When the court of judicial review is vested with the settlement of the recourse against the court order under which the legal and the solid nature of the preventive arrest has been reviewed ex officio according to the procedure set forth by art.3001 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the recourse should be settled before the expiry of the preventive arrest period, taken or extended by the judge subsequently. This review deadline is a bar period, not a recommendation one. In practice, it is found that the court decides in relation to the review of the legal and the solid nature of the preventive arrest upon the receipt of the file, many times on the last or penultimate day of the 30-day deadline of the preventive arrest. This situation occurs either due to the non-observance of the 5-day deadline by the prosecutor, or by the court itself, and consequently the court of appeal decides within a period of a few days following the expiry of the 30-day period.
The following codes coexist at this moment in Romania: the Civil Procedure Code (issued in 1865, republished in 1948, subsequently supplemented and amended on numerous occasions), the Family Code (issued in 1954) and the Civil Code (issued in 1865), both of them were amended and supplemented by the new Civil Code and by the new Civil Procedure Code (published in 2009, respectively in 2010), but have not come into force yet. Under the circumstances, Law No. 202/2010 regarding certain measures to accelerate disputes resolution was enacted in October 2010; this law takes over a series of provisions from the new (civil and civil procedure) Codes. In this context, the author, by means of the above study, makes a thorough analysis of the impact of Law No. 202/2010 (mentioned hereinabove) on the notary procedures (regulated under Law No. 35/1995 regarding notaries public and notary activity, subsequently amended and supplemented in a successive manner) both at present, and from the perspective of the new (civil and civil procedure) Codes.
The new Fiscal Code and the new Fiscal Procedure Code harmonized with the European Union legislation have brought significant mutations in the development of the relations of fiscal law and of fiscal processual law between the public tax authorities and the taxpayers/payers. These relations of fiscal law and of processual fiscal law have as their primary foundation the fiscal administrative act, which underlies the entire edifice of the fiscal matter. Starting from these desiderata, this study aims at analyzing several aspects regarding the implications which the new regulatory framework in fiscal matters has brought in the field of adoption of some fiscal administrative acts, emphasizing, at the same time, the distinction which must be made between the fiscal administrative acts and the administrative acts whereby budgetary claims are individualized.
In this study, the author analyzes the practical implications of the amendments brought to the Civil Procedure Code by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 1/2016, following the admission of the plea of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 666 of the Civil Procedure Code by the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 895/2015. After a brief historical presentation of the legislative events that have led to the current situation regarding the approval of enforcement, the author, by examining the effects of the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 895/2015 and of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 1/2016, identifies the categories of situations that may arise in the practice of enforcement.
The Treaty on European Union includes not only the core of the Community rules, but also references to the necessity to bring some amendments to the national legislation of Member States in accordance with these rules. Complying with this requirement, the Romanian legislator constantly brings amendments which, in criminal matters, involve an interdisciplinary approach, imposing compliance with general principles of law and with principles specific for the protection of human rights and for European Union law.
This study addresses the problems determined by the fact that in the current Romanian criminal processual legislation there is a sign of equivalence between the moment of pronouncing the judgment and the moment of reading the minutes which contains only the operative part of the judgment. This aspect determines certain consequences that affect the rights of the persons who, in one quality or another, are involved in that criminal trial, resulting even in the execution of a minutes and in the conditional release before the reasoning of the appeal decision. For all these reasons, the study proposes that the reasoning of the judgment should be made before the pronouncement, which would remove all the above shortcomings and would strengthen the confidence of the litigants in the act of justice.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the importance of respecting the limits of the medical specialty, the consequences arising from this, in terms of the nature of medical expertise. Nowadays, forensic expertise continues to be approached from an obsolete perspective, without detecting its limits in medical or legal matters. This article aims to analyze the relevant legislation regarding the limits and implications of medical specialties. Despite the abundance of specialized works in the field, it is still difficult to clarify the object of forensic expertise. The purpose of our analysis is to reveal the nature of the expertise that is carried out in trials where medical malpractice is being examined, whether it is the negligence of the doctor or the fault of the medical or pharmaceutical unit.
Achitare persoană fizică autorizată (avocat) pentru infracțiunea de evaziune fiscală. Nedepunerea în termen a declarației fiscale 200 pentru o perioadă de doi ani nu constituie infracțiune, ci contravenție. Sumele obținute din activități economice, dar declarate cu întârziere sau nedeclarate, pot fi impozitate cu ocazia controlului fiscal, în cazul în care documentele primare justificative, respectiv chitanțele și facturile, sunt întocmite, sunt disponibile și pot fi verificate. Nedepășirea plafonului pentru obligativitatea înregistrării contribuabilului ca plătitor de TVA poate fi dovedită prin mijloace de probă.
This study aims to promote several solutions to ensure the accurate interpretation and application of certain provisions regulated under Law No 307/2006 on protection against fires, in order to determine whether the work performed by the employed personnel (holder of an employment agreement in private/voluntary emergency services) can be framed (qualified) as performed in special work conditions, under the legislation applicable to military personnel – professional firefighters under the emergency services.
Prin cererea de chemare în judecată adresată Judecătoriei Constanța la data de 11 iunie 2018, contestatorul S.P. în contradictoriu cu intimata Direcția Generală Regională a Finanțelor Publice Galați – Administrația Județeană a Finanțelor Publice Constanța a solicitat instanței să dispună anularea executării silite înseși și a actelor de executare silită subsecvente, inclusiv Somația din data de 30 martie 2018 și Titlul executoriu din data de 30 martie 2018 emise în Dosarul de executare xx, respectiv să oblige intimata la plata cheltuielilor de judecată.