  • In the general context of the biodiversity preservation and of the protection of nature, an important issue shall remain that related to the animals’ rights, as a way of defense and preservation of this essential component of biodiversity. The author reveals that recognizing and guaranteeing these rights shall remain, however, a process in full development, extremely difficult and complex, which supposes to take into consideration certain different values: ethical, biological, environmentally friendly, legal, and so on. Its current stage of development is the result of certain overlong evolutions, is characterized by certain aspects and expresses a series of trends of future developments. However, the continuous and most of the times improvised adjustments and readjustments feed the legislative chaos and implicitly, a contradictory case law in the matter.
  • The diplomatic activity of the states may have a highly positive part in the normal course of the development of international relationships, so that certain disputes or other negative consequences may be prevented in fields of common interest, such as: the observance of the right to self-determination of the states, the limitation of environmental pollution, the correct usage of natural resources, the fight against terrorism or the enforcement of international treaties.
  • Trying to integrate the precautionary principle in the law of torts is a challenge that took the author back to the origins of tort law: responsibility and its etymological, philosophical and juridical roots. The findings of this intellectual endeavor envisage the expansion of tort law towards new dimensions of time, space and human relationships. With a shift of perspective, from the past towards the future, tort law reinvents itself by facing uncertainty, by reforming its mathematics and rediscovering its guiding principles. The goal of this study is to establish the principles and conditions of preventive tort law, the civilian tort law expression of the preventive and precautionary principles.
  • The mechanism of constitutional review plays an important role in the development of the normative system. It prevents the Parliament and the Government to adopt unconstitutional laws or ordinances and, at the same time, it stimulates them to edict normative regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. In what concerns the legislative omissions, the Constitutional Court of Romania is not competent to modify or to supplement the provisions under review, following the classical theory of ‘negative legislator’. Despite of a vast case-law that reflects this rule of conduct, a new and more flexible approach appears to be more effective in correcting the constitutional deficiencies. Pointing out the lack of constitutionality due to certain legislative omissions is what brings the Constitutional Court of Romania closer to the other European jurisdictions of constitutional review.
  • The new Criminal Code, adopted by Law no. 286/2009, sanctions the fact of the clerk who claims or gets sexual favors, in order to accomplish an action in compliance with his job duties, or opposed to them, or standing on or taking advantage of his authority or superiority over the victim, arising from the title he holds.
  • In the new context of legislation, the procedure of administrating evidence by lawyers or by legal advisers may represent an alternative to the classical method of administration by the court of evidence, increasing the chances of solving the dispute amicably. The procedure of administrating the evidence by lawyers or by legal advisers will be held according to a program approved by the court, in which the deadlines are set for administrating the evidence, taking into account the volume and complexity of them.
  • The new regulation in the civil matter, as represented by Law no. 287/2009 on the Civil Code, adapts quasi-totally the institution of the acceptance of the inheritance. In this context, this study intends to examine the problem of the acceptance of the inheritance, a valence of the law on succession option, in all the matters it comprises, to reveal the novelties brought by Law no. 287/2009 in this matter and to assess their usefulness and opportunity.
  • Law no. 202/2010 on certain measures to accelerate lawsuits’ settlement introduces into the Criminal Code, by art. 741 of the Criminal Code, a series of provisions in favor of the charged person or of the defendant who has committed certain economic offences and covered the damage in full, until the settlement of the cause of action in the court of the first instance. The author considers that these provisions could be construed as certain legal and real attenuating circumstances, however having a special regime, which often generates difficulties related to the interpretation and enforcement in the courts’ practice. However deemed as unconstitutional in May 2011, the provisions of the above-mentioned article are being enforced regarding the offences committed until its expiry date, pursuant to mitior lex principle.
  • The value competence in the criminal matter represents a form of material competence, whose non-observance is sanctioned by absolute nullity. In this article the author describes theoretical and practical aspects of competence depending on the value criterion and carries out a comparative examination between the current and the future criminal and criminal proceedings regulation of the phrase of „very serious consequences”. Likewise, the author identifies possible solutions to unify the judicial practice, considering that the requirement of the predictable nature of law and the principle of judicial equal treatment require the establishment of the competence depending on its value by reference to the time of occurrence of the material damage due to offence and to its real value.
  • At the crossroads of general regulations concerning both public and private property in the newly enacted Civil code, of specific rules concerning the concession of public assets or the exercise by the local public authorities of their powers relating to the administration of public and private domain of the administrative-territorial units as well as of even more specific provisions in the public-private partnership law, the legal regime of assets involved in public-private partnership projects requires detailed attention. Designing and understanding such legal structure combining old and new regulation may contribute to the sucessful application of regulations concerning public-private partnerships.
  • In this study the author debates – in the light of the current Code of Civil Procedure and of the new Code of Civil Procedure, published in 2010, but not yet enacted, if in the actions regulated by Law no. 18/1991 (as republished) there must be or not be introduced, even ex officio, all the persons entitled to lodge the applications for the re-enactment of the ownership right over a certain given land fund.
  • In this study, the author analyzes the essential changes that the year 2011 has brought with respect to the dismissal of the trade union leader under Law no. 40/2011 (amending and supplementing the Labour Code), and also under Law no. 62/2011 regarding social dialogue. At the end of the analysis, the author concludes that these changes are both in accordance with the Romanian Constitution, as well as with the applicable European regulations.
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