• The non-unitary practice of some courts and public prosecutor’s offices in the district of the Court of Appeal of Oradea, generated by the different interpretation of some legal provisions in the criminal and criminal processual matters, gives the author the opportunity for some comments and de lege ferenda proposals. This study deals with the controversial aspects referring to the following institutions of criminal law and of criminal processual law: the jurisdiction of the judge of rights and freedoms in the matter of preventive measures in case of joining some cases; the complex offence or the formal concurrence of offences in case of committing some acts of outrage or judiciary outrage; the solutions of the preliminary chamber; the territorial jurisdiction of the criminal prosecution bodies under the terms of unique referrals; the concurrence of qualifications (of texts, of rules) or ideal concurrence of offences; the legal nature of the institutions of waiver of application of the punishment and the postponement of the application of punishment.
  • The article aims to analyze the regime of regulation and of application of punishments ordered by the judgments of the international criminal courts, at a moment when the two ad-hoc tribunals, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, are in a period close to the end of their mandate, and the International Criminal Court is undergoing crystallization of a practice, after the first final judgments of its activity were delivered. There are reviewed, on the one hand, the regulations within the statutes of these courts on punishments, their doctrinal foundations, as well as controversial aspects or aspects which give rise to comments in their judicial practice. There are also mentioned some aspects concerning the enforcement of punishments, taking into account the special circumstances in which these courts carry on their activity.
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