În temeiul dispozițiilor art. 1 alin. (1), art. 8 alin. (1), art. 18 alin. (3) și art. 19 din Legea nr. 554/2004 1 , care reglementează regimul juridic al acțiunii în despăgubiri, revine instanței de contencios administrativ să se pronunțe asupra dreptului la repararea pagubei cauzate, analizând condițiile de admisibilitate a cererii, inclusiv existența dreptului la reparație și modalitatea de acordare a acesteia. Astfel, acțiunea având ca obiect repararea pagubei produse ca urmare a anulării unor acte administrative atrage, în raport cu aceste dispoziții legale, competența instanței de contencios administrativ, potrivit principiului general de drept conform căruia legea specială derogă de la legea generală. „Specialia generalibus derogant” este un principiu juridic ce implică faptul că norma specială e cea care derogă de la norma generală și că norma specială este de strictă interpretare la cazul respectiv. Mai mult, o normă generală nu poate înlătura de la aplicare o normă specială. Fiind derogatorie de la norma generală, rezultă că norma specială se aplică ori de câte ori ne găsim în fața unui caz ce intră sub incidența prevederilor sale, deci norma specială se aplică prioritar față de norma generală, chiar și atunci când norma specială este mai veche decât norma generală. Aplicarea principiului conform căruia legea specială derogă de la legea generală are ca efect înlăturarea dreptului comun de la aplicare. Așadar, incidența acestui principiu înlătură, totodată, posibilitatea coexistenței a două căi judiciare, una pe legea specială și cealaltă pe dreptul comun. (Î.C.C.J., s. a I-a civ., Dec. nr. 1016 din 2 iunie 2020, www.scj.ro)
The author aims to discern the will of the legislator, expressed in the text of the art. 1856 of the new Civil Code, titled marginally “workers’ direct action”. This approach has led to some recent doctrinal views by which the direct action is recognized to subcontractors as well, including those who have the status of legal entity. The author argues that the mentioned legal text has to be interpreted as meaning to the recognition of the direct action only to certain individuals, i.e. to workers and subcontractors-individuals (the latter under certain conditions: working alone or employing workers, working with them to achieve the work / to render the services). In the study, certain practical situations are brought to light, in which the question of determining the holders of direct action is raised, in case of the subcontractor agreements. The author considers as possible, “de lege ferenda”, regulating a direct action both in favour of the subcontractors-individuals using workers and in favour of the subcontractors-legal entities, but only for the price of work/rendering of services which excludes the price of the workers’ activity.
Under the rule of the Romanian Family Code (effective between 1 February 1954 – 30 September 2011) the admissibility issue concerning the action for contesting filiation was controversial. The new Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on 15 July 2011 and entered into force on 1 October 2011) settles the discussion whilst expressly regulating (in art. 421) “the action for contesting filiation”. In this study the author makes a thorough analysis of this purport.
This paper proposes an approach of the evolution in time of the Paulian action, from the origins to the current regulation. Underlining the historical reference points of this action contributes to a better understanding of the current form of legal regulation, which knows changes of substance as compared to the one we find in the Roman law.
The study analyzes the land registry actions covered by the Decree-Law No 115/1938, by the Law No 7/1996 and by the new Civil Code, the conditions of admissibility of these actions, their features and their effects, the differences of legal regimes being also presented. Thus, the advertising system based on land registries has in its content, in addition to its specificity, which gives it superiority in relation to the former system of advertising through registers of transcriptions-inscriptions and civil actions regulated in order to satisfy this superiority and which are intended to facilitate the civil legal circuit within that system. Likewise, the study also analyzes the correlation of these actions with the civil action in performing a sale and purchase preliminary contract, identifying the specificity of the correlation in different historical periods. The specificity of the land registry actions is presented also from the perspective of the application of the civil law over time, evoking the incidence of a temporary law in this field.
The author of this study proposes an analysis of the will of the legislator manifested by the introduction of the institution of preliminary chamber judge. Within this study it is made a brief comparison of this institution with some national legislative precedents, but also in relation to the regulations of other states.
The legal regime of the notarial act in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova and in that of Romania is a relatively new topic, particularly up-to-date, complex and extremely tempting through the problems that need to be solved. This subject is distinguished by the controversies it generates, but also by the diversity of the practical solutions that can be identified. The development of the commercial activities and the extension of the access to the markets for sales of goods requires an in-depth research on the legal nature of the civil act in general and of the notarial act in particular, by forwarding some proposals for improving the normative basis, in the interest of strengthening the constitutional regime and the civil circuit. In the Republic of Moldova there is a long process of formation and consolidation of the notarial legislation. In the absence of a well-developed normative framework, the notaries public in the Republic of Moldova apply, sometimes, the rules for carrying out notarial acts inherited ever since the period of the Soviet Union. Another situation exists in Romania, whereas the legislator, by the Law No 36/1995, has established a stable normative framework for regulating the notarial law relations.