La sfârșitul anului 1871 a fost creată „Societatea juridică” – cea dintâi societate juridică românească. În același an, joi, 16 decembrie, avea să vadă lumina tiparului primul număr al revistei „Dreptul” (la acea dată ziarul „Dreptulu”) – cea mai veche publicație juridică existentă în România zilelor noastre.
The study begins with defining the pre-contractual period and with revealing its importance in the process of forming the contracts by free negotiations or, as the case may be, by conventionally organized negotiations. The deontology of negotiations for the formation of contracts is also defined. It follows from this definition that, mainly, the content of the deontology of free pre-contractual negotiations is made up of the obligations with value of limits of the freedom to negotiate. These obligations or limits are of two types: some of them are legal, being expressly provided by law, by imperative norms or, as the case may be, by dispositive norms, and others implicit. At the core of these obligations is the mandatory legal obligation of the negotiating partners to comply with the exigencies of good faith. Good faith is a proteiform concept or notion, a standard with the value of a general principle, flexible and open, which makes it possible to adapt it to the concrete circumstances and conditions of the formation and execution of each contract. Thus, in the matter of concluding contracts, good faith governs any pre-contractual negotiations, whether they are free or are conventionally organized. Moreover, this obligation is expressly, clearly and imperatively established in the texts of Article 1183 of the Civil Code, being an application of the general principle of good faith in contractual matters, established with special force in Article 1170 of the Civil Code, corroborated with Article 14 of the Civil Code, which concerns the exercise of any right and the execution of any obligation. Being a complex notion, a concept with a proteiform structure and flexible in its content, good faith is the source of the origin and of the existence of the other rules and obligations that make up the content of the deontology of free negotiations for the progressive formation of contracts. From among these obligations there are analyzed the following: the obligation of pre-contractual information, the obligation of confidentiality, the obligation of counselling, the obligation of prudence or abnegation, the obligation of exclusivity, the obligation of coherence and the obligation of cooperation. The author tries to argue that some of these obligations, especially the implicit ones, have as a foundation and source, in addition to the general obligation of good faith, also the principle of contractual solidarism.
This research, analyzing in detail the decisive historical moments for the institution of the notary public, emphasizes the importance of preventing the legal disputes. The authors assume the preference for avoiding a legal dispute as compared to its settlement, keeping and declaring publicly the admiration for the professionals who assist or represent the litigant on the daring and difficult road to „justice”. Briefly passing the medieval period of the presence of the notary public in Transylvania, emphasizing the importance of the papal notary or of the prince’s chancelleries, insisting on the period of formation of Greater Romania and then of the legislative reform imposed after the Great Union, the article identifies the acts and draft normative acts in this matter, which emphasize the usefulness of the profession, the superior professional training of the notary public and the trust that the citizen or the state, regardless of the arrangement, had and still has in the professional notary. The entire research emphasizes new documents, draft normative acts unknown to the general public and it finally defines conclusions, which demonstrate both the permanence of the profession, the role of justice of the peace of the notary public, and his consistent contribution to achieving the „preventive justice”.
Starting from Code of Canon Law we discuss some religious and legal aspects of the Catholic „natural marriage” which cannot be disconnected by t he contemporary cultural and social changes. Here we take into account the power of love which makes people see and wish not only the traditional appearance of marriage, but its real sense. From this point of view, we explain other sides of the nowadays marriage like irregular unions (civil marriages and partnerships) and invalidity of the canonical marriage. We consider that there should be avoided judges that do not consider the complexity of different situations in which people live or suffer. The Church works in the spirit of fraternity and charity and that is why those people who live in some exceptions of the „natural marriage” should be integrated in different ways within the Christian communities.
In the system of the Civil Code of 1864, the emancipated minor acquired a limited capacity, and emancipation was a period of transition between the complete incapacity and the full freedom. The system of 1954 maintains „tacit emancipation”, but removes the term that reminded of the past, and gives only to the woman the possibility to marry before the age of 18. In addition, through „restricted” exercise capacity, the minors aged 14–18, regardless of gender, acquire an „intermediate” capacity. In search of a balance between tradition and modernity, the current system maintains „tacit emancipation”, preserves the „antechamber” of full capacity and restores „express emancipation”. There are regulated two hypotheses in which a natural person can acquire full capacity of exercise before reaching the age of 18: the conclusion of a valid marriage and the judicial recognition. In both cases, the minimum age required is 16 years and specific „justified reasons” must be proved.
Cross-border private life is under the rule of legislative changes occurred in the European law and in the national private international law. The property regimes of the international couples benefit from parallel regulations – the Regulation „matrimonial regimes” and the Regulation „registered partnerships”, for the states participating in enhanced judicial cooperation, the national law respectively, for the other Member States. Although they have different sources (the marriage, the registered partnership), the matrimonial regime and the partnership regime have multiple areas of convergence (the role of the will of the parties in determining the law of the patrimonial regime and in designating the competent court of law, the objective location of regimes, the most connecting factors). At the same time, the elements that differentiate the property regime of the spouses and of the partners configurate the specifics of the couples’ unions and the instruments of achieving the predictability and security of the civil circuit with an element of extraneity.
In this article, the author aims to analyze the theoretical foundations of two essential principles for the state of law and how to balance the relations between the three powers: the principle of constitutional loyalty and the principle of loyal institutional collaboration between the public authorities vested with the governing powers. The two principles are not formally provided in the text of the Constitution, but can be deduced by way of interpretation from other constitutional principles. As for the first principle, the author shows that it has its source in the obligation freely assumed by each member of a community of individuals organized according to the principles of social hierarchy, or imposed by the public authority with supreme force in the community, to respect a summum of legal norms, whose purpose consists in the regulation and harmonization of the social relations. The origin of the second principle is found in the principle of separation of the three powers in the state, which in the governing process are obliged to collaborate loyally with each other, within the institutional framework prescribed by the constitutional norm. In the end, the author concludes that the substance of the principle of constitutional loyalty includes not only the general obligation of citizens and of both public authorities and institutions to respect the will of the Constituent Legislator formally expressed in the text of the Constitution, but also the obligation of the STATE and of each public authority provided in the Constitution, to be loyal to the CITIZEN. Otherwise, the relations between the state and the citizen are compromised, or will take the form and content of totalitarian-type relations, in which the individual is deprived of rights and absorbed by the state as a dehumanized form of life. The author considers that the loyalty of the state towards the citizen is an obligation of constitutional rank and, on this basis, he proposes, de lege ferenda, its express inclusion in the text of the Constitution at a future revision thereof.
The aggravation of the global ecological problems, including by multiplying and amplifying the effects of the acts of massive and sustainable destruction of the environment, as well as intensifying the concerns for its protection require also the increase of the contribution of the law, especially by strengthening the criminal response, by stressing the particularisation and increasing the efficiency of the measures adopted for this purpose. In expressing this tendency we are witnessing the emergence of a process of recognition and inclusion, thus, among international crimes, of the crime of ecocide, together with and in the potentiation of the meanings of the already existing one of genocide. It is perceived from a legal point of view and it is established in terms of action a new absolute value, that of the security of the planet. In this way, the concept of „crime against ecoumanity” is forged, opening new horizons for legal reflection and for relevant legal-administrative and judicial practice. As part of the effective approach, the definition of „ecocide” has a preliminary nature and it has already known relevant expressions. Among the latest projects of an international definition of ecocide it is distinguished that of the L. Neyret team (2015) and of the Stop Ecocid Foundation (2021). Their analysis, accelerated in the context of the absolute affirmation of the climate change, generates new concrete and doctrinal challenges, the expression of which is assumed as such.
Almost 8 years after 1 February 2014, the day when the current Criminal Code entered into force, it seems to be a useful step to analyze how the principles of Romanian criminal law are reflected in this Code. Following the examination, we will find that some of the principles enjoy express consecration, such as the legality of incrimination or the legality of the criminal law sanctions, and others have different applications in the body of the Criminal Code or are deduced from the economy of the criminal provisions. In the present paper we will review the doctrinal conceptions regarding the principles of the criminal law and the way in which they are reflected in the current Criminal Code.
This paper presents the author’s vision on the legal consequences of the implementation of a concept, the National Electronic File, which involves the electronic visualisation of the documents existing in a file pending before a court of law and the possibility of electronic communication of the procedural documents both from the litigant to the court and vice versa, from the court of law to the litigant. Starting from some principles, such as the facultative nature for the citizen and the mandatory nature for the public institutions to use this electronic mechanism, and taking into account regulations from the comparative law, the main directions for amending the codes of procedure are presented, in order to achieve a simpler, friendlier and, last but not least, more efficient justice.
The study provided by the author is devoted to some general approaches on the judicial and procedural systems in some countries in Latin America and in the Caribbean Sea area. The first part of this approach is dedicated to an introduction of the general reforms in the geographical area of reference and to the concerns of the governments in the area regarding the implementation of some reforms intended to make justice more efficient and more accessible to the litigants. The author notes that also in Latin America and in the countries of the Caribbean area the real problems of justice are not essentially different from those on other continents, including from the European area: the postponement of trials, the overcrowding of the courts of law and a modest funding of the judicial system. The political influences on justice in some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean area have led, in this geographical area as well, to a significant decrease of the citizens’ trust in the judicial system. The organization of the judicial systems from the countries of reference offers us a complex legal geography, in relation to the way of organization from the European countries, since in many states in the area the Roman-German law system coexists with that of common law, the latter’s greatest influence being found in the field of public law. The last part of the study presents us some of the most significant approaches at the level of the strictly procedural institutions. And the reforms undertaken in the last three decades in procedural matters cannot ignore the role and influence exerted by the Preliminary Draft Civil Procedure Code for Latin America. That is why the author presented, in a synthetic manner, the principles that were the basis of this important Latin American project and which had a positive impact on some of the regulations contained in the new Civil Procedure Codes adopted in recent years in the specified geographical area. The author’s investigation is not only of doctrinal interest, viewed from the point of view of a comparative research, but also a practical one in an era in which the effervescence of globalization forces us to new reflections on the organization of an efficient, fast justice that leads to prompt enforcement of the judicial decisions. Some of the procedural reforms in Latin America and in the Caribbean area can also be benchmarks for the reforms of justice in other countries, including in the European Union area. And, from among these, the most significant concern undoubtedly the acceleration of trials, the rationalization of the means of appeal, especially the appeal in cassation, the reduction of special procedures and the settlement of some cases, especially of low value, in a single hearing.
După o părere foarte răspândită, întreaga operă legislativă a anilor 1864–1866 ar fi fost o simplă traducere a unor legiuiri apusene, întocmită abia în câteva săptămâni.
Din interpretarea dispozițiilor art. 1847 și următoarele și a art. 1890 C.civ. din 1864 rezultă că prescripția achizitivă trebuie opusă doar fostului proprietar al imobilului în litigiu, în considerarea efectului juridic al uzucapiunii de sancțiune civilă față de titularul nediligent care a permis ieșirea bunului din patrimoniul său. În măsura în care însă nu este posibilă identificarea fostului proprietar al terenului ce face obiectul cererii, ori a altor persoane care ar fi interesate în contestarea uzucapiunii sau acesta a decedat și nu s-a dezbătut succesiunea vacantă, calitatea procesuală pasivă se prezumă, prin dispozițiile legii, că aparține unității administrativ-teritoriale, în a cărei rază teritorială se află imobilul, ca titulare ale patrimoniului imobiliar. Prin urmare, legitimarea procesuală pasivă a unității administrativ-teritoriale nu decurge, în mod arbitrar, din faptul neidentificării unui alt pârât, ci se întemeiază pe dispozițiile art. 26 din Legea fondului funciar nr. 18/1991, relative la caracterul potențial de bun fără stăpân al terenului în litigiu. Altfel s-ar putea ajunge în situația particulară a inexistenței unei persoane care să pretindă un drept de proprietate asupra nemișcătorului, în calitate de proprietar sau de moștenitor al proprietarului inițial al terenului, la respingerea acțiunii în constatarea dobândirii dreptului de proprietate, prin efectul prescripției achizitive, deși sunt îndeplinite condițiile legale pentru a uzucapa, pe considerentul că unitatea administrativ-teritorială este lipsită de legitimare procesuală pasivă, ceea ce ar echivala cu lipsirea reclamantului de orice posibilitate de valorificare a dreptului său. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Secția I civilă, Decizia nr. 2470 din 19 noiembrie 2020)
Prin cererea de chemare în judecată, reclamantul a solicitat obligarea pârâtului la plata unor sume de bani cu titlu de daune-interese pentru neexecutarea unor obligații contractuale, acțiunea fiind înregistrată la Judecătoria Sectorului 3 București, instanța de la sediul reclamantului. În motivarea cererii principale s-a arătat că între părți s-a încheiat un contract de transport sub forma unei comenzi de transport și a anexei aferente. Pârâtul s-a obligat astfel să transporte marfa dintr-un anumit loc în altul, la o anumită temperatură. Întrucât acesta din urmă nu s-a prezentat la locul de destinație la ora stabilită în comanda de transport, destinatarul final nu a mai dorit marfa. Mai mult, cu ocazia recepției mărfii, s-a constatat că marfa fusese transportată în condiții necorespunzătoare, la o temperatură neconformă, mențiunea fiind înscrisă în CMR. În continuare, reclamantul a susținut că proprietarul mărfii, terț față de contractul de transport, ar fi suferit un prejudiciu din faptul că marfa nu a fost vândută cumpărătorului inițial, ci unui alt cumpărător la un preț inferior, rezultând o pagubă constând în diferența de preț dintre cele două vânzări. Acest prejudiciu a fost facturat de către terț reclamantului, care mai departe l-a refacturat către pârât. Prin întâmpinare, pârâtul a invocat, printre altele, excepția necompetenței teritoriale a Judecătoriei Sectorului 3 București, afirmând că nici comanda de transport, nici anexa ei nu au fost semnate și ștampilate, astfel că nu există un contract de transport. În replică, reclamantul a arătat că instanța judecătorească pe care a învestit-o cu soluționarea acțiunii este competentă, întrucât în cuprinsul anexei la comanda de transport se regăsește o clauză atributivă de competență, care stabilește competența de soluționare a litigiilor în favoarea instanțelor de la sediul reclamantului. Mai mult, susține că inexistența unui contract de transport nu poate fi reținută, dat fiind că, subsecvent comenzii de transport, au fost emise de către pârât un CMR semnat și ștampilat, o factură pentru transportul realizat în care se specifică „comanda nr. 77”, precum și o somație comunicată reclamantului prin care i s-a pus în vedere să achite prețul transportului. (Rezumat al susținerilor părților)
Potrivit art. 275 alin. (1) C.pen., sustragerea, distrugerea, reținerea, ascunderea ori alterarea de mijloace materiale de probă sau de înscrisuri, în scopul de a împiedica aflarea adevărului într-o procedură judiciară, se pedepsește cu închisoarea de la 6 luni la 5 ani. Conform art. 198 alin. (1) C.pr.pen., înscrisurile pot servi ca mijloace de probă, dacă, din conținutul lor, rezultă fapte sau împrejurări de natură să contribuie la aflarea adevărului. (cu notă aprobativă). Infracțiunea de sustragere sau distrugere de probe ori de înscrisuri, prevăzută în art. 275 alin. (1) C.pen., are ca situație premisă existența unei proceduri judiciare începute. În ceea ce privește calitatea de subiect activ, autorul faptei prevăzute de legea penală ce face obiectul procesului penal în care sunt folosite înscrisurile ori mijloacele materiale de probă poate fi subiect activ al infracțiunii de sustragere sau distrugere de probe ori de înscrisuri în modalitatea prevăzută în art. 275 alin. (1) C.pen. (Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție, Completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materie penală, Decizia nr. 3 din 20 ianuarie 2021 publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 396 din 15 aprilie 2021)