  • In the new Criminal Procedure Code, the function for verification the sending to trial legality is conducted by a judicial body independent of the Court, the judge for preliminary chamber. In the preliminary chamber procedure, the judge checks the regularity of the referral, the legality of the administration of evidence and of prosecution acts, as well as the jurisdiction of the Court. The Criminal Procedure Code does not provide expressly the type of the act by which the Prosecutor can remedy the deficiencies of the referral. The jurisprudence is not unitary, sometimes recognizing, sometimes penalizing the remedy of the deficiencies of the indictment through different types of procedural acts. The article achieves analysis of doctrine with regard to this issue. The authors motivate the solution that preserves the unity of the sending to Court act, respectively the remake of the indictment. Consequences of the types of solutions adopted in practice are explored from the perspective of the right to defence of the accused person.
  • This study is devoted to a very present topic, namely that of the liability of the State and of the magistrates for the judicial errors produced in the criminal cases or other type of cases. After a brief introduction to the subject, the author makes an analysis of comparative law in the matter subject to examination, pointing out that, in most European countries, the dominant system is that of establishing the liability of the State and of the magistrates for the judicial errors. The author also presents us some of the solutions of the common law system, where the principle is that of impunity of the magistrates for the judicial errors. The author emphasizes that, in our law, the liability of the State is the dominant one and it has the character of an objective liability, founded on the provisions of Article 52 (3) of the Romanian Constitution. There are also analyzed in this article the procedural conditions of the liability of the State for the judicial errors. A special place in this study is devoted to the liability of the magistrates, particularly of the judges, for the judicial errors. It is emphasized, in particular, the subsidiary nature of the liability of the magistrates, as well as the fact that their liability may be engaged only under the subjective conditions specifically determined by the law, respectively in the situations where they have acted in their judicial function in „bad faith” or with „obvious negligence”. The author pleads for maintaining this solution in the future as well, the only one that, in his opinion, is meant to achieve the necessary balance between the independence of the judge and the necessary social and legal responsibility. At the end of the study there are also formulated some legislative proposals, such as those relating to setting some common time limits in civil and criminal matters, to establishing the obligation of the State to exercise the action for regress, to the professional liability insurance of magistrates etc.
  • The rule of exclusion remains one of the most controversial issues in the American constitutional doctrine in the field of criminal procedure. The American jurists constantly point out that the rule of exclusion is unique in the field of law, being specific to the American law. However, an increasing number of countries adopt in their legislative system provisions to exclude illegally obtained evidence. This study outlines a few remarks around Article 102 of the Criminal Procedure Code newly introduced in our legislation, trying to bring more clarity on the origin, purpose and ways to invoke the established principle.
  • In this study, the author presents some aspects of the problems of proving with witnesses of the own assets, in the relations between spouses, over three periods of the legislative evolution in Romania: the period from 1 February 1954, when the Family Code entered into force, to 1 October 2011, when the new Civil Code entered into force; the period from the entry into force of the new Civil Code and 15 February 2013 (the date when the new Civil Procedure Code entered into force); the period that began on 15 February 2013, when the new Civil Procedure Code entered into force, a date since when the matter of proving the own assets in the relations between spouses is governed by the new Civil Code and by the new Civil Procedure Code. In this part of the study the author notes that Article 316 of the new Civil Procedure Code contains a wording likely to generate divergent case law concerning the proof with witnesses of the own assets in the relations between spouses. The author argues the opinion that, from 15 February 2013 as well, the proof of the own assets in the relations between spouses can be given by any means of evidence, including the proof with witnesses, which, however, in case of the opposition from one of the spouses, can not be relatives and in-laws in rank prohibited by law. In this context, the author makes a de lege ferenda proposal for the amendment of the content of Article 316 of the new Civil Procedure Code, in order to prevent the emergence of a non-unitary case law. The proposal is to replace the phrase and other family relations with the phrase and other similar family relations.
  • The absolutisation of the effects of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union or of the provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in areas not falling within the exclusive jurisdiction of the European Union (EU or the Union) or in areas of shared jurisdiction where EU no longer wishes to legislate on the basis of the principles of subsidiarity or proportionality can lead to mistakes in the application of the national law by the law courts of the Member States of EU. In this article the author identifies such a case in the field of access to the data stored by the suppliers of public electronic communications networks and by the suppliers of publicly available electronic communication services and brings arguments to remedy this situation.
  • Calea de atac a contestației poate fi exercitată, în condițiile art. 347 C.pr.pen., inclusiv atunci când niciun participant la procesul penal nu a formulat cereri sau ridicat excepții în procedura camerei preliminare. În acest scop, încheierea prin care judecătorul finalizează procedura de cameră preliminară trebuie comunicată participanților, eventuala omisiune putând fi revelată inclusiv în calea de atac a apelului, cu consecința regresării procedurii din faza judecății în faza camerei preliminare (cu notă aprobativă).
  • The new Romanian Civil Code contains references to the goodwill, but it does not regulate the legal regime of the goodwill. In the absence of a legal regulation of the goodwill, the legal nature of the goodwill is analysed on the basis of the new conception of the Civil Code concerning the patrimony of the natural person and of the legal person. According to the Civil Code (Article 31), the unique patrimony of the natural or legal person may be subject to a division in the cases and under the conditions provided by law. Allocation patrimonies are the fiduciary patrimonies and those allocated to practicing an authorized profession. In the light of this conception, the goodwill represents an allocation patrimony, namely a distinct fraction of the patrimony of the natural or legal person, intended for conducting the trading activity. Under the terms of the new Civil Code, which admits that the patrimony of a natural or legal person may be subject to a division or an allocation, it is fully justified to qualify the goodwill as „trading patrimony”, a name repudiated in the past.
  • This study proposes a comparative analysis of the main economic and financial offences from their regulatory perspective, given the significant amendments of the Romanian criminal legislation occurred starting with 1 February 2014. The author makes a presentation of how the incrimination of these criminal acts has been amended, regardless of the relevant provisions, the Criminal Code or the special laws. He insists on the situations where amendments of substance occurred and it is analyzed their opportunity, as well as the effects reflected by the judicial practice. Similarly, critical notes are exposed, with the necessary arguments on some of these legislative amendments.
  • In this article, the author analyzes the parliamentary procedure for the review of laws, pursuant to the request of the President of Romania, in the light of the case law of the Constitutional Court. In its judicial practice, the court of constitutional administrative disputes found that the provisions included in the parliamentary regulations of both legislative Chambers, which regulated the procedure of review of the laws on the initiative of the President of Romania, do not comply with the constitutional provisions. The author analyzes in detail the objections of unconstitutionality of the Constitutional Court and shows, in the end, that the elaboration of a clear, unambiguous parliamentary procedure is necessary in order to review the laws following the request addressed by the President of Romania, which reflects the letter and the spirit of the constitutional provisions.
  • In this article, the author discusses the issue of limitation of the exercise of certain rights and freedoms, as debated and regulated by the Constituent Assembly in 1991. There are analyzed in detail the theses for the draft Constitution that set out the constitutional conditions for which compliance is imperative, so that the Romanian State and the Romanian Parliament be able to make the decision of limiting some rights or freedoms of the citizens. The author gives a significant consideration to presenting the philosophy of the constitutional norm that recognizes the State’s right to limit under certain circumstances the exercise of some fundamental rights and freedoms of the Romanian citizens. It is noted that constitutional limitation of the some rights or freedoms of the citizens fully complies with the European doctrine of constitutional law and of the judicial practice of ECHR. The author analyzes in detail every case which may determine the Parliament to limit the exercise of some rights and freedoms, as well as the conditions for imposing the limitation.
  • The article presents the evidentiary standards in case of the extended confiscation, claiming the necessity to establish the difference between the legal income and the value of assets acquired, also taking into account the expenses made by the accused and their family members, mentioning the assets or sums of money subject to extended confiscation, based on an evaluation report drawn up by an expert, by the indictment.
  • This article explores the concept of usucapion as envisioned by the new Civil Code of Romania. In the current regulation, the usucapion retains its status as both an originary mode of acquiring property and other real rights and a particularly important effect of possession. Unlike the former regulation, usucapion is now applicable not only in real estate matters, but also to moveable goods. With this new regulation, the lawmaker also had in mind the land registry system, as established by Law No 7/1996. In this regard, the provisions applicable to Transylvania, Banat and Bucovina in respect to the distinction between the two forms of real estate usucapion, namely tabular and extra-tabular, are extended for the entire country, with some changes. Therefore, our study sets forth a novel perspective on this subject and at the same time aims to present its findings in a concise, albeit exhaustive manner.
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