• The Collective labour contract unique at national level for 2007–2010 was undoubtedly a point of reference in the matter of collective negotiation from Romania, because its contractual clauses established the qualitative accumulations gathered during the conclusion of the collective labour contracts unique at national level, starting with the first contracts concluded after the entry into force of Law No 13/1991 in 1991. Having in view that, under the influence of the Law No 62/2011 (of the social dialogue), the conclusion of the Collective labour contract unique at national level is not permitted, the useful clauses of the mentioned collective labour contract can no longer be applied. In this study it is proposed the emphasis of the essential clauses of the Collective labour contract unique at national level for 2007–2010 and the formulation of a de lege ferenda proposal for their inclusion in the labour legislation.
  • The author raises for discussion a series of legal issues related to the proper interpretation and application of two cases of cessation of the individual labour contract, regulated by the Labour Code, namely: – the cessation de jure of the individual labour contract pursuant to Article 56 (1) c) of the Code (cessation de jure on the date of the cumulative fulfilment of the standard age conditions and of the minimum contribution period for the compulsory pension); – the dismissal determined by the dissolution of the position held by the employee (Article 65 of the Labour Code).
  • The issue of blank bill of exchange titles has always been a subject that has opened the path for debates and controversies, being always of present interest. The interest of clarifying this legal figure is not only a theoretical one, but also a practical one, the blank promissory note being a means of security frequently encountered within the credit contracts concluded by banks. The advantages conferred by the blank promissory note, consisting in the easy way of establishing the title, the flexibility of its content from the perspective of its possibility of filling in, the rapidity of its conversion into a title that can be subjected to enforcement, the restriction of the debtor’s possibilities to contest it and the celerity of the procedure for settlement of such disputes, reflect undeniable arguments for the use of such a legal instrument in the professionals’ practice. This study aims to emphasize certain aspects related to the issue of the blank promissory note, its guarantee and the defences of issuer and of the guarantor of the blank promissory note within the enforcement of the bill of exchange, also with reference to the case of entry into insolvency of the issuer.
  • In this study it is examined the legality of the control by the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement provided that the legislator has conferred the jurisdiction of verifying the procedure for the award of these contracts to other specialized public authorities, and has conferred to the Court of Audit powers of general control on the manner of formation, management and use of the public financial resources. Taking advantage of these control powers with a wide range of coverage, the Court of Audit has extended, unlawfully, through its own regulations, this control over a specialized field, respectively that of the procedure for the award of public procurement contracts, overlapping the control exercised by other administrative authorities and affecting the stability of the legal relations arising from these contracts. That is why it is proposed the legislator’s intervention for the express regulation of the control powers of the Court of Audit in the matter of public procurement, the conditions and limits of this control, in order to avoid the parallelism and the conflict of jurisdiction between this public authority and the other specialized administrative authorities in the field.
  • Recently (re)invented (2005) by the Italian and North American law schools, quickly developed and initially submitted as a „science a little bizarre” (J.-B. Auby, 2007), the global administrative law is one of the legal results of the phenomenon of globalization. Introducing an increasing porosity of the borders, and also a considerable development of the functions of the non-state actors, increasingly diverse and numerous, globalization creates new phenomena of adjustment, involved in the development of transparency and that contribute to the accountability of each intervener on the supranational stage. This is the background of the emergence of a global administrative law, based on a new and systematic analysis of the supra- and trans- national phenomena, mostly heteroclite in appearance. In only a decade, around these precepts, an authentic school of thought has been crystallized, developed especially in common law doctrine, less exploited in French doctrine, and its presence finding its beginning in the Romanian doctrine by this study.
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