  • Prin excepție de la regula instituitã prin dispozițiile alin. (1) al art. 86 C.pr.civ., potrivit cãreia comunicarea actelor de procedurã se face prin agent procedural, dispozițiile alin. (3) al aceluiași articol stabilesc cã aceastã comunicare se face prin poștã, cu scrisoare recomandatã cu dovadã de primire sau prin alte mijloace ce asigurã transmiterea textului actului și confirmarea primirii acestuia.
  • Based on the “monistic” nature of the current Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished, entered into force on October 1, 2011) this study concludes that currently one can further discuss the existence of a “commercial law” in Romania, but only if it is no longer designed as an autonomous branch of the private law (in relation to civil law), but only as a component of the professionals’ law which, in turn, is a division (an integral part) of the Romanian civil law.
  • Paragraph (1) of Article 2506 of the Civil Code provides that “limitation does not operate automatically”. The author considers this wording not only useless but also contrary to the reality. He supports his view by emphasizing that the doctrinal thesis underlying its preparation is inaccurate and also that paragraph (1) of Article 2506 of the Civil Code contravenes certain preceding or subsequent legal provisions. In conclusion, the author believes that limitation effect occurs automatically and removing civil liability, which is a consequence of this effect, operates only at the request of those entitled to invoke limitation.
  • This study analyzes the new regulations of the Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009, republished on October 1, 2011) regarding compensation for harm caused to the human body. In this sense, the special rules regarding compensation for personal injury in the said Civil Code are discussed, then a definition of such injuries is proposed, the natures of the injuries in question are emphasized, and, finally, the special uses of the full compensation injury principle in the area of personal injuries are pointed out.
  • Following the entry in force of the Civil Code (Law No.287/2009, republished) on the 1st of October 2011, which repealed the Family Code, the author conducts an extensive analysis of the legal provisions related to the nullity of a marriage, including the causes of nullity, legal regime, nullity consequences between the spouses and between spouses and their children, the competent court and the nullity resolution. This study examines the legal provisions of articles 293-306 of the Civil Code.
  • Fiducia is a legal institution brought into the Romanian national legislation by the entry into force of the New Civil Code. Introducing the institution of fiducia in the national law is the result of adapting national legislation to the new today’s legal and economic realities. The new Civil Code includes regulations applicable to fiducia with / without extraneity element. Regulation of this new institution has theoretical and practical significance as the procedure is a way of protection from creditors. Applying these regulations to particular factual situations requires knowledge and analysis of specific elements of fiducia.
  • The article approaches the issue of the criminal prosecution bodies’ decision on the documents or procedural measures taken while conducting the criminal prosecution. The author examines which of the criminal prosecution bodies – the prosecutor or the criminal investigation body – is entitled to rule on the acts or procedural measures and by which of the procedural acts is ruling; the author also expresses his opinion on the penalty for failure to comply with article 286 of the new Code of Criminal Procedure.
  • Unfortunately, labor legislation also includes insufficiently clear, parallel or contradictory provisions. Some of these provisions relate to the probationary period for persons with disabilities, and others relate to the cancellation of the penalty, consisting of disciplinary termination of the employment contract. In this study, the author analyzes the views expressed in the legal literature on the two institutions and also draws his own solutions.
  • After a presentation of the practical difficulties that arise searching the Electronic Archive of Security Interests in Personal Property, we have reached in this article the conclusion that it would benefit all the participants of the judicial circuit the augmentation of the regulatory framework for the archive activity so that it will detail the procedure and the obligations of the authorized agents in searching for information in the database, following a request. Present lack of regulation leads to an erroneous perception regarding the content of the search certification minute drafted by the authorized agent, perception based on analogy with other institutions (especially the land book), and could ammount to negative consequences.
  • Given the fact that, in accordance with the Community relating provisions, the new regulation of public utilities provides optimal conditions for the organization, functioning and operation of these services, respectively for delegation of these services’ management to private operators, this study aims at analyzing the manner the public utilities are managed by delegating the management of these services from the territorial administrative units to the authorized private operators.
  • In the following study, the author carries out an analysis of the Law No. 571/2004, the author emphasizing the fact that this law is actually very little known and applied, although its adoption in 2004 was made considering Romania’s accession to the European Union (this took place on January 1, 2007). For that purpose, while analyzing certain wordings of the law (which consists of a total of 11 articles), the author proposes a number of amendments and supplements thereto, in order to improve and use thereof in the social life practice.
  • The law branches constitutionalization issues – therefore, also of civil law – came up acutely in Europe after the Second World War, initially in the Federal Republic of Germany and then shortly after, in France and after 1990 in Romania. This study examines the issues mentioned noting that the term of constitutionalization of the law branches is the fundamental human rights effect on the legal system of each State.
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