  • The author of this study proposes an analysis of the will of the legislator manifested by the introduction of the institution of preliminary chamber judge. Within this study it is made a brief comparison of this institution with some national legislative precedents, but also in relation to the regulations of other states.
  • The remand on custody and the preventive detention are placed among the most important institutions of criminal processual law. The adoption of the new criminal processual legislation regarding the remand on custody and the preventive detention raises the question of analysing the elements of novelty contained by the new legal provisions, as well as the question of their compliance with the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • The idea of this study has as starting point the „ambiguity” which, under the influence of the current Community and internal regulations, floats over the legal distinction between „designs” and „models”, as well as over their legal nature. Thus, the common definition reserved by the internal and Community regulations for the design and for the model, as well as their alternative or cumulative use in the legal texts convincingly support the existence of this „normative ambiguity”. This „legal reality” is accompanied by the non-existence of some doctrinal concerns for arguing the specificity of designs and of models, mostly by reference of one to the other, but also by reference of these to other kinds of intellectual creation. In fact, as this issue has been approached in the Romanian doctrine, the authors confine themselves, as a rule, only to take over some theses from the foreign legal literature, especially from French one, being less concerned with their logical and legal grounding.
  • The current Civil Code advances a detailed regulation of the reparation of damage in case of tort liability, the most important matter of this institution. Being of deep impact in practice, the need for clarity of the new legal provisions is greater than in any other area of regulation. The study proposes their text analysis, emphasizing some shortcomings of the legal terminology used, of the systematization of the matter, but there are reported, in particular, some questionable solutions contrary to the European trends in matters of tort liability.
  • In the context of integration of Romania into the European Union and of the normative acts adopted by the Romanian legislator in order to ensure the compatibility of the internal law with the European Union law, the tax disputes and, in particular, tax administrative disputes are conferred a great importance. In the ambiance of the European rules and of our internal law, this study intends to analyze several aspects regarding tax administrative disputes, as well as the application of the principle non bis in idem in the matter of tax administrative disputes, in relation to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and of the European Court of Justice of the European Union.
  • Considered by the authors of the Civil Code of 2009 a „traditional reality in Romania”, currently the engagement has become a „legal reality”, being regulated by Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code. Without „applauding” or „disavowing” the appearance of this unusual legal institution, we find that the reactions of the specialised literature have remained at their „first steps”. However, they are mostly marked by theses from the French doctrine as well, provided that, paradoxically, the French Civil Code, even if it defines the engagement (Article 515–8), does not devote to it other legal rules as well. Wishing to be a contribution to the „continuing effort of interpretation”, this study is based, primarily, on the logical and legal, systematic and systemic analysis of the provisions of Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code.
  • This study falls within the so much present problems of civil liability of professionals for malpractice. Starting from the arguments of a jurisprudential solution concerning the lawyer’s liability for the damage caused to the clients or to the third parties, the article intends to present the regulation, the special conditions, the legal nature and the foundation of this hypothesis of liability. By her conclusions the author supports the idea that the civil liability of the lawyer is a separate and autonomous professional civil liability.
  • After the author has analyzed in a previous study the need to take into account the legitimate defence in the field of cybercrime and has emphasized the aspects of the conditions of the attack, in this material there are analyzed the legitimate retaliation and the state of necessity. In this context, the author has tried to emphasize the problems that may arise in relation to the conditions relating to defence (legitimate retaliation), also seeking to provide a theoretical framework capable of providing applicability to the institution of self-defence. An important aspect analyzed in this paper has been the putative self-defence, which could be a key aspect in the discussion on the legitimate retaliation. Equally, it has been examined inclusively the institution of the state of necessity, also drawing conclusions on the relationship between this institution and the institution of self-defence.
  • One of the main innovations introduced by the new Criminal Procedure Code is the possibility of concluding a plea bargaining agreement between the defendant and the prosecutor. Where there is evidence to confirm that the defendant is the perpetrator of the deed subject to the criminal trial, and he admits the allegations against him, it is possible for the defendant and the prosecutor to mutually agree on the punishment, the method of execution of punishment, as well as on all other aspects related to the criminal side of the case. In this case, the role of the court will be limited only to verifying whether the concluded agreement fulfils or not the conditions provided by law and to confirm it or to reject it. Through this new institution it will decrease the duration of trials where the evidence produced during the criminal prosecution phase proves almost unequivocally the commission of acts by the defendant, allowing the courts to concentrate their resources on the really complex cases.
  • In this study, the author proceeds to an exhaustive analysis of the provisions of Articles 519–521 of the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code, which, for the first time in the Romanian legislation, establish „the referral to the High Court of Cassation and Justice for a preliminary ruling for the settlement of some points of law”, also in correlation with some legislations of other states or international jurisdictions in the matter.
  • The current Romanian Civil Code (entered into force on 10 October 2011), unlike the previous Romanian civil legislation, regulates a new legal institution, namely the designation of the guardian of the child by his parent in certain situations (Article 114 et seq. of the Civil Code), apart from the appointment of the guardian by the court. Likewise, the Romanian legislation also regulates the designation of the representative of the natural person, under the special conditions of the Law on the mental health and the protection of persons with mental disorders No 487/2002 or according to the Law No 272/2004 on the protection and the promotion of the child’s rights (republished on 5 March 2014) assuming the child’s parents are working abroad. All these assumptions of designation of the guardianship of the child by his parent represent the object of analysis of this study.
  • This paper aims to make an analysis of the judicial trials and applications related to the insolvency procedure, from the perspective of the subjects of law who have legal standing in these cases. Having in view general notions and principles of the lawsuit, as well as derogatory provisions provided by the current insolvency law, there have been analyzed relevant aspects referring to the notion of processual parties in these cases, the delimitation of the notion of participants in the insolvency procedure, the criteria for determining the parties and the subjects of law which may be parties in these cases. In relation to concrete applications, actions and contestations related to insolvency, there have been presented not only the manner in which participate in the trial the subjects of the procedure between which there are established litigious legal relations brought to justice (the debtor and the creditors), the judicial administrator and the judicial liquidator, but also the persons who, as they are not participants in the procedure, acquire processual legitimacy in certain determined litigations.
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