  • The repeated conviction by the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter ECHR) of the Republic of Moldova for violating Article 1 of Protocol No 1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter ECHR) was a mandatory invitation for national actors to harmonize their own legal system with the European case law, both by legislative, administrative way and by judicial way. Although there have been reported cases in which the European Court of Human Rights has pointed out some shortcomings with regard to harmonizing the Moldovan law with the European exigencies, however most judgments are based on jurisprudential shortcomings. Thus, in order to avoid new convictions by the Strasbourg Court in the sphere of Article 1 of Protocol No 1, in this study the techniques of compatibilization of the national case law with the European ones are researched. Starting from the stated purpose, in the present study it is realized a jurisprudential exercise of the notion of „good” from the perspective of the conventional judge and of the way in which the national courts received it in their own judgments. At the same time, this scientific approach identifies the positive and negative obligations of states and their margin of appreciation left by the ECHR in case of some issues concerning the right to respect for property, as well as the consequences for the state in case of a judgment of conviction.
  • Potrivit art. 181 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 78/2000, folosirea sau prezentarea cu rea-credință de documente ori declarații false, inexacte sau incomplete, dacă fapta are ca rezultat obținerea pe nedrept de fonduri din bugetul general al Uniunii Europene sau din bugetele administrate de aceasta ori în numele ei, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 2 la 7 ani și interzicerea unor drepturi.
  • The present paper aims to examine the „positive” conditions of the procedure of the right to damage repair in case of miscarriage of justice, i.e. those provided only in paragraph (1) of Article 538 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The paper begins with the delimitation of the area of analysis, after which it examines the conceptual reason of the analyzed procedure. Then, the conditions and subconditions found in paragraph (1) of Article 538 of the Criminal Procedure Code are treated by turns. Finally, after analyzing the concept of miscarriage of justice, we take a look at countries with similar legislation: the Republic of Moldova and Switzerland. At the same time, through this material, I am trying to demonstrate, by identifying the problems of interpretation of this paragraph, the fact that the action for damage repair provided in Chapter VI of the Criminal Procedure Code must comply, at least in the light of paragraph (1) of Article 538 far too restrictive conditions. The conditions which this paragraph involves turn the procedure of repair of the material damage or of the moral damage in case of miscarriage of justice into a non-feasible procedure with conditions which presuppose an insignificant stake, as compared to the reparation of the damage in case of the principal’s liability for the deed of his agent, a liability much easier to prove by the damaged person.
  • If from a quantitative point of view the repressive (criminal) law of the environment is increasing, the criminal response as a tool to promote environmental protection is still far from rising at the level of the urgency and magnitude of the ecological problems to which it is called to answer. The causes are related to the insufficient conceptual-regulatory adjustment to the particularities of the field, the concurring strong interests of different nature and the complexity of the theoretical and practical approach to be undertaken. Bringing the repressive right to the level of the mission and current priorities implies a radical reform on the general conception and approach, the unitary and adequate register of incriminations, the particularization of the procedural framework for investigating cases and for applying sanctions and the professionalization and specialization of the jurisdictions. Assimilating the meanings of the precautionary principle, building one’s own criminal regime, by overcoming administrative dependence and consecrating the ecological finality, incriminating the ecocide, in a word the need for another penalty is the key to overcome the impasse and the way to a new, genuine and effective repressive environmental law. In Romania, there is a need for a general rethinking of the relevant normative system through a unitary regulation to include the essential aspects of an adequate incrimination, customized procedures and specialized jurisdictions.
  • Apărută sub egida Institutului de Cercetări Juridice „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” al Academiei Române, sub semnătura a doi prestigioși cercetători ai săi și bine-cunoscuți specialiști ai temei, lucrarea este consacrată în mod evident centenarului tratatelor de la Paris din 1919/1920, în general, și al celui de la Trianon din 4 iunie 1920, în special. Dacă secolul a reprezentat adesea, în istoria omenirii, pe lângă un reper de marcare a scurgerii timpului, un instrument de stabilire a cronologiei faptelor și a evenimentelor și o veritabilă unitate de apreciere a progresului economico-social și cultural, cum se apreciază în prefața lucrării (plasată sub titlul O simplă punere în temă), cel al statului național și al dreptului internațional public ca drept al păcii și al cooperării interstatale se exprimă printr-o moștenire de concepte și experiențe juridico-istorice care au marcat inaugurarea și conferit conținut unei etape istorice majore.
  • Potrivit art. 48 alin. (1) C.pen., complice este persoana care, cu intenție, înlesnește sau ajută în orice mod la săvârșirea unei fapte prevăzute de legea penală. Conform art. 174 C.pen., prin săvârșirea unei infracțiuni sau comiterea unei infracțiuni se înțelege săvârșirea oricăreia dintre faptele pe care legea le pedepsește ca infracțiune consumată sau ca tentativă, precum și participarea la comiterea acestora în calitate de coautor, instigator sau complice.
  • Luarea măsurii recoltării de probe biologice de la inculpatul condamnat, chiar și pentru una dintre infracțiunile indicate expres în anexa la Legea nr. 76/2008 privind organizarea și funcționarea Sistemului Național de Date Genetice Judiciare (în continuare S.N.D.G.J.), în vederea determinării profilului genetic și înscrierii în S.N.D.G.J. este o măsură facultativă.
  • Executarea pedepsei închisorii se face în locuri de detenție special amenajate, pentru a se asigura atât rolul sancționator al pedepsei, cât mai ales, cel educativ, apt să conducă la reeducarea celor condamnați. Din nefericire, condițiile degradante de detenție din multe penitenciare românești au fost ignorate de puterile legiuitoare și executivă din România. Deși este o problemă de zeci de ani, mare parte a societății civile a rămas în pasivitate sub acest aspect, fapt ce, poate, oglindește nepăsarea multor români față de modul de executare a pedepselor penale, privative de libertate.
  • Starting from the idea that the purpose of legislation, of law in general is to defend the human being by preventing, discovering and combating any dangers that could affect or influence it, as well as from current realities that have changed and continue to change the normal functioning of the social system, we carried out this study in the hope that the opinions and solutions expressed could be taken into account by the legislator in the event of amending the Criminal Code as regards the crimes related to sexual life. Therefore, the analysis, opinions and proposals formulated took into account the normative framework in Romania in the matter of crimes regarding the protection of freedom and sexual integrity of the person, by reference to the criminal legislation in force, making reference also to certain aspects existing in the previous one, as well as by reference to the provisions of the international conventions to which our country is a party. In this paper we also consider the fact that the current national criminal law, although subject to amendments, remains incomplete and must be amended and supplemented so as to comply with the minimum mandatory provisions of Directive 2011/92/EU to ensure the protection of minors against any form of sexual abuse.
  • Confusing subject of study for a jurist, humanity is an evasive notion because it manifests itself in the individual but is, at the same time, external to it; it claims universality but the way each one looks at is as specific as each one. Myth or legal symbol, „humanity” is a term with variable content, both in the common and the legal language, because, at the same time, it represents the human essence, the goodness but also the race, the human species. The various meanings are indissolubly linked because they are intertwined, so that the „individual” humanity, the one that each individual carries himself, is inseparable from the „collective” humanity, the human community. This together construction results from legal instruments which reflect the ambivalence of the concept, the crime against humanity is, at the same time, a crime against the human essence and a crime against the human race, as its constituent elements demonstrate. Through time, humanity has born and fed contradictory legal discourses, so in international law it is more than a „concept slogan”, because its influence is tangible, but nonetheless, humanity has not simplified the international legal order but has made it even more complex.
  • Despite the extraordinary multiplication and pertinent diversification of environmental protection regulations, at national, regional (EU) and international level, the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental law norms still remain a desideratum. Their level of achievement is insufficient and different from one country to another, being particularly low and, consequently, representing a problem that should be a priority in Romania. The causes of the situation are profound and diverse (being related to the non-perception and non-expression of the specifics of the matter at all stages and at all levels of the legal phenomenon), and its solving involves a „true legal revolution and a reconsideration of the new branch of law”. The ways to overcome the impasse include, in addition to adapting the legislation and promoting appropriate legal tools and mechanisms, also the establishment of specialized jurisdictions and the specialization of persons involved in the functioning of the environmental process. The topic approached by the author is of increased interest as long as the first institutional steps in this direction are being taken in Romania as well.
  • Fapta asiguratului de a nu renunța la calitatea de parte civilă, deși a primit plata despăgubirilor de la asigurător, nu are semnificația unui act prin care se împiedică realizarea dreptului de regres al asigurătorului, astfel că nu se pune problema angajării răspunderii în condițiile art. 2210 alin. (2) C.civ.
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