  • Having regard to the number of judgments delivered in the field of property and of expropriation against Romania by the European Court of Human Rights, it is necessary to present the relevant principles which this court has set out, principles which the national judge is bound to observe and to apply to concrete cases, in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the Constitution. The principles not correlated with actual examples would be devoid of content, therefore the presentation of the most important examples on the basis of the state of fact emphasizes the correct reasoning of the Court, the more so as it has a limited competence to verify the compliance with the domestic law1, attribution which is the responsibility of the national judge.
  • An application of the new technologies has involved a modern regulation, and the European states have received the electronic form of the patient file and have transposed it into a relatively recent regulation, and the novelty of the problems and the strict dependence on the IT platforms have led to successive changes in the legislation, at the level of several states. Adjustments, correlations, adaptations took place at the law-technology border, in relation to the „physical” reality of the national medical system. The electronic health file does not have the role of replacing the „classic” file, in written form. The latter remains in the circuit of the health system and preserves its usefulness, and the medical act is not conditioned by the existence of an electronic file. From the DES perspective and for the usefulness of the approach undertaken, some guarantees of the protection of private life and personal data were verified. The secrecy of the data concerning health is no longer just a „privacy” between the patient and a limited number of people, but is „displayed” on an IT platform, to which several natural persons/entities have access, the technical access key (matrix, user, password) is entrusted to the users through the administrator, given that the Internet is an environment susceptible to the generation of security breaches. Granting access to the entire electronic file implies that the medical staff is aware of all the information and all the health problems of a person. The secret becomes a „shared” one and the central problem (of the patient) is the control – over the private life, over their own personal data, over the information that, otherwise, they would not want to be disclosed in a virtual environment. At issue is not only a balance between public interest (public health) and private interest or between personality rights that can end up in a conflicting position. If it will be proven that the interest of the medical care coordination prevails over the patient’s acceptance, then the electronic file will remain outside the true control of its owner. But, if, on the contrary, the patient has the prerogative of control (with justified, strict, limiting exceptions), then his right to limit access to the file will be recognized.
  • The action regulated by Article 1064 of the Civil Procedure Code has a special regime, derogating from the classic situation of tortious civil liability, regulated by Article 1357 of the Civil Code. The practical situation of this action is somewhat uncertain, as there is no unitary judicial practice that decides the legal nature of the action for damages provided by Article 1064 of the Civil Procedure Code. In these conditions, we considered it opportune to analyze the legal nature of the action for damages regulated by Article 1064 of the Civil Procedure Code, in a parallel vision with the provisions of Article 1357 of Civil Code, which regulates tortious civil liability. All this, by reference to those established by a recent court decision resolving such an action for damages. In the present study we tried to offer a perspective and a practical analysis on several situations generated by the application of Article 1064 of Civil Procedure Code.
  • Prin cererea de chemare în judecată adresată Judecătoriei Constanța la data de 11 iunie 2018, contestatorul S.P. în contradictoriu cu intimata Direcția Generală Regională a Finanțelor Publice Galați – Administrația Județeană a Finanțelor Publice Constanța a solicitat instanței să dispună anularea executării silite înseși și a actelor de executare silită subsecvente, inclusiv Somația din data de 30 martie 2018 și Titlul executoriu din data de 30 martie 2018 emise în Dosarul de executare xx, respectiv să oblige intimata la plata cheltuielilor de judecată.
  • Article 5 of the Civil Procedure Code1 regulates the fundamental principle of free access to justice and the obligations that the legislator establishes as duty of the judge are meant to outline this principle2 . Free access to justice is a fundamental principle of the organization of any democratic judicial system, being enshrined in an important number of international documents, therefore it has special meanings both for procedural law and for the constitutional law3 .
  • In the first part of the study, the author emphasizes the importance of the legal remedies for making justice more efficient, one of the important objectives of any reform programme in the field. The finding is natural, since a good regulation of the legal remedies can make a substantial contribution to the resolution of the trials within a reasonable time, in order to use only a unanimously accepted phrase. The general tendency of the contemporary procedural regulations is to carry out a simplification of the legal remedies and to avoid congestion of the courts, especially the courts of appeal and the supreme courts. For this purpose, the vast majority of the analyzed regulations establish some limitations – value-wise – of the exercise of the legal remedies or establish means of filtering the reviews, and in some countries even of the appeals. The author also notes that in some procedural systems the ordinary legal remedy of the appeal cannot be exercised in low value disputes. One of the author’s conclusive remarks is that the filtering systems of some legal remedies are efficient and contribute to the resolution of processes with celerity. Another final conclusion is that the Romanian legislator has abandoned such an approach, and this should be reconsidered in the future.
  • În România, dreptul de proprietate privată este unul esențial, fiind prevăzut în Constituție1 în cadrul capitolului II referitor la drepturile și libertățile fundamentale. Acest act normativ reglementează dreptul de proprietate privată în mod detaliat, în cele nouă alineate ale art. 44. Pentru a reglementa acest drept, legiuitorul constituant a avut la dispoziție un vast material documentar, format în primul rând din dispozițiile vechiului Cod civil referitoare la proprietate și la regimul ei juridic, bogata doctrină acumulată între timp, precum și practica judiciară a instanțelor, toate acestea fiind adaptate la dinamica continuă a vieții sociale și a circuitului civil din societatea românească, la care se adaugă dreptul comparat în materie
  • The present study aims to emphasize the current state of the principles of ethics in the field of artificial intelligence world-wide, respectively in the Western world (especially the European Union and the United States of America), Russia and China. The author set out to create the necessary debate framework for the importance of raising awareness of this area and of its impact on everyday life. Finally, the study also presents the author’s conclusions on what is ethically important at its intersection with the field of law. Being a new constituent element of contemporary reality, artificial intelligence can no longer be ignored. It is obvious that at present there are missing the binding regulations which give an adequate answer to the problems generated by the arising and functioning of artificial intelligence. Due to the extraordinary, unknown, even unpredictable implications, it will not be possible to create the specific legislation in such a way as to meet the expectations unless a rigorous ethical analysis is done in advance. The study identifies documents issued by state authorities and private entities in which an ethical perspective is taken in relation to the field of artificial intelligence and draws a conclusion on its importance. The author also offers his own perspective on the important ethical principles, in particular, from the perspective of the legal field.
  • The apparition of the first Administrative Code of Romania – an essential legislative document for the activity of the public administration, for the life of the Romanian State, as a whole – brings, among other things, a significant novelty: the regulation of the legal regime applicable to contractual staff. Such a regime is a justified option of the legislator, taking into account the particularities of this category of personnel – an integral part of those who perform the work as employees. The study carefully analyzes the specific legal norms that apply to the contractual staff and solutions are offered for their practical application. It is concluded that two categories of legal norms produce their effects: the first is constituted by the norms specific to the contractual staff, and the second is formed of the norms that apply also to public servants. Although both categories of norms are part of the Administrative Code, they – respectively those that apply to the contractual staff – are also integrated as part of the labour law, being at the confluence of labour law with administrative law. The common law for the regulations regarding the contractual staff can be found in the norms of the Labour Code.
  • The present study illustrates a sensitive issue of the disciplinary procedure concerning civil servants, insufficiently debated in the speciality literature, namely the possibility of the titular of the disciplinary complaint to resort to the courts in order to refute the report by which the disciplinary investigation is finalized with a proposal to classify the complaint. The research is structured starting from the solution given to this issue by the courts themselves, in the few decisions that deal with the subject, a solution which the author attempts to combat in the light of the current legislation in force, insufficient in its turn, corroborated with the relevant approaches taken from the decisions of the Constitutional Court. Apart from the elements of novelty and originality of the analysis, it is distinguished by its applied character, knowing the ideas conveyed by the author being necessary not only for the civil servants involved in disciplinary conflicts – as defending parties or as members of the disciplinary commissions –, but also for the judges called upon to decide on the legality and grounds of the solutions for dismissal of the disciplinary complaints. The thesis of inadmissibility of the actions seeking the annulment of the dismissal solutions should be reconsidered, the author’s opinion being that the commissions’ reports can be included among the administrative acts (by express or tacit validation by the leader to whom they are presented) or in the refusal to perform an administrative operation, as a challengeable act under Article 8 (1) of the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004. It is certain that concealing reports from the commission against any form of control is not only harmful (at least at moral level) to the titular of the complaint, but also abnormal, unjust and unlawful.
  • Pentru a da eficiență și substanță prevederii procesuale care reglementează conținutul măsurii arestului la domiciliu, exercitând conform art. 3 din Codul de procedură penală funcția de dispoziție asupra drepturilor și libertăților fundamentale ale persoanei, judecătorul poate dispune schimbarea locului de executare a arestului la domiciliu, în situații excepționale, independent de voința inculpatului. Prin Încheierea penală nr. 15 din 20 martie 2018 a Tribunalului Gorj a fost admisă cererea formulată de inculpata G.E.A. și s-a dispus schimbarea locului de executare a arestului la domiciliu al inculpatei, stabilit prin Încheierea nr. 13 din 13 martie 2018 pronunțată în Dosarul nr. 6422/95/2017/a2 al Tribunalului Gorj, de la adresa din Bumbești-Jiu, județul Gorj, la imobilul situat în comuna Brădești, județul Dolj. Totodată, s-a stabilit că supravegherea respectării de către inculpată a obligațiilor care îi revin pe durata arestului la domiciliu va fi exercitată de organul de poliție în raza căruia locuiește, respectiv Inspectoratul de Poliție al Județului Dolj.
  • In this study, the authors express a critical opinion referring to the content of the Law No 212/2018 amending and supplementing the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004 and other normative acts. The amendment of the Law No 554/2004 was determined by the overcrowding of the administrative disputes courts with such litigations and, hence, the need to rethink the provisions of the framework-law in the matter, especially as regards the competence and some procedural aspects. However, the analysis carried out showed that between the objectives assumed by the author of the Law No 212/2018 and the final result, namely the actual content of this new regulation, there is no compatibility and harmony. Many of the provisions of the new law are matters of drafting or of legislative technique, which does not affect the content of the normative act and does not meet the alleged need to rationalize the settlement of these litigations. Secondly, the study emphasizes the lack of foundation of some of the solutions promoted by the Law No 212/2018 and has regard, in particular, to the manner in which the litigations concerning the administrative contracts will be settled in the future. Thus, according to the Law No 212/2018, the litigations regarding the performance of these contracts will be settled by the ordinary courts, and the other litigations, which concern the conclusion, amendment and cessation of the administrative contracts, will be settled by the administrative disputes courts. The authors draw attention to the fact that this new regulation will create disturbances in practice, because litigious situations may arise that will equally concern both an amendment of the contract and the performance thereof. How will such cases be solved?
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