  • Within this paper, the author makes a thorough analysis of the offence regulated by Article 277 of the Criminal Code, starting with the reason of incrimination and presenting in detail the constitutive elements of this new offence. To this end the author often makes reference to the provisions of the Statement of reasons of the Law No 286/2009. At the same time, the author confers a particular importance to establishing the existing relations between the offence provided by Article 277 of the Criminal Code and those regulated by Article 12 point 2 of the Law No 78/2000, by Article 269 of the Criminal Code, respectively.
  • Within this study, the authors intend to analyse the enforcement of judgments pronounced by the administrative disputes courts, in the light of the general provisions of the Civil Procedure Code and of the special provisions of the Law on administrative disputes No 554/2004, as well as of the case law in this matter.
  • This study makes an examination of the legal provisions regarding the retirement of the university teaching staff. There are analyzed in a critical manner the provisions stated in Article 289 (3) and (6) of the Law on national education No 1/2011, which refers to the continuation of activity by the retired teaching staff and to the maintenance of the quality of titular in education and/or research. The author believes that the syntagms used by the mentioned texts do not receive an exemplary drafting, which may lead to different interpretations. The author also points out that, in the administrative practice, some university senates have adopted methodologies capable of annihilating the application of the legal provisions regarding the maintenance of the quality of titular of the teaching staff, solution appreciated as deeply illegal. At the end of his study, the author considers that it is necessary a better drafting of the texts relating to the maintainance in office of the university teaching staff whose teaching and scientific performance is undeniable. Likewise, de lege ferenda, it is estimated that such a possibility should be recognized only for university professors, not for all teaching staff.
  • This article emphasises the special situations of some employees of the public hospitals, of the forensic medicine institutes and of the employees of some quarry mining exploitations, who have reported prejudices to their right to health and safety at work by the conduct of the employers, of the trade unions and even of the public institutions with powers of control and of ensuring the respect for these rights.
  • This article aims to examine Article 16 of the Labour Code, republished, on the requirement of drafting individual employment agreement in Romanian language, from various standpoints, such as: (i) applicable sanction for failure to conclude the individual employment agreement in Romanian language; (ii) the requirement to observe the principle of equal treatment in cases where the individual employment agreement is concluded with a foreign citizen or a national of another Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area, concretized, inter alia, by drafting the individual employment agreement in the language of the foreign citizen; (iii) the probative value of the versions of the individual employment agreement concluded in several languages.
  • The European projects of codification of the law of obligations evoke the principle of good faith throughout the evolution of the contract, as evoked in the Civil Code of 2009. Good faith and bad faith in contracts have a role worthy of attention and of great value in our civil law, by the entry into force of the new Civil Code on 1 October 2011. The modern vision extends the duty to act in good faith and to avoid any conduct in bad faith on the creditor as well. For the phase of performance of the contract, the obligation to minimize the own prejudice as a result of a non-performance of obligations is regarded as a function of the good faith. By establishing for the first time in the Romanian private law a genuine obligation as duty of the contractual creditor to no longer show passivity in order to moderate the future prejudice, the new Civil Code fully answers the imperatives of the functioning of a modern justice, encouraging more and more the execution oriented towards the economic finality of the contract, and not just the legality of the contract and its compliance with the commitment assumed.
  • The new Romanian Fiscal Procedure Code has established a special legal act, of an absolute novelty, called „temporary taxation decision”. This is a legal administrative fiscal act, integrated into the payment of the additional main fiscal obligations established in the course of the fiscal inspection. However, the law assigns to it a few elements that individualizes it in relation to the common taxation decision, taken over in the new legal regulation without any substantive amendment. In this context, we propose the analysis of this new type of fiscal administrative legal act, with the following objectives: emphasising the reason of this establishment and of its legal nature; configuration of the premises of its issuing and of its legal valences; establishing its connection with the taxation decision issued on completion of the fiscal inspection. We will use as main documentary point of reference both the provisions of Article 133 of the Law No 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code and the regulations enacted for their uniform application, pointed out throughout our analysis.
  • The article analyzes how there are settled in court, according to Chapter V of the Law No 101/2016, the disputes in matters of award of public procurement contracts, of sectoral contracts, of works concession and services concession contracts. The authors emphasise the specific features of the manner of settlement of these disputes, mentioning among them: the material jurisdiction pertains to the section of administrative disputes and fiscal matters of the tribunal, through panels specialized in public procurement, and the territorial jurisdiction pertains to the tribunal in whose district it is located the head office of the contracting authority. The case shall be settled as a matter of emergency and with priority, and filing a request for summons in matters of public procurement shall not have an enforcement suspensive effect. The first hearing shall be set 20 days after the date of registration of the complaint, and the subsequent trial terms can not be longer than 15 days, and the entire duration of the procedure can not exceed 45 days from the date of referral to the court. The judgment may be challenged by recourse, within 10 days from the communication, at the section of administrative disputes and fiscal matters of the court of appeal, which sits in a panel specialized in public procurement. According to the authors, it is justified to establish a special law for the settlement of the disputes in matters of public procurement.
  • The philosophical inquiry of law, unlike the positive legal sciences, is concerned to find answers and arguments as nuanced and deep as possible to questions and issues such as: the origin and meanings of the law and of the legal phenomenon, the legitimacy of the legal norms or the finality of law. This analysis, mostly philosophical, is not a simple rational exegesis, but it also has a practical importance since, depending on the answers and the solutions adopted, there can be formulated, interpreted and applied the principles of law, as well as the concrete, positive legal norms and, mostly, there can be understood the complex relationships between man and society, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, it can be better known the legal system in its unity or in its historical determinations and configurations. In this study we summarize the historical evolution of the main theories and conceptions on the origin, meanings and finality of law, as ideological subsystem. Arguments are brought in favour of the topicality and importance of jusnaturalist theories (of the natural law), because, in relation to man and to rationality, they best explain the unity and stability of the law not only as normative system, but rather as value and rational reality, which, by establishing some rights inherent to the human being, intangible, rational and inalienable rights, proves the atemporality of law, as expression of some rational paradigms valid in all times and which can be distinguished and understood in the historical evolution and fluctuation of the positive law.
  • This study proposes the approach of an identified problem with regard to the regulation of the manner of applying the complementary punishment of prohibition to exercise some rights. By the analysis made within this study, the author identifies a situation of inequity which can arise in precise cases between the case of the sentenced person conditionally released from serving the punishment of life imprisonment and the case of the conditionally released person sentenced to imprisonment in detention.
  • Some constitutional precepts may arise through case law path and, depending on their importance as real or formal sources for the constitutional law, there may be included in the constitutional base, as prof. I. Deleanu noticed. It is similar case for the constitutional category formed by the democratic traditions of the Romanian people. The present study aims the application of the historical interpretation method in the Romanian Constitutional Court case law, that produced two main effects. A first well-known effect of this type of constitutional case law is the adoption process of the Romanian democratic traditions in the Romanian Constitution. The application of the retrodiction in the Romanian Constitutional Court case law, as specific practice of the historical method, produces a second type of effect on the interdisciplinary category represented by the democratic traditions of the Romanian people, that, by nominating the legal or political documents that are representative for the political history of our country, may lead to the detection of the founding document for the Romanian constitutionalism. In the next place, the study aims to answer the question referring to the public law document belonging to the national political history, whereat the constitutional resort will insist in the process of building a new constitutional precept, that involves the reconnection of the constitutional tradition to an originated democratic and national stream, guiding also the sense of its foundation through the praetorian anchoring to the oldest document that typologically corresponds.
  • The study deals with the particularities of the human medically assisted reproduction in the cross-border private relationships. Among the artificial procreation techniques, surrogate motherhood is of present interest, as a result of the multiplication of the requests for recognition, on the territory of the forum, of the foreign judgments which establish the filiation of the child born abroad. The implications of private international law are tangential to the qualification, to the conflicts of laws in time and space and to the effectiveness of the foreign judgments. The heterogeneity of the national regulations is the main factor creating non-unitary case laws and different practices – some of them, questionable. The context of the analysis does not allow the dissociation of the artificial procreation from the higher interest of the child, so that any de lege lata or de lege ferenda solutions must be examined through the filter of this fundamental principle.
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