In the Romanian judicial practice more numerous cases arise with regard to the annulment of the acts of finding the irregularities committed in the field of obtaining/using the European funds and of establishing the budgetary claims or of applying the financial corrections. This casuistry raises a series of questions relating to the hypotheses in which, in this matter, the European legislation is directly applied and, respectively, when the Romanian legislation is applied and which one specifically (as the case may be, the Government Ordinance No 79/2003 or the Government Emergency Ordinance No 66/2011). In this study the author answers the above-mentioned questions.
The new Criminal Code brings changes with regard to the offences against property, contained in Title II of the special part, including with regard to the incidence of reconciliation. The mixed nature of this institution of criminal material law and of criminal procedural law has generated difficulties in the judicial practice, particularly in relation to Article 159 (2) of the Criminal Code, which states that it must occur before reading the referral act and it raises for discussion a constitutionality examination in relation to the Constitutional Court case-law.
Aspecte introductive. Dintre normele Codului penal1, cele care prezintă interes pentru materia aplicării legii penale mai favorabile sunt cuprinse în art. 4 (aplicarea legii penale de dezincriminare), art. 5 (aplicarea legii penale mai favorabile până la judecarea definitivă a cauzei) și art. 6 (aplicarea legii penale mai favorabile după judecarea definitivă a cauzei). Principiul activității legii penale, prevăzut în art. 3 C.pen., are un corolar, respectiv neretroactivitatea legii penale. De la această regulă pot exista și excepții fie sub forma retroactivității legii penale, fie sub forma ultraactivității legii penale2.
According to Article 247 of the Law No 187/2012 for the implementation of the Law No 286/2009, the Criminal Code entered into force on 1 February 2014. The new Criminal Code provides four articles for the regulation of the application of the criminal law in time: Article 3 refers to the principle of the activity of the criminal law, Article 4 regulates the retroactivity of the criminal law of decriminalization, Article 5 is devoted to the application of the most favourable criminal law before the final judgment of the case, Article 6 concerns the application of the most favourable criminal law after the final judgment of the case, and Article 7 is reserved to the application in time of the temporary criminal law. Throughout this study the author presents and explains the new criminal rules regulating the application in time of criminal law.
Introducere. În aplicarea principiului legii penale mai favorabile (mitior lex) se disting două situații tipice care necesită reglementare juridică diferită: aplicarea legii penale până la judecarea definitivă a cauzei sau după judecarea definitivă a cauzei. Prima ipoteză se referă la situația în care, între momentul săvârșirii faptei și momentul rămânerii definitive a hotărârii de condamnare, intervin una sau mai multe legi penale, punându-se problema alegerii, din legile succesive intervenite, a legii penale mai favorabile.
Aspecte introductive. La data de 1 februarie 2014 s-a produs un eveniment mult așteptat în domeniul dreptului penal, respectiv intrarea în vigoare a Legii nr. 286/2009 privind Codul penal, aceasta urmând a constitui în viitor legea penală de maximă generalitate și stabilitate. Procesul elaborării unui astfel de act normativ nu a fost unul facil, fiind extins pe durata a mai mult de 10 ani și fiind presărat cu multe evenimente fără precedent în peisajul juridic românesc: s-a adoptat Legea nr. 301/2004 care urma să intre în vigoare la un an de la data publicării în Monitorul Oficial al României și să reprezinte Codul penal al României, dar, după mai multe prorogări succesive ale termenului de intrare în vigoare, actul normativ a fost abrogat, fără să fi avut vreo zi de activitate1, actualul Cod penal fiind adoptat prin utilizarea procedeului asumării răspunderii Guvernului României în fața Parlamentului României. În acest fel s-a ajuns la publicarea în Monitorul Oficial al României2 a Legii nr. 286/2009 care a rămas în stare latentă timp de aproape 5 ani, termenul său de intrare în vigoare nefiind stabilit în cadrul său, ci ulterior, în Legea nr. 187/2012 pentru punerea în aplicare a Legii nr. 286/2009 privind Codul penal3.
The article is designed to examine the amendments introduced by the new Criminal Code in the matter of law enforcement in the territory. From this perspective, we notice that the principle of territoriality is supplemented with additional provisions for defining the notions of offense and territory. The principles of personality and reality were adjusted so that they could be effective, yet without burdening the judicial bodies uselessly, and the principle of universality of the criminal law was reformulated in order to apply only to the situations for which the Romanian State has undertaken obligations internationally. New elements were also introduced as regards the international cooperation legal instruments, such as the delivery of persons to another European Union Member State or to an international court, changes that seem justified in the light of international treaties to which Romania is a signatory party.
Criminal law, as a set of mandatory rules of conduct, compliance with which is imposed by the coercive power of the state, applies to all the people on the territory of a given country and for a certain limited period of time. Therefore, the putting into effect of criminal law means the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the duties it provides for, in relation to two essential elements: “territory” and “time”. The application of criminal law on the territory means the actual fulfillment of instructions carrying sanctions in relation to the territory in which a crime was committed, in the country or abroad. The Romanian criminal law is aimed at and applies to the people in the territory of Romania and who must comply with its provisions. The new criminal code has brought numerous and substantial changes to the principles behind the application of the Romanian criminal law in the territory and which we will examine hereinafter.
Criminal law, as a set of mandatory rules of conduct, compliance with which is imposed by the coercive power of the state, applies to all the people on the territory of a given country and for a certain limited period of time. Therefore, the putting into effect of criminal law means the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the duties it provides for, in relation to two essential elements: “territory” and “time”. The application of criminal law on the territory means the actual fulfillment of instructions carrying sanctions in relation to the territory in which a crime was committed, in the country or abroad. The Romanian criminal law is aimed at and applies to the people in the territory of Romania and who must comply with its provisions. The new criminal code has brought numerous and substantial changes to the principles behind the application of the Romanian criminal law in the territory and which we will examine hereinafter.
The article intends to examine the changes that the new Criminal Code brings to the matter of the enforcement of criminal law over time, mainly for the purpose of harmonizing the given provisions with the constitutional principles, as well as for facilitating their implementation. From this perspective, one can notice that the new Criminal Code has largely taken over the provisions currently in force, but has eliminated those contrary to the constitutional principles, such as, for instance, the provisions stipulating that the complementary punishments, the educational measures and the safety measures in the new criminal law are always retroactive for public interest reasons or the provisions regarding the facultative enforcement of the most favorable criminal law in the irrevocably judged cases. We also find the introduction among the provisions subject to the principle of the most favorable criminal law of the legislative instruments declared unconstitutional, as well as of the emergency ordinances approved by the Parliament with amendments, supplements or rejected, provided that they were in force during the period stipulated by the law text.
Until the entry into force of the current Civil Code, the maintenance contract was an unnamed one and did not benefit from a regulation by the former Code or by other normative act. Often encountered, developed in time by the practice, the doctrine and the case law, devoid of rules to determine its definition and content, the maintenance contract raised problems due to the difficulty with which it was delimited from similar contracts. In this study, starting with the provisions of Article 2256 of the Civil Code, corroborated with the provisions of Article 2247 of the Civil Code, we are analyzing a real, practical situation of applicability of the provisions of the mentioned articles, showing also the solution which we consider to be the most effective, from all points of view, to solve the problem. It concerns the situation in which the maintenance contract was concluded during the lifetime of an individual who, at the time of conclusion of the contract, suffered from a disease which caused his death.
The study hereunder examines the ways of exercising the autonomy of will and the reflection of the principle of freedom of contract in civil procedural law. As freedom of contract, like any other freedom in fact, is not absolute or unlimited, the author quests the ways in which, within the framework of civil procedural law institutions, there are covered and operate certain assumptions which may constitute limits to the freedom of contract. In this perspective, we shall have in view institutions such as legal contracts, mediation or arbitration.