The study approaches from an interdisciplinary perspective the problems generated by alcohol consumption while driving. The perspectives from which this problem is viewed are both the legal one and the psychological one, but the analysis is also based on statistical data. These data are capitalized in the sense of observing the particularities involved by this phenomenon, by reference to the age categories that are most often found in known statistics, but are also compared with the way in which the issue is regulated in the legislation of other states. All these elements are likely to lead to the conclusion that the national legislation governing sanctions or limits on alcohol consumption in the context of driving a vehicle on public roads requires significant improvements.
The present study aims to detect the type of disputes that may arise during the conclusion, execution and cessation of public procurement contracts, as well as the specificity of the procedure applicable to these disputes. To that end, the premise of our approach is the distinction between the disputes concerning the award, conclusion and nullity of the contracts in question, which fall within the category of administrative disputes, on the one hand, and the disputes concerning the performance and cessation of those contracts, which are part of the scope of civil disputes, on the other hand. The conclusion of the study is that the procedure applicable to each of these categories of disputes has a mixed character (of public law and of private law) in which the weight of special rules differs depending on the nature of the disputes to which we refer.
The Romanian State assumed by the New York Convention adopted on 10 June 1958 only the obligation to recognize and ensure the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the situation where the foreign arbitral award is pronounced on the territory of a signatory state of the Convention, and the dispute which has been settled by the respective foreign arbitral award may be qualified as being commercial by the national legislation. We appreciate that the Romanian State complied with this obligation by ratifying the New York Convention, by the Decree No 186/1961, and we emphasize, in this context, that the respective Convention is binding on the Romanian State only with regard to foreign arbitral awards that fall within its scope of application. Thus, for the foreign arbitral awards that do not fall within the scope of application of the New York Convention, the Romanian State is not bound by any conventional obligation, the state having the freedom to regulate legal provisions other than conventional ones regarding the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Consequently, the existence of some domestic legal provisions contained in the Civil Procedure Code, other than the provisions of the New York Convention, on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, is in no way likely to engage international responsibility of the Romanian State, since, as we noted in this study, the Romanian State complied with its conventional obligations assumed by the conclusion of the New York Convention, even the provisions of the mentioned Convention (Article 7.1) allowing the existence of some national provisions other than conventional regulations, since only in such a hypothesis there is the possibility of invoking by the interested person the more favourable national provisions (if the normative provisions were identical, in no case could the problem of applying some more favourable legal provisions be raised).
The introductory part of the study analyzes the regulatory framework of the current bank account contract before and after the entry into force of the current Civil Code and the transitional legal provisions, depending on the limited and unlimited duration of this contract. In dealing with the legal relationship generated by the current bank account contract, it was emphasized that at least one of the contracting parties must be a credit institution and that the obligation to conclude the current bank account contract for certain categories of natural or legal persons is conditioned by the legal constraints regarding the mandatory way of carrying out the receipts and payments imposed by the strengthening of the financial discipline, without this giving the contract a mandatory or forced character. As regards the content of the contract, its standardized character was underlined, including in terms of the system of transferring external clauses or specific regulations related to the policy of each bank in the contractual clauses referring thereto, of which the client is not aware and which often introduce abusive clauses. From this perspective of the adhesion character of the contract, which deprives the client from legal protection, the modest framework of the regulation has a significant contribution. The object of the current account contract is treated in terms of the obligation of the credit institution to open the account and to carry out the credit or debit operation of the credit balance, but also of the client’s right to dispose of the credit balance and of its obligation to bear the bank commissions and charges. The legal characters of the current bank account contract were also analyzed, the attention being paid to the treatment of the adhesion character of the contract and to the one of transfer of ownership, because the latter can explain the whole mechanism of the contract functions. The exercise of the right of the account holder to dispose over the credit balance is supported by the current bank account contract, through which the credit institution makes payments in the name and on behalf of the account holder, in compliance with the instructions with which he mandated it, in accordance with the relevant banking legislation and regulations, including with the internal rules of the depository bank. As regards the manner of exercising the right to dispose of the credit balance, the particularities of the exercise of this right by co-owners and co-holders were analyzed, as well as the issue of unavailability of the credit balance, the conditions and the limits of unavailability, by enforcement by garnishment. The clearing of balances, the conditions of its operation and its extended effects on the legal relations between the account holder and the credit institution were also discussed. The double onerous character of the current bank account contract was analyzed also from the perspective of the bonuses granted by the credit institution for the amounts in the credit balance, but also from the perspective of the account holder, bound by the obligation to pay bank commissions and charges. The cessation of the current bank account contract was treated according to its definite or indefinite duration and depending on the existence of general or special clauses of cessation of the contract. The procedure of unilateral denounciation of the current bank account contract was associated with the written communication of the denouciation and the term of legal notice, conventional or established according to the customs. The effects of the cessation of the contract are accompanied by the closing of the account, by the withdrawal by the client of the amounts remained in the credit balance or their deposit in a collector account until they are handed over to the client. The prescription term for the refund of the amounts from the account is that of 5 years and the moment from which it starts to flow is provided by Article 2190 of the Civil Code, differentiated as the cessation of the contract occurred on the initiative of the account holder or of the credit institution.
The operation of establishing the execution regime requires the individualization commission to comply with the limits provided by Articles 33–38 of the Law No 254/2013, to take into account the provisions of Article 88 of the Government Decision No 157/2016 for the approval of the Regulation for the application of the Law No 254/2013 referring to the procedure for establishing the execution regime, as well as those of Article 41 of the Law No 254/2013 on the application of subjective and objective criteria to the individualization of the regime of execution of custodial sentences (duration of conviction, conduct, personality, degree of risk, age, health, identified needs and possibilities of social reintegration of the convicted person). However, the practice has revealed certain aspects some of which we will exemplify in the study, in case of change of the detainee’s legal situation, which the legislator did not take into account or ignored at the time of adoption of the execution law, and for which he did not issue transitional provisions either, so that, in respect of the institution of the enforcement regime, a number of problems of interpretation and application of the law arise, aspects that have remained unregulated even today, neither by law, nor by appeals in the interest of the law, situations generating non-unitary practices, starting right from the record offices within the places of detention.
The judicial activity of the courts of law is meant to guarantee the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens, to ensure the observance of the supremacy of laws and to prevent the abusive exercise of power by the state representatives, thus having a fundamental function manifested in the form of the judiciary, within the constitutional architecture of Romania which is based on the classical theory of the separation of powers in the state. The Fundamental Law and the infra-constitutional legislation contain provisions meant to guarantee the independence and impartiality of the representatives of the judiciary, necessary to ensure the fulfilment of the jurisdictional function by these, respectively the correct interpretation and application of the laws. The increased importance of the creative role of the judges has led to its definition in the doctrine as being jurisprudential law, lately a cause for its strong development being the very increase of the activity of legislation, of regulating the conduct of the subjects of law by the state, in a multitude of areas of social and economic life. The amplification of this operation has led to the impossibility of regulating these conducts in detail by law, so that the executive and, respectively, the judiciary took over the task of ensuring the completion of the general framework provided by the legislative. The possible conflict between the legislative activity and the interpretation given to the legal norm by the judge may lead to situations in which the right be recreated, by way of interpretation. The current normative framework applicable in Romania allows to engage the liability of magistrates (prosecutors and judges) for the defective way in which they exercise their professional activity, their liability can take several forms, namely criminal, disciplinary or civil liability, depending on the consequences they generate.
In the hypothesis of foreign arbitration awards, in order to obtain the approval of the enforcement, pursuant to Article 666 of the Civil Procedure Code, to the application for enforcement, the creditor will have to attach the foreign arbitration award translated by an authorized translator, under the conditions of Article 150 (4) of the Civil Procedure Code, and the final judgment by which it was approved, under the conditions of Article 1127 et seq. of the Civil Procedure Code, the enforcement on the Romanian territory of the respective arbitration award. To the extent that the foreign arbitration award on which the application for enforcement is based is not translated by an authorized translator, the court executor should issue a conclusion refusing to open the enforcement procedure, pursuant to Article 665 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code, for non-fulfilment of this condition provided by law. If, however, the court executor would proceed, in the absence of the submission of the foreign arbitration award translated by an authorized translator, to open the enforcement procedure and would request the approval of the enforcement, we consider that the application for approval of the enforcement should be rejected, pursuant to Article 666 (5) point 2 of the Civil Procedure Code, since, in such a situation, the court executor does not prove, in the incidental legal conditions, the existence of an enforceable title.
The paper intends to emphasize the importance and echo of the motivation of jurisdictional acts given in the operation of individualization of procedural measures, with emphasis on preventive measures in criminal proceedings. The analysis is imposed in the recent social and legal context, in which the individual freedom of the person is subjected to particular trials and must be preserved, an objective finally achievable through the analysis and rigorous argumentation of the acts of disposition elaborated by the judicial bodies.
The present research intends to analyze the issue of certification of the European Enforcement Orders from the perspective of the regulation provided for in Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims, from the perspective of the provisions of the Romanian Civil Procedure Code and also from the perspective of recent European and national case law in the matter. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the object, the scope of application, as well as the certification conditions of the European Enforcement Orders. In order to elaborate the study, there will be analyzed with priority the current European and national legislative provisions, the specialized doctrine, and also the relevant case law in the matter.
The persons without discernment, being incapable of understanding at all the gravity of their own deeds, are protected by the legislator by the establishment of a cause exonerating civil liability. However, for reasons of fairness, it was opted to introduce the subsidiary mechanism of the obligation of compensation, an innovation of the Civil Code that entered into force in 2011. Thus, even unaware of their own acts, a person may still be obliged to pay a certain amount of money which may, but not necessarily, be equivalent to the damage suffered by the injured party. The mechanism thus created tends to mitigate an inequity, but it is confused with a type of actual civil liability, be it objective. The present study aimed to analyze this mechanism, taking into account its jurisprudential applications, not numerous, but sufficient to draw some useful conclusions.