Applying the more favourable criminal law requires the existence of a transient situation when, from the moment of committing an offence and until the execution or consideration of the punishment as executed or until the removal of the conviction consequences, one or more penal laws have appeared. However, we will not be in the presence of a transient situation in the case of conditional release from the execution of a resultant punishment, applied for committing a plurality of offences, the sanctioning of which was based on the present Criminal Code, according to the provisions of Article 10 of the Law No 187/2012, the only applicable law being the 2009 Criminal Code, according to the principle of criminal law activity. In this hypothesis, as a consequence of the resulting punishment for committing a plurality of wholly committed offences under the new law, the initial moment from which to assess the existence of a succession of criminal laws over time will be the date when the plurality of offences is finalized.
The forgery of credit titles or payment instruments represents an offence prejudicing the financial stability of the monetary system. In this article, the author deals with the matter of the scope of the terms such as credit title and payment instrument, examining the concrete ways of committing the offence in the judicial practice of the courts, as well. The author states that close attention should have been paid to explain the amendment of constituent items of the offence in the explanatory statement accompanying the new Criminal Code, in order to avoid the differences related to interpretation in the matter and in the judicial practice.
The article proposes a discussion about the institution of the putative deed. Considering the fact that this institution does not know an explicit legal regulation, it gave rise to heated discussions in the specialized legal literature, which had not only a theoretical importance, but also a great practical importance. In the beginning of the presentation it is shown what is the correct name of this institution of criminal law, from the author’s perspective, arguing at the same time the opinion to which he understands to rally. It is shown that the putative deed corresponds to an inverse error either of law or of fact. Given that, in a first hypothesis, the author considers that the deed committed is incriminated by a rule of criminal nature, although in reality such an activity is not incriminated or, in another hypothesis, although the author’s deed is incriminated by the criminal law, the actual manner of committing the deed does not fall within the respective legal text. Similarly, it is also presented perhaps the most heated discussion in the legal literature, namely the one in which the author executes certain acts of execution with the intention of killing a person, not knowing that he had died prior to the moment of beginning the activity. It is shown that, given the legal reality in our country, at this time, the perpetrator has to be held liable for committing a putative deed, not an attempt, whether a punishable or non-punishable attempt is discussed. At the same time, it is stated that the judicial practice has retained the commission of a putative deed, and not of an offence, in the hypothesis that it is required a qualified active subject for committing a certain offence and the person who committed the deed did not act in this capacity. In the author’s opinion, in such a hypothesis, it will not be retained the commission of any offence, but only the commission of a putative deed, only in the situation that the deed committed does not represent another offence. At the end of the article conclusions are drawn, also showing how the legislator could intervene in order to put an end to the discussions arisen in the legal literature and, at the same time, in order to enable possibly the sanctioning of the persons who commit putative deeds which pose a high social danger.
The authors analyze, making comments on two cases of judicial practice in the field of risk drug trafficking also on performing operations with products likely to have psychoactive effects. Commenting on the first case, the authors observe the rarest that can be found in the judicial practice in the matter of drugs, namely the existence of a putative deed consisting in the transportation of a supervised delivered parcel in which all the drugs were replaced with other materials, and the person who carried the parcel without drugs was accused of trafficking of risk drugs in the modality of transportation of drugs without right. Commenting on the second case, the authors criticize a solution given by Tribunal of Brăila and the Court of Appeal of Galați, on the ground that the convicted defendant was, in fact, in a factual error with regard to the fact that in the small envelopes he traded as ethnobotanical products there have been identified fragments of cannabis plant mass.
In this study the author brings once again to our attention an older idea which, unfortunately, still remains ambiguous, namely the existence of a legal science. In this paper law is approached as doctrine, science and case-law, the author attempting and succeeding in capturing its role in society, as well as its quality of authentic science.
In this study - which covers a number of proper approaches on the phenomenon of „political migration” within the Romanian Parliament – the author examines beforehand the role of political groups in establishing the political configuration of parliament, after which she analyzes at large the political migration phenomenon, including regulatory matters (constitutional and statutory), as well as the case law of the Constitutional Court in the matter. Finally, in the conclusions, the author sets forth some of her own views on the phenomenon of „political migration” within the Romanian Parliament, in the context of current political and legal scene of the Romanian State.
The purpose of the author’s approach is to determine the real meaning of the contestation for annulment in relation to the other means of appeal regulated in the new Civil Procedure Code. In this respect, the author considers, in full agreement with the current case law and doctrine, that in the processual system in force the contestation for annulment has as a fundamental objective the correction of some procedural mistakes, and not of some substantive errors. In this study additional arguments are presented in favour of the thesis according to which the contestation for annulment regulated by Article 503 (2) point 2 of the new Civil Procedure Code can not have the meaning of envisaging the substantive mistakes, whereas such an approach does not have any support in the provisions of the legislation in force. The author expresses reservations also with regard to the establishment of an extraordinary means of appeal, of the sort of the former extraordinary recourse, which would make possible to remedy some substantive mistakes. In this respect, the author has noted that the trend of modern times is not one that would lead to the multiplication of the means of appeal, as it happened in our country in the last three decades, but to their rationalization and achievement of efficiency. However, an establishment of a new means of appeal could only be discussed in the context of a substantial reform of our judicial system.
In the above study, the author criticizes severely a judgment of the Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice (the Administrative and Tax Litigations Section), passed on 26 October 2009, explicitly and unequivocally stating that the mentioned court was entitled not to enforce a provision contained in a law in force (namely, art. III of Law no. 262/2009), explaining that the given provision was unconstitutional since it “infringes the right to a fair trial”, although the Constitutional Court of Romania, quite the opposite, had stated the contrary, finding the constitutionality of that legal provision. The author’s criticism focuses on the idea that, according to the Constitution of Romania, only the Constitutional Court is legally competent to give a ruling on the constitutionality/non-constitutionality of a law or a Government ordinance in force (or of any provision included therein), and that the courts (including the High Court of Cassation and Justice) have no such legal jurisdiction in the matter.
This article deals with the legal status of founders of a company regulated by Law No 31/1990 in the light of differences between the founders de facto and the founders de jure. The main idea of this article is that, while the law makes various references to persons that acquire rights or benefits as a result of establishing a company without signing the setting up document, this means that such persons acquire, at the same time with the rights, a series of obligations as well. It therefore starts from the interpretation of some legal terms in order to determine which are the conditions in which the persons concerned acquire obligations, including in the light of the (British) comparative law. In conclusion, if the definition of founders de jure is a problem outside any doctrinal debate, the definition of the founders de facto requires some clarifications.
The new Romanian Civil Code contains references to the goodwill, but it does not regulate the legal regime of the goodwill. In the absence of a legal regulation of the goodwill, the legal nature of the goodwill is analysed on the basis of the new conception of the Civil Code concerning the patrimony of the natural person and of the legal person. According to the Civil Code (Article 31), the unique patrimony of the natural or legal person may be subject to a division in the cases and under the conditions provided by law. Allocation patrimonies are the fiduciary patrimonies and those allocated to practicing an authorized profession. In the light of this conception, the goodwill represents an allocation patrimony, namely a distinct fraction of the patrimony of the natural or legal person, intended for conducting the trading activity. Under the terms of the new Civil Code, which admits that the patrimony of a natural or legal person may be subject to a division or an allocation, it is fully justified to qualify the goodwill as „trading patrimony”, a name repudiated in the past.