The foundations of European Union law lie in the reasons that European decision-makers have identified, after the two World Wars, firstly, for the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community and then of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community. These reasons, however, find their origins in the events that essentially marked the first half of the 20th century, identifying themselves, among other things, through the developments recorded by the international society, namely the international law, in general, evolutions which the European society, and, implicitly, the European Union law, would not have been possible to avoid.
PPPs, structured under Project Finance Standards, form a system determined by a normative complex organized by subsystems and interacting and interdependent elements conditioned by a process of control and communication. This systematic nature has an effect on the legal configuration of the content of the PPP contract. It was shown that financing depends, on the one hand, on budgets that condition it and, on the other, it acts as a determinant of other elements of the system, so that there is a close relationship between the financing of the project and the challenge of contractual management. The correspondence between the components of the project finance system is of reciprocal conditioning and is determined by the communication between its parts.
Electoratul este o funcțiune politică, iar nu un drept. Indivizii au un drept anterior legei pozitive, și anume acela de a fi considerați ca cetățeni politici sau, cum spune Aristot, „omul este un animal social”, zoon potitikon1. Începând dela germanul Altusius, după cum stabilește Gierke, și până în timpurile noastre, doctrinarii politici consideră pe individ ca făcând parte integrantă din marele suveran, consideră voința lui ca alcătuind voința colectivă a corpului social, numit Stat. Locke, Rousseau, Blakstone, Barclay, Loyseau și alți cugetători, fiecare cu elementele ce le sunt personale, au format școală, și un corp de doctrină, susținut de o literatură vastă, întemeiază dreptul primar al indivizilor pe conceptul suveranităței legale. Suveranitatea, în accepțiunea ei juridică, „dă, după Esmein, opiniunei publice o forță superioară, o expresie precisă, o valoare juridică, o autoritate legală”.
The new Romanian Civil Code (entered into force as of 1 October 2011, in Art. 1368 (1) provides that “the lack of judgement does not exempt the author of the prejudice from the payment of a compensation to the victim as many times as the person who, according to the law, was entitled to supervise them, cannot be made liable”. Against certain opinions expressed in the doctrine, the author believes that the foundation of such a liability is exclusively the equity, not a form of civil liability.
In this paper the author makes an analysis of the provisions relating to „Aggravated theft” (Article 229 of the Criminal Code), from the perspective of the comparative law and of the requirements of the principle of legality. There are emphasized a series of errors produced during the drafting of the text (setting an excessively large number of circumstantial elements, their arbitrary grouping, etc.) and, at the same time, there are presented some solutions to overcome the deficiencies.
In this article, the author presents the foundation of criminal substantive law of the safety measure of special confiscation, which concerns the category of goods obtained from committing criminal acts, as well as of the safety measure of extended confiscation, in both situations the analysis being focused on the assumption that the goods have been alienated by the defendant and they have ended up in the patrimony of other persons. Further on, it is made an analysis of criminal procedural law of the situation of the persons – other than the defendant – whose goods are subject to confiscation in the course of the trial. From the perspective of guaranteeing the right to a fair trial for these persons, the author detects a series of problems of interpretation or even of legislative gaps. Finally, there is a conclusive chapter of the article accompanied by de lege ferenda proposals corresponding to the criticism which the author has developed and argued by reference to the current legal texts.
Intimately linked to the concept of sustainable development, the theory that future generations are the subject of law has aroused lively discussions at doctrinal level, at home and abroad. There are also international conferences: e.g. the Stockholm Conference of 1972, which for the first time warned of the future of humanity itself, as a result of environmental deterioration, following human activities; The Brundtland report of the World Commission for Environment and Development appeared in 1987, entitled „our common future”. The EU’s interest, in which Romania is a member state, in sustainable development has grown in parallel with the United Nations initiative for this concept and has resulted in a number of environmental action programs and strategies that have led to the development of numerous acts to translate them into practice, because everything has become or must became „sustainable” – economy, transport, industry, energy, consumption, agriculture.
The new regulation pertaining to business administration in the new Romanian Civil Code, much more detailed than the previous one, springs from the Civil Code of Québec. In Québec, the relevant legal framework provides for an original configuration of this source of obligations, imposing on it the condition of opportunity of the administration actions initiated by the administrator. Subject to this regulation are also the effects of inopportune administration, which aims at restoring the advantage brought to the person administered, without stating the legal grounds of such obligation, aspect which triggers questions to which this paper intends to answer, visiting, among others, other codification proposals on the law of obligations and relevant doctrine in this matter. At the same time, a theoretical definition is laid down for business administration, more nuanced than those elaborated after the new Romanian Civil Code has taken effect, definition which tends to be closer to the meaning of the new normative provisions.
Given the fact that, in accordance with the Community relating provisions, the new regulation of public utilities provides optimal conditions for the organization, functioning and operation of these services, respectively for delegation of these services’ management to private operators, this study aims at analyzing the manner the public utilities are managed by delegating the management of these services from the territorial administrative units to the authorized private operators.
In this study, the author stresses the need to take into account the gravity of the crime committed for punishment individualization, as the gravity of the crime and the punishment are connected by an inseparable nexum, both in the abstract formulation of criminal norm – not being able to imagine the description of a deed in a norm without punishment or vice versa – and in social consciousness, always linking the punishment to the gravity to the crime, in a relationship of cause and effect. However, the author reveals and performs an extensive research of the elements actually serving in the assessment of the gravity of the crime. Thus, in order to know the gravity of the crime committed, one must assess the specific nature and particularities of the specific legal object, the character and importance of the physical or intangible object injured or endangered by committing the crime, the way the action or inaction which constitutes the material element of the offense was performed, the nature and gravity of its consequences, the way the causality report was described, the shape and degree of culpability, the motive and purpose and the circumstances of the crime.