  • This study analyzes the rules within the Romanian labour legislation referring to the attributions of the trade unions in correlation with those of the elected representatives of the employees. It is concluded that there are, in this matter, legal solutions obviously uncorrelated, major errors, unjustified exclusions from the exercise of some attributions of the representatives of the employees in favour of the trade unions. All these despite the fact that, in terms of essential competences – either of the trade unions or of the representatives of the employees –, the legal solutions are identical. In relation to these findings there are made a series of proposals to improve the labour legislation which have as objectives to clarify the role and to state the attributions of the trade unions and of the representatives of the employees in the conduct of the labour relations.
  • The area of significance of certain terms used in the Constitution is quite diverse and therefore we cannot be precise about their content, especially when the semantic perception of those terms is not purely legal. Terms, as „homeland”, „nation”, „nationality”, „people”, „national minorities”, „national identity” or „ethnic identity” don’t have at first sight an explicit constitutional significance. The content of these terms evolves with the dynamics of the population. Moreover, some of these terms have a specific meaning in some cultural systems and another meaning in other civilizations. Therefore, they should be explained according to the corresponding social realities, political culture and traditions of the population or community of citizens to whom they will apply.
  • This study deals with the problem of the judicial remedy and of the time limit for exercising it in case of the rejection on the merits of the application for establishing guardianship. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of the civil procedural provisions which regulate the procedure for settling the non-contentious applications.
  • In respect of the contract of transport, the provisions of the new Romanian Civil Code in the matter (Articles 1955–2008) have the nature of general law, which, as the case may be, is supplemented by the special legislation, specific to each type of transport (rail, naval, road, air). Considering the above, this study makes an analysis of the provisions of the new Civil Code referring to a limited aspect, namely a summary on the rules of this Code, with reference to the civil-contractual liability of the transporter in the contract of transport of goods.
  • Art. 1100 dispune că creditorul nu poate fi silit a primi alt lucru de cât acela ce i se datorește, chiar când valoarea lucrului oferit ar fi egală sau mai mare. Acest text, care nu este de cât o consecință a art. 9691 și a interpretărei voinței părților, reproduce No. 530 din obligațiile lui Pothier: «Obicinuit, zice acest autor, nu se poate plăti de cât lucrul datorit; și debitorul nu poate să oblige pe creditorul său a primi drept plată alt ceva de cât ceea ce i se datorește.» «Aliud pro alio, invito creditori, solvi non potest.»2 «Nici creditorul, zice art. 1862 din Codul Calimach (1213 C. austriac), nu poate fi silit să primească împotriva voinței sale alt ceva, fără de cât aceea ce are dorit să ceară, nici datornicul nu este îndatorit să dea sau să facă alt ceva, fără de cât aceea ce este dator să dea sau să facă. Aceasta are tărie și pentru vremea, când, și pentru locul, unde, și pentru chipul cum are să se împlinească îndatorirea.»3
  • În primul meu articol, publicat în Dreptul dela 8 Decembrie 1913, arătam că unul dintre cele mai mici și mai sărăcăcioase bugete, în care spiritul de exagerată economie, de adevărată sgârcenie, se arată la fiecare pas, este acel al Justiției. Nu știu cum s’a făcut, că aproape toți miniștrii de justiție, deși avocați prin meseria lor obișnuită, deci cunoscând în deaproape pe magistrați și situațiunea lor materială mai mult decât precară, nu au intervenit până acum de a schimba normele și alcătuirea acestui buget sărăcăcios și nedrept. În adevăr, acest buget, care până mai eri era de 10 milioane, azi, după atâtea secțiuni noui de Curți și tribunale înființate, abia se ridică la 11 milioane și jumătate. Iar salariile magistraților și ale celorlalți funcționari judecătorești, de acum 24 ani, dela legea organizărei judecătorești din 1890, a d-lui Teodor Rosetti, au rămas aceleași! Și cât de mult s’a schimbat în 24 ani situațiunea economică a țărei! Banul s’a eftenit, iar prețul obiectelor de prima necesitate s’a întreit și împătrit chiar.
  • The most important normative act, which regulates the matter of establishing, organizing and dissolving societies, is Law No 31/1990. According to Article 1 (1) of the Law No 31/1990, for the purpose of carrying out activities for profit, natural persons and legal persons may associate and form companies with legal personality, in compliance with the provisions of this law. Article 1 (2) of the same law provides that the companies referred to in paragraph (1) based in Romania are Romanian legal entities. Violations of legal norms regulating the establishment, organization, modification and cessation of the activities of societies can be manifested in various forms and may, as the case may be, imply criminal, civil, disciplinary, tax liability etc. Taking into account the fact that the companies have a special importance in the field of business, the Romanian legislature criminalizes certain facts of violation of the norms provided by the Law No 31/1990.
  • The faulty interpretations of the normative system as a hierarchical system are due to analysing the matters of validity and of withdrawal of legality on the basis of the same methods of interpretation as when the matter of conformity is examined. If we clearly operate this distinction, using the pre-war case law, then the ordinary courts have competences in the matter of contentious of validity of rules and even some competences in the matter of contentious of conformity, despite the Constitutional Court’s claim to monopolize the constitutional contentious of rules. Likewise, they have competences in the matter of contentious of conformity of the infraconstitutional rules with the Constitution, which is questioned only due to the understanding of the normative hierarchy according to the French model, which is not applicable pursuant to the Constitution of Romania. Finally, I will prove that the ordinary courts have the competence to verify the agreement of the rules declared unconstitutional with the C.C.R decision.
  • Leave of absence is a motivated missing (absence) from the workplace, being a period when the employee does not work. As the leave of absence from the workplace is not legally regulated by the normative acts in force, in practice, when the employee requests leave of absence in order to solve some personal matters, discussions arise as to whether or not he receives salary during the leave of absence. This study raises for discussion some considerations and proposals referring to the legal status of the leave of absence from the workplace, both for the employees from the budgetary sector and for the employees from the private sector.
  • The article analyzes the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 369/2017, by which the phrase „as well as in other requests assessable in cash worth up to ROL 1 000 000 inclusive” was declared unconstitutional. In the Civil Procedure Code, in Article 483 (2), there are listed the judgments that can not be challenged with recourse, among which there are the requests assessable in cash worth up to ROL 500 000. By Article XVIII of the Law No 2/2013, this threshold was increased to the amount of ROL 1 000 000 inclusive. We consider criticizable the establishing of the categories of court judgments that have eluded the recourse taking into account the value criterion and we propose to eliminate this criterion. In our opinion, we agree with the admission of the plea of unconstitutionality, which has eliminated the value threshold for the promotion of judgments that can be challenged with recourse. Likewise, we consider criticizable also the delimitation of the material competence between judges and tribunals, being based on the value criterion. In our opinion, the delimitation of the material competence must be made depending on the nature of the litigation brought to justice, not on the value criterion of the request for summons.
  • The oblique action is a means of preserving the claim that has been regulated both in the sense of the new Civil Code and in the sense of the old Civil Code. The new regulation, however, brings some improvements to clarify the conditions and effects of the oblique action. At the same time, the notion of general pledge of creditors is replaced by the notion of joint guarantee. As such, a study on the effects and conditions of the oblique action is extremely useful, especially as it is compared with the provisions of the new French Civil Code. Through this paper we have understood to deal with a very important and up-to-date subject as it is a means of protecting the claims at the disposal of any creditor. At the same time, the parallel with the direct actions comes to clarify the confusion that has been created many times in both doctrine and judicial practice between the two legal mechanisms.
  • Following the Decisions of the Constitutional Court No 405/2016 and No 392/2017 there are numerous discussions regarding the regulation of the offence of abuse of office, provided by Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code. The Ministry of Justice has proposed the amendment of Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code without establishing a value threshold and without the circumstantiation of the injury caused by committing the facts, elements depending on which it can be assessed the incidence or lack of incidence of the criminal law, by ignoring the above-mentioned decisions of the Court. In the public debates organized by the Ministry of Justice different opinions have been expressed in the sense of establishing a derisory threshold of ROL 1 000, in another opinion a threshold of ROL 2 000 000, and in another opinion in the absence of any threshold, without any circumscribing of the offence of abuse of office. In the context of these discussions, we propose the adoption of the regulation of the French Criminal Code in which facts are clearly, precisely and predictably circumscribed.
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