  • Starting from a finding of the relevant division within the European Commission (i.e., in present-day Europe, women earn on average 17.8% of men’s earnings for the same jobs), the author conducts an extensive and interesting analysis on legislation encompassing primary law (treaties) and secondary law (regulations, directives) of the European Union, as well as on the jurisprudence of the European Union Court of Justice regarding the prohibition of discrimination between men and women in terms of remuneration (salary) (income gender gap). In this context, the author reviews the Romanian legislation and the Romanian Constitutional Court’s resolutions on this issue, altogether.
  • Based on art. 6 para. 1 of the (European) Convention of human rights and fundamental freedoms and art. 21 para. (3) of the Romanian Constitution (revised and republished), the author reviews numerous texts in the new (Romanian) Code of Civil Procedure (Law no. 134/2010, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 485 of July 15th, 2010, yet unenforced), which implements, specifically, the principle of the right to a fair trial within optimal and predictable delay.
  • Considering, on the one hand, a number of projects for the unification of European law, adopted in last decades (Unidroit Principles, Principles of European Contract Law, European Code of Contracts, The Common Reference Framework etc.) and, on the other hand, a series of legal reasoning arguments, the author discusses at length some questionable terminology choices in the new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, published on July 24th, 2009, yet unenforced), for instance: invasion of right to privacy rather than breach of this right; no legal distinction sensed between duty and obligation, between damage and injury; between the object of the obligation and the contract’s subject matter; there are references to the object of the obligation instead of impossibility of provision etc.
  • Potrivit art. 226 alin. (5) C.pen., plasarea, fără drept, de mijloace tehnice de înregistrare audio sau video, în scopul săvârșirii faptelor prevăzute în alin. (1) și alin. (2), se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la unu la 5 ani. Conform art. 207 alin. (1) C.pen., constrângerea unei persoane să dea, să facă, să nu facă sau să sufere ceva, în scopul de a dobândi în mod injust un folos nepatrimonial, pentru sine ori pentru altul, se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la unu la 5 ani. Potrivit art. 291 alin. (1) C.pen., pretinderea, primirea ori acceptarea promisiunii de bani sau alte foloase, direct sau indirect, pentru sine sau pentru altul, săvârșită de către o persoană care are influență sau lasă să se creadă că are influență asupra unui funcționar public și care promite că îl va determina pe acesta să îndeplinească, să nu îndeplinească, să urgenteze ori să întârzie îndeplinirea unui act ce intră în îndatoririle sale de serviciu sau să îndeplinească un act contrar acestor îndatoriri, se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la 2 la 7 ani (cu notă parțial aprobativă).
  • The promotion and protection of the rights of the child has always been one of the main objectives of the European Union, but it is also a result of international commitments. All Member States of the European Union have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the rules and principles of this Convention guide the policies and the actions of the Union that impact on the rights of the child. The Lisbon Treaty has conferred greater importance to the objectives of the European Union, and by Article 3 (3) of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child it was explicitly established the imperative obligation to promote the protection of the rights of the child. In addition, the rights of the children are enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which by Article 24 recognizes children as independent and autonomous holders of rights, also considering the best interest of the child as paramount in relations with the public authorities and the private institutions. The transposition of the European and international objectives, as well as of the fundamental principles referring to the protection of the rights of the child took place naturally through the adoption of new national regulations reflecting the acquiescence of Romania to the European objectives and its constant concern for the protection of the rights of the child. However, in many cases there are encountered in practice situations where, although there are both the legal basis and the mechanisms necessary for its implementation, the rights of the children are not respected and/or are not given due importance. This paper aims to draw attention once again to the essential rights of children and to emphasize the fundamental principles referring to the promotion and protection of rights of the children, with particular regard to the principle of the best interest of the child, as regulated at European level.
  • The article presents theoretical and practical aspects regarding the exclusion of evidence in the preliminary chamber, taking into account the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 22 of 18 January 2018 regarding the plea of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 102 (3), Article 345 (3) and Article 346 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Code, by which the plea of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 102 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code was admitted and it was found that they are constitutional insofar as the phrase „exclusion of evidence”, therein, means also the elimination of the means of evidence from the case file.
  • The problem of the capacity of exercise of the minor patient, deprived of liberty, has relevance for all types of penitentiary police units, which can keep minors in their custody, but also for the public health network, because all these institutions can face the problem of obtaining the consent for the execution of a medical intervention on the minor deprived of liberty. The minor patient in the custody of the penitentiary police enjoys the same autonomy, in relation to the expression of informed consent, as the free minor patient, according to the principle of equivalence, his right to health care being guaranteed, without any discrimination in relation to his legal situation. In reference to the problems regarding the capacity of exercise of the minor deprived of liberty, required for the consent to the medical act, there are applicable both legal norms of civil law, as well as norms of medical law and criminal executional law.
  • The present article aims to analyse the antinomy contravention – offence by studying the incrimination of the deed of disturbance of public order and peace. Thus, the legislator, within Article 2 point 1 of the Law No 61/1991 for sanctioning the acts of violation of certain norms of social coexistence, of the public order and peace, incriminates the contravention consisting in committing in public of obscene deeds, acts or gestures, addressing of insults, offensive or vulgar expressions, threats with acts of violence against persons or their property, which may disturb public order and peace or provoke the indignation of citizens or harm the dignity and honour thereof or public institutions. On the other hand, according to Article 371 of the Criminal Code, the act of the person who, in public, by violence committed against persons or property or by serious threats or injuries to the dignity of the persons, disturbs the public order and peace is punished by imprisonment from 3 months to 2 years or with fine. It is easy to find, comparatively analysing, that there is a parallelism of the incriminations, which extract their vigour from spheres of different legal liability, thus the judicial interpreter having the difficult mission to distinguish the conditions in which the two forms of liability are employed, respectively if both can be retained simultaneously, successively or the application of one of them brings about ipso facto the removal of the other.
  • This article analyses the problem of international criminal liability for offences against cultural heritage. The author has considered three offences against cultural values: smuggling of cultural values, destruction of cultural goods and theft of cultural goods. The investigation of the offences against cultural values includes a number of aspects: the nature of the offences against cultural values; the advantages of the international or national character of the liability for the offences against cultural values; the circumstances of committing offences against cultural assets (for example the existence of an armed conflict); the objectives of committing offences against cultural values (their export as a treasure, the destruction of the cultural heritage; intimidation); the possible effects of the offences against cultural values. Based on these aspects, the author identifies a series of categories of offences against cultural assets. Each of these categories is analysed from the point of view of international liability.
  • The present study aims to emphasize the current state of the principles of ethics in the field of artificial intelligence world-wide, respectively in the Western world (especially the European Union and the United States of America), Russia and China. The author set out to create the necessary debate framework for the importance of raising awareness of this area and of its impact on everyday life. Finally, the study also presents the author’s conclusions on what is ethically important at its intersection with the field of law. Being a new constituent element of contemporary reality, artificial intelligence can no longer be ignored. It is obvious that at present there are missing the binding regulations which give an adequate answer to the problems generated by the arising and functioning of artificial intelligence. Due to the extraordinary, unknown, even unpredictable implications, it will not be possible to create the specific legislation in such a way as to meet the expectations unless a rigorous ethical analysis is done in advance. The study identifies documents issued by state authorities and private entities in which an ethical perspective is taken in relation to the field of artificial intelligence and draws a conclusion on its importance. The author also offers his own perspective on the important ethical principles, in particular, from the perspective of the legal field.
  • The Civil Procedure Code reserves only five articles to the court costs and this study will emphasize the fact that this area exceeds the regulatory scope of the Civil Procedure Code, having connections also with other normative acts, as well as the circumstance that the assessment of the quantum of court costs is an aspect left to the enlightenment and wisdom of the judge, the legislator offering few criteria for evaluating their extent. The purpose of the present study is to provide an overview of the judicial costs, as well as to delimit the scope of the costs that can be recovered as a result of winning the trial from the costs that the courts did not approve. We will submit to the analysis the notion of costs, their legal nature, but also the legal basis underlying their award. Likewise, we will stop on the modality in which the court costs can be reduced or even rejected by the court. A separate part of the present paper will be devoted to the analysis of the lawyer’s fee, as part of the court costs. In this section, we will make a presentation of the different ways of establishing the lawyer’s fee, stopping, in particular, at the success fee, which we will define and delimit from the pact of de quota litis. At the end of the paper, we will offer some proposals de lege ferenda regarding the evaluation of the court costs, the necessity of legal regulation of the success fee and of the costs requested separately.
  • The unpredictability involves the intervention of the judge in a contractual legal relationship. Intellectual property can be considered a „laboratory” in which the intervention of the judge in the agreement of the parties has always been allowed. Without any connection with the unpredictability, in patent law there are legal mechanisms that allow the court to intervene to complete the contract regarding the quantum of the price in order to encourage the exploitation of the invention. In this hypothesis, the parties agree to contract, they do so, setting even the object of the contract, less the sale price. In other cases, the parties are obliged to contract by law, the court being required to intervene in the contractual mechanism established by law to determine the price. In Romania it cannot be argued that under the influence of the previous Civil Code the legislator has ruled on the non-application de plano of the unpredictability and that he would have been in favour of its application in certain special laws, such as the one from the field of intellectual property, because the reason for the judge’s intervention in the agreement of the parties is to favour the exploitation of intellectual creations, encouraging creativity. In the new Civil Code the conditions of the unpredictability are: 1. the existence of an excessive onerosity caused by an exceptional change (out of the ordinary, and not an ordinary one, simple or routine) and unforeseen (unpredictable), including as extension, of the circumstances existing at the conclusion of the contract. Excessive onerosity represents a contractual imbalance in relation to the initial contractual balance, which must exist as long as neither of the parties’ benefits can have a significantly higher value than the other, in the light of the regulation of the injury in the new Civil Code.
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