• The study is devoted to the systematic analysis of the provisions of the Law No 8/1996 on copyright and neighbouring rights devoted to the legal status of the computer programs. The analysis is also carried out by considering the internal regulations in relation to those of the Directive of the Council of the European Communities No 91/250/EEC on the legal protection of the computer programs. Specifically, the object of the analysis covers aspects such as: the definition of the computer programs; their legal nature; the elements of the computer programs subject to legal protection and those that elude this protection; the copyright holders in case of computer programs; the rights resulting from the creation of the computer programs; the capitalization of patrimonial rights in the case of computer programs.
  • The article offers an analysis of the regulation of the institution of unworthiness to inherit as regulated by the Civil Code which entered into force on 1 October 2011. First the author had in view both the influences of the foreign regulations which served as a model for drafting the normative act and the conclusions of the Romanian doctrine and of the case law relevant in the matter, which the Romanian legislator has taken into account. Starting from the nature of civil sanction of the unworthiness to inherit, there are analyzed the modalities which can remove the effects thereof, formulating, at the same time, relevant de lege ferenda proposals in order to create a unitary system as comprehensive as possible relative to the related procedure.
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