  • In this study the author points out that, although in Romania we can not talk about a real regime of liability for the inconveniences of neighbourhood, but rather about an identity between this form of liability and the one for the abuse of law, however the social, economic, cultural realities, etc. impose such regulation. From a legal point of view, there is no exact definition of this notion, reference being often made in the legal doctrine to the sociological studies that have examined neighbourhood relations or to geographic studies, in which it is contained the essence of this notion from a spatial point of view. The author points out that neighbourhood can be defined as a state of facts that captures the co-existence of some persons, of some assets, whether movable or immovable, configuring those spaces of conflict and discussing proximities and distances. The Civil Code establishes precise rules on environmental protection and good neighbourliness, considered to be legal limits to private property right, thus, according to the provisions of Article 603 of the Civil Code: „The property right imposes the compliance with the duties concerning the environmental protection and the ensuring of good neighbourliness, as well as the compliance with the other duties which, according to law or custom, belong to the owner.” The new regulation nuances certain aspects which, in practice, raise many problems; the following are examples: the use of waters, the roof droplet, the distance and the intermediate works for certain constructions, works and plantations, the view of the neighbour’s property, the right of passage, and finally the judicial limits are regulated. These judicial limits determine expressis verbis the consequences of exceeding the normal boundaries of the neighbourhood, more precisely, if the owner causes, by exercising his right, greater inconveniences than the normal one in the neighbourhood relations, the court may, on grounds of equity, compel him to pay compensation for the benefit of the injured person, and to restore the previous situation whenever possible.
  • Among the assets that are the object to public property and are likely to be subject to concession and lease of particular importance are the permanent lawns. A special normative act was dedicated to them, namely the Government Emergency Ordinance No 34/2013, which regulates inclusively the concession and lease of lawns which are in the public or private property of communes, towns and municipalities. As regards the concession and lease of the lawns which are in the public property of the above-mentioned administrative-territorial units, the legislator understood to derogate in some respects from the common law. Thus, the local public authorities are obliged to approve until 1 March every year the concession or lease for a period of 7 years to 10 years, without having the opportunity to assess the appropriateness of these juridical operations, the place of the opportunity study is taken by the pastoral arrangement, the award procedure is triggered at the written request of the animal breeders registered in the National Register of exploitations, there is no possibility of changing the destination of the concessioned or leased assets, even if there would be a consent of the owners, the lease contract for the lawns is non-transmissible even in the hypotheses regulated by Article 1846 of the Civil Code and others. The derogatory legal regime for concessioning of lawns which are in the public property is justified by the importance the legislator gives to the capitalization of these assets. Thus, in the statement of reasons of the cited normative act it is shown that animal breeding is an activity of national interest and the permanent lawns owned by the administrative-territorial units is for many breeders the only source of providing food for these. At the same time, capitalizing these assets is the premise of granting subsidies per area. These subsidies being granted from European funds the importance of the concession of those assets is undeniable. This explains why the administrative-territorial units to which a request for concession has been made do not have the possibility to assess the appropriateness of such a juridical operation, by law being imposed on them an obligation to grant permanent lawns. Correlatively, the animal breeders, natural persons or legal persons, who make in due time requests for concession acquire the right to participate in the award procedure, right which can be defended by resorting to the action in administrative disputes.
  • Article 913 of the Civil Procedure Code regulates two situations in which the court executor will establish the existence of an impediment to enforcement: when the minor himself categorically refuses to leave the debtor, respectively when the minor has aversion to the creditor. Faced with either of the two hypotheses, the court executor will not put pressure on the minor (he will not use force, he will not abuse him), but he will draw up an official report, which he will communicate to the parties and to the representative of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection, which will notify the competent court (the guardianship and family court) to order a psychological counselling programme appropriate to the child’s age as a protection measure necessary to avoid the child’s subsequent refusal on enforcement. The child who has reached the age of 10 will be mandatorily heard. According to the law, the psychological counselling programme can not exceed 3 months. After an initial psychological assessment of the child, the psychologist appointed by the court will determine the duration and content of the psychological counselling programme. Upon the completion of the psychological counselling programme ordered by the guardianship court, the psychologist draws up a report which he communicates to the court, to the court executor and to the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection. Whereas the starting point for the new regulation was represented by the presumption that the minor’s going through the counselling programme will lead to the change of attitude towards the creditor of the obligation, after receiving the report drawn up by the psychologist, the court executor will resume the procedure of enforcement, under the terms of Article 911 of the Civil Procedure Code, therefore in the presence of a representative of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection and, if the latter considers it necessary, of a psychologist, and he may benefit, when necessary, from the assistance of the public force agents.
  • The article presents the results of a research conducted in six European countries mainly on the analysis of the exceptional nature of preventive arrest within these jurisdictions. In this article there are presented the main results of the research conducted in Romania, research that was based on a series of interviews with judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The main areas investigated have concerned aspects such as the analysis of the decision-making process, the situation of the foreign citizens subject to preventive measures, the manner of application of alternative measures to preventive arrest, the analysis of the current criminal processual normative framework, as well as of the impact in the current practice of the European regulations, etc. The conclusions of the study are in the sense that in Romania there have been registered also some aspects representing progress in the sense of protection of the fundamental human rights in the cases where it is raised the question of taking some preventive measures in the criminal cases – such as the fact that the tendency, at least in terms of using the preventive arrest, is a decreasing one. However, major deficiencies have also been found, related to the organization of the initial and continuing training for magistrates, in the sense that they have been found to be unaware of judicial instruments important for their activity. It is precisely about instruments that are capable of improving the situation of foreign persons in relation to the state where it is raised the judicial matter – respectively the European Surveillance Order.
  • Suspicious death is one of the key legal institutions on the right to life. This study aims to present the concept of suspicious death in Romanian law, its evolution and the relationship between its legal provisions and Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Even though impossible to quantify at present moment, many of the abuses committed by agents of the communist regime, abuses which led to the death of their victims, may constitute reason enough to consider them suspicious deaths under Romanian criminal law. Article 2 ECHR, from a procedural point of view, may be interpreted as obliging the Romanian state to organize an effective investigation into the circumstances that led to the deaths of the opponents of the communist regime in Romania, if and when the circumstances in which the death occurred raise the possibility that that death to be a result of an abuse committed by an official of the Romanian state or in his or her custody.
  • Prin Decizia nr. 269/2017 a Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție (completul de 5 judecători)1 a fost respins recursul împotriva hotărârii Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii referitoare la sancționarea disciplinară a unui judecător, constând în diminuarea indemnizației de încadrare lunară pentru abaterea prevăzută de art. 99 lit. l) din Legea nr. 303/2004 privind statutul judecătorilor și procurorilor2. Persoana sancționată a criticat hotărârea amintită, printre altele, pentru că instanța disciplinară a făcut o aplicare greșită a dispozițiilor art. 46 alin. (7) din Legea nr. 317/2004 privind Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii3, cu privire la termenul de prescripție a aplicării sancțiunilor disciplinare, precum și a dispozițiilor art. 99 lit. l) din Legea nr. 303/2004, care instituie abaterea disciplinară, constând în „imixtiunea în activitatea altui magistrat”.
  • Contractul de asistență juridică învestit cu formulă executorie, în condițiile legii, constituie titlu executoriu cu privire la restanțele din onorariu și alte cheltuieli efectuate de avocat în interesul clientului. Este nelegală executarea silită pornită pentru o sumă pe care creditoarea o apreciază ca fiind datorată cu titlu de prejudiciu pentru încălcarea obligațiilor contractuale. Creanța nu reprezintă o plată pentru o activitate profesională desfășurată de societatea de avocatură, ci o despăgubire pentru încălcarea clauzelor contractuale de către contestator, având astfel caracterul unei clauze penale. Din această perspectivă nu prezintă relevanță în ce măsură creditoarea putea desfășura activități de intermediere sportivă ori dacă putea pretinde debitorului executarea obligației garantate potrivit contractului de ipotecă mobiliară pentru o nerespectare a obligațiilor asumate în cazul unui transfer. Nu este permis ca prin convenția lor părțile să poată ca, sub denumirea de „onorariu”, să-și creeze un titlu executoriu pentru o creanță care în realitate este o despăgubire.
  • Referitor la perioada de timp în care inculpatul poate fi tras la răspundere penală, potrivit art. 154 teza finală C.pen. anterior [art. 186 alin. (1) teza finală C.pen. actual], luna și anul se socotesc împlinite cu o zi înainte de ziua corespunzătoare datei de la care au început să curgă. Altfel spus, ceea ce se calculează potrivit art. 122 rap. la art. 154 C.pen. anterior este perioada de timp în care inculpatul poate fi tras la răspundere penală, ceea ce se situează ulterior acestei perioade urmând a intra pe domeniul prescripției speciale a răspunderii penale.
  • Recursul în casație este inadmisibil dacă cererea formulată nu conține mențiunile privitoare la hotărârea judecătorească atacată și la cazul de casare invocat. Absența celor două mențiuni influențează negativ inclusiv îndeplinirea celorlalte condiții de admisibilitate a recursului în casație. În primul rând, atât timp cât nu se menționează o hotărâre judecătorească anume, nu poate fi verificată condiția de admisibilitate referitoare la obiectul recursului în casație și nu se poate răspunde la întrebarea dacă recursul în casație s-a formulat de către o persoană ce are calitatea de parte în sens procesual. În al doilea rând, inexistența vreunei mențiuni privitoare la hotărârea judecătorească atacată constituie un impediment în calea determinării momentului de la care termenul de recurs în casație a început și a celui la care s-a împlinit. În al treilea rând, lipsa mențiunii privitoare la cazul de casare invocat face să lipsească și motivarea incidenței vreunui asemenea caz în speță.
  • Marea Adunare Națională dela Alba-Iulia, din 18 Noembrie/1 Decembrie 1918, a îmbrăcat, mai presus de orice îndoială, caracterul de adunare constituantă. Alcătuită din reprezentanți ai Românilor din teritoriile aflate sub imperiul Marelui Sfat Național Român1 – representanți pe categorii profesionale și sociale pe de-o parte, pe circumscripțiuni electorale pe de alta2 ea a fost, în mod cert, icoana juridică a vrerei întregii suflări românești din Transilvania3. Grandioasele proporțiuni ale acestei adunări se reliefează ca un eveniment fără precedent în istoria noastră națională, ca un eveniment cu puțini corespondenți în cea universală. Voința națională și-a găsit o expresiune unică prin vigoarea cu care s’a manifestat – cu prilejul acestei zile memorabile.
  • Analyzing the jurisdiction of the courts as it is regulated by the new (Romanian) Civil Procedure Code (Law No 134/2010, republished, entered into force on 15 February 2013), the author comes to the conclusion that this Code regulates a single case of alternative jurisdiction of public order, that is Article 113 (1) point 1 („Besides the courts provided in Articles 107–112, there shall also be competent: 1. the court having jurisdiction over plaintiff’s domicile, in the applications concerning the determination of filiation;...”).
  • Environment protection represents a more and more important issue in terms of multiplication of the risk factors for the ecological balance, necessary for the normal course of life, so that it is required to act with more determination in this field, by increasing the weight and the severity of the repressive means against those who significantly prejudice the specific values. As such, the author shows that it is necessary that the role of the criminal law be amplified in order to sanction the deeds that seriously damage the environment, with negative consequences for the quality of life of the human beings and of the other living beings.
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