Making the due observations regarding the legal content of Article 6 of the Law No 143/2000, republished in 2014, the authors came to the final conclusion that Article 6 of the mentioned law contains three distinct incriminations regarding the high-risk drug trafficking. Thus, Article 6 (1) of the Law No 143/2000, republished, includes the crime of high-risk drug trafficking, representing the medically unnecessary prescription of such substances by a doctor. In paragraph (2) of Article 6 of the same law it is incriminated the high-risk drug trafficking, by releasing such substances from pharmacies on the basis of a recipe that includes a prescription that is not medically necessary or is falsified. In paragraph (3) of Article 6 of the same law, the high-risk drug trafficking is incriminated, by obtaining such substances from a pharmacy based on a fictitious medical recipe. In conclusion, the authors state, if a drug addict doctor prescribes to himself high-risk drugs on a recipe without being medically necessary and obtains them from a pharmacy, he will commit two crimes in real concurrence, namely the one provided in Article 6 (1) and the one provided in Article 6 (3) of the Law No 143/2000, republished.
The statement that he is the sole heir, given by the successor to the notary public, within the notarial successoral procedure, even if it is untrue and made in order to establish the inaccuracy of the persons entitled to acquire the succession patrimony, does not constitute a statement within the meaning required by the provisions of Article 326 of the Criminal Code, because it does not meet the essential condition that, according to the law or the circumstances, it should serve to produce the legal consequence pursued by the declarant. According to Article 108 (1) first sentence of the Law on public notaries and notarial activity No 36/1995, the quality of successor and/or, as the case may be, the title of legatee, as well as their number shall be established by civil status documents, by will and with witnesses. If the evoked legal provision does not mention the statement of the successor among the means of evidence by which the quality or number of successors can be proved, the inaccurate statement given by the successor is incapable of producing the intended legal effect, in the sense that the number and quality of successors cannot be established based on it. Moreover, as a legal nature, the statement of the successor is not a means of evidence, but a simple procedural act, performed within the notarial successoral procedure.
On 2 November 2020, it was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No 1019, the Law No 228/2020 for the amendment and completion of some normative acts in the criminal field in order to transpose some directives of the European Union (hereinafter, the Law No 228/2020), an act that modifies and completes both Law No 286/2009 regarding the Criminal Code and Law No 135/2010 on the Code of Criminal Procedure. Among the changes made by the legislator in the Criminal Code is the introduction of the extended confiscation in the case of third parties (which I will generically call „third party acquirers”) so that, taking into account this newly introduced hypothesis, this study aims, in a first stage, to address the issue, starting from the evolution of the institution of extended confiscation from the perspective of the european and national legislative framework, then continuing with a brief analysis of the changes made by Law No 228/2020. Finally, the article examines the possibility of ordering the extended confiscation security measure in the case of third parties in relation to the relevant doctrine and jurisprudence in this matter. In a second stage, the present study aims to examine from a procedural perspective the guarantees imposed by Directive (EU) 2014/42 and which the Romanian legislator, in order to respect the right to a fair trial, provides to the third party acquirer during the criminal proceedings, with a closer look at the existence of an effective remedy for the decisions of the courts of appeal which order for the first time the measure of extended confiscation. Also, this part analyzes the possible quality that the acquiring third party has during the criminal process. Finally, before drawing conclusions on those analyzed, it will also be shown how the other Member States have provided/transposed into their national legislation the particular hypothesis of extended confiscation in the case of third parties.
The action against climate change involves both civil society and public authorities. Putting them in an appropriate relationship is a historic challenge, and the climate paradigm is the context necessary for defining this relationship for the future. The issue of climate change occurs, at the level of public administration systems, at a time of transformations generated by a broad liberal trend at the level of the administrative action and of the administration-citizen relationship, and the generalization of dialogue between administration and citizens is a way to promote some new forms of action, such as the collaborative one, as a model of future administrative conduct. The problems of global warming and of the effects of climate change have imposed the intensification of the movement of association of the public to the decision-making process and the emergence of new forms of manifestation, in the sense of involving citizens in political options with a strong eco-climatic, scientific and technical dimension. Receiving extremely diverse characterizations, some even severe, from „innovation” to democratic „scam”, the public decision-making procedures with the substantial and direct involvement of citizens, such as those exposed, can be a solution to the growing lack of legitimacy of the traditional representative instruments, insufficiently able to meet the requirements of the eco-climatic emergency.
In the judicial doctrine and practice, the differences of opinion and the plurality of the proposed solutions are not only an inherent effect of a current, complex and moldable legal reality, but also a desideratum of identifying the correct way of interpreting the legal norms in force and of resolving the legal disputes brought to justice. One of the legal institutions specific to administrative law among the most disputed over the last three decades is the one aimed at legally empowering the courts of law to verify the way in which the public administration authorities exercise their discretionary power to assess the opportunity to issue/adopt administrative documents, as well as the identification of the limits and, possibly, of the exceptions that can be retained from the rule of judicial control over the activity of the public institutions. The analysis of the legal topic in question will consider the approach of some didactic, linguistic, grammatical and of legal analysis methods, integrated and synergistic, having as sole finality the clarification of the meaning and of the limits, objective and subjective, of the right of appreciation and of the discretionary power which the public institutions benefit from. Therefore, it is required, in the beginning, to reveal the polyvalent meaning, attributed in the ordinary language to the notion „opportunity”, semantics that will be the basis for identifying the legal guarantees inherent to the process of exercising by the public administration authorities of the right to assess the time and appropriate means of issuance/adoption of the administrative acts. In the present study, without pretending to exhaust the issues presented above and to put an end to the long differences of opinion that it has caused, we intend to identify the various opinions expressed in the specialized literature, to provide a systematic interpretation of the various solutions adopted by the courts of law and, finally, to propose a viable and pertinent solution to the legal issue under discussion, offering logical-legal arguments and of teleological interpretation of the various competing legal norms, incidental in this legal matter. We intend to offer, through the conclusions of this study, a valuable and applied tool to practitioners in the field of administrative law, in identifying possible answers to complex and elaborate questions, involved by the activity of resolving the legal disputes brought to court with such an object.
The refund of the judicial stamp duty, as a result of the admission in whole or in part of an enforcement appeal, is a matter that has generated a non-unitary judicial practice. In this study, the author aims to analyze the way in which the national courts have interpreted and applied the rules governing the appellant’s right to recover the judicial stamp duty, as well as to identify legal solutions in relation to the various hypotheses presented.
As a result of the measures taken at the level of the Member States in order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the statistics show that the number of teleworkers has increased and, at the same time, telework can become an „endless job” with negative effects on the mental and physical health condition of teleworkers. In this context, at the level of the European Union, it was appreciated that it is necessary to secure the labour relations of teleworkers by unification of the legislations of the Member States in terms of the right to disconnect. The implicit way of regulating this right, which also exists in Romania, does not create an adequate protection for teleworkers. Exercising the right to disconnect implies a clear delimitation of the working time and of the rest time and the obligation of employers to monitor and measure the daily working time provided by teleworkers, as it results from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The role of the social partners is essential for the implementation of the right to disconnect and appropriate individual information measures must be taken in order to ensure that the employee is sensitized and made aware of the risks associated with permanent availability. Artificial intelligence creates the premises for telework to evolve into smartworking, which gives the teleworker full autonomy in choosing the place where he performs work.
Although we are close to the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the new Civil Code, the doctrine outlined around the institution of granting the benefit of family dwelling place at divorce has had reservations in providing solutions to some crucial issues for solving this type of applications. At the same time, the courts have frequently come up with contradictory solutions to these issues, however some guiding solutions can be distinguished. The main aspects on which we noted the existence of some divergences have concerned the admissibility by separate way, after the pronouncement of the divorce, of the application for the allocation of the dwelling that served as a family dwelling. Another hypothesis on which we will focus in the present study is that of possession of the dwelling place by the spouses on t he basis of other rights than those expressly raised for discussion in Article 324 of the Civil Code, such as the right of usufruct or the one arisen from the loan agreement. At the same time, we will try to offer several arguments based on which the courts could assign to the non-title holder spouse of the lease contract, under certain conditions, even the dwelling place with special rental regime initially allocated to the other spouse according to the criteria provided by the Law No 152/1998 1 , there being numerous discussions around this subject just before the entry into force of the current Civil Code. The debates behind these divergences are not only of interest to legal theorists, but have strong practical implications, the fate of the entire application depending on the solution offered, thus being essential to establish some stable and predictable rules, especially in a matter where safety should prevail, given the often vulnerable situation of the parties involved in the process. Therefore, the present study tries to offer some adequate solutions for the above-mentioned inconveniences, starting with the analysis of the criteria which the legislator has created for the allocation of the conjugal dwelling place, especially in the higher interest of the minor, following that, in the second part of the study, we would actually deal with the issues mentioned.
The authors of this article, starting from a case, approach the new regulation of the novation contract by changing the debtor, analyzing some legal limits of this type of contract, in the hypotheses in which, the new debtor – legal entity – takes over a debt free of charge. In this sense, highlighting the limits provided by the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Law on companies No 31/1990 1 , Criminal Code, Law on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency No 85/2014 2 , conclude that the novation contract by changing the debtor and taking over free of charge the debt of the old debtor by a legal entity third party is prohibited by several mandatory provisions of the Civil Code, the Law on companies No 31/1990, the Criminal Code and the Law on the procedures for preventing insolvency and for insolvency 85/2014. To admit otherwise means to accept the enrichment of the old debtor without just cause, to favour the administrators of the old debtor to evade the responsibility for being brought into insolvency or state of default, as well as the prejudice of the new debtor’s associates, his creditors, etc.
Două opțiuni a avut Adunarea Constituantă în 1991 cu privire la echilibrarea raporturilor între puteri, îndeosebi între Parlament, ca depozitar suveran al puterii legislative și cele două autorități de vârf ale puterii executive: Președintele României și Guvernul 1 . Fiecare opțiune cu avantajele, neajunsurile și riscurile ei. Adunarea Constituantă ar fi putut să instituie republica parlamentară, ca specie eminamente și formal democratică a regimului parlamentar, consacrat și prin constituțiile din 1866 și din 1923, dar nealterat esențial de regimurile autoritare ulterioare, sau să modifice tradiția parlamentară a regimului politic și să instituie un alt tip de regim. Regimul prezidențial nici nu a intrat în calculele Adunării Constituante, deoarece acesta, ca tip de separație și echilibrare a puterilor, nu a putut fi extins la niciun popor în forma sa clasică, izbutită exclusiv în Statele Unite ale Americii...
Potrivit art. 46 alin. (1) C.pr.pen., pentru motive temeinice privind mai buna desfășurare a judecății, instanța poate dispune disjungerea acesteia cu privire la unii dintre inculpați sau la unele dintre infracțiuni. Conform art. 421 pct. 2 lit. b) C.pr.pen., instanța, judecând apelul, pronunță una dintre următoarele soluții: admite apelul și desființează sentința primei instanțe și dispune rejudecarea de către instanța a cărei hotărâre a fost desființată pentru motivul că judecarea cauzei la acea instanță a avut loc în lipsa unei părți nelegal citate sau care, legal citată, a fost în imposibilitate de a se prezenta și de a înștiința instanța despre această imposibilitate, invocată de acea parte. Rejudecarea de către instanța a cărei hotărâre a fost desființată se dispune și atunci când instanța nu s-a pronunțat asupra unei fapte reținute în sarcina inculpatului prin actul de sesizare sau asupra acțiunii civile ori când există vreunul dintre cazurile de nulitate absolută, cu excepția cazului de necompetență, când se dispune rejudecarea de către instanța competentă. Articolul 6 paragr. 1 din Convenția (europeană) pentru apărarea drepturilor omului și a libertăților fundamentale (în continuare „Convenția”) stabilește că orice persoană are dreptul la judecarea cauzei sale în mod echitabil, în mod public și într-un termen rezonabil, de către o instanță independentă și imparțială, instituită de lege, care va hotărî fie asupra încălcării drepturilor și obligațiilor sale cu caracter civil, fie asupra temeiniciei oricărei acuzații în materie penală îndreptate împotriva sa. Potrivit art. 2 paragr. 1 din Protocolul nr. 7 la Convenție, orice persoană declarată vinovată de o infracțiune de către un tribunal are dreptul să ceară examinarea declarației de vinovăție sau a condamnării de către o jurisdicție superioară. Exercitarea acestui drept, inclusiv motivele pentru care acesta poate fi exercitat, sunt reglementate de lege. (cu notă aprobativă).
În temeiul dispozițiilor art. 1 alin. (1), art. 8 alin. (1), art. 18 alin. (3) și art. 19 din Legea nr. 554/2004 1 , care reglementează regimul juridic al acțiunii în despăgubiri, revine instanței de contencios administrativ să se pronunțe asupra dreptului la repararea pagubei cauzate, analizând condițiile de admisibilitate a cererii, inclusiv existența dreptului la reparație și modalitatea de acordare a acesteia. Astfel, acțiunea având ca obiect repararea pagubei produse ca urmare a anulării unor acte administrative atrage, în raport cu aceste dispoziții legale, competența instanței de contencios administrativ, potrivit principiului general de drept conform căruia legea specială derogă de la legea generală. „Specialia generalibus derogant” este un principiu juridic ce implică faptul că norma specială e cea care derogă de la norma generală și că norma specială este de strictă interpretare la cazul respectiv. Mai mult, o normă generală nu poate înlătura de la aplicare o normă specială. Fiind derogatorie de la norma generală, rezultă că norma specială se aplică ori de câte ori ne găsim în fața unui caz ce intră sub incidența prevederilor sale, deci norma specială se aplică prioritar față de norma generală, chiar și atunci când norma specială este mai veche decât norma generală. Aplicarea principiului conform căruia legea specială derogă de la legea generală are ca efect înlăturarea dreptului comun de la aplicare. Așadar, incidența acestui principiu înlătură, totodată, posibilitatea coexistenței a două căi judiciare, una pe legea specială și cealaltă pe dreptul comun. (Î.C.C.J., s. a I-a civ., Dec. nr. 1016 din 2 iunie 2020, www.scj.ro)