In this study the author resumes an older discussion within the Romanian doctrine of civil law, insofar if and in the light of art. 885 of the current Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on July 15th 2011 and entered into force as at October 1st 2011), the registration in the land book has or has not constitutive or translative effect of rights, in case of real rights in immovables.
In the Romanian doctrine, even if it is evoked the legal existence of the „right to a name”, most authors define it as if it were identical to the „name”. Likewise, some of its legal characters are just asserted, and others are logically and legally grounded in a questionable manner. In relation to this „situation”, this study is devoted to the argumentation and phrasing of a variant of „definition” for the „right to a name”, as well as to the „nuancing” of its legal characters.
In the absence of a meaning established by the legislator and in the presence of some modest doctrinary concerns, this study tends to be a contribution to the definition of „invention”, in general, and of „patentable invention”, in particular. Likewise, there are analyzed the „substantive conditions” for the patentability of the invention, the „elements” and the „scientific creations” which are not regarded as inventions, as well as the „unpatentable inventions”. In this context, there are also presented some situations where the provisions of the Regulation implementing the Law No 64/1991 on invention patents exceed the provisions of this Law and the legislative technique rules for elaborating the normative acts.
In this article the author’s opinion is in favour of the existence of the principle of the legality of misconducts, in the sense that in order for a certain illegal act to constitute such a misconduct it must be qualified as such by law, as the case may be, by statutory, contractual dispositions or unequivocally resulting from the legal orders of the hierarchical leaders. It can not be arbitrarily or subjectively determined by the employer, according to his discretionary will. From this point of view there is a complete resemblance to the criminal law which enshrines the principle of legality of incrimination, that is of the establishment and enumeration of the offences – the sole basis of the criminal liability.
Considered by the authors of the Civil Code of 2009 a „traditional reality in Romania”, currently the engagement has become a „legal reality”, being regulated by Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code. Without „applauding” or „disavowing” the appearance of this unusual legal institution, we find that the reactions of the specialised literature have remained at their „first steps”. However, they are mostly marked by theses from the French doctrine as well, provided that, paradoxically, the French Civil Code, even if it defines the engagement (Article 515–8), does not devote to it other legal rules as well. Wishing to be a contribution to the „continuing effort of interpretation”, this study is based, primarily, on the logical and legal, systematic and systemic analysis of the provisions of Articles 266–270 of the Civil Code.
This study, while indicating the absence of systematic doctrinal concern in relation to the meaning of the term „child” used in the Constitution, in the Civil Code and in several other internal or international normative acts, suggests to approach this term, lato sensu, as relative of first degree in the direct line of descent and, stricto sensu, as minor person without full capacity of exercise. Likewise, the author analyzes the definition given to this term in Article 1 of UNO Convention on the Rights of the Child and he presents some of its consequences on the internal regulations in the field.
This study is dedicated to the analysis of the rules of the Civil Code established for „the presumption of the legal time of conception” and to „the presumption of paternity”, insisting mostly on the novelties brought by the current regulations and by the reactions of the specialized literature in this regard. Where appropriate, de lege ferenda proposals have been grounded in order to eliminate the reported legislative inconsistencies. Also, personal points of view have been expressed on various controversial aspects of the doctrine in relation to the interpretation of the legal rules established for these two important legal institutions.
Starting from the semantics of the term „parental authority” and from its normative background, this study raises for discussion the issue of the intention of the authors of the current Romanian Civil Code to reaffirm the „parental power”, as a legal solution for „calming down” the trend of „early emancipation” of the child. The viability of this terminological option is analyzed both in relation to the provisions of some international and internal normative acts in the field of protection of the child’s rights and in light of the Civil Code rules regulating various aspects of authority (power) within the relationships between parents and child.
This study makes an examination of the legal provisions regarding the retirement of the university teaching staff. There are analyzed in a critical manner the provisions stated in Article 289 (3) and (6) of the Law on national education No 1/2011, which refers to the continuation of activity by the retired teaching staff and to the maintenance of the quality of titular in education and/or research. The author believes that the syntagms used by the mentioned texts do not receive an exemplary drafting, which may lead to different interpretations. The author also points out that, in the administrative practice, some university senates have adopted methodologies capable of annihilating the application of the legal provisions regarding the maintenance of the quality of titular of the teaching staff, solution appreciated as deeply illegal. At the end of his study, the author considers that it is necessary a better drafting of the texts relating to the maintainance in office of the university teaching staff whose teaching and scientific performance is undeniable. Likewise, de lege ferenda, it is estimated that such a possibility should be recognized only for university professors, not for all teaching staff.
The author reveals a series of analogies, contradictions between Articles 98-103 of the new Civil Code (Law No. 287/2009 republished on July 15th, 2011 and effective since October 1st, 2011) and Law No. 119/1996 (republished on November 2nd, 2009) on the civil status documents, situation which, on the one hand brings about a series of difficulties as regards the correct interpretation and enforcement of the law, and, on the other hand, is in breach of the rules of principle of Law No. 24/2000 laying down detailed rules on the legislative technique for drafting regulations (republished on April 21st, 2010).
In essence, the article emphasizes the inconsistent practice of the courts, as regards the consequences of changing the legal classification of the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – by indictment, an action of initiating proceedings before the court, on the means of appeal in the criminal trial. The legal matter under discussion takes into consideration the impact of the provisions of art. 361, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Criminal Procedure Code and of art. 3851 paragraph 1, letter d1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, according to which the judgments regarding criminal offences for which the initiation of criminal procedure is carried out following the preliminary complaint of the injured person cannot be challenged with an appeal, but only with a second appeal . Thus, in relation to the new legal classification of the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – the means of appeal that can be used in such criminal cases must be established. In our opinion, in case of changing the legal classification, the legal classification given to the criminal offence – the subject matter of the judgment – by the court whose decision is subject to judicial review is decisive in establishing the means of appeal.