  • The study analyzes the current account contract as an effective technique for simplifying long-term contractual relations, in the context of a large business volume, with its lending function. The legal definition of the contract has revealed that this contract performs, through the novation mechanism, a function integrating receivables coming from other contracts and operations of the parties in the current account, and the settlement of accounts is carried out through the offset system. In addressing the legal characters of the current account contract emphasis has been placed on its intuitu personae character and arguments have been brought for combating the thesis of the ancillary character of this contract in the relation to the contracts and operations generating receivables recorded in the account. The effects of recording of the receivables in account (of extension of maturity and of unavailability) and the category of receivables incompatible with this recording in account, as well as the legal consequences of closing the account before deadline, which pave the way for the execution of the credit balance, have also been analyzed. The effects of the recording of receivables in the account have also been analyzed from a fiscal perspective, related to the application of VAT and of the profit tax. The current account was also analyzed in the context of the insolvency procedure, as a means of maximizing the debtor’s assets and of its beneficial effects in the process of judicial reorganization. The main effects of the current account contract have been discussed under the translative aspect of the property right, marked by the moment of recording the receivable in the account, under the aspect of novation, as a legal instrument of integration in the account of the receivable, generated by the original contract or by the operation performed between parties from the perspective of offsetting the two amounts of receivables, from which the credit balance results, as a liquid and exigible receivable, susceptible to execution. The examination of the side effects of the current account contract refers to the interest applied to each receivable registered in the account and to the credit balance, as well as to the commissions and expenses related to the legal operations generating the receivables recorded in the account. Regarding the closing of the account, the two hypotheses have been analyzed, the one related to the final closing of the account, which coincides with the termination of the current account contract, and the one regarding the periodical closing, as well as the legal regime of the credit balance, resulting from the offset within each of the two hypotheses. The aspects regarding the presumption of approval of the credit balance, of its contestation after approval, in connection with the material errors and the legal action for the rectification of these errors have not been omitted either. Finally, there have been discussed the modalities of termination of the current account contract on the deadline and by denunciation, in respect of the contracts concluded for an indefinite period.
  • The system of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms introduced by the European Convention on Human Rights still raises questions about the interpretation and application of its provisions. In this study, we will focus on the problems concerning: EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, the relationship between the CJEU and the ECHR, and we will detail the decision of the ECJ Opinion 2/13 on the draft agreement for EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. By the present study we intend to analyze the implications of the future EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, given the long history of the protection of fundamental rights. We will start with the way in which the protection of fundamental rights is seen at international level, and then we will analyze how the EU intends to achieve the protection of fundamental human rights. We will bring into discussion the main normative acts in the field, the way in which the collaboration between the CJEU and the ECHR is carried out, pointing out the issue of the primacy of European law over the national one. The study aims to analyze the general concepts recognized in the international law regarding the creation of a better structured legal framework regarding the protection of fundamental human rights and the issue of the primacy of EU law regarding the future accession to the Convention, in particular in relation to the Negative Opinion 2/13 of the CJEU. We will analyze the most important decisions of the ECHR and the CJEU in order to corroborate the theoretical elements with the practical ones. As concerns the research methods, mainly the comparative and the quantitative method have been used, with elements that make reference to the method of sociological and historical interpretation. From the point of view of the research results, it was concluded that, from a doctrinal point of view, there are two sides: the supporters of EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, in the context of receiving EU legal personality, but also of inserting Article 6 TEU which provides the obligativity that EU becomes a party to the Convention, and those who oppose, in particular the CJEU, as well as the practitioners and the doctrinaires of the European law who invoke the primacy of European law over national law, but also the issue of organizing the European legal system, by specifying that the CJEU would fall under the jurisdiction of the ECHR, and the ECHR, in its turn, would intervene in the process of „constitutional” development of the EU.
  • Legal arrangements pertaining to neighbours’ relationships are permeated by the idea of community. A textbook example is the right-of-way, which arguably breaches the sacred inviolability of private property in its quest to provide adequate access to the p ublic road for a landlocked parcel. The present paper examines the manner in which the Civil Code of Romania (2009) managed to bridge the unbridgeable, i.e., the individualist essence of private property and the collectivist flavour of neighbours’ relationships. Methodologically, this article debuts with a brief historical and comparative study of the right-of-way from the viewpoint of related legislations (i.e., the French Civil Code and the Civil Code of Quebec), it examines the terminology employed by the legislator and analyses the legal regime of said institution. The author argues that the cornerstone of this fine balance is the legal nature of the right-of-way: in denying it the stature of a real right (ius in re), the legislator established this sui generis right as a legal limit to the exercise of private property. Consequently, the right-of-way is solely a creation of the law, whereas only its manner of exercise can be settled by way of contract, continuous usage or court decision. Therefore, the author stresses the semantical inconsistency encountered within legal literature, which confuses the very origin of the right-of-way, which is inherently legal in its nature, with the concrete manner of usage, which the legislator left to the will of the contracting parties or the judge summoned in the event of litigation, respectively. In addition, the author argues that a land book entry may cover the right -of-way only in the form of a notation, and not as a compulsory registration, either permanent (intabulation) or provisional, since the latter two solely concern tabular rights, which solely consist of real rights on real estate.
  • Thanks to his social status, his activity, the social relationships he develops, interest in technology, etc., the child has acquired a certain legitimacy to be able to make recommendations on the purchase of a good or service. Of course, professionals are aware of the reverse socialization that takes place within family relationships and have begun to develop products that are intended for children or that, through children, can reach the bosom of families, although those do not concern children. The purpose of this study is to prove that any child is a vulnerable consumer, although he has at his disposal countless methods of information. The child is not capable of complex cognitive functions. Being a consumer means not only acquiring skills and technical routines, but also an awareness of real needs and values, something that can only happen with the development of each individual. The vulnerability that is specific to the child is a matter of social status of the skills and resources that protect each individual and carry extrinsic and partially intrinsic aspects. By analysing the European and national legal frameworks on consumer protection, I have tried to identify a clear definition of the vulnerable consumer, as well as what the concept of „vulnerable consumer” is based on.
  • In the case of the debate by the Romanian notary public of a succession with an element of extraneity, in which the registered shares of a limited liability company are subject to succession, the successional devolution will be carried out according to the law applicable to the succession (lex successionis). The point of connection for the lex successionis is the last habitual residence of the natural person, but this person can choose the law applicable to the succession, his national law. According to the lex successionis, there will be established the heirs, but they will not automatically become associates in the limited liability company. The acquisition of the status of associate will be carried out according to the provisions of the law governing the organic status of the legal person (lex societatis), being a matter which concerns the functioning of the company, not the transmission by succession of the registered shares, which operates anyway, but an effect of devolution. The two laws may belong to different national systems of law. In the case of the application of the Romanian law, we intended to find out possible controversial aspects, presenting the doctrinal interpretations or the judicial practice ones and even trying to formulate some proposals de lege ferenda. We also tried to make a comparison with the material French corporate law, for the hypothesis in which de cujus would have registered shares in a limited liability company of French nationality.
  • In this study, the author aims to highlight a number of limitations of the principle of availability in the second phase of the civil process, such as, for example, the need to approve enforcement by the court, the impossibility of representation of the legal person by another legal person, execution by persons or entities other than the creditor, as well as the imperceptible nature of certain goods. At the same time, this procedure cannot be initiated against those who enjoy immunity from enforcement, and the failure to register documents under private signature in the National Register of Real Estate Advertising was an impediment to enforcement until declaring the legal provisions of this obligation as unconstitutional. This presents the difficulties encountered by the holder of the writ of execution in his attempt to enforce it, as well as doctrinal and jurisprudential controversies, which led to the conclusion of the need to repeal the institution of approval of enforcement.
  • The error of random distribution of a civil case refers, in the matter of means of appeal, unlike the scenarios in which it is necessary to qualify or requalify a means of appeal, only the situation where the will of the party exercising the means of appeal is disregarded, respectively it is not registered on the role of the court of judicial control and, subsequently, randomly distributed the means of appeal exercised by the party, but another means of appeal, due to a genuine error occurred at the time of the registration of the means of appeal or, as sometimes happens in the judicial practice, because at the time of the registration of the means of appeal it is assessed that the party did not exercise the means of appeal provided by law, thus proceeding to the registration of the means of appeal provided by law, which should have been exercised by the party, and not of the means of appeal that was actually exercised.
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