislative document for the activity of the public administration, for the life of the Romanian State, as a whole – brings, among other things, a significant novelty: the regulation of the legal regime applicable to contractual staff. Such a regime is a justified option of the legislator, taking into account the particularities of this category of personnel – an integral part of those who perform the work as employees. The study carefully analyzes the specific legal norms that apply to the contractual staff and solutions are offered for their practical application. It is concluded that two categories of legal norms produce their effects: the first is constituted by the norms specific to the contractual staff, and the second is formed of the norms that apply also to public servants. Although both categories of norms are part of the Administrative Code, they – respectively those that apply to the contractual staff – are also integrated as part of the labour law, being at the confluence of labour law with administrative law. The common law for the regulations regarding the contractual staff can be found in the norms of the Labour Code.
  • Cross-border private life is under the rule of legislative changes occurred in the European law and in the national private international law. The property regimes of the international couples benefit from parallel regulations – the Regulation „matrimonial regimes” and the Regulation „registered partnerships”, for the states participating in enhanced judicial cooperation, the national law respectively, for the other Member States. Although they have different sources (the marriage, the registered partnership), the matrimonial regime and the partnership regime have multiple areas of convergence (the role of the will of the parties in determining the law of the patrimonial regime and in designating the competent court of law, the objective location of regimes, the most connecting factors). At the same time, the elements that differentiate the property regime of the spouses and of the partners configurate the specifics of the couples’ unions and the instruments of achieving the predictability and security of the civil circuit with an element of extraneity.
  • The article aims to analyze the regime of regulation and of application of punishments ordered by the judgments of the international criminal courts, at a moment when the two ad-hoc tribunals, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, are in a period close to the end of their mandate, and the International Criminal Court is undergoing crystallization of a practice, after the first final judgments of its activity were delivered. There are reviewed, on the one hand, the regulations within the statutes of these courts on punishments, their doctrinal foundations, as well as controversial aspects or aspects which give rise to comments in their judicial practice. There are also mentioned some aspects concerning the enforcement of punishments, taking into account the special circumstances in which these courts carry on their activity.
  • Taking into consideration the subtle and random criteria as an incidence in the delimitation of influence peddling from the fraud offences, it is likely that in very similar cases of misleading, the criminal will be lucky due to the occurrence of the influence peddling or it is likely that should not have been lucky when he committed materialized deeds supplementing the constitutive content of the fraud offence in relation to similar material damages. It is likely to cause material damages also in the matter of the formal criminal deeds and in the process of the legal and judicial individualization of the punishment, also the amount of the material damages produced as a result of the concrete endangerment offence should be taken into account.
  • The new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009), voted by the Parliament, promulgated, and published (on 24 July 2009), but not yet in force, regulates the following matrimonial regimes: the regime of legal community; the regime of conventional community; the regime of separation of property. In this study, the regime of separation of property is examined, in the light of art. 360–365 and art. 370–372 of the new Civil Code. In this regard, the author examines the categories of property under the regime of separation of property; the personal property of the spouses, the common property per shares of the spouses; the use of one spouse’s property by the other spouse; the liability of spouses for the personal obligations.
  • The national system of public administration is subject to the impact of the medical-sanitary crisis in various forms, on all levels of organization, being additionally responsible and obliged to identify solutions of a normative and administrative nature. One of the important negative effects generated by the current medical-sanitary crisis is the impossibility of the administration to ensure the continuity of activities whose realization is conditioned by administrative authorization, by extension/renewal of authorizations, approvals, agreements, etc., making use of some acts during the validity period, in the sense of giving them the effects provided by law, or the exercise of some personal rights, on the basis of some documents (such as identity documents) when they are in the period of validity. The lack of an infralegal normative framework, of secondary regulation, establishing the scope of the documents the validity of which is extended during and beyond the cessation of special states of emergency and of alert and the conditions in which the prorogation of validity operates, leads to a non-unitary application of the normative act of primary regulation, which includes a general formulation, and inevitably at an additional pressure on the specialized administrative contentious courts, which will be notified either by their holders/beneficiaries, or by third parties whose rights and legitimate interests are harmed.
  • The author, comparatively examining the provisions set forth under Articles 1402-1404 of the former Civil Code (1864), Article 45 of the former Commercial Code (from 1887), both currently repealed, with those set forth under Article 124 of Law No. 71/2011 relating to the implementation of the new Civil Code, concludes that, despite an explicit intervention, under the rule of the new Civil Code (Law No. 287/2009) disputed revocation is forbidden at present for all contentious rights, irrespective of their nature. Currently, disputed revocation is allowed only for assignment of rights concluded prior to October 1st, 2011 (when the new Civil Code was enacted)
  • In this study, the author examines the two special banking procedures (the special supervision and the special administration), which can be ordered by the National Bank of Romania with respect to the Romanian credit institutions, based on the Romanian legislation in the field (Art. 237 – Art. 24022 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006 on the credit institutions and the capital adequacy, successively modified and amended through four laws and three emergency ordinances between 2007–2011).
  • The legal regime of the penalty clause is established under the purports of Articles 1538-1543 of the new Romanian Civil Code (yet unenforced). Analysis of these regulations is undertaken in the study hereby by putting forward three issues considered defining: the legal nature of the penalty clause, its incidental character and mutability. Taking as reference point the definition of penalty clause set forth in Article 1358 par. (1), it is argued that the Romanian legislature has endorsed dualistic theory, according to which the penalty clause is a civil reparation remedy or a sanctioning repair, for the case of unlawful non-performance of the main contract by the debtor. The incidental character of the penalty clause is explained on account of the dependency relationship that exists between it and the obligation arising out of the main contract. Consequently, in principle, the penalty clause follows the legal destiny of the main obligation, according to the principle accesorium sequitur. To this rule there is but one exception: resolution of the main contract does not affect the existence and enforcement of the penalty clause. In terms of mutability of the penalty clause, it is found that its judicial review is permissible only by way of reductibility, where it is manifestly excessive as compared to the foreseeable damage caused to the creditor through unlawful non-performance of the obligation arising from the main contract.
  • The appeal for annulment –Articles 503-508 of the new Romanian Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010 republished on August 3, 2012 and which will enter into force on February 1, 2013) is one of three extraordinary remedies at law (appeal, appeal for annulment and motion for revision). Appeal for annulment was also regulated by the previous Code of Civil Procedure (of 1865, republished in 1948, countless times subsequently amended and supplemented). This study is a comparative analysis of the regulation on the appeal for annulment in the previous of Civil Procedure Code and the new Code of Civil Procedure, compassing both similarities and differences between the two regulations.
  • The paper proposes to examine, based upon a comparison, the system of the appeal for annulment and of the motion for revision, according to the new Code of Civil Procedure and to the prior regulation, in the light of the principle of the right to a fair trial in due and foreseeable time. Considering the nature of the appeal for annulment and the motion for revision of the extraordinary remedies, also the principle of the legal relationships security is emphasized, which requires that the final and irrevocable court orders could not be put up for discussion, except in the presence of certain “fundamental flaws”, set forth by law expressly and in a restrictive manner. The paper describes the amendments and the supplements brought by the new Code of Civil Procedure and in so far as they meet the needs of the issues which received several interpretations in the practice under the regulation of the Code of Civil Procedure of the year 1865, such as the period for the exercise of the appeal for annulment or, on the contrary, they may generate a non-unitary practice, such as the obligation to assist/represent by a lawyer in the matter of the means of appeal related to the withdrawal.
  • Law no. 202/2010 regarding some measures aiming at the celerity of cases’ settlement establishes, inter alia, a number of important (fundamental) amendments and completions to the Family Code and the Code of Civil Procedure in force in relation to dissolution of marriage through divorce under parties’ agreement. The study hereby reviews – comprehensively – amendments and completions in question, highlighting in relevant cases some critical approaches on the new regulations.
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