  • The present study analyses from the point of view of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) a topic of current interest in the Romanian law, namely the topic of the legality of evidence as a link between the rule of law and the right to a fair trial. By corroborating general principles and individual solutions emerges a differentiation mechanism used by the ECHR in order to distinguish between possible breaches of the domestic law in respect to their nature and degree. While in principle the way the law is interpreted and the breach of law allegedly committed in obtaining and presenting the evidence are by themselves irrelevant from the perspective of the fair trial, the arbitrary or manifestly unreasonable interpretation of the law, which violates the principles of the rule of law, is relevant from that perspective. A serious breach of law can mean the inadmissibility of the evidence obtained thereby. The ECHR doesn’t lay down general rules regarding the assessment of the arbitrary or manifestly unreasonable character of the interpretation of the law and, respectively, the seriousness of its breach, but from the case-law emerges a series of relevant criteria, such as the manifest error of assessment, the breach of law committed in bad faith or systematically, inevitable discovery of evidence and the purpose of law.
  • The present paper aims to bring to your attention the Decision No 9 of 6 April 2020 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice – Panel for the settlement of some matters of law that took into account the legal nature of the revenues collected at the Environmental Fund in order to determine whether the acts of theft in any way from the establishment of these fiscal burdens may fall under the provisions of the Law No 241/2005 for preventing and combating tax evasion. The mentioned decision established that the revenues of the Environment Fund that give rise to tax receivables are not fiscal receivables that may fall under the law to prevent and combat tax evasion, which can be considered wrong. The study presents all the legal arguments for which the interpretation given by the High Court of Cassation and Justice is wrong and, at the same time, harmful, considering the possible legal effects that this decision may have on all tax regulations in Romania.
  • The perception and consideration of global warming and of its consequences as an „existential crisis” and the official proclamation – at the level of more and more states, of EU and within UNO – of the climate emergency confer the character of major priority of the entire humanity to the concerns aimed at mitigating the phenomenon, at limiting and adapting to its effects. The control of the anthropic impact on the climate system and the effort to maintain its stability have involved the intervention of law in various forms and different measures – public policies, constitutional provisions, pertinent legislative provisions and relevant international treaties –, with legal force of soft law or of firm normativity, within a world-wide governance, particularized regionally and nationally. An increasingly significant aspect of this process becomes the consideration of the impact of climate change on human rights and the relevant legal reaction of development of some appropriate meanings, with structuring trends in the form of a new dimension, specific to the right to a protected, healthy and ecologically balanced environment, the right to a stable climate and proper to the maintaining of the planetary ecological balance, to preserving the condition of the human species and favourable to the perpetuation of the civilization created by it. Initiated by the doctrine, the idea was acquired and knows the first resonances in the case law, with more and more firm and adequate echoes at regulatory level, finding ourselves at the moment of identifying and promoting the appropriate solutions and the adequate ways to achieve that goal. The new fundamental (human) right, individual and collective, of the present generations and especially of the future generations, protecting their possibility to adapt to the pace and amplitude of climate change, is foreshadowed as an indestructible component of the system of environmental rights, asserted in the last half century, quasi-universally recognized – constitutionally, legislatively and internationally – and who know their own dynamics.
  • The legal regime of the notarial act in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova and in that of Romania is a relatively new topic, particularly up-to-date, complex and extremely tempting through the problems that need to be solved. This subject is distinguished by the controversies it generates, but also by the diversity of the practical solutions that can be identified. The development of the commercial activities and the extension of the access to the markets for sales of goods requires an in-depth research on the legal nature of the civil act in general and of the notarial act in particular, by forwarding some proposals for improving the normative basis, in the interest of strengthening the constitutional regime and the civil circuit. In the Republic of Moldova there is a long process of formation and consolidation of the notarial legislation. In the absence of a well-developed normative framework, the notaries public in the Republic of Moldova apply, sometimes, the rules for carrying out notarial acts inherited ever since the period of the Soviet Union. Another situation exists in Romania, whereas the legislator, by the Law No 36/1995, has established a stable normative framework for regulating the notarial law relations.
  • Procesul lui Iisus, poate cel mai cunoscut proces din istoria umanității, este și cea mai vădită eroare judiciară a tuturor timpurilor. „Prototipul însuși al condamnatului nevinovat”1 generează din această perspectivă o temă de analiză aprofundată și dezbatere atât pentru teologi, istorici sau analiști ai fenomenului religios, cât și pentru juriștii preocupați de identificarea greșelilor procedurale săvârșite pe parcursul celebrului proces. Format și educat într-o familie cu profunde valori creștine, imaginea răstignirii lui Iisus m-a marcat, m-a impresionat și mi-a stârnit nenumărate emoții și motive de meditații. Cu toate acestea, până la întâlnirea cu lumea dreptului, nu m-am gândit că întregul proces de condamnare a celui mai cunoscut nevinovat al istoriei poate fi analizat și din perspectiva juridică. Din aceste considerente, prezentul editorial își propune să abordeze procesul lui Iisus, prezentând elemente și date ce descriu locul și data desfășurării, personajele implicate și resursele biblice sau extrabiblice utilizate
  • După ce în urmă cu peste trei decenii prin studiul inițiator (1989)1 urmat de primul curs (1992)2 și apoi de întâiul tratat (1998)3 în materie se afirmă că fondatorul incontestabil al dreptului mediului ca disciplină științifică în România, prin lucrarea pe care o semnalăm și prezentăm prin rândurile de față, profesorul Mircea Duțu, directorul Institutului de Cercetări Juridice „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” al Academiei Române și președintele Universității Ecologice din București, deschide cu titlu de pionierat absolut calea unui nou domeniu al reflecției juridice: dreptul climei; și de această dată, după ce acum un an anunța, printr-un inspirat și documentat studiu4 , asemenea evoluții rapide și complexe, iată că s-a ajuns la un reprezentativ volum de idei și analize asupra regimului juridic al acțiunii globale de combatere și atenuare a încălzirii globale și adaptării la efectele schimbărilor climatice.
  • În cazul în care, prin contract, întreținerea a fost constituită în favoarea unei terț, această persoană are doar dreptul de a cere executarea contractului, nu și pe acela de a cere rezoluțiunea pentru neîndeplinirea obligațiilor. În lipsa unei prevederi exprese în cuprinsul secțiunii care reglementează contractul de întreținere, sunt pe deplin aplicabile normele de drept comun care reglementează stipulația pentru altul, iar acestea prevăd în mod clar că stipulantul este singurul care poate revoca stipulația [art. 1287 alin. (1) C.civ.], beneficiarul având doar dreptul de a solicita executarea [art. 1284 alin. (2) C.civ.]. (Curtea de Apel Timișoara, Secția I civilă, Decizia nr. 235 din 11 iunie 2020, www.rolii.ro1 )
  • The study addresses the issue related to the offence of family abandonment, in the version provided by Article 378 (3) c) of the Criminal Code, which consists in the non-payment, in bad faith, for 3 months, of the support pension established in court. In particular, the aim is to clarify the meaning of the phrase „committing the act”, designated as indicating the moment when the time limit from which the period for filing the preliminary complaint begins to run, as the legislator has chosen to exempt this offence from the principle of compulsoriness of setting in motion the criminal action. The conclusions reached are in the sense that the phrase „committing the act” implies nuances in the matter of continued offence, as it is the one of family abandonment, otherwise the solution being one that would implicitly modify the content of Article 296 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
  • Factoring is essentially a hybrid commercial operation that covers the elements of several legal mechanisms, the most common elements being borrowed from the debt assignment mechanism. However, the legislator did not consider it necessary to establish this legal operation in the contracts covered by the new Civil Code. Moreover, factoring does not currently benefit from any express regulation in Romanian law. Although, in the Romanian doctrine, we find references to a possible direct action of the factor against the assigned debtor, the situation of this action is uncertain. In this sense, we considered it opportune, but also necessary to formulate a brief analysis of what the factoring operation means in general, as well as to establish whether or not the factor’s action covers the elements of a direct action. In the Romanian doctrine and legislation we find only fragments of texts regarding the factoring operation, therefore, an exhaustive analysis regarding the application of factoring and even more so of the factor’s action cannot be performed. However, we hope that the brief explanations we will bring will lead to an outline, at least general, of the factor’s action against the assigned debtor.
  • This paper analyses judicial limits of property in national legal context, where this kind of property limits are relatively young comparing to the legal limits, which are clearly delimited. The study begins with brief comparative law on similar English, French, and Canadian regulations, continuing by presenting the doctrinal divergence on the foundation of civil liability for abnormal inconveniences of good neighbourhood. The study shows different points of view from doctrine on the fundament of civil liability for causing inconveniences by exceeding the reasonable boundaries of neighbourhood. The paper focuses on differentiating between abuse of right, tortious civil liability and extra-contractual liability, proposing the last one as the fundament of civil liability for causing abnormal inconveniences that bothers the relations of good neighbourhood. Also, it is brought into discussion the meaning of „owner” to which Article 630 of the Civil Code refers, and the implications regarded by giving a restricted meaning to this notion used by the legislator. Still, the French doctrine and the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence is orientated to a broad interpretation of this notion.
  • Potrivit art. 208 alin. (1) C.pen., fapta celui care, în mod repetat, urmărește, fără drept sau fără un interes legitim, o persoană ori îi supraveghează locuința, locul de muncă sau alte locuri frecventate de către aceasta, cauzându-i astfel o stare de temere, se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 3 la 6 luni sau cu amendă. De asemenea, la alin. (2) al aceluiași articol se prevede că efectuarea de apeluri telefonice sau comunicări prin mijloace de transmitere la distanță, care, prin frecvență sau conținut, îi cauzează o temere unei persoane se pedepsește cu închisoare de la o lună la 3 luni sau cu amendă, dacă fapta nu constituie o infracțiune mai gravă.
  • Although in our daily activity we work mainly in the Romanian law (or, at most, the European law), we are firm supporters of the need to broaden our horizons and to understand the foreign legal systems in order to enrich our knowledge, but also to grow as professionals of law; in particular, when we refer to countries such as the United States, an important economic power, with a solid system of law, from which we can draw the inspiration ourselves. This type of „legal inspiration” helps us a lot to understand other systems of law and to collaborate in cases such as the enforcement of foreign legal decisions, the application of foreign law in local files, helping companies to develop their businesses also in other parts than the country of origin – including Romania. In addition, the Romanian law has been substantially improved over time, having as source of inspiration the legal provisions from other countries. The trademark law – the need to explore and compare the systems of Romanian and American law – resulted, first of all, from the practical need, but also from the desire for knowledge. Although at first glance it looks very different, the U.S. trademark system is very similar to the Romanian one. There are the aspects that could be improved if we found a way to include them in our own legal system. There are some similarities, but also differences, between the regulation of trademarks in the Romanian and American legal systems, and we have tried to highlight some of them. Primo Angeli, an expert in brands, mentioned: „A great trademark is appropriate, dynamic, distinctive, memorable and unique.” Thus, whether we call it brand or trademark, we are not as different as we might think.
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