  • In this study the author examines mainly the problems of the meaning, scope of application and effects of the provisions of Article 123 of the new Law (No 85/2014) on the procedures for preventing insolvency and of insolvency referring, on the one hand, to the possibility of „denunciation” of the individual labour contracts of the debtor’s employees (undergoing insolvency) by the judicial administrator/judicial liquidator and, on the other hand, to the „dissolution” of the labour contracts of those in question, pointing out that we are in the presence of two distinct grounds for cessation of the labour contract of the employed personnel of the debtor.
  • This study raises for discussion the current meaning of the term „commercial arbitration” within the text of Article 146 d) of the Constitution since, presently, under Article 3 of the current Romanian Civil Code, corroborated with Article 8 of the Law No 71/2011, and of other normative acts issued for the application and the development of the provisions of the Civil Code, the latter is „monistic”, in the sense that the new civil legislation has abandoned the traditional division into civil legal relations and commercial legal relations, a duality that existed in the legislation of private law in Romania until 1 October 2011.
  • Știința juridică românească din ultimii 60 de ani este marcată major de activitatea desfășurată de Institutul de Cercetări Juridice al Academiei Române (în continuare denumit ICJ sau Institutul). Într-adevăr, creat într-o anumită conjunctură istorică, acesta a reprezentat prima „instituționalizare” a acțiunii de cercetare științifică a dreptului în țara noastră, și-a cucerit rolul de „centru” național de desfășurare și coordonare în domeniu, iar prin performanțele și rezultatele obținute s-a manifestat ca lider absolut în materie, beneficiind de contribuția fondatoare a unor personalități remarcabile ale științei dreptului românesc, precum Traian Ionașcu, Vintilă Dongoroz, Mihail Eliescu, Salvador Brădeanu, Eugen A. Barasch, Petre Anca, Yolanda Eminescu ș.a.
  • The author, by accurately examining Book IV of the new Romanian Civil Code (regarding the inheritance and the liberalities), entered into force on 1 October 2011, notes that, as a rule, like in the previous Civil Code of 1864, there are some more important institutions of successoral law which, in his opinion, may be considered controversial (questionable), inopportune or unclear such as, for example: – the notions of „heir”; „successor”; „inheritor”; – whether the status of heir is affected or not by disinheritance or by the waiver of inheritance; – whether the contractual appointment and the preciput clause are two separate legal institutions or not; – whether the successoral reserve has an individual or collective nature; – whether the prohibition of the (mutual) consummated will is opportune or not; – whether the successoral option is always a disposition act or not; – the inopportunity of the multiple vocation to inheritance; – the questionable nature of the utility of the „seizin”.
  • The article analyzes the waiver of penalty as a new institution in criminal matters, the utility, the legal enforcement mechanisms, and its legal effects in the field of criminal repression.
  • This study is an analysis of how the direct judicial control is exercised over the problems arisen in the execution of the custodial sentences, through a new institution, the one of the judge of supervision of deprivation of liberty, as well as an analysis of the limits of his competences. Likewise, the study also analyzes the juridical dimension of the administrativejurisdictional complaints filed by the persons deprived of liberty in order to defend their rights and interests. The study is based on the conclusions drawn from the activity of the author, as registrar, at the office of the judge of supervision of deprivation of liberty.
  • The article presents the extended confiscation from the perspective of the Council Framework Decision 2005/212/JHA of 24 February 2005 on Confiscation of Crime-Related Proceeds, Instrumentalities and Properties, supporting the opportunity of its transposition into the domestic law, considering justified the fact that the perpetrator of a crime is required to prove the illicit origin of products presumed to be connected with a crime of a certain seriousness, by reducing or reversing the burden of proof as regards the source of the properties held by a person convicted for an offense related to organized crime, under a special procedure established by law.
  • The Ombudsman is a fundamental institution of the state of law, meant to ensure the protection of natural or legal persons against the abusive manifestations of the public authorities. In this context, this study aims to analyze the main problems arisen in the practice of exercising the powers of this autonomous administrative authority, envisaging, in particular: the scope of public authorities and of the administrative acts falling within the scope of activity of this authority; the procedure for exercising the action for administrative disputes by the Ombudsman. Likewise, following the analysis of these aspects, there are formulated de lege ferenda proposals.
  • The courts can not censure the decisions of the Constitutional Court in terms of the statements which they contain with regard to the unconstitutionality of a legal norm and the impact they have on the way of settling the ongoing disputes, respectively not finalized through the pronunciation of some irrevocable judgments, following the cessation of the application of that norm by declaring it unconstitutional. They have the obligation to apply the decisions of the Constitutional Court to their letter and spirit and they can not add by way of interpretation elements that are capable of restricting them or, respectively, to extend their scope. By the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 369/2017 it has been stated that all the judgments pronounced after the publication of the decision in the Official Gazette of Romania are subject to appeal, in the cash assessable applications, except for those exempted according to the criterion of matter, expressly provided in the theses covered by Article XVIII (2) of the Law No 2/2013. In the application of this decision, the High Court of Cassation and Justice – the Panel for the settlement of some matters of law, by the Decision No 52/2018 has stated that the effects of the decision of unconstitutionality will concern all judgments pronounced after the date of its publication, but in trials commenced after 20 July 2017. By this statement, the decision of the Constitutional Court No 369/2017 has been amended without justification under the pretext of the settlement of the matter of law concerning the application of that decision over time. By the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 454/2018 it was established that the High Court of Cassation and Justice does not have the power to rule on the effects of the decision of the Constitutional Court or to give binding rulings which are contrary to the decisions of the Constitutional Court, but has the obligation to apply that decision in such a way suitable to its considerations to the case subjected to judgment. The Decision No 454/2018 has an interpretative character and therefore, by way of derogation from the principle according to which the decisions of the Constitutional Court apply only for the future, it has a retroactive effect, in the sense that it is put into application from the date when the Decision of Constitutional Court No 369/2017 began to take effect.
  • The study analyzes how it evolved the competence of the court of law to solve the review in the civil trial from the initial version of the Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code to the amendment brought by the Law No 310/2018 for amending and supplementing the Law No 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code, as well as for the amendment and supplementation of other normative acts. The result of the study is reflected in the opinion according to which the court of law competent to solve the review in the civil trial had to remain, as a rule, the High Court of Cassation and Justice. Thus it would have been made a unitary interpretation and the contradictory solutions would have been avoided. Although in the versions of the Law No 134/2010 and until the adoption of the Law No 310/2018 the purpose of the review was to subject to the High Court of Cassation and Justice the examination, under the terms of the law, of the conformity of the contested judgment with the applicable rules of law, the supreme court has diverted this purpose, by admitting the exception of its material incompetence and declining to solve the reviews.
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