  • The current Civil Procedure Code clarifies some doctrinal controversies and controversies of the arbitral case law and transposes on legislative level some solutions of the arbitral practice, meant to make the arbitral jurisdiction more efficient. Among these aspects of making it more efficient, the study mentions those related to the extension of the competence of arbitration and the autonomy of will of the parties in organizing and conducting the arbitral procedure, likely to increase the access to this private jurisdiction, as an alternative to the state jurisdiction. Another dimension of the current regulation is related to the ways of materializing the arbitral convention and of the presumption of arbitrariness of the disputes regarding all misunderstandings arising from the contract or from the legal relations to which the agreement refers. The current regulation is concerned with the quality of the jurisdictional act which it connects to the qualification of the members of the arbitration tribunal, to their impartiality, by extending the causes of incompatibility as compared to those of judges and by guaranteeing the right to defence, by representing or assisting the parties by a lawyer. The autonomy of will, which impregnates the arbitral procedure, is associated with the principles of the civil trial, extended by the current regulation to the arbitral procedure, in order to increase the procedural guarantees offered by this private jurisdiction. An innovative solution is related to the participation of third parties in the arbitral procedure, under the terms of maintaining the composition of the arbitral tribunal, in order to ensure the complete and global settlement of the dispute. Another novelty of the current regulation is related to the material competence of the courts of appeal in resolving the action for annulment and the solutions that can be pronounced in case of admitting the action for annulment. Last but not least, the regulation makes the distinction between the procedure of the institutionalized and ad-hoc arbitration, in the context of the autonomy of will of the parties.
  • The article presents the considerations of the Decision No 250/2019 of the Constitutional Court of Romania and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the change of the legal framework during the trial, concluding that it is ordered by a conclusion prior to the settlement on the merits. Likewise, there are presented arguments that justify the mandatory preparation of the minute in case of change of legal framework, the motivation of the conclusion and its communication. There are examined, from the perspective of the change of the legal framework, the amendments and supplements to the Criminal Procedure Code ordered by the Law No 130/2021, which bring specifications in agreement to the case law of the Constitutional Court of Romania and of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • This article reviews the regulatory framework on investigations into marine navigation in Romania, indicating the timeline of the criminalization patterns followed by the presentation of the common aspects of the structure and constitutive content of the investigations by analyzing in three specific chapters provided in the normative basis of the Law No 191/2003 on the legal regime that applies to maritime transports and studies of the distinctive elements of each investigation, and finally by drawing critical conclusions and implications related to lex ferenda.
  • There are situations in which the judicial bodies need the opinion of an expert to ascertain, clarify or evaluate certain facts or circumstances that are important for finding out the truth. Forensic expertises have a special regime in relation to other types of expertises, which can be performed only in sanitary institutions of forensic medicine, subordinated to the Ministry of Health. The supreme scientific authority in the field of forensic medicine is the Superior Forensic Commission, which operates under the Institute of Forensic Medicine „Mina Minovici” Bucharest. This article aims to clarify the probative value, in a criminal trial, of the advisory opinions issued by this supreme authority, because there have been and are situations, in the judicial practice, in which there has been given superior probative value to this advisory opinion, as well as situations in which its conclusions were removed with reasons.
  • The problems of the land fund became of maximum importance after 1990. Romania, in relation to the new realities regarding the property, had to urgently adopt the Law No 18/1991. After more than 30 years of application, the Law on the land fund still gives rise to discussions on the topic of sharing the competence of the courts in matters of administrative acts issued in its application. The general framework in the matter of restitutions was completed by the appearance of the Law No 10/2001. Subsequently, the entry into force of the Law No 554/2004 has definitively established the legal regime of administrative acts in general. Therefore, we are at the confluence of several framework-laws in the field regarding the regime of administrative disputes, in general, and of the matter of the land fund, in particular. This study seeks to provide precisely an approach as analytical as possible of the manner the courts of law settle this issue.
  • The behaviour of a free and conscious man is the result of his will, which is guided by a reasonable intentionality that gives it meaning. In the absence of a purpose, any action becomes chaotic, accidental and raises questions about the mental health of the person who takes action 1 . We find that the fourth essential condition, a substantive one, necessary for the valid existence of the sales contract is the cause. According to the rules of common law, in matters of legal acts, the cause is the determining reason for the consent expr essed when concluding the legal act. The obligation without cause or with an illicit or false cause cannot have any effect.
  • The abuse of petitions committed by the natural persons is the most common form of abuse of law as the elements necessary to qualify a right as being abusively exercised, namely the subjective element (bad faith) and the objective element (diversion of the right from the purpose, economic and social finality or overcoming the internal limits of the law) presuppose a conduct of the holder of the right related to his mental ability to understand the meaning of the deed, to discern between what is good or bad, legal and illegal. This study analyzes the forms of abuse of right committed by persons deprived of liberty both at the level of courts of law and at the level of the offices of supervisory judges, as well as the psychic attitude of the subject towards the possibility of realizing the right in contradiction with its destination and purpose, and towards the consequences that may represent damages to the person, society or state. Even if the persons deprived of liberty constitute a vulnerable category of persons, the recognition of the right of access to justice, to petition, as well as of the possibility to use them at any time, as an application of the constitutional principle of equality of all persons before the law, does not confer them also the right to exercise them excessively, in a word, to abuse of them.
  • Contractul de ipotecă poate fi desființat, sub forma anulării, numai în condițiile art. 1648 alin. (1) C.civ. în ceea ce privește soluționarea cererii de anulare a contractului de ipotecă, exclusiv ca o consecință a rezoluțiunii contractului de vânzare prin care pârâta a dobândit dreptul de proprietate asupra terenului, cu privire la care a constituit ulterior un drept real, reprezentat de dreptul de ipotecă în favoarea pârâtei. Aceste dispoziții fac trimitere însă la regulile de carte funciară, urmând, așadar, ca, în continuare, să fie observate dispozițiile art. 908 C.civ., ce reglementează ipotezele în care se poate dispune rectificarea cărții funciare.
  • The statement that he is the sole heir, given by the successor to the notary public, within the notarial successoral procedure, even if it is untrue and made in order to establish the inaccuracy of the persons entitled to acquire the succession patrimony, does not constitute a statement within the meaning required by the provisions of Article 326 of the Criminal Code, because it does not meet the essential condition that, according to the law or the circumstances, it should serve to produce the legal consequence pursued by the declarant. According to Article 108 (1) first sentence of the Law on public notaries and notarial activity No 36/1995, the quality of successor and/or, as the case may be, the title of legatee, as well as their number shall be established by civil status documents, by will and with witnesses. If the evoked legal provision does not mention the statement of the successor among the means of evidence by which the quality or number of successors can be proved, the inaccurate statement given by the successor is incapable of producing the intended legal effect, in the sense that the number and quality of successors cannot be established based on it. Moreover, as a legal nature, the statement of the successor is not a means of evidence, but a simple procedural act, performed within the notarial successoral procedure.
  • On 2 November 2020, it was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No 1019, the Law No 228/2020 for the amendment and completion of some normative acts in the criminal field in order to transpose some directives of the European Union (hereinafter, the Law No 228/2020), an act that modifies and completes both Law No 286/2009 regarding the Criminal Code and Law No 135/2010 on the Code of Criminal Procedure. Among the changes made by the legislator in the Criminal Code is the introduction of the extended confiscation in the case of third parties (which I will generically call „third party acquirers”) so that, taking into account this newly introduced hypothesis, this study aims, in a first stage, to address the issue, starting from the evolution of the institution of extended confiscation from the perspective of the european and national legislative framework, then continuing with a brief analysis of the changes made by Law No 228/2020. Finally, the article examines the possibility of ordering the extended confiscation security measure in the case of third parties in relation to the relevant doctrine and jurisprudence in this matter. In a second stage, the present study aims to examine from a procedural perspective the guarantees imposed by Directive (EU) 2014/42 and which the Romanian legislator, in order to respect the right to a fair trial, provides to the third party acquirer during the criminal proceedings, with a closer look at the existence of an effective remedy for the decisions of the courts of appeal which order for the first time the measure of extended confiscation. Also, this part analyzes the possible quality that the acquiring third party has during the criminal process. Finally, before drawing conclusions on those analyzed, it will also be shown how the other Member States have provided/transposed into their national legislation the particular hypothesis of extended confiscation in the case of third parties.
  • The authors of this article, starting from a case, approach the new regulation of the novation contract by changing the debtor, analyzing some legal limits of this type of contract, in the hypotheses in which, the new debtor – legal entity – takes over a debt free of charge. In this sense, highlighting the limits provided by the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Law on companies No 31/1990 1 , Criminal Code, Law on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency No 85/2014 2 , conclude that the novation contract by changing the debtor and taking over free of charge the debt of the old debtor by a legal entity third party is prohibited by several mandatory provisions of the Civil Code, the Law on companies No 31/1990, the Criminal Code and the Law on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency 85/2014. To admit otherwise means to accept the enrichment of the old debtor without just cause, to favour the administrators of the old debtor to evade the responsibility for being brought into insolvency or state of default, as well as the prejudice of the new debtor’s associates, his creditors, etc.
  • Două opțiuni a avut Adunarea Constituantă în 1991 cu privire la echilibrarea raporturilor între puteri, îndeosebi între Parlament, ca depozitar suveran al puterii legislative și cele două autorități de vârf ale puterii executive: Președintele României și Guvernul 1 . Fiecare opțiune cu avantajele, neajunsurile și riscurile ei. Adunarea Constituantă ar fi putut să instituie republica parlamentară, ca specie eminamente și formal democratică a regimului parlamentar, consacrat și prin constituțiile din 1866 și din 1923, dar nealterat esențial de regimurile autoritare ulterioare, sau să modifice tradiția parlamentară a regimului politic și să instituie un alt tip de regim. Regimul prezidențial nici nu a intrat în calculele Adunării Constituante, deoarece acesta, ca tip de separație și echilibrare a puterilor, nu a putut fi extins la niciun popor în forma sa clasică, izbutită exclusiv în Statele Unite ale Americii...
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