• This study subjects to our attention brief critical reflections on the provisions of the new Civil Code in matters of seizin. Appeared as an institution that had served the transmission of the property right from the deceased to his legal heirs, evolving as an institution that had served the possession of property in the inheritance, the seizin was taken over by the Romanian Civil Code of 1864 in a truncated manner from the French Civil Code, which gave rise to a confusing legal regime, constantly criticized in the doctrine in point of content, effects and scope of application thereof. Although the Romanian legislator had the opportunity to complete the field of application and to define by law the notion of seizin by the reform of the civil law occurred in 2011, it has regulated the seizin so that, at least for reasons of terminology, the author considers that the legal texts are still open for improvement, being susceptible of non-application or generating confusions in the current wording.
  • In the ambience of the legal framework established by the new Civil Procedure Code, this study proposes an analysis of some aspects referring to the determination of the jurisdiction of courts which settle civil disputes in matters of performance of civil contracts, in relation to the procedural provisions instituted by the new Civil Procedure Code. In order to achieve the proposed approach, the study analyses both the problems of determining the jurisdictions of the courts which settle disputes derived from the performance of civil contracts depending on the value of the object of the civil contract and the problems of determining the jurisdictions of the courts which settle the requests concerning the obligations to do or not to do, non-assessable in cash, having a contractual source. There are also analyzed the modalities for determining the jurisdictions of the courts which settle disputes derived from the tenancy contract, with its varieties, and, respectively, the leasing contract.
  • Some clauses of the collective labour contracts concluded at level of groups of units or of sectors of activity, applicable for the years 2014–2015, appear to be in contradiction with the labour legislation in force. Without being exhaustive, this study analyses such contractual clauses, by comparing them to similar legal provisions, the author proposing some practical solutions, so that the application of these provisions of the collective labour contracts would not create difficulties.
  • Together with the tax statement, the taxation decision is the main legal document for establishing and individualising of the fiscal obligation. It is a fiscal administrative document, to which the special law assigns the valences of a debenture, however particularizing it by issuer, object which it concerns, content, form and enforceable legal power. These aspects will be the object of analysis in this study, having as finality the configuration of the legal regime of this legal fiscal instrument.
  • Tax domicile is defined in the Fiscal Procedure Code in order to provide solutions to some problems of administration of taxes, contributions and other amounts owed by taxpayers, especially those on the tax registration and establishing territorial competence of the fiscal bodies. Also, the tax domicile is important in a fiscal legal relationship, in the relationships of the taxpayer with the tax authorities in case the taxpayer may be represented by an empowered person. The taxpayer with no tax domicile in Romania, who has the obligation of submitting tax declarations to the tax authorities should designate an empowered person, with tax residence in Romania, with some exceptions recently regulated by the Fiscal Procedure Code. Based on the importance of the correct determination the taxpayer’s tax domicile, the study aims to examine the legal implications of tax domicile in the procedure for the administration of taxpayers.
  • The patrimonial civil rights the content of which has a pecuniary value include the real rights and the claim rights. The claim rights must be regarded directly as a relationship between persons, and, only indirectly, as a relationship between persons and things. The present study aims to analyze in detail the definition of the claim rights, of their legal characters, of the sources and the history of these rights. At the same time, this study proposes a comparative analysis between the claim rights and the real rights.
  • In this study, the author examines Article 11 paragraph (4) the first subparagraph of the Treaty on the European Union concerning the citizens’ initiative, which provides that „Not less than one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of Member States may take the initiative of inviting the European Commission, within the framework of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing the Treaties.” In this regard, after the statutory procedure in this matter is indicated, there are described the various citizens’s initiatives promoted up to the present.
  • Conform art. 315 alin. (2) lit. d) C.pr.pen., în cazul în care procurorul dispune soluția de clasare a cauzei, ordonanța trebuie că cuprindă (după caz) și mențiunea sesizării judecătorului de cameră preliminară cu propunerea de desființare totală sau parțială a unui înscris. Acest aspect este reluat în art. 5491 C.pr.pen., care reglementează procedura în asemenea situații; astfel, potrivit alin. (1), în cazul în care procurorul a dispus clasarea sau renunțarea la urmărire penală și sesizarea judecătorului de cameră preliminară în vederea luării măsurii de siguranță a confiscării speciale sau a desființării unui înscris, ordonanța de clasare, însoțită de dosarul cauzei, se înaintează instanței căreia i-ar reveni, potrivit legii, competența să judece cauza în primă instanță, după expirarea termenului prevăzut la art. 339 alin. (4) ori, după caz, la art. 340 sau după pronunțarea hotărârii prin care plângerea a fost respinsă. Conform alin. (3) al art. 5491 C.pr.pen., judecătorul de cameră preliminară poate dispune una dintre următoarele soluții:
  • Analizând cererea de recurs, instanța reține următoarele: În fapt, motivul de recurs invocat de recurenta-reclamantă Banca T. privește posibilitatea antrenării răspunderii civile delictuale a lichidatorului, în temeiul art. 22 alin. (4) coroborat cu art. 24 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 85/2006, pentru săvârșirea unui act prevăzut de această lege în competența sa. Ambele părți – atât recurenta-reclamantă, cât și intimata-pârâtă S. – S.P.R.L. – sunt de acord asupra următoarelor elemente de fapt: – la data de 24 martie 2011 a fost vândut la licitație un bun imobil (apartament) al debitoarei M. – S.R.L., al cărei lichidator este intimata-pârâtă S. – S.P.R.L. (Proces-verbal de licitație nr. 30 din 24 martie 2011); – în vederea participării la licitație, recurenta-reclamantă a făcut o ofertă de adjudecare a imobilului, în contul creanței pe care o are împotriva debitoarei M. – S.R.L., la prețul de 18.750 euro – echivalentul a 75% din valoarea de evaluare a imobilului (Adresa nr. 9552 din 24 martie 2011);
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