  • Starting from the semantics of the term „parental authority” and from its normative background, this study raises for discussion the issue of the intention of the authors of the current Romanian Civil Code to reaffirm the „parental power”, as a legal solution for „calming down” the trend of „early emancipation” of the child. The viability of this terminological option is analyzed both in relation to the provisions of some international and internal normative acts in the field of protection of the child’s rights and in light of the Civil Code rules regulating various aspects of authority (power) within the relationships between parents and child.
  • At the same time with the entry into force of the Law No 286/2009 on the Criminal Code, the regime of judicial individualization of criminal sanctions has undergone significant changes both by introducing some new institutions, such as postponement of application of punishment, and by a different regulation of some old institutions, such as the suspension under supervision of execution of punishment. The author analyzes comparatively the two above-mentioned institutions of law, as well as by correlation with other provisions of the criminal law, in order to highlight their defining particularities, required to be known for a better judicial individualization of punishment.
  • In this study, the author, starting from the provision written down in Article 60 (1) c) of the Labour Code, according to which the dismissal of the pregnant employee is forbidden, as far as the employer was notified of this fact prior to the issuing of the dismissal decision, considers that the interpretation of this legal text should be performed extensively, in correlation with the provisions of Directive 92/85/EEC and, as such, the interdiction in question is also incidental, for example, in cases of dismissal of the employee in the trial period, of hiring the employee under a fixed-term contract or even if she did not notify the employer about her pregnancy condition prior to dismissal, if the failure to notify is not the consequence of bad faith of the person concerned and others.
  • This study examines the regulation of the Civil Code, entered into force on 1 October 2011, in respect of non-essential clauses, standard clauses, external clauses or extrinsic and unusual clauses, in the process of conclusion of contracts. Despite the intention of simplification which the Civil Code had in view, the risks and the issues generated by these legal instruments can be imagined, even in this early stage of its application. Within this analysis, there are also reported some problems, as well as some possible solutions in this respects.
  • Unlike the previous legislation, which did not contain any reference to the progressive offence, the new Criminal Code indicates the time from which the prescription period starts to run for this type of offence, without regulating, however, other aspects referring to the criminal treatment applicable to the acts falling within the legal category in question. This task lays further on case-law and doctrine, but, having regard to the numerous contradictory solutions and controversies noted, some regulations to ensure a uniform settlement of the noticed aspects shall be required, de lege ferenda.
  • In this study, the author examines exhaustively the problems of the preliminary proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union [Article 19 (3) (b) of the Treaty on European Union; Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union]. To this end there are examined: the referral, the preliminary, the preliminary procedure of common law and the special prejudicial procedures.
  • In this study, the author, after presenting some brief considerations on proportionality as a principle of law, presents the theoretical foundations of proportionality, as they are reflected in the Romanian legal doctrine. Finally, the author proposes that, in prospect of future revision of the Constitution of Romania, it must be established, in its very first article, that „the exercise of the state power must be proportionate and non-discriminatory”.
  • The Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and of insolvency (which entered into force at the end of June 2014) repeals and replaces the Law No 85/2006 on the insolvency procedure. Obviously, the current law brings a series of new elements, as compared to the previous law. This study briefly presents the main elements of novelty brought, in this matter, by the Law No 85/2014, as compared to the Law No 85/2006, reaching to the conclusion that the regulation of the new law, on the one hand, avoids the financial blocking and, on the other hand, in view of covering the claims, gives greater chances both to the debtors who are in difficulty or in default of payment, and also to the creditors, especially if they are acting in good faith.
  • The Law No 85/2014 on the procedures for preventing insolvency and of insolvency has been recently adopted and has entered into force. Whereas Article 123 (1), (7) and (8) of this Law provides a series of regulations that aim, directly or indirectly, at the „denunciation” of some categories of individual labour contracts of the employees of the debtor (undergoing insolvency) or at the „dissolution” of such contracts, in this study the author examines the above-mentioned problems.
  • The trust that the patient grants to the medicine professionals for applying the prevention or treatment methods corresponding to his health condition, under the lowest risks, depends on correct and complete information regarding his prevention, diagnostic and treatment activities. Actually, the breach of this deontological duty represents an act of betrayal of his trust, as he could not choose the best solution corresponding to his own interests, in the circumstances in which the patient is free to decide about his own fate. From the legal point of view, this breach of duty results in the civil liability incurred for the prejudices caused to the patient. Considered from the perspective of the biomedical ethics, the physician’s duty to inform the patient brings into focus an interesting subject of research: the manner in which the observance of the patient’s autonomy affects the mechanism of adopting the medical decision related to the diagnostic, the care, the treatment or determining him to undergo certain scientific experiments. From this perspective, the study tries to provide a new approach of the duty of information, but this time from the ethical point of view related to the consideration due to the dignity of the patient human being who is so vulnerable and suffering. The selection of the case law solutions rendered completes the exposure of the legal consequences regarding the breach of this duty.
  • In this study the author performs a general exposure of the concept of periodic penalty payments firstly (concept, terminology, origin and evolution; legal nature; goal, legal basis; structure), and then examines the legal regime of the periodic penalty payments in the administrative matter (the grant conditions; the forms of the periodic penalty payments and the liquidation of the periodic penalty payments in the matter, and finally he discusses about the issue of the periodic penalty payments in the administrative matter in the light of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and of Fundamental Freedoms (including in terms of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights from Strasbourg).
  • Taking into consideration the subtle and random criteria as an incidence in the delimitation of influence peddling from the fraud offences, it is likely that in very similar cases of misleading, the criminal will be lucky due to the occurrence of the influence peddling or it is likely that should not have been lucky when he committed materialized deeds supplementing the constitutive content of the fraud offence in relation to similar material damages. It is likely to cause material damages also in the matter of the formal criminal deeds and in the process of the legal and judicial individualization of the punishment, also the amount of the material damages produced as a result of the concrete endangerment offence should be taken into account.
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